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Living In The Fullness of God
Episode 38817th August 2024 • Daily Love Letters from God • Wesleyne
00:00:00 00:05:23

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"Faith is not just about believing; it’s about acting on what you believe."- Wesleyne

Word of the Day

James 2:18: “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.”

In this episode, Wesleyne explores the powerful relationship between faith and actions, emphasizing that our deeds should reflect our faith.

Using James 2:18 as a foundation, she explains that true faith is demonstrated through our actions.

Whether it's pursuing a career, managing finances, or preparing for a future spouse, our daily actions should align with our faith.

Wesleyne encourages listeners to consider how they would act if they already had what they were praying for and to let their actions mirror their faith.

The core message here is that faith should be visible through our actions.

It's not enough to simply believe; our daily deeds should demonstrate our faith.

Whether we are praying for financial freedom, a relationship, or career advancement, our actions should reflect our belief in these outcomes.

Listeners are encouraged to align their behavior with their faith, showing that true belief is demonstrated through purposeful and consistent actions.


  1. Faith is shown through our actions, not just our beliefs.
  2. Align your daily deeds with your faith and prayers.
  3. Act as if you have already received what you are praying for.
  4. Ensure that your actions reflect the outcomes you believe in.


  1. 00:00- The Connection Between Faith and Deeds
  2. 01:30- Demonstrating Faith Through Actions
  3. 02:45- Aligning Your Actions with Your Beliefs
  4. 04:15- Acting As If Your Prayers Have Been Answered

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What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker


Wesleyne (:

But someone will say, have faith. I have deeds. Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by my deeds. James 2 verses 18. I was reading through James 2 and that verse just popped out to me and I had to read it a couple of times because it is so powerful.

When somebody tells you, have faith, but I'm doing good work. I am going to school and I'm showing up every day and I'm feeding the needy, but you just have faith. You just have faith that the thing that you're praying for is gonna come true, but you're not doing anything about it. And...

next verse I mean that next portion of the verse says show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by my deeds so by the things that I am doing I am showing my faith so when I go and drive to the company that I want to work for every single day and park there as if I am an employee

those deeds, those things I am doing show my faith. When I pray and I say, Lord, I am praying these things over my future husband, that shows my faith through my deeds. Deeds are our actions, our works, the things that we're doing. And so the things that we do,

should show our faith. If we are believing for, we have faith that we are going to be debt -free, but we still are living in a poverty mindset, we are not showing our faith by our deeds. How does someone that lives, that is debt -free live? They have a written budget. They abide by their budget.

Wesleyne (:

They say, no thanks to this, I'm saving for that. I'm paying this off. I don't want to do this. I don't need to have a 60 or $70 ,000 car. I can get a $20 ,000 car. And you may be saying, no, that sounds like a poverty mindset, Wesley. And a poverty mindset is I'm living outside of my means.

I'm buying things that I cannot afford. I'm racking up more debt. I'm not paying the debt off, but living in the fullness of God, living in that place of I am debt free. I can save money. I can spend money. I can go on vacations. I can live like no one else because I have lived like no one else. It is important for us

to ensure that our actions, our deeds, match our faith. You are praying for a spouse, but every weekend, you're out in the club. You're doing all the things that single people do. You're hanging with all your girlfriends and doing all the things that single people do. If you were married, what would you do? Would you be focusing on your purpose?

Would you be doing the things that God had called you to do? I'm not saying don't hang out. I'm not saying don't spend time with your friends, but your actions, the things that you do should be a representation of the faith that you have, the prayers that you're praying. So I wanna ask you to sit with this question.

Already had the thing that I was praying for if I already had the thing that my faith is Telling me that I will have that I will do that I will become that I will be healed from how would I act if I was healed how would I act if I was a mother how would I act if I was a father how would I act if I was

Wesleyne (:

the VP of that organization, how would I act? Ask yourself those questions. Allow your deeds, your actions to match your faith.




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