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Episode 50: MEAN STREETS
Episode 5021st December 2023 • Old Fogies & Films • Fahad & Aric & Ruth & Tikia & Shelly
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Happy holiday! Not the one you’re thinking of. The San Gennaro Festival that happened on those Mean Streets in 1973! The movie completes a theme with Shelly’s first movies of S1 & S2, Captain Fantastic and For Your Consideration. A 50th Anniversary for our 50th episode!

Mean Streets - dir. Martin Scorsese - 1973



Welcome back to Old Fogies and Films. Each episode the members of this panel take turns assigning a film to watch and discuss. Getting pinched again are




Thank you.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:



And me, Shelley. As we noted last time, the first cycle of season 3, we thought it would be interesting if each of us tried to complete a theme with our first movies from seasons one and 2.


My movies were Captain Fantastic and for your consideration. So for this round, we watched Mean Streets.


Each of these films features an unconventional family of sorts. Alright, I am going to give a little.


Flat synopsis and then I'm very interested in hearing what you all thought about this movie.


So main streets is about a young Catholic Italian man named Charlie who lives in little, little Italy in New York City.


I note. Scorsese lived in little little Italy. So


I think that kind of showed that he got the.


The same like he knew that scene knew that area very well. And so Charlie works for his uncle. Uncle Giovanni, who is a connected man.


He's connected to organized crime and. Charlie does his pickups, so he picks up the money.


And the film follows him as he works through his feelings. I think mostly conflict conflicted feelings about his life.


About his job, his religion, and his family. So I am. Super interested in hearing what you all thought and so I think I'd like to be here sorry Takia's thoughts.


Kia, what do you think about the movie?


I'm still trying to figure that out. I watch the movie, but it's also first.


And the way request.


Okay. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, the idea what would you guys thought as well?




Eric, what do you think?

[Aric Maiden]:

The volume keeps getting low. I think maybe You have to watch out your hands around your mouth.


What did you think

[Aric Maiden]:

Me, Eric. So I hadn't heard of this movie, I guess because it was kind of the first one that put Scorsese on the map.

[Aric Maiden]:

He had done like 2 feature films before this, but. They weren't really known very well. And, from what I've read, this is the one that sort of created the template for his style.

[Aric Maiden]:

And I can absolutely see that. If, it actually felt a lot like good fellas to me.

[Aric Maiden]:

Including plot wise a little bit. I mean, there's even a scene where for some reason one of the gangsters has a big cat that he's like taking care of.


Yeah, yeah, that was random.

[Aric Maiden]:

And I don't know where It was very random, but there's Yeah.


I forgot about that until you just mentioned that came out of nowhere.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was waiting for it to ball him. I was like, it also looked a little inappropriate. The caressing and it just was weird.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Right back.

[Aric Maiden]:

It's the only real love in his life. That he'll allow himself because you know these guys


I was watching my, I was watching it on my phone. And I thought it was a dog and I was like, oh no, they're either going to be dog fighters, like they're gonna have the dogs fight.


Then I realized, oh, that's not a dog. But he says, Panther.

[Aric Maiden]:



Maybe I need my eyes checked.

[Aric Maiden]:

Well, I couldn't tell it first. I thought it might have been a talk. I mean, this is kind of a scraggly looking cat.

[Aric Maiden]:

Not quite as big.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It, yeah, I was like, it like a big doll at first like a cat doll. But.



[Aric Maiden]:

Or stuff. Taxi Dermide.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

He definitely stepped up his us this cat co-stars later on.

[Aric Maiden]:

He's like, I can get a real line in 1990. 17 years later. So that, you know, that was similar.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

So was the sort of fact that If focuses on this one guy who's hoping to get made but the group the group has a friend who is sort of a wild card and is messing things up for everybody.

[Aric Maiden]:

Because, interestingly, Robert De Niro is kind of the Joe Pesce at this movie.

[Aric Maiden]:

Like everywhere he goes, he's causing a problem and and you know like Somebody's gonna have to like put him down basically because he's really really risking everything and doesn't seem to care about what other people are you know what they need or what they're doing.

[Aric Maiden]:

He drove me nuts. Oh my gosh. What? They used this word a few times in the movie, but what a scumbag.

[Aric Maiden]:

Johnny Boy was. He was so young though, Although he's


Yeah. I know, it was very interesting to see him. This is the first, this is the first film.


That they work together on.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I heard, Brian De Palma introduced Scorsese to Robert De Niro.

[Aric Maiden]:

Cause all these like famous directors from the late seventies, early eighties were kind of they knew each other in this time.

[Aric Maiden]:

So that's how you met him. But then I also thought it seems like Harvey Kitel kind of got Replaced by Robert De Niro, who was in a ton of Scorsese movies and then I don't know if Robert De Niro said I'm kind of done doing Scorsese movies, but then there's like this period where Scorsese didn't have much going



[Aric Maiden]:

on. Until he met Leonardo the Capitol. And then it was a ton of Leonardo, Capri movies.

[Fahad Qureshi]:




[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was the next mute.

[Aric Maiden]:

And of course, It's almost like he needs a muse in order to make You know, so I wonder if.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

If Leonardo Dicaprio was in his most recent movie, Killers of the Flower Moon.

[Aric Maiden]:

But, if he ever decides to stop working with Scris, I wonder who would be next.

[Aric Maiden]:

On this CRC list.




How old is Scorsese?

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh gosh, she's gotta be. Up there by now. This was 50 years ago.


Oh my gosh.

[Aric Maiden]:

So, 80.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I mean, hardy kitels in his eighties.

[Aric Maiden]:



Yeah, I saw he was born in nineteen-thirty-nine

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So Marty as we like to call him in the industry, is 81 years old.


Right, right, right.


Okay. So he was younger than. Harvey.

[Aric Maiden]:

You wanna, okay. But you know, he just.


As I like to call him.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Is it? I think. Yeah, Harvey's 84. So yeah, he was 3 years younger.



[Aric Maiden]:

If people looked older back then because apparently Harvey could tell his character was supposed to be 25 and Didn't seem 25 to me and they also I said Robert De Niro looked so young, but that's relative to Robert De Niro.


Oh, I know, I saw that.



[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

I don't think he ever looked young so when in the movie when they call him like a kid who's like that kid is messed up.




Yeah. Yeah, and then Teresa didn't look so young either, but they were all supposed to be.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, she was gorgeous, but you know going along the lines of my good fellas comparison she seemed like a prototype learning Braco to me.


