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Why It's Personal For All Of Us
Episode 112th June 2023 • It's Personal • Carrie Koh
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The real truth is a little scary, isn’t it? Have you noticed that when we’re working towards something we really want, adversity gets in our way? 

The thing about adversity is that it comes in big and small ways to all of us, and we get to decide what to do with it. Adversity gives us the gift of growth. This podcast is for truth-seeking women who are ready to turn that inevitable adversity into their superpower!

A bit about my story: I had never really wanted to get into my original career path of a healthcare executive, but I was stuck in a cycle of obligation. Even though I was climbing the ladder quickly thoughts of “Not good enough” plagued me!  I thought I had it all figured out, but then life happened and everything stopped.  Have you ever felt that when something devastating happens to you, you can’t believe how other people are still smiling? How are they still living?

This podcast is about those defining moments that we can look back on that taught us something about ourselves and changed our perspective. When you have to make difficult decisions, you see what you’re made of. 

Everyone has authority. Your authority matters!

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Music credit: Like We Do It by Grace Mesa

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Welcome to episode one.

Carrie Koh:

Oh my gosh, I am so, so excited that you are here with me inside

Carrie Koh:

of this brand new podcast.

Carrie Koh:

It's personal, real impact requires real truth.

Carrie Koh:

And I'm gonna start out with a little bit of a confession.

Carrie Koh:

This is about the sixth recording of this very first episode because the real

Carrie Koh:

truth is a little bit scary, isn't it?

Carrie Koh:

And you know, things happen when we are going for something we

Carrie Koh:

really want, we really desire.

Carrie Koh:

Stuff gets in our way.

Carrie Koh:

Do you notice how adversity can come in big or small?

Carrie Koh:

When we're trying to do the thing and it's so frustrating, and then

Carrie Koh:

we have a decision, it's like, oh, well we can stop or we can figure

Carrie Koh:

out why this is happening and.

Carrie Koh:

Go do it anyway.

Carrie Koh:

And so that is what we are doing inside this podcast because this

Carrie Koh:

podcast is for true seeking women who are ready to turn that inevitable

Carrie Koh:

adversity into your superpower, even when tech issues come your way.

Carrie Koh:

Like they did me with this podcast.

Carrie Koh:

But we will persevere, right?

Carrie Koh:

Because we are here to build an impact to create this.

Carrie Koh:

New reality for ourselves, for those we love for our world.

Carrie Koh:

And so I'm here to help put wealth in the hands of good people.

Carrie Koh:

And that is you who are going to do good things with it.

Carrie Koh:

And honestly, that's not an easy thing to say because we have

Carrie Koh:

so many stories around money.

Carrie Koh:

What's appropriate to monetize what's not appropriate?

Carrie Koh:

You know, I know this woman who has made it her life's mission to learn, the

Carrie Koh:

truths, her truth, right about religion.

Carrie Koh:

And, you know, religion is a hot topic and, and you know, there are

Carrie Koh:

so many stories about religion and what's appropriate and what's not.

Carrie Koh:

And she really had this desire to help other people who desired to learn

Carrie Koh:

more about, her particular faith.

Carrie Koh:

She wanted to help them.

Carrie Koh:

But when she started talking about that, everyone around her was

Carrie Koh:

like, oh my God, you can't do that.

Carrie Koh:

You cannot do that.

Carrie Koh:

That's like bad.

Carrie Koh:

That's something you should do for free.

Carrie Koh:

And here's the thing, maybe you agree with that, maybe you don't.

Carrie Koh:

But isn't that the truth about our own genius is that when we want to

Carrie Koh:

put something out in the world, when we want to go big, when we want to

Carrie Koh:

serve people using something that we know can really help people, there

Carrie Koh:

are always going to be people who are like, mm, you can't do that.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

That's not right.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

And so, Adversity happens to all of us, big and small.

Carrie Koh:

It can come in those forms of, you know, judgment from other people, from doubting

Carrie Koh:

yourself or the big things, right?

Carrie Koh:

The loss, the grief, all of those things that as humans we encounter.

Carrie Koh:

And so what I'm going to ask you to consider throughout this journey, Is

Carrie Koh:

that, you know, we are talking about building wealth, building our businesses,

Carrie Koh:

building impact, and money has taken on the story that doesn't belong to it.

