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25. Crypto Investing 101
Episode 2524th May 2022 • Seeking Alpha • Seeking Alpha Pod
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This episode is for the people out there who want to learn more about investing in crypto, but have no idea where to begin. I'm joined by Jennifer Tonge, who not only works in gaming and is an entrepreneur with her own business, but has gotten her start in crypto investing. Join me as Jennifer details what made her interested in crypto, how she chooses to invest, what sources she follows, and more.

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Welcome to the meadow woman podcast. We address the


issues, opportunities and challenges facing women in the


development of the metaverse the biggest revolution since the


internet itself. Every week we bring you conversations with top


female talent and business executives operating in the


gaming and crypto industries. Here's your host Lindsey the


boss POS, the meta woman podcast starts now.

Lindsay Poss:

Hello, and welcome to the men and women podcast

Lindsay Poss:

part of the holodeck media Podcast Network. I'm your host

Lindsay Poss:

Lindsay The Boss Boss. From struggle to success. We're

Lindsay Poss:

covering it all. Returning listeners, thank you so much for

Lindsay Poss:

supporting the show. I so enjoy getting your feedback. Thank you

Lindsay Poss:

all so much for being supportive and wonderful. For the new

Lindsay Poss:

listeners. Welcome. I hope you enjoy and I hope you'll come

Lindsay Poss:

back next week. We're gonna have so much fun today with our

Lindsay Poss:

guests. Jennifer tongue. Did I say that right tongue,


tongue, your tongue.

Lindsay Poss:

So Jennifer has her own coach coaching and

Lindsay Poss:

consulting business. She's the owner and curator of the online

Lindsay Poss:

boutique celestial body and is in the programming partnerships

Lindsay Poss:

and internal operations manager for sugar gamers. You may

Lindsay Poss:

remember from our very first episode when we had sugar gamers

Lindsay Poss:

founder Keisha Howard. She's also a merchant and crypto

Lindsay Poss:

investor, which is what we're going to talk about today.

Lindsay Poss:

Jennifer, welcome to the show. Just start I'd love for you to

Lindsay Poss:

give the audience a bit of yourself your background because

Lindsay Poss:

it is varied and I know I didn't cover it all.


No problem. You did a great job of Hello, everyone. I


am Jennifer Tong, Colorado born and raised. But Chicago has been


my home for the last 20 some years. The Palo Bondi Emerson


College alumni for grad school. And I thoroughly enjoyed my time


in both cities respectively and had the opportunity to meet


amazing people. And so my best thing dearest friends and


colleagues during that time, profession professionally, over


the last 15 or so years, I've worked in a multitude of


industries, most prominently in digital and traditional media


including social media, eCommerce technology and of


course gaming. I've held various positions within all of those


ranging from visual artistry consultant to brand manager,


Program Manager operations strategy, HR columnist for local


publications, like you name it, I probably done it. And today I


come to you, as they now part of my consultancy for professional


thought partnership, brand management process consulting


and visual branding and identity. I am the owner of


celestial body shop a body Jordan acestui boutique, as well


as a crypto enthusiast and self taught investor which brings me


to you today.

Lindsay Poss:

Yes, which I'm so excited about because I really

Lindsay Poss:

well, I guess I really want to start by painting a picture of

Lindsay Poss:

where women and especially minority women are with crypto

Lindsay Poss:

investing. I'm so excited to find you and to talk to you

Lindsay Poss:

about this. And it's a little bit difficult to find exact

Lindsay Poss:

data. And of course, anecdotally, we know that women

Lindsay Poss:

and and minorities are underrepresented in in the

Lindsay Poss:

crypto space. But according to one survey done by CNBC, men are

Lindsay Poss:

twice as likely to invest in crypto as women. This varies

Lindsay Poss:

greatly by region. One survey done in Turkey actually showed

Lindsay Poss:

an even distribution of men and women investors in crypto. In

Lindsay Poss:

the US, it's more of the two to one. There's some obvious

Lindsay Poss:

disparities in many other regions in the world. One survey

Lindsay Poss:

had some interesting results. And I'm going to read a quote

Lindsay Poss:

here, according to a recent study by block phi focused on

Lindsay Poss:

the shifting attitudes towards cryptocurrency 92% of the women

Lindsay Poss:

surveyed here have heard about crypto with almost one in 420 4%

Lindsay Poss:

Already owning some, in contrast, 80% still find it

Lindsay Poss:

difficult to understand, and 72% believe investing is too risky.