Young. She's okay.


She's dead. I thought that too when I was watching it

[Fahad Qureshi]:

She did when I first saw her for a split second. I was like, wait, that's no, that's not her.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, like a very young learning broker. So I mean.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Not to spoil anybody's recast. It's not mine, but.


No, not my name. There.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I have to say that. I don't know that I'm a big Scorsese fan because I think you know in this movie really makes the point for me His movies, they have, there's just so much machismo and I know some critics say that, you know, he's exploring that side of like these these groups, in these neighborhoods.

[Aric Maiden]:

But sometimes I don't know what the The point of the movie is I felt the same way with good.

[Aric Maiden]:

Like where is this going? You know, and what is the message here? Like we like these people. We don't like these people.

[Aric Maiden]:

Are we supposed to feel for them or sympathize? And I have a hard time sympathizing with very many of them.

[Aric Maiden]:

I sympathize more with Harvey Kitel's character in this one. But he did seem like a good person. I think he was a little naive though.



[Aric Maiden]:

I mean, to keep helping Johnny Boy when it's very clear. Johnny Boy uses everybody, which means YouTube.


Yeah. And he was an ass, like he was not a nice. Person not to his cousin not to anybody.

[Aric Maiden]:

You know, he's using you too to.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And he's putting himself in date here.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, you still.


And he was putting them all in danger because like, Those aren't the kind of people that you want to mess with.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I know. And I mean, he thought he'd just pull a gun on somebody because It's almost like he's grown up in.


Oh, but it didn't have bullets in it.

[Aric Maiden]:

Because he shot them all off roof earlier.




Oh my gosh.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And what's like sitting there like where are those bullets going? I'm very worried right now.

[Aric Maiden]:



Yeah, yeah, yeah.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's like a rope. Remember I roped in me like shoot the bullets out of the window.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. So that the police would come, yeah. So I struggled with the movie. I enjoy the directorial style in the beginning, like the home movies thing.





[Aric Maiden]:

I thought that was very clever. And, and I do think from what I've seen of his films, he really knows how to capture a sort of comfortable authenticity and interaction between characters and the way the camera moves through a room it just feels like you're just hanging out with people.



[Aric Maiden]:

And that's a good skill. In his repertoire. But ultimately just like with Good Fills, I didn't know what to take from this movie.

[Aric Maiden]:

I mean, I think at the end, I mean, their lives are all ruined, right? I'm surprised Teresa survived the car crash.

[Aric Maiden]:



You know, her arm was like sticking through the window and I thought, is that mean that she's dead?


Like why is she not pulling her arm back out?

[Aric Maiden]:

When they pulled out of the car, she seemed alive and I think he got shot in the arm, but either way because because of this they're all going to get questioned and you know they're gonna have to mention the guy who shot them and why and I mean some of them Some are all of them are going to jail and and I don't think he's getting his restaurant

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Well, did we see what exactly happened? I mean, Charlie and Teresa were taken like they were taking like what happened to Johnny boy like you know when he saw the light it was actually cop cars.


So he got shot in the neck.

[Aric Maiden]:

He must have let out. He, we left, I remember seeing him, he was, he was trying to run down a street, he was he was trying to run down a street but he collapsed against a wall.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I mean after, but yeah, he got shot in the night like after that like how can you really survive?




I read. Maybe you read this too or knew this or remembered this. He got shot the end of taxi driver, right?


So this is the second. This is The second movie were, De Niro getting shot at the end right on the neck.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Aric Maiden]:

So. I've been talking about my struggles with Martin's Corsese movies, but he has directed other things.

[Aric Maiden]:

For instance, I want to watch, Alice doesn't live here anymore, starring Ellen Bursten.

[Aric Maiden]:

Because it was also critically lined and it's one of his or maybe his only film that stars a woman in the lead instead of men.



[Aric Maiden]:

But he also directed one of my favorite mates from the eighties after hours with Griffin Dunn.

[Aric Maiden]:

That is a really fun movie. So I highly recommend it and I think it's very different from, you know, these mafia style movies that he does.

[Aric Maiden]:

But I also found out when I was looking him up that he directed Michael Jackson's video for bad.


I didn't know that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Oh! Okay.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't have them.

[Aric Maiden]:

So I found that very random. But that's something else I like from him. And Fahad, didn't you say that you went to the concert for New York in 2,001?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Not New York, and I went to the one that was here in DC.

[Aric Maiden]:

Up ignore me then because he directed a short called the neighborhood that was included in the like released footage from that where he just walks around his neighborhood and describes New York.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Well, and wait, was it the concert for New York that was held in DC or the concert for New York that was held in New York.

[Aric Maiden]:

Well, I do not know.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It could, and then maybe we did see it because if he and Michael Jackson kept their relationship, Michael Jackson was one who organized the whole thing.

[Aric Maiden]:

Maybe, maybe he, maybe Michael Jackson called him and said, you're a New York guy. We need you to do something to celebrate New York for this, you know, project.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You gave Michael Jackson a New York accent for a split second. You're a Yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

I did, didn't? Who am I, who's supposed to be doing right now? Okay, I obviously.



[Aric Maiden]:

Miss that, because Woody Allen did something for it too. So also another New York guy.

[Aric Maiden]:

So. The movie was enjoyable at parts. I know he's Catholic and they start the movie talking about how he he's sort of afraid of hell but as the movie went on I couldn't tell if he was like If he was fixated on Hell because of the Hellfire or if he was just like an arsonist because sometimes he would look at fire like I don't know, like he was really into

[Aric Maiden]:

it. So, I, found that interesting. Then I just said a few notes for now about some funny things that I saw when watching it early on when they're when that guy shooting up in the bathroom.

[Aric Maiden]:

And a Tony kicks him out of out of his bar. He says this line that kind of rhymes and it sounded almost lyrical.

[Aric Maiden]:

He said, get out of my place. I know your face. It was like he was starting a rap and

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Yeah. Okay

[Aric Maiden]:

Entertaining. And then I love the conversation between Robert De Niro and Harvey Titel in private when he's talking about the Detsy has and he and he says Joey Scala is Joey Clams.

[Aric Maiden]:

They're the same person. Because it reminded me of our conversations about like how everyone has a nickname and they're starting talking about these 2 names and Hardy Kat tells worry that Robert Nerial thinks that those are 2 different people.

[Aric Maiden]:

It's like, no, same, same guy. So that made me laugh. And then when he's trying to hit on that, stripper.