Carrie Koh:

Money is not bad.

Carrie Koh:

It's not good, it's just neutral, right?

Carrie Koh:

It's literally a currency, it's that story that we apply to it

Carrie Koh:

that makes people think that it's selfish to make a ton of money.

Carrie Koh:

Or it's selfish to do it in a certain way and think about

Carrie Koh:

how that applies to adversity.

Carrie Koh:

Adversity happens to everyone, big or small.

Carrie Koh:

And yes, it can inherently be bad, but we are not bad or good because of

Carrie Koh:

the adversity that we've experienced.

Carrie Koh:

And we all tend to judge ourselves.

Carrie Koh:

We all tend to feel like we're being judged from others.

Carrie Koh:

If we have gone through something, if we maybe have gone through something

Carrie Koh:

and maybe didn't handle it in a way that we know we could have handled

Carrie Koh:

it right, we've all been there too.

Carrie Koh:

So, It is personal Building a business is personal, and the one thing I know about

Carrie Koh:

the real truth about building a business to create a real impact to make the

Carrie Koh:

world a better place is that we are all shared in this, adversity journey, right?

Carrie Koh:

And sometimes it stops us in our tracks.

Carrie Koh:

Sometimes those things happen, right?

Carrie Koh:

Like the tech issues I had recording this first episode could have

Carrie Koh:

stopped me in my tracks, right?

Carrie Koh:

But there's bigger adversity that you think might have

Carrie Koh:

to stop you in your tracks.

Carrie Koh:

And when we think that we can't overcome adversity, when we think that because

Carrie Koh:

of the, the chaos, the things that life is throwing at us, the obligation,

Carrie Koh:

we just sometimes choose a lifetime.

Carrie Koh:

Of suffering instead of choosing a lifetime of wealth, of serving

Carrie Koh:

people in their genius, of showing people who we really are.

Carrie Koh:

So imagine, what if you did show people who you really are, like

Carrie Koh:

really, how much of that do you actually hide from people right now?

Carrie Koh:

How much of that do you feel maybe is not appropriate or is not good?

Carrie Koh:

I mean, I spent my entire career hiding who I really was until.

Carrie Koh:

Adversity came at me and tripped me down to just show like, oh my gosh,

Carrie Koh:

I have nothing left to pretend.

Carrie Koh:

And my story starts like a lot of women, right?

Carrie Koh:

A lot of women who are on the career path and have a plan, right?

Carrie Koh:

We're on a career path.

Carrie Koh:

We're gonna climb the ladder, we're gonna get married, we're gonna have

Carrie Koh:

kids, we're gonna do the thing and.

Carrie Koh:

a common thread in my story is that throughout building my career, I was a

Carrie Koh:

healthcare administrator, turned into a healthcare executive, and I had this

Carrie Koh:

underlying theme of not being good enough.

Carrie Koh:

I wasn't, I wasn't the one who was capable of the big ideas, the big things, right?

Carrie Koh:

I was smart, but like not in the way that other people would.

Carrie Koh:

As smart, right?

Carrie Koh:

Like it was my sisters who were valedictorians, not me,

Carrie Koh:

but I did have this genius.

Carrie Koh:

I did have this way with people, um, that I didn't know hard how to articulate,

Carrie Koh:

but throughout my career I moved the ladder really swiftly and I was an

Carrie Koh:

amazing leader and I brought in millions and millions of dollars for, for the

Carrie Koh:

organizations that, that I worked for.

Carrie Koh:

But it was something that didn't show up on standardized tests, right?

Carrie Koh:

So I didn't know what that genius was.

Carrie Koh:

And when I was starting out, I actually started out as a ski bomb.

Carrie Koh:

it was probably the best years of my life.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

The twenties were, are probably no one's best years of their life.

Carrie Koh:

But before I started all of this, this massive climbing the ladder,

Carrie Koh:

because that is something that I never actually thought was me.

Carrie Koh:

I was more of a free spirit, right?

Carrie Koh:

I moved to Aspen, Colorado after undergrad and I was a ski bomb and,

Carrie Koh:

I worked and I played and I skied, and it was an amazing few years.