Lindsay Poss:

So we can see that there's some hesitancy and attitudes in that

Lindsay Poss:

a lot. While a lot of women are aware of crypto, there's not a

Lindsay Poss:

lot of excitement around it. I want to talk to you today about

Lindsay Poss:

how you've been wading into the world of crypto, how you've

Lindsay Poss:

processed the huge dealers of information, and what things you

Lindsay Poss:

found that you actually like. I think part of the scariest part

Lindsay Poss:

of investing is that there's both way too much information

Lindsay Poss:

and not enough information. And it's just so hard to figure out

Lindsay Poss:

what you yourself need and where to find those. So I'm thinking

Lindsay Poss:

of this as a crypto investing 101 session. And the usual

Lindsay Poss:

disclaimer, none of this is investment advice, but this can

Lindsay Poss:

give you the tools to maybe go out and do some research on your

Lindsay Poss:

own. So I want to start with the obvious what drew you into

Lindsay Poss:

crypto investing? Really just


pure curiosity. I remember around like 2012 2013


as hearing a lot more about Bitcoin and this new currency


that was changing the financial landscape and honestly, I just


did not understand it at all. I didn't get the hype and see how


people were are just throwing money at something that was not


tangible and no guarantee for return just a lot of like wise


and house houses even work. And I did look a little bit more


into like, Okay, well how much is how I came across Coinbase.


And then I hit a big decision of do I really want to risk


putting, like some of my, like hard earned cash like at this


time in my life, I was just getting settled in the career


track, really enjoying where I was, and felt like I worked


really hard to get, you know, these little coins that I got


here, I don't want to just give them away and like see what


happens, you know? Which is that that risk that you're speaking


about before? And so I did not invest in Bitcoin at that time.


And I still continue to watch it and you know, see how like


fluctuates up and downs for the years to come. And then it was


around about like 2020 20, I think is when I really like


started to consider like maybe I should look at this a little bit


more. I think it was around like October or November when Bitcoin


really had that like breakout and it like crossed like the


15,000 mark verging on like 20,000. And I was like, Ah, I


probably should have put that 100 bucks in like a couple of


years ago, you know. So 2020 was literally 2020 For me, and I


kicked myself in the butt multiple times, like, I could


have a couple of extra 1000 Right now, if I had been willing


to get past my own perceptions of financials, and risk and


everything that's associated with that and just be like,


Okay, here I go. But let me take that risk and might take the


job, because I think things would be a little bit different


if I had done that. So that's that's really just how I got


more involved with the investing piece. It was just knowing that


I missed out on that opportunity a few years ago. So from then


forward, I started looking at like a theory and some of the


other coins that were starting to be considered stable and get


into investing that way.

Lindsay Poss:

That makes sense. I remember my freshman year of

Lindsay Poss:

college, a lot of my dorm mates and floor mates were buying

Lindsay Poss:

their first crypto, their first Bitcoins for around four to

Lindsay Poss:

$500. Yeah, coin. And at the time, I thought no way. That's,

Lindsay Poss:

you know, I was 18 years old No way. Definitely didn't have

Lindsay Poss:

$400. That's a lot


at that time, like at that time. Five $4. Like,

Lindsay Poss:

over half of my net worth. I have worked a whole

Lindsay Poss:

week for that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So I do remember and I

Lindsay Poss:

have been thinking about that as I got ready to prepare for this

Lindsay Poss:

podcast, because obviously, it's a lot easier to say now. Oh,

Lindsay Poss:

yeah, I should have just spent the $400. But yeah, 18, that was

Lindsay Poss:

a lot of money.


So like, they say Hindsight is very clear and very


bright when you look back at everything.

Lindsay Poss:

So speaking of that, one of the biggest

Lindsay Poss:

problems I have is that there's just so much info out there.

Lindsay Poss:

Yeah, just Googling How to Invest can lead you down a crazy

Lindsay Poss:

rabbit hole. You can try to talk to people on Discord or Reddit,

Lindsay Poss:

but that usually just makes the problem worse and sort of

Lindsay Poss:

running into crypto fanatics. And it's just so hard to figure

Lindsay Poss:

out what sources of information I know you mentioned Coinbase is

Lindsay Poss:

one Yeah. How did you begin to determine what resources were

Lindsay Poss:

actually helpful? And what do you look for?