[Aric Maiden]:

And I, so when she took her hair off. I think it was actually surprised. I think that was a little bit surprised.


Okay. Yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think he thought that that was her hair. So she takes the whole thing off and he's like, oh.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was also confused by that thing because he seems like he's really actually into Teresa, but But I don't know, he's trying to strike up this thing with, he seemed to have this.



[Aric Maiden]:

This weird fixation with and confusion around his attraction to black women. And I don't know if he was like trying to explore that.

[Aric Maiden]:

On the side it was very strange but another thing that this movie was even worse than say good fellows or or taxi driver in its It's sort of raw.

[Aric Maiden]:

Racism and sexism and homophobia, like they say some pretty terrible things about people like when he's first watching that dancer early in the film.



[Aric Maiden]:

He says, really beautiful, but of course she's black. You can't miss that. And it's like, whoa, what does that mean?

[Aric Maiden]:

What is he saying to us? Like, he's not allowed to be attracted to her or he?


That's what I was thinking. Because then somebody's girlfriend was kissing a black man.

[Aric Maiden]:

She did it.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, that was a really rough scene to listen to.


So I was wondering if it was if it was just a reflection of the time if he was reflecting what was happening in that.


Area of the country during that time.

[Aric Maiden]:

It could be, yeah. To you.


That's fine.


That's why I thought too, that's all that in. Yeah, I thought that's something I'll show you things as respect from the times.



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, we talked about this, for Taxi Driver because, there was a scene where Martin Scorsese actually played the character in the back of the cab when he had the cabbie drive him up to the apartment building where his girlfriend or something was and he's like you know she's up there with a word and we talked about like was that necessary like did we need to have that scene with that character saying

[Aric Maiden]:

that and it just has me question. This movie also had me question. Why those things would be included, why they were necessary.

[Aric Maiden]:

Maybe he doesn't want us to like these characters. Maybe.


Yeah, they're not like, they're not a likable bunch. I, I didn't.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And if it's

[Aric Maiden]:

I wonder if he like because I think you know he grew up in some in this in those areas and he probably knew some guys And so is he does he not really does he not like them?


Go ahead.



[Aric Maiden]:

Does he not sympathize with them? Or does he? I'm not quite sure. I can't tell from from my interpretation of this.


I don't, yeah, I don't think that he liked them. I don't think it was, it was a positive.


Attribute. But maybe it was realistic.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I wonder, I just wonder if he noticed at the time and was intentionally putting me sins in or if this is just how it was scripted and he and he was okay with it because of the time.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I think it's It wasn't showing us the glamorous life quote unquote one can lead with all the money you rake in it's showing us kinda dirty side of the opinions having to go, you know.


Did he write this movie?

[Aric Maiden]:


[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know. Oh, he wrote it with another man. I remember seeing that in the, in the credits.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't recognize the other guy's name, but.


I have a question for you, Eric. Do you I know that you mentioned it Goodfellas.


I remember that you believed it was glorifying the mafia or mafia life a little bit.


Do you think that this movie was glorifying it?

[Aric Maiden]:

No, not in the same way. Yeah.


Yeah, don't think so. It's not, it would not look like a, Pleasants.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, it didn't look like anyone's really annoying.


Place to be.

[Aric Maiden]:



And yeah, I mean. Yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I mean Tony has a shitty bar. Where that's that doesn't really get a lot of business and there's and the people who do go there are not like They're not the best people of the neighborhood.

[Aric Maiden]:

They're the drunks and the, you know. Gutter trash kinda people. So yeah, no one's really doing that well.

[Aric Maiden]:

Harvey Kettel's character thinks he's about to do better than anybody by getting this restaurant.

[Aric Maiden]:

But again, like I said, I don't think he's getting it because of what happens at the


No, and in order to get this restaurant he has to deny the girlfriend that he loves I mean he won't even tell her that he loves her.

[Aric Maiden]:



She keeps telling him, I love you. And he's like, I'm not saying that.


And then he has to, his uncle also did not like, well for good reason, Johnny Boy. Who was terrible and he was supposed to stay away from him but he couldn't he couldn't stay away from him.

[Aric Maiden]:



He felt like kind of responsible for him as well.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I mean, Charlie basically doubles down by being so involved with that family. Yeah.


Yeah, yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, in the beginning I know. In the voiceover at the beginning, Harvey Kitel's character.

[Aric Maiden]:

What was his name? Cause I can't keep saying how we could tell a million times. Charlie, of course, Charlie.



[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Charlie says in the voiceover, But you it's you don't pay for your sins at church you pay for them in the street you pay for them at home.

[Aric Maiden]:

So saying Hillary's and our fathers doesn't really do anything for you. So he's saying like you have to you have to act like a better person.

[Aric Maiden]:

You have to do things to make it up for the bad things you do. And so I guess maybe to him, Johnny Boy is his charity.

[Aric Maiden]:

It's it's like he all the bad things that he might be asked to do if he can save, but I've tried to take care of Johnny Boy.

[Aric Maiden]:

That's his good deed. So he's really invested in keeping him safe and trying to make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble.

[Aric Maiden]:

But you know, again, he's naive about it. So those are my thoughts. Thank you.


Well, thank you for giving them and I am going to go ahead and jump in with my because I'm in charge and I get to pick so.

[Aric Maiden]:



How is it? I don't mind going now.




Okay. I, like you, Eric, I thought. Start this movie yesterday and I started watching it.




And I'm like, all right, I'm gonna, I can watch it for 30 min and then after 30 min I was falling asleep.


So I was like, alright, this is not good. I restarted the whole thing later that night and I started it over again and


Love the movie, but after finishing it, I didn't hate the movie. So it's not something I'm going to be rewatching over and over and unlike you, I did love Goodfellas.


But, I did see how this was kind of like the prequel to Good Fellows like this is kind of like his feet.


Getting what in this world like




Like I kept waiting for there to be a point a plot like you know the formula of a movie like It goes up.


Oh, there's gonna be the big problem. They have to get past the problem. Then they'll solve that problem, but then they'll think that it's over, but then it won't be over again and then you finish it nicely.


But no, this movie just kind of showed their crappy lives. And I kinda like that. I, I really, I thought Harvey Kitel was awesome and this and

[Aric Maiden]:



Did a great job and the casting in this movie was great. Tony was in the Sopranos.


He, had a major part for in just one season. So it was nice to see him young and in a different role.


We'll end up enjoying it. Go ahead.

