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Journey Through Journaling: Connect with God in New Ways
Episode 393rd October 2024 • Spirit Led Life • Angee Robertson
00:00:00 00:20:36

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#39: In this engaging podcast episode we'll explore the multifaceted nature of journaling, celebrating its potential to enrich one's spiritual life. I'll introduce the upcoming five-part series dedicated to journaling, inviting you to explore this practice as a means of worship and communication with God. I'll share personal anecdotes, including my transition from traditional journaling to using digital tools like the iPad and Apple Pencil and how this practice has become my primary mode of spiritual communication. With a focus on inclusivity, I know that journaling might not appeal to everyone but I encourage you to explore it as a means to deepen your spiritual connection..

I'll also share upcoming conversations with guests like Jessica Boarman, Zulay Andrea and Jennifer Camp, who will offer diverse perspectives on journaling, from using journal prompt cards to art therapy techniques. I'm passionate about discussing the unique ways journaling can help you process emotions, connect with God, and achieve personal growth.

Key Take-Aways:

  • 00:08 - National Journal Writing Month
  • 02:02 - The Power of Journaling
  • 02:50 - Journaling as a Spiritual Practice
  • 03:46 - Journaling in Education and Personal Growth
  • 04:45 - Exploring Different Journaling Methods
  • 06:15 - Journaling Benefits and Scientific Perspective
  • 09:55 - Upcoming Interviews and Series Overview


Heavenly Position Guidance Challenge:

For this week’s Heavenly Position System Challenge, take out your journal and find a quiet place if possible and I even encourage those who don’t currently journal. Spend some time reflecting on your journal practice. If you don’t journal, what keeps you from journaling? Write it all out. Don’t censor yourself.

For those who are seasoned journals, what has your journaling process been like lately? Is it thriving, falling a little short, stale? Write down thoughts as to what might be contributing to any of these outcomes.

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Want to support this podcast? We have Spirit Led Life Gear available. Everything from hats, t-shirts, mugs to tote bags and anything in-between.

Want to connect with Angee? You can find her on Instagram @angeewrobertson or at


Angie Robertson:

I'm Angie Robertson and you're listening to the Spirit led Life podcast, episode 39.

Angie Robertson:

October is national Journal Writing Month, or what some people refer to as na jorimo.

Angie Robertson:

If you've been listening to this podcast for a minute, you know I am passionate about journaling.

Angie Robertson:

Our next series we will be diving into, as you might have guessed, journaling.

Angie Robertson:

However, we are going to have some twists and turns because I know not everyone is a journaler.

Angie Robertson:

In fact, I was talking with someone recently who hates journaling and fair enough, I get it.

Angie Robertson:

These episodes, though, will have something for everyone and all I ask is for you to have an open spirit.

Angie Robertson:

Who knows, you might just walk away with ideas on how to draw closer in your relationship with God.

Angie Robertson:

Let's go to the show.

Angie Robertson:

Welcome to the show.

Angie Robertson:

If you are new here, I am so glad you are joining us.

Angie Robertson:

On this podcast, we explore who God is so we can know who he has made us to be and learn to live our lives by the Holy Spirit.

Angie Robertson:

Before we get into today's topic, I want to invite you to become a part of our community.

Angie Robertson:

And how can you do that, you might ask?

Angie Robertson:

By joining our mailing list, you will receive weekly emails that let you know when a new episode releases, as well as I share behind the scenes in those emails.

Angie Robertson:

I don't share anywhere else, and bonus, I include the show notes of each episode so you don't have to go to your podcast platform to find them.

Angie Robertson:

The emails are short and easy to read, so don't feel overwhelmed with yet another email in your inbox.

Angie Robertson:

You can join the list by going to and complete the subscriber form.

Angie Robertson:

I'd love to communicate with you each week and you can always reply to those emails as I receive the responses directly.

Angie Robertson:

And I want to thank you for those who do reply because I read them and I love connecting with you.

Angie Robertson:

So thank you.

Angie Robertson:

Happy na Jorimo or National Journal writing month.

Angie Robertson:

I don't know why they've abbreviated that way, but they do.

Angie Robertson:

I've shared on more than one podcast that I am super passionate.

Angie Robertson:

Like I said about journaling and I used to even manufacture journals.

Angie Robertson:

It was a company called Chic Space.

Angie Robertson:

I sold the company many, many, many years ago, but the passion for journaling didn't go with it.

Angie Robertson:

Honestly, it is probably good.