You know, just like you, I went down like the


Reddit, the Reddit black hole, you know, once you find one


interesting post, it just kind of keep circling down. I looked


at those I was looking at medium. I consider them more


like what are the streets saying? Because there are so


many different like entry points into the space, so many coins,


tokens and others that are active and making moves like


which where should I be focusing my attention? So I actually went


to those that I trusted, so Wall Street Journal, Forbes, New York


Times Black Enterprise like Investopedia I started kind of


looking at like coins and are sorry, coin market scan, or cap


rather. Ether scan is what I was thinking about and some of those


others like platforms and information sources that are


looking at facts than they are like what's trendy at the time


and what's the height and I started to use that as a


foundation for what can I trust in the news and use it as a


filter for what's crap, what's a possible scam and what is


something that you can actually you'd like to create income from


a passive income from, if you will. And, yeah, so I'm not


saying that those sites are good. But if I would definitely,


like, approach them with a little bit of caution, because


it's, you know, it's not necessary, like fact checker


data checked, if you will, but it is a good way to determine if


you're one, as I've seen what the streets are saying, and then


to going back to the sources that you've always trusted, and


you felt like you could rely on for valuable invaluable



Lindsay Poss:

You know, it's kind of a good, broader media

Lindsay Poss:



Is it fake news? Is it or is it true? Because you on on


many of those you come across some that are that they might


feel like they're scams or pyramid schemes or something


like that. And so I did take the extra steps of do I feel? Is


this a scam? Okay, let me look into it some more. And then deep


dive into it like is, is it something that's a fad? Is it


something where the site's up for a few months, and all of a


sudden, it's gone and down, and people ran away with whatever


money that they had, and they're on to the next big thing. So


definitely, like, take your caution. But I would I defaulted


to that. The sources that I trusted already.

Lindsay Poss:

That makes sense. And in speaking of, you know,

Lindsay Poss:

taking caution, any investment is associated with some type of

Lindsay Poss:

risk. So I do think it's an oversimplification to say that

Lindsay Poss:

crisp Krypto is the riskiest or to give any superlative. Yeah,

Lindsay Poss:

but this is, this is definitely a new market. And there's been a

Lindsay Poss:

lot of changes in the past couple years, seeing, you know,

Lindsay Poss:

coins kind of rise and fall, and now I have NF T's. And women

Lindsay Poss:

tend to generally be more risk averse, which I think might be

Lindsay Poss:

one of the reasons why investing in crypto is not necessarily an

Lindsay Poss:

attractive option. Yeah, but how do you kind of assess the risk

Lindsay Poss:

of crypto? And how did you get comfortable to actually make

Lindsay Poss:

that jump and start investing?


Oh, you know, like, most I, too, am actually very


risk averse. When it comes to finances, you're not gonna say,


Oh, I worked hard for that. I want to just throw it away, you


know. And so I actually approached it twofold. So one, I


made it a point to get very sorry, more familiar with


financial investing as a whole. So if you look at like the


fluctuation of crypto, it rises and it falls just like the stock


market just a lot faster, a lot more volatile. So I made an


effort just to like learn how to read the the candlestick charts,


and what are some of these terms and strategies that are


applicable within the, if you will, most comfortably, I think,


is the day trading space. And then I applied those same


learnings over to are crypto, not just Bitcoin. And so also,


along with that, I can kind of equate it to gambling, at least


I do, sometimes, in my own mind. And I say to myself, like, I am


gonna go to a casino, I am willing to take the risk and


lose X amount of dollars that can be $100 $500 $1,000,


whatever that you are, if this case I am comfortable with at


that time, then that's the amount of budget that I set for


myself. And I say, I'm going to, in this case, gamble on XYZ


coins for so many dollars. And if they fail, they totally tank.


That's okay. Because I knew in my mind upfront going into this


that I was willing to risk that amount. And if part of it fails,


but then let's say another coin does really good. That's okay.