[Aric Maiden]:

You're volume. Sorry. So your volume keeps just cutting completely out. I don't know why.


Let me see.




Don't know why either. Hold on. Let me try something.


What about now? Is that better? At all?

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. As long as it doesn't like before was kind of going really really low where you couldn't hear anything and then back up it was very strange So I hope it doesn't.




Cut out again.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, we just lost her.


I think it's just maybe if. She comes back in maybe it'll like. Do you better? I don't know.


I'm not very good with computers.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

She comes.


All right.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

So maybe that won't work.


Oh my god, this is not my night at all. Alright, is that better? I took my husband out.

[Aric Maiden]:



Maybe that.

[Aric Maiden]:

Just keep your hand away from your face.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So, so far it sounded fine.

[Aric Maiden]:

Here. Hmm.


Alright. So. Let me think about rewind to back to what I was talking about. Alright, so yes, I enjoyed it.


Yeah. Sounds good.


I enjoyed all the characters, I tried the acting, I enjoyed, when I first read about this movie, I was like, oh, it says that he's conflicted about his religion and his job.


So I thought that was going to be like a major part of it. It was interesting that it was just sort of the backdrop to it.


Like they had the big feast, the feast, that Yup, in little Italy.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Aric Maiden]:



Every year that was just kind of like a backdrop for it and you would see the crucifixes on the wall or him praying.


Or he said that, you know, it was just, it was interesting that that was kind of a backdrop.


So. I was kind of surprised about that.


I loved the music in it. It was perfect. And then I read somewhere that it was like half their budget.


They spent getting those songs, the rights to those songs.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was surprised that they had songs that you could recognize when it's like your first feature. It's music, so important to him.


Yeah, and.

[Aric Maiden]:

He spent money on it.


And. Me too. Yeah, it was good and they were all perfectly timed to the seems like it was great.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was actually one of my favorite parts of the movie was the soundtrack. I actually was like, I know that song. I know that song.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I like that.



[Aric Maiden]:

And there's some.


And I thought it also was interesting that I read that they own they filmed in like 25 days or something and the Part of it, only part of it was actually filmed in Little Italy because they couldn't afford to film there the entire time so the rest of it was in Los Angeles


So those are my main thoughts. And I'm sure that I will have others.


The last thing, poor, Charlie, he just, it didn't even seem conflicted to me.


He just seemed unhappy. And that he didn't really like his life and here he was stuck being some.


Collector of this money from his uncle's. He wasn't even able to live like where he wanted to live.


He said they were walking on the beach and he said, no, I love the mountains. And there's no mountains in New York like he couldn't live his life he was just sort of stuck in this Dead end job you couldn't see him going anywhere


So I'm very interested now to hear Ruth, what did you think?


Okay, so, I do like, This one, I guess. I did really like Goodfellas.


This one for some reason to me seemed like it took a little bit longer to get kind of started. So I guess I was kind of Not immediately.


What's the word? I guess invested? I was trying to, I was curious though as far as like, The same like this was right about the time when he was on Godfather too, I think.


Or maybe not. I don't know.


I'm not sure when God Yeah. Yeah.


But, anyways.


But, and I guess I was trying to think if that was like part of his big break too, but I guess he had.


Like what the taxi too.

[Aric Maiden]:

Got farther part 2 was the next year, 1974.


Okay. Hmm, figure. Cool.


And so yeah, so I did like. Harvey Weinstein's characters while I did kind of sympathize with him and I guess yeah as far as he was trying to kind of


Just do the more right thing.

[Aric Maiden]:

Wait, did you call him Harvey Weinstein?


Did I say that? Oh my god.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think that's what I heard is like that is the wrong Harvey Okay.




Okay. Oh


TARGET. Charlie

[Aric Maiden]:

He would hate that because they weren't very kind of Jewish people in this movie either. Okay.


Oh, gosh. Oh my bud, sorry.


They weren't kind to anybody.

[Aric Maiden]:



I'm not good at putting in my thoughts very well. I will say though that De Niro's choice of outfits bothered me because I couldn't in the mustard shirt.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:



Sevenies fashion.


Yeah, I know, but


Yeah, it was just kinda sad. I guess that Charlie couldn't be himself and, especially to kind of show off who he loved and.


I think just with the whole story I was trying to I guess And the same too with the plot like It was kind of showing the life of course with Deera having a hard time with this money, but at the same time I was trying to figure out, I guess, where it was.


Kind of going as well.


Everywhere. Gambling.


Yeah, keep it keeping it, keeping it going on.


He had that $30 and he spent like 20 of it on drinks and the matter of like 5 min when he was supposed to be meeting with that guy.


Oh yeah, and then he burned that $10 bill.


Like, people, what's going to get months? Someone's giving them money to, help pay and then it's like, okay, I'm gonna burn this $10 bill.


I was like, that's not cool.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I don't know what he thought. His future was going to be. I mean, if he'd already barred money from everyone in the neighborhood that would let him borrow money and now they won't anymore like what does he get and he won't go to work.



[Aric Maiden]:

And maybe he just thinks Charlie is going to take care of him actually.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

He was literally burning But,


Yeah, he was acting like a child.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

I mean that's what I think he's that's I think part of why he hitched himself with Charlie, right?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Because he probably thought Charlie's going places. Take me along for the ride. And he protects me, you know, like.

[Aric Maiden]:

Maybe, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

People do, people were letting it slide a little bit, I think, out of respect for Charlie.

[Aric Maiden]:



Yeah, Charlie, try to, help him get his debt down and then. He didn't even, didn't even seem appreciated above it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

I do like the way. Characters and a few sings gently ribbed Charlie about being so religious.

[Aric Maiden]:

I guess the rest of them aren't as religious. At when he walks into Joey's.

[Aric Maiden]:

The billiards basement. I think it's Joey who says, hey Charlie, are you canonized yet?

[Aric Maiden]:

You know making fun of him at like being a saint. And he says, no, just blessed.


No. Yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

That's cute. And there were other moments where people teased him a bit.



[Aric Maiden]:

But yeah, like Shelley said, it was just background. If he was struggling with his faith at all.

[Aric Maiden]:

Or with how reconciling it with his life. It didn't, it wasn't too prominent.

[Aric Maiden]:

But I guess some directors like, you know, Ruth, like you just said, you're trying to see where it was going.

[Aric Maiden]:

Some directors and I think Scorsese is a little bit one of them. They don't mind just doing 2 h of just following.



[Aric Maiden]:

Characters through their lives. And there isn't necessarily a point and that's valid I guess that's a valid story style.

