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Podcast# 227 The Titanic Tourist Submersible: All Aboard Parish, and it Even Gets Worse.
Episode 22722nd June 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:22:45

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In episode 227 of my show, I address a tragic incident involving the Titanic tourist submersible. I feel compelled to share this early broadcast due to the gravity of the situation. The submersible has not been found, and the oxygen supply is estimated to have either run out or will soon. Based on the technical information available, the submersible was a death trap on multiple levels. It is astonishing that people agreed to enter such a dangerous vessel.

Reports of noises resembling banging on the submersible's hull have been circulating, but I am skeptical about their validity. False hope can be cruel, and finding the people alive is highly unlikely. The search area is relatively small, given the available technology and precise knowledge of the submersible's diving location. However, I doubt they will be discovered. It is more probable that the submersible, being a death trap, succumbed to the pressures at extreme depths.

The submersible was made of carbon fiber, which has limitations and can disintegrate under slight variations in pressure. Unlike metal debris, it would be challenging to locate the shattered pieces. Incidents like this occur due to the lack of strictly enforced regulations. The submersible was not adequately tested at the intended depth, and the owner disregarded necessary inspections and regulations.

I am deeply affected by this tragedy, particularly because those on board had no chance of escape. Even if they managed to exit the submersible, the pressure alone would have killed them instantly. The submersible had numerous flaws, such as untested oxygen supply systems and the absence of carbon monoxide sensors. It is disheartening to witness people lose their lives in such preventable circumstances.

I wish I could be proven wrong and that they are still alive, but my belief is that they are not. Investigations will uncover the failures in the systems and the owner's irresponsible actions. It is incredibly sad, and besides the reported banging noises, there seem to be no other signs of their survival. The submersible should have had redundant communication systems, but they failed to utilize them. The delay in reporting their absence and the lack of preparedness for rescue efforts are additional failures.

This tragedy was entirely avoidable, with numerous factors contributing to its occurrence. These people paid the ultimate price for these oversights. I hope that this incident will lead to stricter safety protocols and prevent such tragedies in the future. It is unlikely that the submersible will be found intact, as it would have disintegrated instantly upon rupture. The only consolation is that the victims would not have suffered prolonged pain since the destruction would have been instantaneous. That is all I have to share for now.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



good day this is episode number 227 the Titanic tourist submersible All Aboard Parish and it even gets worse I don't normally um put up an early broadcast but I am in light of this tragedy at the time that I am recording this uh not only have they not found the submersible but estimates that are given for the availability of oxygen is that it has either run out or is going to run out very soon as I am um


recording this for you it's around 8 30 in the morning my time here on a Thursday and I am telling you that from every bit of information that I have gathered um in particular the technical information on the submersible itself it is actually much much more or would have been if they had um made the dive successfully and returned to the surface unharmed that is what the miracle would have been but it was not to be and all I can say is technically speaking if you haven't been told this


I'm going to tell you this the submersible was basically an absolute and total death trap absolutely it was a death trap on so many levels how these people were convinced to get into this thing is beyond me and of course there'll be time to talk about all this but I am here to tell you now that they are all gone and at this point uh with what I'm going to tell you the only aspect of it remaining would be how they went now for the last couple of days that I've been paying uh close attention to this story


what has been talked about a great deal is the Searchers uh said that they have reported hearing noises as though it could be someone you know banging on the Hall of let's say this this death trap um and I do not know how much of that is actually true or simply something that has been passed along to the media to give hope um but I am of the opinion and granted this has to do with my own take on things of this nature um one of the cruelest things that you can possibly do is to give false hope and I'm going to stain State this right


now I would believe right at this moment it would be much more likely to have the second coming of Christ then the possibility of finding these people not only at all but finding them somehow alive and successfully returning them to the surface okay and I don't expect the second coming of Christ anytime soon so be that as sad as that is what I feel um what we should be moving on to is [Music] um trying to make sense of and understand what is currently going on and for instance


with all the available technology and they know a very close area they know precisely where it was diving down and that was pretty much pretty much straight down from where they uh we're going to view the Titanic and so the best to mind to the best of my knowledge it's you know a straight two and two plus hour drop so it's not that big of an area if somehow something it's not a huge area uh you know to move away from and again aside from this alleged banging as though uh let's say they got stuck on


the wreckage and had no communication and they're banging on the hull um yeah but I'm not I'm not believing that I'll tell you more than likely what happened now they got into this thing they got into this damn death trap that's what it was and it uh it sir came to the pressures despite the fact and the reinsurances of the of the owner and it was made of carbon fiber not Steel and how much stronger carbon fiber may be per square inch and all that jazz but in the material it has some very that you know pound for pound that