Carrie Koh:

And then I realized, oh wait, I can't be the 40 year old at the end of the bar.

Carrie Koh:

That is not a good look, right?

Carrie Koh:

And so I went to grad school and I remember, Not knowing what

Carrie Koh:

I wanted to do and, and my, I was always around healthcare.

Carrie Koh:

My, I had a family of physicians and nurses and, and I loved healthcare.

Carrie Koh:

I, loved learning about the body.

Carrie Koh:

I I loved it all.

Carrie Koh:

And I thought I wanted to go to med school.

Carrie Koh:

Well, not really.

Carrie Koh:

my college roommates.

Carrie Koh:

We're going to med school.

Carrie Koh:

I'm like, oh, that sounds good.

Carrie Koh:

I'll do that.

Carrie Koh:

That is not the way that you want to start out a massive career.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

so of course I did not get into med school, because I did

Carrie Koh:

not want to go to med school.

Carrie Koh:

But what I did do is I was sitting in Aspen, I got the phone call from my dad

Carrie Koh:

saying, Gary, what are you gonna do?

Carrie Koh:

You cannot live your life in Aspen.

Carrie Koh:

So I went back home and I shadowed a C e O of a hospital, and I remember

Carrie Koh:

thinking, Wow, this sounds really boring.

Carrie Koh:

And he was showing me these spreadsheets and he was, you

Carrie Koh:

know, talking about his job.

Carrie Koh:

And I was like, wow, this is not me.

Carrie Koh:

But I didn't know what I wanted to do.

Carrie Koh:

knew I like, loved healthcare, but I didn't know what my role was within it.

Carrie Koh:

And so, Out of obligation, out of like, mm, allowing someone

Carrie Koh:

else to make my decisions for me.

Carrie Koh:

I'm like, I don't know what I wanna do, but maybe I can be the

Carrie Koh:

c e O of a mountain hospital.

Carrie Koh:

That sounds good.

Carrie Koh:

I'll move back to Aspen and I'll run Aspen Valley Hospital.

Carrie Koh:

And so I went on to grad school, and I got these amazing fellowships out of

Carrie Koh:

grad school, and my program director in grad school was like, Carrie, how

Carrie Koh:

are you getting these fellowships?

Carrie Koh:

And I was like, uh, I don't know.

Carrie Koh:

I'm like interviewing.

Carrie Koh:

I'm, he's like, I, I mean like, I just can't believe it.

Carrie Koh:

And of course the story I'm telling myself is like, Oh my God, I'm not good enough.

Carrie Koh:

Like why is he so shocked that I'm getting all of these prestigious fellowships?

Carrie Koh:

And the fact of the matter is he's like, you were a ski bomb and now you are like

Carrie Koh:

doing all the things that these people who have been grinding away trying

Carrie Koh:

to get where you are, have wanted.

Carrie Koh:

And that's where it dawned on me.

Carrie Koh:

Maybe I do have something a little bit different.

Carrie Koh:

Maybe there's something inside of me that looks different

Carrie Koh:

from what everyone else has.

Carrie Koh:

And now, listen, this was after years of thinking that I was second best.

Carrie Koh:

This was after years of like allowing comments like that, like

Carrie Koh:

you, you got that fellowship to like drive me into the ground to

Carrie Koh:

think, oh, see, I'm not good enough.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

And so, When I allowed myself to see that my authority was leaving

Carrie Koh:

breadcrumbs and it's just time for me to pick it up, right?

Carrie Koh:

But I refused to pick up those breadcrumbs of authority for years, for years.

Carrie Koh:

And instead I was stuck in the cycle of obligation.

Carrie Koh:

You know, I had, I had no desire to be in healthcare at the time, but, Along

Carrie Koh:

the way, it was such a beautiful gift.

Carrie Koh:

I met the most amazing people.

Carrie Koh:

I created the most amazing programs.

Carrie Koh:

I changed lives.

Carrie Koh:

It was, it was a wonderful, wonderful career, and it was one I thought I'd

Carrie Koh:

be in forever until, Had life, right?

Carrie Koh:

I had life happen.

Carrie Koh:

And sometimes life has to happen for you to see that maybe you weren't

Carrie Koh:

all that fulfilled in your past.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Because the truth is, in my career, I had a ton of sleepless nights.