Because then at that point, like I balanced out, but in that


through that whole process, I'm still learning what I'm


comfortable with and what risks I'm willing to take in that next


investment cycle that I might do. So to answer your question,


but two parts of that one, I think it's really important to


educate yourself purely in just the financial space. And in


going to those, as I say, like those resources and outlets that


you trust to get your information, especially those


that are more prominent within the financial space. And then to


if you want to jump into it, but you have fears that yourself a


budget, and and within that budget, maybe allocate two to


three maybe to five coins that you feel comfortable with.


Playing with, for lack of a better word, and then go for it


and just take the jump, at least you know, like with this $500 I


might get $1,000 return or I might lose 200 of it. But I'm


still comfortable. I'm not setting myself up for more


failure, if you will.

Lindsay Poss:

Yeah, I think that setting a budget definitely

Lindsay Poss:

makes sense. What are some of the platforms you actually use?

Lindsay Poss:

was to find coins or invest in coins.


I look at Coinbase still like it's it. To me, that


was the first site that I was introduced to as an exchange for


crypto. And over the years, they've been sharing a lot more


information. They have a multitude of resources available


to introductory investors and those who are a little bit more


advanced with their pro trading platform. And then separate from


that I look at, as I say, ether scan Investopedia. Coin market


cap, I look at YouTube, again, is kind of one of those sites,


you have to be a little

Lindsay Poss:

careful about very wary.


Yes. But there is and I hope I don't butcher the name of


the channel, I think it's called crypto infographics. They not


only explain how certain coins work, but they also dive into


maybe the impact on the environment, which is something


that a lot of people don't talk about, or the history of the


coin, how it's been performing through the years, that kind of


thing. But can you just be like a quick snapshot? YouTube can be


okay, again, approach with caution. But, you know, also,


something I did want to mention is that something that I started


to do over the years, and especially within the last few


months is I look at, I make a point rather to look at one


article a day that is related to crypto in the crypto space just


so I can keep my mind fresh. And through that, that's I've kind


of learned like, okay, drip, one of those where I'm like, I don't


know, drip was really big a couple of months ago. And now


it's from my last time I checked, it started to fall off


a bit. And it's one of those like, you make a lot of money


really quickly. And then you take her out. Now there's one I


was just reading in medium called fishing, I think it is


fish coin. And it seems like there I didn't read the full


article that seems like they're following into this, like


farming, sort of passive income approach, which is also


something that I've been like looking into and trying to


understand myself. So yeah, the more of press that in, the more


like keep your foot at least within the space and like keep


your mind fresh with that. I think that's the easiest way to


learn about not only what's happening, but new coins that


are coming out, and then get a better feel for what you


personally feels like you can or cannot trust and then make your


decisions that way.

Lindsay Poss:

Yeah, I mean, that makes a lot of sense. And yeah,

Lindsay Poss:

this is exactly why I wanted to do it because I have looked at

Lindsay Poss:

Coinbase before and just sort of shut up quickly. Because I get

Lindsay Poss:

overwhelmed. But it is good to know that it's possible to parse

Lindsay Poss:

through this and work through it. I do actually subscribe to a

Lindsay Poss:

good newsletter written by friend of the show, Greg

Lindsay Poss:

landjaeger, called bid digest that has all of the market

Lindsay Poss:

fluctuations. Usually it's actually at multiple, daily

Lindsay Poss:

Monday through Friday. And then he also puts in all of the

Lindsay Poss:

crypto news. He does like the top three stories of the day in

Lindsay Poss:

crypto, which I find I do actually find that really

Lindsay Poss:

helpful. That's how I learned all about the XE infinity hack.

Lindsay Poss:

Which was, yeah, there's a lot of good things linked in there.

Lindsay Poss:

And yeah, wild story for any of you who have listened to the

Lindsay Poss:

podcast, the Lazarus heist, it's the same people. Oh, nice. Yeah.