[Aric Maiden]:

It is, I have a hard time with it sometimes too, cause I want structure. I want to know like, like Shelley, you were saying, like, that that usual crescendo, you know, act one.



[Aric Maiden]:

DAC 3. Maybe that's lazy of me and maybe I'm spoiled by.


That's what I thought about myself too. So I took a deep breath and I thought it doesn't have to follow that formula.


It doesn't have to follow that formula. And then I started to enjoy it more. Once I got that out of my head that it has to follow.



[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, true.


It's not a movie. It's not a it's not a style that I enjoy watching.


But I was 8, I pushed it out of my head. I worked at it. I worked at it for this movie.

[Aric Maiden]:



Well, that makes me think.


I'm gonna enjoy this no matter what.


I think of what was Deer's backst. I also am mature all the time.


Well, his uncle said he's great. What did he say? He's crazy. Didn't want him to be involved with him like don't and he was right though I mean he was right.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think you was.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't necessarily need it. Right.

[Aric Maiden]:

He probably has. But he probably has like, you know, today we would say he has ADHD or something and he's probably been that way since he was a kid.

[Aric Maiden]:

It seems like you can't stand still. I mean, you like, you never know where he is. Like, where is he now?

[Aric Maiden]:

He's on a building shooting things. And,'s over here. They were there. It's like, you just need to stop moving for him.


I know, yeah. Hand something going on.

[Aric Maiden]:

That's probably why it wouldn't go to work because somewhere you have to stay all day.




I did here, I did not like when Charlie left Teresa when she was having an epileptic seizure.


And he just got that woman. Is that was that her mother? It's like just the woman speaking Italian is like you.



[Aric Maiden]:

I figured it was just a Good.


You know what to do, right? And he just left her.


Yeah, I think she, I think she just ended up living the building. I'm not sure that.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think she just lived in the building. Sorry for Okay. He, I mean, was trying to get himself killed, I think.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Thank you. Oh, I was just gonna. Pick on what Ruth was saying about how she would mind like a Robert De Niro backstory.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was going to say, yeah, in addition to a Robert De Niro back story movie. I want a spin off movie about the gay guy from the taxi cab.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



I know.


Oh me cool!

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I mean, he put himself out there with monsters. I was like, okay. Okay.


Thank you. Good for now.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was thinking like, does he know who these guys are or did you just get into any car?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But you know what? They weren't, they weren't like evil to him. They just kinda like brushed it off and like scoffed and just kept on walking even after he said, what do you say to them as they walked away?

[Aric Maiden]:

They weren't 2 of that.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, but he said something that was Yeah, but like as they want like hitting on them even more.

[Aric Maiden]:

He said a lot that he said.


Yeah, all I remember is he was asking about that guy's sausage. That's all.


Oh yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's like, wow, that's very, brave.

[Aric Maiden]:

Don't threaten me with a good time. Yeah. It's.



[Fahad Qureshi]:




[Fahad Qureshi]:

Sorry, back to whoever was giving a ruth back to you.


Yeah, oh I forgot. Pick those guys up. I forgot. They needed to ride some air.


I figure where they were going.

[Aric Maiden]:

They were escaping the bar too, I think, but I don't know if they knew them.


Okay. Okay, well. Most of them to pitch them a ride even though it was kind of.


But, well, they started to, but then it, it was. Yeah, very conflicted.

[Aric Maiden]:

They didn't get them much, but you.



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. Hmm.


I guess that's so far.


Putting my thoughts out there but

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So overall, how did you feel? You like the movie? You, it took you a while to get in?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You said, I think it's that you said it took a little while to get into it, but did you enjoy it at the end or you thought it was okay?


I thought it was okay. It wasn't my best favorite one, but it does like I do love to narrow a lot who I mean not like that but Good, yeah, but I like a lot as an actor.


Like him as an actor.


I guess I was just


You said, I guess there's other ways of doing thing. It's got more of. Different kind of grit or something to it.


I don't know how to explain it, but I guess I like those different kinds of stories around where it's got more of a.


I like the good fellows kind of thing a lot. But, I thought it was pretty, you know, it was still pretty good.


I could definitely still appreciate it.


Yeah. I know that Goodfellas was based on a good, a good story, a real story.


But this one seemed more realistic to me.


That's true. Yeah. I guess maybe too because it wasn't as like hyped up with how you are saying with like the making it like.


Gl gl in the


Yeah, glorifying it and making it how it seems so cool, but this is like the hard part of what the that type of lifestyle or job kind of entails, but you have to.


Put up with all that crap too, you know. Okay.


And maybe because none of them were really high up. In family, they were all. Yeah.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Hello, level.


Yeah. That one lady that. She was dancing or something and then that other guy was in the back with her and I guess he wanted to Hook up with her?


What was she on or something? I'm trying to figure out.


She was just drunk. I think they were all drunk. I thought it was funny when the when the at the very beginning when Johnny Boy walks and he has the 2 girls on his arms and they were gonna get him a drink and the girls like Jeep tequila and he's like no we don't have that here.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, wasted.






I was thinking why is that a crazy like thing to ask for in a bar? I don't know, I was wondering.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Maybe back then or in that location.

[Aric Maiden]:

I thought that too, it was like, 23, I guess, to kilo, not a thing.


Oh, everybody had 7 to 7.


7 and 7.

[Aric Maiden]:

Speaking to that. Oh, it's C. Grims.


What was 7?

[Aric Maiden]:

It's 7 up, yeah, C. Grim 7 and 7 up. 7 and 7.

[Aric Maiden]:

When speaking of that wasted drunk girl when Charlie had her in that back room saving her from the Vietnam vet for some reason.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know what happened there because he 2 s later that being non bed is knocking on the door like you've got a visitor and it's like okay you calm down quick.


I don't know.



[Aric Maiden]:

But anyway. When he had her in that room, there was a moment where I was really, really worried that he was about to date raper.




Me too, but then he just sort of he's like let's dance and then they dance and he's sweetly like put her to sleep.


How is that?

[Aric Maiden]:

I know.


He was like, I'm just gonna leave you here.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was so thankful that that's how it ended. It was like, okay, good.


Hello, I was happy he took care of her not like yeah

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

And not take care of her.


Exactly. He was looking out for.




You tucked her in. Put her little blanket.

[Aric Maiden]:

He didn't fuck her in. See? They're in that Okay. Okay.


That's true.


Okay. I'm sorry. I guess the fact I was the one who wanted to.


