Delay and Pray Podcast
Episode #3:
Trading Sugar for the Sweetness of Jesus
“I imagine my body as a spacious stable open to the dwelling of the Infant King,
as opposed to all the inns of Bethlehem that had no room for Him.”
Welcome to the third episode of the Delay and Pray podcast. At the time of this episode’s release, we are in the middle of Advent, the season of longing and preparing for the birth of Christ. In this episode, Beth is discussing ways to prepare our bodies and souls for the celebration of Christmas through Spiritual Fasting, and how this heightens our desire for the one, true sweetness of the Christ Child.
- The purpose of Advent is to shine light in the darkness.
- Imagine yourself as an Advent candle, “giving light at the cost of one’s own substance.” - Fr. Alfred Delp, Advent of the Heart.
- By spiritually fasting, you are making a physical space within your body for Jesus to fill with his love.
- Holidays are often an excuse to over-consume as a way to celebrate.
- Focusing on the Christmas stable helps prioritize the Holy Family by inviting them into your heart by making physical space for them in your body by fasting off sugar, flour, and alcohol. This creates a small hunger, a space, for them that God can fill with his love. You then become more like a humble and inviting stable rather than an Inn--too full for Jesus. Imagining this scene within us promotes both spiritual and physical health without missing out on the holiday celebration.
- “The less sugar I consume, the more Jesus I want to consume.”
- In the video, “What Happens If You Stop Eating Sugar For Two Weeks,” Dr. Eric Berg explains nine ways that sugar consumption impacts the body (link below).
- Diversify rest and celebration away from food.
- Reframe your thinking about the holidays.
- Trade the sweetness of sugar for the sweetness of Jesus in the Sacraments.
Powerful Reasons to Delay and Pray During Advent
- It helps eliminate mortal sin.
- It attains a healthy body to serve Christ.
- Small sufferings and self-denials open up a mysterious depth of closeness with Christ and his Blessed Mother.
Make your body the Christmas Stable with your Spiritual Fasting this Advent.
You won’t regret it.
Links in Today’s Show:
The Group Coaching Experience
Video: What Happens If You Stop Eating Sugar For TWO Weeks
Video: Exorcisms: What Catholics Need to Know w/ Fr. Chad Ripperger
Book: Advent of the Heart: Seasonal Sermons and Prison Writings