Lindsay Poss:

It was Lazarus group again. But yeah, if you don't know what I'm

Lindsay Poss:

talking about, I highly recommend the Lazarus heist

Lindsay Poss:

podcast by the BBC. It is just wildly interesting on a group of

Lindsay Poss:

cyber hackers from North Korea. So for those of you into

Lindsay Poss:

cybersecurity, it's the podcast for you. But anyways, back to

Lindsay Poss:

crypto. How do you see so we have all this information laid

Lindsay Poss:

out and now everyone knows to go to coin base for investing. But

Lindsay Poss:

how do you see the crypto market growing or shrinking in the next

Lindsay Poss:

few years? Again, this isn't investment advice, but more so

Lindsay Poss:

just an opinion question about where you see the future of

Lindsay Poss:

crypto going, especially with the development of the metaverse

Lindsay Poss:

and web three stuff and everyone in their mothers talking about

Lindsay Poss:

blockchain here. A lot of potential but there's a lot of

Lindsay Poss:

different ways it can go and we've seen so much negative

Lindsay Poss:

press and then the so many enthusiast saying like no, this

Lindsay Poss:

is the future and I'm just kind of wondering sort of where you

Lindsay Poss:

fall on that scale and what what the growths that you see what

Lindsay Poss:

you're excited for is, um,


I'm definitely excited for the growth more so than I am


apprehensive in any way. You're right like web three meta, like


that whole space is just being taken over by it. I was reading


a article in the business of fashion, I think it was about


how the brand off white is going to start taking crypto as a


payment in some of their flagship stores internationally.


So I see this becoming more of a like real world, Tinder than it


is just a virtual one. But even in my condo building downtown


and the convenience store that's located in the bottom, they have


a crypto of Bitcoin specifically ATM machine. So Wow. Yeah. So I


see, like infiltrating our everyday reality, more and more,


especially within like the E commerce space. And anything


that we're you're going to have to exchange Tinder for an


offering other goods or services? For sure. And, oh, the


mayor of New York isn't? Didn't he take like, first? Yeah, yeah,



Lindsay Poss:

accepting part of his payment and

Lindsay Poss:

cryptocurrencies. Yeah.


I just can't myself, the sun is like, wash me out my


bed. But yeah, I see the reality of sorry, I see reality having a


place within the crypto sphere, if you will. So I mean, who


knows, maybe in three years, you're going to be paying for a


coffee at Starbucks with Aetherium? You know, like, you


never know. But I do definitely see more of an expansion in the


use and the applications of it than I do see it dwindling, like


anytime soon, ever.

Lindsay Poss:

Do you think that there'll be a few dominant coins

Lindsay Poss:

the way Bitcoin and Aetherium are now or do you think I mean,

Lindsay Poss:

I always I struggle with this comparison. But I do compare the

Lindsay Poss:

crypto space a lot to the kind of development of social media

Lindsay Poss:

and how I mean, it's kind of a usual tech cycle right? Of,

Lindsay Poss:

there's a bunch of small players, and then a few big

Lindsay Poss:

players emerge, and then they buy up the small players. And

Lindsay Poss:

this is a cycle I've talked about in the show several times.

Lindsay Poss:

And we've seen that in the social media space. And we're

Lindsay Poss:

talking about a cross border good again, right now, the

Lindsay Poss:

International good the same way social media is, do you think

Lindsay Poss:

that Bitcoin and Aetherium will kind of remain King? Or do you

Lindsay Poss:

think that maybe countries will develop their own sets of

Lindsay Poss:

cryptocurrency that are comfortable in the same way we

Lindsay Poss:

have different forms of fiat currency? Like, what? How do you

Lindsay Poss:

see? Or what do you think about how that's gonna play out? This

Lindsay Poss:

is all conjecture, but just for fun?


Both really? Yeah, so of course, I think there's gonna


be like the three to five key players. I mean, just like years


ago, when Visa, MasterCard, those cards started to come out.


And then like, now they're accepted everywhere, right,


globally. Same thing I think will happen with Ethereum and


Bitcoin for sure. I'm not sure about some of the others, maybe


salona is having a really popular uptick right now. But I


see both happening. So I almost see Bitcoin and at least maybe


like two to three of them becoming a global Tinder. So


when we were in Africa, I think I think it was in South Africa.