He was a bigger, there was a bigger guy that wanted to get with her. Well, I don't know.


I might be getting her confused with somebody else. But anyways, of the same lady, all in all, she ended up and a good space.


Alright. Tokyo.


Right. Alright, so sorry for about earlier. I


Oh, like, I don't know, I don't know. I don't, I want to guess hard ideas and how I went because I felt like it's not an embarrassed but I was I didn't feel like I really New I didn't like, I just like, I was false falling that well.


Like, so I wanted to hear some other. What you guys said, something, you guys so I could.


See how my thoughts appeared you guys. That I'm. Same my cost based on Europe, but just kind of.


What again idea but otherwise you call me first I was like why didn't I understand what was going on so I don't know, this way it was helpful hearing with you guys.


Thought that you know for me basically it was


Kind of, I guess, Try to follow it like I mentioned. Billy he was I didn't feel like I knew like you mentioned where was things going?


There was something about someone needs some money, money sharks and stuff like that. And then. It was, it took me out because I didn't.


I just basically know where where was going. I guess trying to I was trying to express that. Oh, sorry guys, can't just came in your butt naked.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:



This is an interesting.


Sorry, I feel like you still like tonight. He is, yeah, he's, he's in the bathroom earlier than nice.


So that's where I was. I guess it feels silly like. I didn't know how to express that.


I didn't like understand like what was going on. I felt like this is happening with money and then to open a restaurant.


And then they're all beating each other up and then this woman with epilepsy and then there's like.


Yeah, I read it. I don't know like I that makes sense the portrayal of the gritty, crime.


Well, it didn't have like


You know. People back then is no word for I'm sure but Oh, I like that, but betrayal of it.


There wasn't a glorified portrayal. I like Howby Gateel and the And, Robert De Niere, I like their acting as well.


The mob.


But, yeah, I'm like good. Where I knew things was kinda more so happening this one was just


Good. Kinda bored me a bit after a while. I felt like, yeah, this is, yeah.


Okay. I was born at the beginning as it went along. I, I kinda, I got more into it.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, how did the last like 10 min fair for you like?


Let's find. We're, like with the, that was the party that we probably like with all the action was happening when they were shooting.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



The cocky nays were shooting at each other. And yeah, that's why you got shot in the neck and all that stuff happened.


So that was interesting, but then everything else was just kinda like. Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't see it. I didn't see it.

[Aric Maiden]:



I didn't see it. I didn't say I didn't have much to say about it.


I guess I was more. The story was something I could follow and understand and had a purpose.


This felt like, where are they going? That's the best way to describe. Where's it going in terms of like who am I supposed to focus on and yeah so that's my That's all I can say about it.


Sorry. Yeah. Oh, I like, IS that like, the, can tell in, with with Charlie and Johnny.


I was gonna say one thing.


I like I like they're acting really good. Well, you said it was a glamorized portrayal of crime life, so.


Those 3 things were good about everything else. I think I could, I won't ever see this movie again.


Yeah, my mind drifted. So yeah. That's right.




Alright. And last but not least.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So there are 3 things I wanna say, one of which has already been talked about, but the other ones kind of been alluded to, but the third one hasn't been and I'm surprised nobody's brought it up because it was my favorite part of the whole movie.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But the first thing I'll reiterate again, well, sorry, step back. I agree with what everybody basically is saying where it kind of it took a while to get to.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Something and to where it was going, but I think that was also the point of it. Which was one of my insights or views on it was that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's kind of like some movies we've already seen, Tangerine and, DU, was it called Do the Right Thing?

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Do the right thing where it's kind of like, here's a camera that they're just kinda like placing in different places to show you what life is like.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know, it's not this big grand story with like this set up here going into this big story then somebody you know like it isn't that and I think You know, that is the point to just show you this is the gritty real life of these people at this level of the mob.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So as I was watching, I was getting Memories of watching tangerine, you know, they're nothing alike, but it's gritty life on the streets, you know, like city.


Yeah. That's a good point.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

So I felt. Yes, I felt a little bit like, okay, that's what they're trying to get at.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So I get it. You know, it's not a movie I need to see again.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like I, like also Tangerina. I didn't need to see again, but I appreciate it now for what they were doing.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I've enjoyed the final moments like that car chase with the guns and everything like that was fun.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So, but, going back. So thought number one, like I said, was it took me back to Tangerine and the day in the life of even those multiple days here.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Thought number 2, I already talked about the music. I really enjoyed the music and this is one of the first movies I've actually sat and watched and paid attention.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, oh, I like the soundtrack. I never usually sit and watch a movie thinking to myself, oh, I like the soundtrack.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Unless it's a movie where they're telling you like the soundtrack Guardians of the Galaxy.





[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

But like this one I was like, oh, and I like how they enter, we leave the songs into there and all.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

The third thing to bring up that I was surprised nobody brought up and again my favorite part of the whole movie was the way they scanned those 2 boys who wanted to get tired.



[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

I love that scene because at first I didn't know where they were going with that. I was like, are they going to give them fireworks and then like why are they getting them in the car I was like oh this could be really bad and it said it just turned out they scanned them for the money and then went to see a movie but I was like this could be really bad or I was questioning the entire thing the whole





[Fahad Qureshi]:

time but then it was just funny at the end and I was like those poor boys or standing there in that corner waiting for them to return even though they stiffed them.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But the next step them on top of it. So the scammers got scammed, but they still got 20 bucks out of it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And then I love that their immediate thing was like, let's go watch a movie and then they meet up with Charlie and Charlie's like, what?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You got it? Let's go watch a movie, your bay. If only you could treat 3 people plus.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

For a movie for $20, you know. But yeah, so other than that, I'm not gonna repeat what everybody else said.


I know.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I thought the movie was, it was fine. You know, it was just a sign of the times in terms of a lot of the stuff that was portrayed in there.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But I think it is part of those movies where it's just. Here's a view into this life.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's not some big grand story, which I mean, being realistic, these big grand stories of these movies that we're used to watching, those are very unrealistic and they never happen.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But I think that's why we enjoy them because it takes us into that fantasy and to, sometimes it's a bit jarring to just watch a movie that's That has no point, cause it's just showing you life, you know, like sometimes it has no point.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like if I, if somebody were to make a movie about what I did last week, it would be boring.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's what this was. Not that it was boring, but it wasn't this big. Yeah, the first like, 3 quarts.


A little bit boring. And boring parts. But not, but I.