Angie Robertson:

I sold the journal business because I actually use an iPad, an Apple pencil, and the Goodnotes app to Journal now and I would have really felt like a fraud selling journals when I didn't even use them I mean, hello, it's kind of like the cobbler's shoes.

Angie Robertson:

Kids with no shoes or something, I don't know.

Angie Robertson:

Anyway, I've become even more passionate about journaling within the last seven years, especially because I've started using my journal as a way to have a conversation with God that I can always document and refer back to.

Angie Robertson:

In fact, it is my number one way that I communicate with him personally.

Angie Robertson:

I shared more about this in a series we did a few months ago, two way communication with God.

Angie Robertson:

I'll be sure to link to it in the show notes to the episode where I actually share my journal process.

Angie Robertson:

It is also a practice I use in the virtual assistant school.

Angie Robertson:

In the homework I give, there are always journal questions.

Angie Robertson:

In each lesson I have the students contemplate with God.

Angie Robertson:

I don't have them turn the journal writings in as that's private between them and God.

Angie Robertson:

And I don't grade it because it's kind of a bonus activity for them to do and it's really based on kind of the honor system that they're doing it.

Angie Robertson:

But I have to say, at the end of each of the cohorts, I sent out an evaluation to gather feedback about the program, and one of the questions I ask on the evaluation is, what was your favorite part of the program?

Angie Robertson:

Almost all the students have comments about the journaling and assignments.

Angie Robertson:

Some of the students have said things like journaling allowed me to just sit with the Lord, open up and pour out my heart and listen to the Holy Spirit.

Angie Robertson:

It helped me to see the journey unfold, looking where I started, where I am, and where I'm going.

Angie Robertson:

Another student said, I liked being challenged with the journaling assignments.

Angie Robertson:

That's something I've never really done before, so I enjoyed being stretched that way and I see the benefits.

Angie Robertson:

And the last one I'll share is a student wrote, I loved the journaling.

Angie Robertson:

I have wanted to get into journaling for a long time but didn't know where to start.

Angie Robertson:

This will definitely be something I continue with going forward.

Angie Robertson:

Like I said at the beginning of the episode, we are entering a new series and it is exploring journaling as a way to deepen our relationships with God.

Angie Robertson:

I know journaling isn't for everyone, so like I said before, I want to extend an invitation to you to open your soul, to allow your spirit to speak to you about possibilities.

Angie Robertson:

We will have five episodes since there are five Thursdays in October, so give me just five episodes.

Angie Robertson:

Not for me to convert you, but for you to take this information and process it with the Holy Spirit to see if there is anything he is inviting you to expand on or include in your own worship process.

Angie Robertson:

Because journaling is a form of worship, you can take some of the ideas shared on these episodes and apply them in whatever way you use to communicate with God.

Angie Robertson:

Like we learned in the two way communication with God, there are so many ways to connect with him, and some of us are more naturally equipped to communicate with God in certain ways.

Angie Robertson:

And that's a beautiful thing.

Angie Robertson:

That means we're all unique, just like God designed us.

Angie Robertson:

Just like none of us have the same two thumbprints.

Angie Robertson:

Now that I have that disclaimer out of the way, let's dive into what you can expect over the next so this is the first episode, so now we have four more.

Angie Robertson:

So let's talk a little bit about journaling overall from a worldly, scientific perspective.

Angie Robertson:

According to the Najorimo website, which I'll link to in the show notes because that's actually the website name, the benefits of journaling include it enhances your writing skills.

Angie Robertson:

Journal writing builds writing fluency and helps you learn to express your thoughts and ideas.

Angie Robertson:

It relieves stress when you write honestly and pour out your worries.

Angie Robertson:

The act of writing can help you process your emotions and what's on your mind.

Angie Robertson:

It boosts your memory.

Angie Robertson:

Journal writing is a great way to keep track of your experiences, ideas, and daily reactions to what's happening in your world.

Angie Robertson:

It helps you to set and attain goals.

Angie Robertson:

When you write something down, you become more committed to action.

Angie Robertson:

Writing helps you plan and figure out how to reach your goals, explore thoughts and ideas.

Angie Robertson:

Journal writing is a dialogue with yourself and with God.

Angie Robertson:

This is again, this isn't a necessarily christian influenced website.

Angie Robertson:

I don't know what their faith belief is, but for me, I'm saying that journal writing is not only a way for you to process your thoughts, but to also have a dialogue with goddess, and it's without being judged or censored.

Angie Robertson:

And you can explore your thoughts and ideas about anything.

Angie Robertson:

God doesn't judge you.

Angie Robertson:

God isn't condemning you.

Angie Robertson:

He wants all of your feelings and emotions.