I was hearing conversations down the bar from us about like, how


they were considering despite accepting like Bitcoin payment


for and this was a smaller business to it sounds like how


they're considering accepting bitcoin payment for payment of


services. Like, okay, you know, that makes a lot of sense,


especially for me, American, if I'm traveling somewhere, and I


need to have an emergency service done on my car, or I'm


really interested in purchasing souvenirs or whatever, for some


reason, I don't have enough local currency, if I find out


that they're able to take Bitcoin or Aetherium, or


Cardano, or something like that. Great, because then that still


means I'm able to enjoy my experience as a traveler, even


if I don't have the local currency on me. And that company


or business rather, is still able to make their profits and


continue on with their, with their journey. So I see that


happening. But then also, from the more local perspective,


companies are sorry, countries like Thailand, India, China, of


course developing their own that can be used internally. If, for


whatever reason, the hands on cash isn't available. So I see


both happening. And then you're gonna throw in the metaverse


with it and international transactions that can come into


their business meetings, if you will, or what have you. There's,


it's limitless to what can happen here. And I think it can


only behoove us as a global economy to start accepting it


more and more as forms of payment, because I think it can


do more to connect us than to divide us. If you

Lindsay Poss:

oh, let's talk more about that. So do you think

Lindsay Poss:

awareness to crypto helps or hinders its value? And I'm more

Lindsay Poss:

so mean? I guess I want to talk about that in two ways. First is

Lindsay Poss:

the straight up value of it. And the second is the fluctuations

Lindsay Poss:

in value. So do you think greater awareness or more people

Lindsay Poss:

on board? I would imagine that that would be an aid but I don't

Lindsay Poss:

know the the mechanism and in why

Lindsay Poss:

Yeah, and obviously all of this is hard to actually predict.

Lindsay Poss:

This changes every day


it is and probably when this comes out it's going to


tank or something.

Lindsay Poss:

We will, I don't know what the opposite of like

Lindsay Poss:

crossing your fingers is like, knock on wood, maybe there's no

Lindsay Poss:

correlation between this podcast and crypto markets even

Lindsay Poss:



Called a rabbit's foot and just hope.

Lindsay Poss:

Are you tracking NF T's in the NFT? Market at

Lindsay Poss:

all? I haven't


ventured into the NFT space too much. That one, you


know, just like Bitcoin did when it first started, it kind of


blows me. And mostly because I could still have the picture if


I wanted to. And I don't, I don't know. But I do see that it


could have value if you're looking to create community


around maybe the idea of a particular NFT. So the eighth


one, for example. I was in Vegas for CES earlier this year,


having a conversation with a investor who had the one of the


ape, NF T's. And he was sharing how in New York, and in Miami,


there are these like gatherings. They're like event party meeting


gatherings like hybrids, only for those who have one of these


NF T's. Yeah, so like that was really interesting to me,


because it kind of like creates community around one shared. I


consider it an asset but one one shared piece of interest, right?


So if you're incredibly interested in fine art, or


digital art, graphics, graffiti, or whatever, you could hold


something that the rest of the community and those who are very


interested in it. A piece that is not only a conversation


starter, but something that brings you together. And then


from there, you're growing in building conversations and who


knows what can come from that afterwards. So I like that piece


of it, but I am not going to spend several $1,000 on just the



Lindsay Poss:

Oh, no, you're not one of those gotten there yet. I

Lindsay Poss:

haven't gotten there yet. That makes me so sad. So many people

Lindsay Poss:

have compared it to real art. And I also I someone last week

Lindsay Poss:

compared it to a Gucci handbag which was much more apt for me,

Lindsay Poss:

as in you could own a knockoff or you could own the real thing.

Lindsay Poss:

That is true. And that's kind of a that is how I see it. And

Lindsay Poss:

obviously there's plenty of other affordable options in the

Lindsay Poss:

world of purses as there isn't nfts So I think that there's you

Lindsay Poss:

know, there is the board, APE Yacht Club level NFT purchase

Lindsay Poss:

and then there's smaller communities that uh, yeah, the

Lindsay Poss:

same thing you're kind of you're part of and I made a self

Lindsay Poss:

imposed rule that if you've ever owned a Funko Pops, I don't want

Lindsay Poss:

to know Your opinion on lefties? Because it's the same thing.

Lindsay Poss:

It's a digital asset that's collectible. It can be expensive

Lindsay Poss:

or it cannot. Well,


I do have a Funko Pop, but it was good to see it. Will


you be at least

Lindsay Poss:

a JPEG argument?


But you're right, though, so I will, I will. So


I'm like 25%, jpg 75% There's something tangible here, or


stainable, I guess, because you are owning, essentially the


rights to have that piece of art. So in that regard, okay, I


get it, especially in like our highly digital age now, where


art is more digital than it is on a piece of canvas in most


cases. So in that, yeah, I get you on that one.

