Episode 88 - Travelling With Azdean Elmoustaquim (Destination Morocco Podcast) In Morocco
24th October 2022 • Winging It Travel Podcast • Voyascape Media
00:00:00 01:28:23

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Hello and welcome to number 88! This week I am joined by Azdean Elmoustaquim who is the host of the Destination Morocco Podcast and tour company Destination Morocco. We take a real deep dive into Azdean's amazing country. We kick things off with hearing about Azdean's podcast/tour company and how it is helping people book trips in Morocco. Then we delve into all the places you can see in Morocco as well as those adventures people crave. Being a native of Marrakech we start there and then cover all the other great cities such as Fez, Rabat, Casablanca, Tangier as well as some other towns and cities. We also discuss the south of the country where you can check out the desert and the Berber people in the countryside. We cover all bases and if you want some real local information from a Moroccan national then this is the episode for you! You can check out Azdean below. Be inspired and get some couscous on the go. Enjoy!

Destination Morocco Podcast/Tour Company

Website - https://www.destinationmoroccopodcast.com

Moroccon Tour Example - https://trips.destinationmorocco.co/s4ve26s37arc6nuxggfe6n-w6ub6-narwn-22jzn

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5uT9VcOHU8R3TqkugT5Jys?si=9bb9358c033c4a74

Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/destination-morocco-podcast/id1561029396


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