Alright, it was.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But, but, yeah, so that's, how I felt about it.


I think that is a perfect concluding review of it.


I agree. Yes, Miss.

[Aric Maiden]:

Just raising your hand.


I, that is a good way to definitely. Oh, sorry. I was just gonna mention that, I know we kind of got to at 1 point about talking about the end and everything but When they shared about the movie that they watch and then they had the one woman from the movie that like fell down and looked like she died.


That's Trying to think if they were gonna portray the same thing that happened to the lady that was in the car.



[Aric Maiden]:



Yeah, like. Was that one movie? In the movie, the other lady just like fell down and looked like she died and then.

[Aric Maiden]:

It was laughing though. I think that was Vincent Price, by the way. In the tomb of Lyjia, which is an Edgar Allan Poe.



[Aric Maiden]:

Sure story


You know what? It could, yeah, I, my computer was watching it later and it was so dark I couldn't really see.


But, I was just trying to see if they were trying to play into both. So now I feel like.


Speaking of very end of the movie. The woman pulling the shades down that was Marty's mom Who was also in Goodfellas.




Bye bye.


She played the mom. I think it was Joe Pesci's mom that they went. I have, so he puts his mom in the movies, which Dorable.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh yeah. With her

[Fahad Qureshi]:



I mean, come on.

[Aric Maiden]:

Apparently he was in this movie somewhere, but I didn't catch it.


I didn't see him either.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Did you all see in the cast list that David Carradine and Robert Kerry?

[Aric Maiden]:

The hood. Okay, ask if you recognized anyone else in the movie, but They.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

We're both in. I know they were half broad. I didn't even know they were related.


Who are they?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I should have thought of that. Carrot in, but.

[Aric Maiden]:

David Kirting and Robert Curtin. I don't think I know Robert Kirting, but he was the kid.

[Aric Maiden]:

That shot the drunk and David Carating was the drunk.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, how could you not know who you like? You didn't know who Robert Kardine was in the movie or in general.



[Aric Maiden]:

Do I know him in general?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh my god, he's the main guy Lewis for revenge of the



[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, really?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

One with Anthony Edwards, the 2 main nerds. Yeah, that's Robert Carey.



[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Lizzie Maguire's dad.

[Aric Maiden]:

Dark hair, glass.


Oh my gosh, no kidding.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, Lizzie McGuire's dad. I love that. That's how you do in Shelley.


That's right.

[Aric Maiden]:

Well, now I need to put this movie back on and just pause on that scene with Because he did not with a long blonde hair, he did not look like that guy.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



I know.



[Aric Maiden]:

I thought that was interesting though because first of all, they're actually half brothers so one brother needs to shoot the other one.



[Aric Maiden]:

They probably thought that was really fun. Plus, David Carroting, it was kind of, he's just credited as drunk.

[Aric Maiden]:

He's like not even a character, but I looked it up and he was already starring in Kung Fu that series that he was on for years.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

So he was kind of, you know, he was in people's homes on TV every single week.

[Aric Maiden]:

But that plays, you know, a drunk in this movie and gets shot.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I did not recognize either of them in the movie that it was them, but only looking at the IMDB.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, wait a second.

[Aric Maiden]:





My favorite thing about talking about these movies is that I end up liking the movies even more after talking about them.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

It's true. Start to work things out.


Like, well, then that makes me love it. These 2 brothers get to shoot each other. You put them in.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. So they actually were family. Yeah.





[Fahad Qureshi]:




[Aric Maiden]:

Well, do you think it's that time?


Anybody else have anything that else that they want to add before we? Eric, it's that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

But, Yeah.


Time again.








Let's start over. Okay, it's that time again for

[Aric Maiden]:



We close each episode with the recast game. Where we each play testing director and choose a different actor from any era living or dead to portray a character in the film.


In this film instead. Sorry, got my old eyes.

[Aric Maiden]:

Instead. It runs, you can't skip the run.


Let me try that again.

[Aric Maiden]:

Poetry. Yeah.


Oh, you see a motion.


Okay. Where we each play casting director and choose a different

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh no!


After from any era to portray a character in this film in

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh no! So are you, Shelley, you froze. Yeah.


Oh boy. Hello.

[Aric Maiden]:





Not the fuck?





[Aric Maiden]:




[Fahad Qureshi]:

Eric, you're keeping that in there. I'm just kidding. Yeah. And that'll be the trailer.



[Aric Maiden]:

Do what the fun.





[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. Yeah.








That's what this episode can be called.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:



There's a full man.




We closed each episode with the recast game where we each play casting director and choose a different actor from any era living or dead to portray.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, it's alright.


To portray a character in this film instead. First up is

[Aric Maiden]:



Hmm, Eric.

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, so. I decided I was glad that Fahd brought him up earlier in this recording because I wanted to recast the flamboyant gay guy in the back of the car.

[Fahad Qureshi]:




[Aric Maiden]:

Because he was very entertaining and I really thought he was gonna get killed but somehow he was able to walk away.

[Aric Maiden]:

He sashay away down the street. Good killed by somebody else. But, so I wanted to put a face to him that I recognize that would have played the character.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Even more funny. And there's an actor named Jack Plotnik that I want to recast him with.

[Aric Maiden]:

I couldn't even figure out who played this character in the first place. Cause I went to the castle and was like, I don't know if that person got a name, I don't see.


They didn't credit him?

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know, maybe. He was just an actual gay guy that they picked up off the street.


That's bugs.



[Aric Maiden]:

He was He, he couldn't even see the camera and he's like, what's going on with you guys?



[Aric Maiden]:

No. So, Jack Plotnik, I don't think You guys will know him, but he's appeared in a lot of stuff, but if you watched Grace and Frankie, you may have.

[Aric Maiden]:

See him as a side character. But he's a very talented actor. He's very funny and he's in one of my all time favorite movies, Girls Will Be Girls.

[Aric Maiden]:

Which is an all drag cast and it's a very good time and someday I might heavy all watch it.


Hmm. Alright, awesome. Next up is Spad.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, thank you. I decided to recast Charlie. With Robert Pattinson.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Cause I think it, you could play that kind of. Charming. Lower wrong mob person.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It would be interesting to see him in a part like this. Eric, I know you've seen him and a few more serious roles.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I haven't yet, but So I kind of picture that. That's what I've been told by you.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, he's actually a pretty good actor.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Honestly, the other one that was in my head, but it was way too obvious. Apologies at a time if I just stole somebody's and said that was Leonard Leonardo Dicaprio years ago being Charlie.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

To follow along. Courses. Muse thing if you were to make it like 10 years ago, Leo would have been perfect.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, yeah, yeah.