Carrie Koh:

I had a ton of fear.

Carrie Koh:

I had a ton of.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

I was over preparing.

Carrie Koh:

I was being the perfectionist.

Carrie Koh:

I was living two lives.

Carrie Koh:

I was like, you know, professional, Carrie during the week.

Carrie Koh:

And then on the weekends I'd go up skiing with my friends and we'd

Carrie Koh:

party and we'd do the things right.

Carrie Koh:

And then I'd come right back Monday morning and I would be the professional.

Carrie Koh:

And it's like, who really was I, I had no idea.

Carrie Koh:

Well, the truth is I did know, but I was scared to show people and.

Carrie Koh:

Then life, right?

Carrie Koh:

Then I found myself wandering a freezing cold hallway in a large level four

Carrie Koh:

nicu, which is where they serve the sickest and most acute of newborns.

Carrie Koh:

I had just given birth a few days earlier to my first son, and I was

Carrie Koh:

planning like most professional women to, you know, take three months off of

Carrie Koh:

maternity leave and then head on back.

Carrie Koh:

And my life changed.

Carrie Koh:

Everything changed and everything became a blur.

Carrie Koh:

And when my son was born, he couldn't breathe.

Carrie Koh:

He couldn't move.

Carrie Koh:

And I will never forget the one statement that was made to me.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

We were sitting in a little tiny hospital room and we were on day three of my son's

Carrie Koh:

life, and the neonatologist came in and sat down with my husband and I, and she

Carrie Koh:

said, I'm concerned for your little boy.

Carrie Koh:

And those six words changed my life.

Carrie Koh:

All of the hope went out the window and we transferred him to this level

Carrie Koh:

four nicu, the most, acute nicu.

Carrie Koh:

And she just said, we have to get him someplace where they can really help him.

Carrie Koh:

And here's the thing I remember.

Carrie Koh:

Driving in that ambulance across town to one of the best NICU's in the country.

Carrie Koh:

And I remember seeing all these cars and these people and the sun was shining.

Carrie Koh:

It was a beautiful summer day.

Carrie Koh:

And I remember thinking, what are these people doing?

Carrie Koh:

Don't they know my life is ending?

Carrie Koh:

Don't they know nothing is the same and they're going off to work?

Carrie Koh:

Have you guys ever had that?

Carrie Koh:

When something happens to you and you're like, how are people living?

Carrie Koh:

How are people smiling?

Carrie Koh:

How is their joy in the world?

Carrie Koh:

This podcast is not about grief.

Carrie Koh:

This podcast is not even about my story, but it's about those moments that we can

Carrie Koh:

look back on as those defining moments that taught us something about ourselves.

Carrie Koh:

That one conversation, that one person who changed our perspective, the one story

Carrie Koh:

that everyone has, your story is unique.

Carrie Koh:

We all have adversity.

Carrie Koh:

And for me, this journey with the life and, and the death of my son before

Carrie Koh:

his first birthday was something that I really had a lot of healing from When

Carrie Koh:

I created a TEDx talk around it and I told those lessons of adversity and

Carrie Koh:

the choices that we made that allowed laughter and joy and in the, and presence

Carrie Koh:

in the most devastating of times.

Carrie Koh:

But what I didn't know is that.

Carrie Koh:

That TEDx talk was just the beginning.

Carrie Koh:

That was just the beginning.

Carrie Koh:

I had gone on to create a profitable coaching business for women

Carrie Koh:

to build their own businesses.

Carrie Koh:

I had created a profitable business helping physicians have

Carrie Koh:

more fulfillment and leadership.

Carrie Koh:

I had gone back to that hospital to serve the people who had

Carrie Koh:

served us in our most dire time.

Carrie Koh:

It was the most rewarding thing I'd ever done in my life.

Carrie Koh:

I help organizations build group leadership.

Carrie Koh:

Coaching programs so that their cultures can shift from

Carrie Koh:

problem focus to solution focus.

Carrie Koh:

All of this was done because I had this moment in my life where

Carrie Koh:

I thought I lost everything.

Carrie Koh:

I thought that I would never be the same.