Angie Robertson:

We've talked about this before.

Angie Robertson:

He's a big enough God.

Angie Robertson:

He can handle all of it.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

I could go on and on with all the benefits and the stats on journal writing.

Angie Robertson:

What I love about journaling is there's no right or wrong way.

Angie Robertson:

No one is going to grade you or tell you what you are doing and that you're a terrible journaler.

Angie Robertson:

Nobody's going to do that.

Angie Robertson:

In fact, most people aren't even going to read your journal.

Angie Robertson:

Most people aren't even going to see your journal.

Angie Robertson:

I also love that there are so many ways to journal.

Angie Robertson:

Everything from one line a day to bullet journaling to art journaling to just your typical writing on a daily basis.

Angie Robertson:

Journaling really can be tailored for you and your lifestyle and your communication style.

Angie Robertson:

There are even journals out there that you can write in and destroy later.

Angie Robertson:

In fact, when I had the journal business, I created a guide called twelve Ways to use your journal and I am going to include a link to it in the newsletter and I'll also put it here in the show notes as well.

Angie Robertson:

For me, journaling started when I was young and it was a way for me to have somewhere safe to write down my thoughts.

Angie Robertson:

And I had big thoughts when I was young and watching my parents go through a divorce.

Angie Robertson:

I needed a place to go.

Angie Robertson:

I've journaled off and on since throughout my life.

Angie Robertson:

But when I got saved at 17, journaling shifted a little bit for me.

Angie Robertson:

My journal entries began with dear Jesus instead of just nothing.

Angie Robertson:

The ethos I would write to him each time I cracked open my journal and my journal became my prayers, my pleads, my frustrations, my joys.

Angie Robertson:

It would be several decades later when journaling would become a two way communication with God.

Angie Robertson:

And my journaling has evolved over the decades of my life and I can say it only gets better and better.

Angie Robertson:

I thought I would share with you what is coming up this month.

Angie Robertson:

Now I will share a disclaimer in that I'm still in the process of scheduling some of these interviews and some of these guests.

Angie Robertson:

So I hope everything goes well, that we don't lose recordings or people have to back out.

Angie Robertson:

But if for some reason something goes defunct, this lineup is subject to change.

Angie Robertson:

So I'm going to put that disclaimer out there now.

Angie Robertson:

I have met a friend on social media, Jessica Bormann, who is just as passionate as I am about journaling.

Angie Robertson:

And in fact, she has created some amazing journal prompt cards which if you follow me on Instagram, you've seen that I've shared a reel of me using those cards.

Angie Robertson:

You can always go find me on there if you want.

Angie Robertson:

AngiewRobertson and look at that reel if you wanted to see what I'm talking about.

Angie Robertson:

Jessica and I are going to come together and have a virtual coffee conversation, if you will, about journaling.

Angie Robertson:

I thought it would be great to have another perspective from someone who is equally as passionate as I am.

Angie Robertson:

And what I love about Jessica is the work she does is helping people navigate their emotions, from suppressing to feeling, from tethered to freedom, from isolation to connection, from old ways to new ways, from control to flow, from dwelling to resilience.

Angie Robertson:

And I don't know about you, but I can use all of that.

Angie Robertson:

And especially, like I've talked about before, my immediate instinct on anything is to go to my head, and I don't feel so to make it so interesting to me that God connected me with Jessica.

Angie Robertson:

And I feel.

Angie Robertson:

I feel like it's, you know, it's absolutely godly divine that we met because she is so tapped into her emotions and I am someone that still needs to learn how to tap into my emotions.

Angie Robertson:

Next, I'm going to have an in real life guest on the show.

Angie Robertson:

Unfortunately, we won't be meeting in person, even though she lives in the same city.

Angie Robertson:

To record because your girl doesn't have any type of equipment to record two people on a mic.

Angie Robertson:

But that's coming soon.

Angie Robertson:

One day we'll get there anyway.

Angie Robertson:

My friend Sulay is an art therapist who uses therapeutic art making techniques to help people overcome fears, redefine who they are, and reignite your passion for life.

Angie Robertson:

And I'm excited to talk with Sulai so that you can get a perspective on a different way to journal that doesn't necessarily involve writing but can still have the same benefits.

Angie Robertson:

Our final guest, which if you've been following along on this episode back in, I think it was episode 37, I made a little mention of this.

Angie Robertson:

I told a little secret, but our final guest would be Jennifer camp of gathered ministries.

Angie Robertson:

Again, if you've been following this podcast, you know, I quote Jennifer a lot on this podcast.

