Having a measure of autopilot in your business can be a good thing when it helps you automate some processes and prevents things from falling through the cracks. But it can also take a very bad turn and become extremely detrimental to your business if the wrong type of business autopilot sets in.
In this episode, I tackle some dangerous kinds of business autopilots that you want to avoid. This goes hand-in-hand with another topic we’ve discussed recently: business ethics, and upholding both a high level of care for our clients and a high level of integrity. In the coaching world, due to the limited amount of regulation, it is imperative that we, as coaches, craft and maintain impeccable methods and procedures. In doing so, we can help dispel the uncertainty that (unfortunately) naturally clouds the field of coaching. It also goes a long way to avoiding the trap of bad business autopilot practices.
What You’ll Learn
- Encouragement to reduce uncertainty and a reminder of the value you bring
- Automatic patterns that don’t serve us well
- Always going, always doing but not getting traction
- Autopilot Trap #1: Not questioning or evaluating your plan regularly
- Solutions:
- Identify and frequently revisit your ideal life and business vision
- Stop and dream
- Autopilot Trap #2: Running a mental “should do” checklist without action
- Solutions:
- Employ prioritization categories
- Analyze if what you’re spending the most time and effort on is worth it
- Autopilot Trap #3: Taking action on feelings without examining them
- Solutions:
- Create a questioning process
- Suggested questions from Molly to help you stay on track
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