Carrie Koh:

I thought that I was worth nothing.

Carrie Koh:

I didn't know who I was.

Carrie Koh:

And here's what I want you to know, is that everyone has a

Carrie Koh:

story and your story matters.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

We'll always be there.

Carrie Koh:

It's life.

Carrie Koh:

Good and bad things happen, but when we can come together and when

Carrie Koh:

we can talk about the truth about what it really takes to build a

Carrie Koh:

successful, profitable business.

Carrie Koh:

We get to create that impact together.

Carrie Koh:

We can normalize it so that more women go after their desire because women,

Carrie Koh:

we're the decision makers in the family.

Carrie Koh:

We are the healthcare buyers.

Carrie Koh:

We are, we are the ones who are leading our families, our communities,

Carrie Koh:

and our world, and so many women are not stepping into that leadership

Carrie Koh:

authority that you all have.

Carrie Koh:

What if we as a collective owned our authority, our gifts, and gave up that

Carrie Koh:

obligation, gave up that choice to suffer, gave up on giving up on our own dreams

Carrie Koh:

because we're obligated to other people.

Carrie Koh:

I've had client after client come into my client attraction programs

Carrie Koh:

because they wanna build wealth and they wanna do it their way.

Carrie Koh:

And I see their bravery as they press that buy button and.

Carrie Koh:

They say yes, and they're so excited.

Carrie Koh:

And then I see that fear when it really gets real and they have to take

Carrie Koh:

action and those obligations coming in and then the suffering in tiny ways.

Carrie Koh:

And when we work through that, when we reframe that so that the

Carrie Koh:

action they take, Actually works.

Carrie Koh:

There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing a woman step into

Carrie Koh:

her authority, make money for her authority, and change her life, and

Carrie Koh:

change the lives of those around her.

Carrie Koh:

And so if you're still listening, this podcast is for you because you are ready.

Carrie Koh:

You might be scared to go after that impact that you know you are put.

Carrie Koh:

On this earth to make to, to really go after that business.

Carrie Koh:

That, that you think, well, I'm not an entrepreneur.

Carrie Koh:

I'm, I'm not someone who can do this.

Carrie Koh:

Listen, I used to call myself a reluctant entrepreneur.

Carrie Koh:

I had no idea that my path was going to be entrepreneurship.

Carrie Koh:

I thought I was a career, uh, healthcare executive like that.

Carrie Koh:

I didn't know a thing about building my own business.

Carrie Koh:

Yes, I had an mba.

Carrie Koh:

I had, I had two master's degrees and I still didn't know how to build a business.

Carrie Koh:

So, Be open, right?

Carrie Koh:

Be open to the fact that maybe it is you who's going to do that thing that

Carrie Koh:

you are put on this earth to do and to change so many lives, even if you don't

Carrie Koh:

know how to set up a silly L l C, right?

Carrie Koh:

Like none of that matters because what matters for you right now, if

Carrie Koh:

you want to change the world, if you wanna have an impact, if you want

Carrie Koh:

to go big in your mission, in your passion, is that suffering is a choice.

Carrie Koh:

And I made that choice for years after my son passed away.

Carrie Koh:

It impacted my marriage.

Carrie Koh:

It impacted everything around me.

Carrie Koh:

And when you have to make difficult decisions, you

Carrie Koh:

can see what you're made of.

Carrie Koh:

And through my journey with my son, we had to make.

Carrie Koh:

It felt like we were playing God.

Carrie Koh:

We had to make decisions around life, extending interventions with no guarantee

Carrie Koh:

that his suffering would be alleviated or do we choose palliative care where

Carrie Koh:

we're able to have that focus on quality over quantity and just allow, right,

Carrie Koh:

allow him to be loved and, and, and create experiences with this little soul.

Carrie Koh:

And it's a, it's a decision that no family should make, and it's a decision that

Carrie Koh:

is, is mired in judgment from all sides.

Carrie Koh:

And so when you could see that there's no right decision,

Carrie Koh:

it's just our decision, right?

Carrie Koh:

When you can see that the families that chose one way or

Carrie Koh:

another, everybody was judged.