Lindsay Poss:

I am also excited about the prospect of converting

Lindsay Poss:

a lot of our documentation and data systems in to NFT and

Lindsay Poss:

blockchain style solutions as someone who just went through

Lindsay Poss:

the home buying person well, I guess it's been about a year and

Lindsay Poss:

a half since I bought a home but the mountain of paperwork I had

Lindsay Poss:

to sign. I mean, it had to be like 300 pages. It would, it

Lindsay Poss:

took like an hour just to initial things. So I do look

Lindsay Poss:

forward to digital ownership in that regard to replacing paper

Lindsay Poss:

systems. I'm circling back to crypto crypto, though. We've

Lindsay Poss:

talked about the gender gap. And I've given some statistics on

Lindsay Poss:

that. But has there been anything you've directly seen or

Lindsay Poss:

felt when it comes to your foray into crypto investing? Um,


there, there is the oh, you've asked in crypto Oh, you


like crypto? But what do you know about crypto? Like there's


bad? Luckily, I haven't run any pure, like toxicity or


negativity? I hope I never do. But you never know. But yeah, if


anything, it's just more of a surprise that I even know what a


coin or token is, or that I can like, vaguely recap the


blockchain. Yeah, it's just more as a surprise that people are as


informed, especially women in the space are as informed as


they are about it. And, you know, I don't mind surprising


people. I don't. And I fully intend to keep surprising in


that space. If that's what that's what the expectation is.

Lindsay Poss:

Yeah, and truly, I hope that eventually, the

Lindsay Poss:

surprise will give way to a let's talk about it, instead of

Lindsay Poss:

you having to reach out and be the one that's let's talk about

Lindsay Poss:

it, you know, I hope that things can kind of normalize. And I

Lindsay Poss:

don't know, the curve flattens or whatever. But yeah, it's

Lindsay Poss:

definitely I mean, even in the tech sector at large, I still

Lindsay Poss:

feel like it's hard to look look different. True. That's very

Lindsay Poss:

true. Free.

Lindsay Poss:

No potential innovations, I suppose the more people that

Lindsay Poss:

it's open to the more people can look at it and figure out

Lindsay Poss:

something to do with it.


Right, exactly. Exactly that.

Lindsay Poss:

So what do you think would help more women and

Lindsay Poss:

minorities actually feel comfortable in the crypto world?

Lindsay Poss:

So we've talked about how good you know getting different

Lindsay Poss:

nationalities and different countries on board? would be but

Lindsay Poss:

then how do we do that? And even at home, like how do we do that

Lindsay Poss:

in the US? Yeah,


that that is a harder question to answer, because I


think in along with answering that we're battling systematic


ideals that have been put in place. Access, which is


difficult on its own, like to really be a player in the space


one, you've got to have good connectivity. And then the basic


knowledge to address the fears and the risk aversion that a lot


of women and minorities have to help them better understand that


one, you're not just giving your money to a mysterious computer


somewhere, you actually still do own it, and you still do have


control over it. So I think it's to kind of re engineer the


thought that goes into stepping into the space and overcoming


your fear of possibly that it's possible that you might lose


some funds. But at least if you do In a way that is managed and


contained so that the hurt isn't as bad for the individual could


help them to step into it more and be more adventurous as they


get more comfortable and more knowledgeable with it. But I


think first off, it's a lot of systematic things have been in


place and put against them access to it, and then also


having the liquid funds to even be able to comfortably say I'm


willing to risk $100 $200 $500 $1,000 In order


to possibly years later, or shirt short term, depending on


what kind of strategy you're taking, take that back and get


the return on top of it. Education I think is going to be


very important and and how that education knowledge is


disseminated across decimated rather across the the


populations has an impact as well. It's a heavy question to


answer really. And it starts with exposure, access. And,

Lindsay Poss:

yeah, you're completely right, that some of

Lindsay Poss:

it can be internal. And you can do some work getting

Lindsay Poss:

comfortable, I think it's a really smart piece of advice to

Lindsay Poss:

just decide an amount that you're willing to lose. As

Lindsay Poss:

someone who I've went to Las Vegas multiple times, and I've

Lindsay Poss:

only ever bid $20 each time because same thing that I

Lindsay Poss:

thought Damn, I'd rather have the $20 it is, I at least had a

Lindsay Poss:

lot of fun that way knowing how much I was going to lose. And

Lindsay Poss:

I'm at a point where I can probably risk more than $20. But

Lindsay Poss:

setting that expectation for yourself makes it a lot easier.