may be true but it also has some very particular and um you know um it has some aspects of it that are very particular to carbon fiber and that is under very ideal conditions if it is layered or wound precisely and I mean it has to be precise because in something like this if the pressures are even even in the slightest degree off as far as tolerance in any part of the surface of this composite material you know what happens it doesn't it doesn't rupture okay it disinerates it shatters into a million pieces and


it's not metallic so two things and of course there were some there was certainly some metal the hatch various other places and any you know Electronics on board but again with the exception of the hatch and certain other areas of the sub you're talking about just absolute instantaneous um eruption it would just disintegrate into a billion pieces and so it's not the heavy kind of debris field that can be easily found or tracked ideally and we can talk about and we're probably are going to talk about what could have been done and what


should have been done but the damn tragedy here is that this always has to happen endlessly there's countless examples of this kind of thing happening before you have regulations that are strictly enforced and I'm not going to go into certain aspects of this technical I will say that the sub was never effectively tested effectively at the actual depth okay not nearly it wasn't tested so that's one aspect and then there's the aspect of the owner who was jokingly and mockingly signing papers that would allow them to dodge


any regulations and inspections that should have been required and he is jokingly making jokes as he scratches off the checklists of of the regulations and no we don't need this and we don't need that and it's just that's what he did that is what he actually did and if I if I seem a little bit more um choked up than what I usually am it's because frankly I am it's you know of course it's one thing when you know groups of people in their Prime when things like this happen and they die that's that's one thing


but to die in a what a essentially accounted for a death trap a floating sinking coffin with no Escape no matter you have to remember while especially especially from that depth you couldn't even if even if you popped out of that sub somehow if it had a hatch which would open which it didn't you know you would be ver you'd be dead instantly just from the pressure alone just that alone and um so you know that there's something really particularly scary about a situation where you are in there and no matter


what anything that can go wrong and there was so much that could go wrong but you're bolted in so even a minor electrical problem a minor fire um that would have been catastrophic in and of itself the oxygen supply system not tested sensors which should have been multiple sensors to indicate levels of car carbon monoxide in the air and of not not there not present and this is just a damn shame so I wanted to


say that as I'm saying this this is one of those things that I wish I were wrong and I hope as hell it's absolutely not absolutely confirmed that they're dead but I'm 99.9 percent sure they are and they don't get any joy out of saying this but to die for all the wrong reasons is is what is even more tragic after we get through this and we will then there's going to be a whole second investigative phase


and then that will drag on and on and on and on all of these systems which were not up to um spec not even military grade spec using off the shelf uh for for something this incredibly incredibly dangerous edges choosing to use off the shelf readily available equipment for design for other purposes uh using a you know an Xbox controller um yeah the iron you know the irony of this the irony of this in addition is that some people who went down to see what's basically a grave site


ted in the deaths of close to:


the media will say but at this point um it's just incredibly sad it really is and like I said with the exception of this supposed banging that they report that they're hearing which of course if you're hearing banging the vision you have in your mind is that well this you know the ship is is somehow it simply got caught on some it went too close to the actual wreck and it got entangled and something and actually got caught on part of Titanic's wreckage and couldn't get free but that would not explain a number of


things because unless they were that negligent that they didn't have several backup protocols to get a message somehow to the surface you're doing something like this folks you don't just have one radio hell for that matter you don't even have two radios you have like three so that the probability of not being able immediately reach the surface and also the fact that when they were late checking in that never should have happened and waiting as long as they did to inform anyone that should not have


happened because even if you're going to get to try to get Some Kind of Rescue vessel that can go down there and there's not a whole lot of vessels that can do that you know you you can't you can't under these conditions you can't have it prepped in an hour and throw it in the water in addition to that on top of that even if you had something totally ready to go which is what they should have in my opinion but even if that is the case you still can't just always willy-nilly you can't just launch


because it cannot if the seas are too rough and that can go on for literally anywhere from hours to days and if that is the case you simply can't launch even if the submersible itself is ready to Launch you can't you just can't so that's what I mean from this is wrong this is an absolute it was an absolute almost entirely predictable tragedy waiting to happen you couldn't give something more ammunition more probabilities and possibilities to go wrong than they did with this and these people


they paid for that with their lives and so how many more are going to have to pay with their lives and uh the only the only thing I can say remaining is the only good that I can see coming out of this is that in the future hopefully and once again ironically like all of the safety protocol protocols that were changed as a consequence of Titanic then the lightning will strike again from this


so that this won't happen again and um foreign they're not gonna find a vessel because in an absolute instant if that structure fractured and I mean in an instant it would literally absolutely just explode and shatter and um the only good thing that can set up be said about that is that they didn't even have hardly any chance to feel any pain because everything would have been over with pretty much instantaneously


and um that's all I have to say right now



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