Carrie Koh:

And it's heartbreaking because everyone has a story and so, When we

Carrie Koh:

allowed ourselves to make decisions based on our truth, saying the thing

Carrie Koh:

that was so scary to say, we allowed a life and experience with Elliot

Carrie Koh:

in his short time on Earth and.

Carrie Koh:

One of the things that I did in the moment that he passed away, when

Carrie Koh:

he was released from that suffering in his body was that I took on that

Carrie Koh:

suffering because so often we think that suffering, Proves something proves

Carrie Koh:

our love, proves that we are worthy.

Carrie Koh:

And in my case, suffering meant like, okay, he's relieved from his

Carrie Koh:

suffering, but I have to take it on to show that I did love him.

Carrie Koh:

That, that I will never forget that love.

Carrie Koh:

And this suffering showed up in tiny ways, big ways, tiny ways

Carrie Koh:

throughout my business, my marriage, my health, until I saw it as a choice.

Carrie Koh:

And when I gave myself permission to not choose suffering, but to choose myself

Carrie Koh:

instead, to choose joy and happiness, to choose going after something that

Carrie Koh:

others will, will judge to choose.

Carrie Koh:

Showing up as my real self.

Carrie Koh:

It's when I lost some weight.

Carrie Koh:

It's when I closed a hundred K, $100,000 in one month.

Carrie Koh:

Now, one year, one month, it's when I created a deeper connection

Carrie Koh:

with my husband when we were on the brink of divorce after suffering

Carrie Koh:

what most marriages can't survive.

Carrie Koh:

This change can happen for you overnight because creating a business of wealth

Carrie Koh:

and impact and choosing to end your own suffering, it doesn't take time.

Carrie Koh:

It takes desire, it takes focused intention.

Carrie Koh:

And my mission here is to really see women in their brilliance for women to

Carrie Koh:

see themselves and to feel their own authority so that they understand what

Carrie Koh:

makes them unique and brilliant and fierce and bold, and strong and independent

Carrie Koh:

while they go after their desires.

Carrie Koh:

So, Really imagine yourself and every woman that you know, what

Carrie Koh:

if we all went after our desires?

Carrie Koh:

What if we all knew exactly what our strengths were, what our authority is,

Carrie Koh:

what we are put on this earth to do, and feel that energy of fulfillment?

Carrie Koh:

What would change?

Carrie Koh:

We get to change that narrative around guilt, around money, guilt around going

Carrie Koh:

after what we desire, guilt around doing something for ourselves instead of others.

Carrie Koh:

Because the truth is Beyonce was right.

Carrie Koh:

Women, girls do world.

Carrie Koh:

The world women are here.

Carrie Koh:

In this strength, in this power, and when we can own that in the most beautiful

Carrie Koh:

ways, oh my gosh, the world that we are creating is going to look very different

Carrie Koh:

than the one we live in right now.

Carrie Koh:

But what about the men?

Carrie Koh:

I have a lot of male clients on the healthcare side of my business, so

Carrie Koh:

I have two sides of my business.

Carrie Koh:

I'm a business coach for women helping them build their businesses,

Carrie Koh:

and I work with healthcare leaders and physicians helping them.

Carrie Koh:

Create more fulfillment and faster and better results

Carrie Koh:

in their leadership journey.

Carrie Koh:

And most of my clients on the healthcare side happen to be men, and I love working.

Carrie Koh:

With you know, everyone, right?

Carrie Koh:

It's, it's not about, I only work with women, but here's the truth of it.

Carrie Koh:

The reason I work with women on the coaching side is because I saw in the

Carrie Koh:

entrepreneurial world, this world of risk, this world of courage, and I saw

Carrie Koh:

women thinking that it took so much time to get there, that they had to wait.

Carrie Koh:

But I saw the men going out there and getting after it.

Carrie Koh:

Nothing wrong with the men, but.

Carrie Koh:

We have to take our place in the entrepreneurial leadership world as well.

Carrie Koh:

And so I saw that as a passion.

Carrie Koh:

I saw that as something that I had done and I can help other women do.

Carrie Koh:

And listen, the patriarchy sucks for all of us, right?

Carrie Koh:

Like I'm all about down with a patriarchy.

Carrie Koh:

But like I, in my language, what that really means is like, it's

Carrie Koh:

not about men or women, right?