[Aric Maiden]:



Yes, perfect. And that goes along perfectly because my recast I was gonna recast Johnny Boy. And if I was thinking if I made this movie today who would I put in that role, someone that could be annoying and inseparable.


So sorry if you like this man, but. Thank you, Perry Styles.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. Okay.




So we could make this movie now with Robert Pattinson and Harry Styles.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. Oh my gosh, like all the twins who have grown up like over the last 10 years would flock to watch that movie.

[Aric Maiden]:



Yeah. Alright, now let's hear risk.


Okay, so. I don't know if it's gonna seem like the obvious pick, but.


The kind of character that D is playing for as of Johnny Boy. I'd like to see, could set locally,


I would say someone who plays a careless play person as well like, Joe Peschi, I feel like would do a good job.


I kind of would like to see what kind of


Turn he would do for it because yeah, cause how usually plays a hothead and just kind of how if you would be little bit more.


Thank you.


Joe Pesci now or Joe Pesch Pesci, 50 years ago.


15 years ago. It's 5 years ago, no 50. Yeah.






Have a teasing. I didn't see that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Before way before he was a wet bandit.




That's great. Oh, I love that movie.


Alright, Takia, last but not least.


Awesome. I chose to recant Charlie. With Leo the Cap.


So, yeah. Does. I don't know.




I saw him. Bye. In that way like I saw I remember the movie I saw with him on He played a very well, being spared a character there.


So that's my mind. I thought, oh, I'm just seeing this role. So yeah.


So Leo now or Leo 50 years ago. I'm just kidding.


Okay. Oh, Leo! So I don't have a deal now as well. He like never ages, Harley.


I mean, he's, yeah, it is, yeah, he always has a boyish look.


I can say now, yeah.


So yeah



[Aric Maiden]:

I think he's aged a lot.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I don't know if you can play a 24 year old, but






No, I don't know.

[Aric Maiden]:

I mean, it's fine, everyone ages, but I just miss. The pretty pretty pretty Leo.

[Aric Maiden]:

That Yeah, but also he was he was always very pretty they call it in the gate community they call it tweak death when you used to be this pretty, little twink and now you're like a dad.


You mean skinny Leo?


Yeah, maybe.





[Aric Maiden]:







That'll think it was I don't think it was as obvious aged as JTT.


They said a picture recently. You guys see that picture of him?

[Aric Maiden]:

I heard he was outside but




I don't know about recent.


He was outside, he looked about 50 years, 56 years old. I mean, that's my, but he looks very


He's like, okay, he's orange. I know because I had a big cross with them when I was a little bit.


I thought he sorry.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Sorry He looks our age too. He looks like he's in his forties. He's also not in Hollywood.


He's, you know, his face is positive.


We all get old.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

He's not in Hollywood. He's been out of Hollywood. So he has an excuse to look like a normal person.


So my point is I thought the o can be a little better now as aged.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Leo. In Hollywood and yeah.


No. I don't know about that, but I'm not sure.


Oh, Okay. Maybe you loses a little round the little round, Dr. Who Sethicals.




They look better. You know, he has like little brown glasses on and that picture. That, that's where I'm spectacle.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Doctor Who Spectacles.


Yeah. Hello.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Doctor who doesn't wear glasses. David, I guess sometimes, didn't, did he ever wear, he wore like 3D glasses.


Bye. Okay, I don't know about it. Hey. Maybe that was okay.

[Aric Maiden]:



Maybe Jonathan Taylor, Thomas like 3D glasses. Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



He's wearing like little round glasses like a little old man. That's been doing justice.


Thank you. Could be cute.


They couldn't last us off. He'll be like. Okay. Anyway.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So in summary, Takia, your recap for Charlie is Leonardo Dicaprio.


Yes. Oh, I said I said in summary. Did I say that?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

No, no, I'm just summing up everything we just talked about for the last like. Okay.


Yes, yes, yeah, I, yeah, just. Yes Okay. Okay.


Alright, well, thank you all for those. Recasts and it is time to rate the movie.


So open up your chat and enter your number. 0 through 5. And raise your thumb and Fahad will count us down to


Right them.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. Give me a thumbs up as soon as you all are ready and I need a moment.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Is this in the system? No. Where is Thumpkin? Where is Thumpkin?

[Aric Maiden]:

Here I am. Here I am. How are you today, sir? Very fine.



[Aric Maiden]:

I thank you, Ron. Oh, wait. Did you guys do that in school?



[Fahad Qureshi]:




[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, good.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know how I keep on putting my thumb up because I know I'm ready.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

To key is your thumb up.

[Aric Maiden]:

How do you know on camera, girl?


Yeah. I haven't probably like this. Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, so on the row of 0 hit enter. 3 2 1 0.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I can't hit after there. Why was this gonna be like the closest 10, Ruth, you and I tide.

[Aric Maiden]:




[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's the first. I think that's the first for all of us.


Eric and I tied.

[Aric Maiden]:





That was a

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Sally, if you could read to me.


Alrighty, Eric gave it a 3. Ruth, A 3.2 5, Takia a 2.5.


Me, a 3 and fad a 3.2 5.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay. So.


Yeah, that's the first time we ever had the same score. The same.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. Wow. The average is a solid 3.



[Aric Maiden]:

Okay. Which is what Shelley and I rated it so we know what we're talking about.


Alright. Okay. We know what we're talking about.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, yeah, that is correct. You guys are just average.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Aric Maiden]:

What? The movie?

[Fahad Qureshi]:




[Aric Maiden]:

We didn't read ourselves. We should maybe in the future rate our performance on the recording.

[Fahad Qureshi]:




[Aric Maiden]:

Why is it across the bar?


Okay. Okay.


All right, well thank you everyone for watching my movie. We are taking a break for the holidays.


So Takia's first movie of the next cycle will be a January surprise.

[Aric Maiden]:



I declare this episode of Old Fogies and Films Concluded. Thank you for joining us.




You can find us on Facebook and find our list on Letterbox. Don't forget to leave a comment or review.


Everyone say 'Ciao!'



[Aric Maiden]:

Oh. That was better. It's better. I think that was the best yet.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, just can't do it, but it was okay. Cause I was so loud I drowned everybody else's office out.



[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, that's your new. You're do a method.


Not too early.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, no, I don't wanna be the only one, ha!




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