Angie Robertson:

And side note, when I started this podcast, I made a dream list of people I would like to have a conversation with.

Angie Robertson:

And Jennifer was at the top of that list.

Angie Robertson:

And when I reached out to her and she said, yes, you can bet I was over the moon.

Angie Robertson:

Jennifer and I will have a conversation as two friends having coffee, and I'm going to talk to her about her communication style with God.

Angie Robertson:

And as you know, she writes prophetic messages for us.

Angie Robertson:

And I'm going to talk to her more about her process.

Angie Robertson:

And if you have any questions you would like me to ask her, or any of the guests for that matter, feel free to email

Angie Robertson:

and remember, Angie is spelled a n g e e.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

i'll also put this in the show notes as well, or you can private message me on Instagram gwrobertson and you can also reply.

Angie Robertson:

If you're a subscriber, you can reply to the one of the emails and I'll be sure to watch for those as well.

Angie Robertson:

We'll end the series with me closing out in a wrap up episode and answering any questions you might have of all these previous episodes or anything about journaling that comes up during this series.

Angie Robertson:

So again, I want your questions always feel free to reach out to me, either on Instagram, replying to the newsletter, or just going to dot now, before I wrap up, I want to take a moment to thank all my dedicated listeners, those of you who download each episode each week and leave kind reviews like this one from KL Layard.

Angie Robertson:

In a world bombarded with information and constant noise, Angies podcast acts as a comforting refuge.

Angie Robertson:

She reminds me that amidst the chaos of this world, we have a source of peace and comfort within ourselves through the Holy Spirit.

Angie Robertson:

If you are looking for a podcast that uplifts, inspires and guides you towards a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, this is it.

Angie Robertson:

Thank you.

Angie Robertson:

I really appreciate that and I couldn't have said it better than myself.

Angie Robertson:

And the way that you all experience this podcast, that right there means so much to me.

Angie Robertson:

It also means so much to me that you take the time to listen and leave a review.

Angie Robertson:

And I want to let you know that we are a part of a community and I appreciate you.

Angie Robertson:

I also want to invite those who maybe this is your first episode you are listening to, or maybe you've been listening off and on.

Angie Robertson:

I want to invite you to click and follow this podcast on your favorite podcast platform and really become an official part of this community.

Angie Robertson:

It would mean so much to me.

Angie Robertson:

Now, I'm looking forward to sharing this series with you, and I can't wait to hear what God does with it to draw you closer to him.

Angie Robertson:

One of my favorite things to do is reflect back on past journal entries and see how God has been faithful and to see how much I've grown.

Angie Robertson:

And it can also show me patterns I tend to hold on to and alert me when change needs to happen.

Angie Robertson:

Journaling is a powerful tool that God has given us.

Angie Robertson:

And I mean, think about the Bible.

Angie Robertson:

It's compiled of letters and notes and I stories that women have held, men and women have held of their experience of the Trinity.

Angie Robertson:

Now for this week's heavenly position system challenge, take out your journal and find a quiet place if possible.

Angie Robertson:

And I even encourage those who don't currently journal to maybe consider it.

Angie Robertson:

Spend some time reflecting on your own journal practice.

Angie Robertson:

If you don't journal what keeps you from journaling?

Angie Robertson:

Write it all out.

Angie Robertson:

Don't censor yourself.

Angie Robertson:

For those who are seasoned journalers, what has your journaling process been like lately?

Angie Robertson:

Is it thriving?

Angie Robertson:

Is it falling short?

Angie Robertson:

Is it stale?

Angie Robertson:

Write down thoughts as to what might be contributing to any of these outcomes.

Angie Robertson:

As I close, I am going to leave you with a poem titled surprise by Timothy Edward the power of journaling to keep your goals aligned and life fulfilling.

Angie Robertson:

Our creator knows us inside out and in our prayers we can find this route quiet time with the Lord pen and paper in hand, jot down the thoughts and goals make a stand.

Angie Robertson:

Observe the percentage how prayers are answered, God's faithfulness shone as life's path is traversed.

Angie Robertson:

Journaling holds us accountable to live to the vision.

Angie Robertson:

It's truly reliable.

Angie Robertson:

Over years the success rate is high.

Angie Robertson:

Best practices learned never to die.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

The power of journaling a tool for life, big goals and small things.

Angie Robertson:

To God be the glory.

Angie Robertson:

Thank you for joining me on today's episode.

Angie Robertson:

This episode was produced, recorded, and edited by me, Angie Robertson.

Angie Robertson:

I look forward to joining you each Thursday for a new episode as we explore together how to have a spirit led life.




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