Carrie Koh:

It's about like, All of us suffer when, there's not this

Carrie Koh:

ability to be who we really are.

Carrie Koh:

When there's not this ability to talk and feel about our emotions,

Carrie Koh:

they're suffering on all sides.

Carrie Koh:

And so When we can understand that our purpose is to really end our own

Carrie Koh:

suffering, end our own obligation, so that we can create the change that we

Carrie Koh:

are meant to create, so that women can step into their leadership roles in life.

Carrie Koh:

When we do this, we create the strong like energy, you know, like that saying,

Carrie Koh:

happy wife, happy life, or whatever.

Carrie Koh:

It's, whatever.

Carrie Koh:

when you think about what that saying really means, this is not

Carrie Koh:

the intention of this saying, but what I interpret that as is.

Carrie Koh:

Our energy is so strong, our leadership abilities are so strong.

Carrie Koh:

And when we own that, everybody follows.

Carrie Koh:

Everybody rises up to that level of frequency that is about

Carrie Koh:

choosing possibility over problems.

Carrie Koh:

It's about creating a new way to be.

Carrie Koh:

So when you listen to this podcast, When you share it with friends, when you,

Carrie Koh:

create a review, apparently I'm supposed to ask everyone to create a review.

Carrie Koh:

That's what you're supposed to do in the podcast world, so please do that

Carrie Koh:

because I want this podcast to reach more and more women who want to choose

Carrie Koh:

themselves over obligation and suffering.

Carrie Koh:

Want to choose themselves so that they can create a mission that's bigger than

Carrie Koh:

them, so that we can put the wealth in the hands of good people to do good things.

Carrie Koh:

And so, Let's do that together.

Carrie Koh:

Let's end this choice to suffer.

Carrie Koh:

Let's end this obligation.

Carrie Koh:

Let's create more happiness and freedom that we all say that we want.

Carrie Koh:

And so your deeper truth isn't about what you do Your purpose

Carrie Koh:

isn't about what you do.

Carrie Koh:

It's about how you feel about your place in the world.

Carrie Koh:

It's about how safe you feel speaking your truth.

Carrie Koh:

It's about how you feel about the contribution you are making in this world.

Carrie Koh:

So let's remove guilt from our vocabulary.

Carrie Koh:

Like please, like, let's just stop the guilt thing.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Because guilt is a choice and it's protecting us, and we get

Carrie Koh:

to choose something instead.

Carrie Koh:

And so when we give up guilt.

Carrie Koh:

We are raising the next generation to have these strong female role models.

Carrie Koh:

We're, we're not gonna work harder, we refuse.

Carrie Koh:

Listen, if you're listening to this podcast, let's just collectively

Carrie Koh:

refuse to work harder and longer to get the thing that we want.

Carrie Koh:

There is a better way.

Carrie Koh:

I teach it every single day to my clients inside my client attraction

Carrie Koh:

program because pushing, obligation, suffering, working harder, has never

Carrie Koh:

created the result that you want.

Carrie Koh:


Carrie Koh:

Because when we create something out of suffering and obligation, it

Carrie Koh:

creates more suffering and obligation.

Carrie Koh:

So the coaching industry makes us think that we aren't good enough, that

Carrie Koh:

we need another strategy and makes us think we need this overcomplicated

Carrie Koh:

funnel and, all of the things.

Carrie Koh:

And none of that is true.

Carrie Koh:

So yes, business is personal.

Carrie Koh:

To make a real impact, it requires the real truth.

Carrie Koh:

The real truth will set your revenue streams free.

Carrie Koh:

The real truth will unleash fulfillment.

Carrie Koh:

The real truth will present you with real decisions, and you, my friend, are

Carrie Koh:

more than equipped to make real hard decisions because your story matters.

Carrie Koh:

And right now someone is looking to you for inspiration.

Carrie Koh:

And we get to make the choices that elevate us instead of hold us back.

Carrie Koh:

So I'm so glad you're here on this podcast journey.

Carrie Koh:

Share it with friends, write a review.

Carrie Koh:

Help us grow this mission because together we can build wealth, we

Carrie Koh:

can create impact, and really make this world a better place,

Carrie Koh:

and it gets to start with you.



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