Lindsay Poss:

And you still might wind up a little sad at the end of the

Lindsay Poss:

day. But you can you can actually like look at it as a

Lindsay Poss:

learning experience rather than just being sad that it's gone.

Lindsay Poss:



I mean, like, you're right. People go to Vegas all


the time, they don't set themselves a budget, and then


they come home really sad. So and then also like the learning


part of it that you mentioned, you might lose your right, but


now you know how to play for the next time.

Lindsay Poss:

Right? Yeah, and that learning part is I think

Lindsay Poss:

the if you can separate yourself out from the loss like that's

Lindsay Poss:

the thing to me that is the most valuable for the next time or

Lindsay Poss:

even just to be able to talk about it or, or learn something

Lindsay Poss:

from someone else. Even if you've never wind up investing

Lindsay Poss:

back in crypto, but you eventually wind up one day

Lindsay Poss:

opening a wallet so you can pay for your Starbucks order. It

Lindsay Poss:

just makes it easier to get comfortable with the medium. So

Lindsay Poss:

before we get into our last little segment, I want to just

Lindsay Poss:

summarize some of what we talked about when it comes to finding

Lindsay Poss:

the right information. Coinbase is the platform he suggested for

Lindsay Poss:

coin tracking and also to actually purchase Buy Sell open

Lindsay Poss:

a wallet through Coinbase. I also really liked your advice to

Lindsay Poss:

go to media sources that you already trust. I know you

Lindsay Poss:

mentioned Investopedia, the Wall Street Journal, some of the more

Lindsay Poss:

storied reliable, I suppose yeah, news services or media

Lindsay Poss:

services. When it comes to the risk portion, we just went over

Lindsay Poss:

this. But definitely setting a limit for yourself being

Lindsay Poss:

comfortable with losing that limit. And taking what you can

Lindsay Poss:

learn from those losses or celebrating the gains as a way

Lindsay Poss:

of going into the next investment. When it comes to the

Lindsay Poss:

crypto market growing, the more people that we add into the

Lindsay Poss:

space, the more it can become an international tender. The more

Lindsay Poss:

innovation we can have, the more comfortable with more different

Lindsay Poss:

types of people will feel investing, which just kind of

Lindsay Poss:

opens the space to a lot more possibilities. I liked the point

Lindsay Poss:

that you made about how there's going to be both kind of in

Lindsay Poss:

house country currencies that become popular as well as some

Lindsay Poss:

global currencies that we all kind of rely on like Bitcoin and

Lindsay Poss:

ether. And I think Solana was the third one that you'd

Lindsay Poss:

mentioned. Gotcha. Yeah. So there's going to be that balance

Lindsay Poss:

between sort of international ones that we sort of see

Lindsay Poss:

everywhere, but then in country ones for maybe even specific

Lindsay Poss:

types of transactions. There's a lot of potential there. Yeah. We

Lindsay Poss:

talked a bit about the gender gap and how we just sort of hope

Lindsay Poss:

that it comes to a point where people don't look at you and

Lindsay Poss:

say, Oh, I'm so surprised. And instead they say, oh, let's talk

Lindsay Poss:

about it. So instead of you being the one to kind of reach

Lindsay Poss:

out and say like, Hey, it's not surprising, let's talk about it

Lindsay Poss:

that that conversation flows, and we kind of skip over that

Lindsay Poss:

bump at the beginning. And in terms of getting more people

Lindsay Poss:

into investing and getting them more into Metaverse like

Lindsay Poss:

experiences, just having internet access, having access

Lindsay Poss:

to liquid income. Fixing the systemic problems is really

Lindsay Poss:

where it starts. When it comes to the individual barriers just

Lindsay Poss:

getting comfortable in this space. Accepting that you might

Lindsay Poss:

lose a little but looking at it as a learning experience rather

Lindsay Poss:

than a loss is where those individual mindsets can come

Lindsay Poss:

about. But it's really going to take a whole lot of changes to

Lindsay Poss:

bring people in on mass. So the last section that I like to do

Lindsay Poss:

is a chance for you to kind of think about all the experiences

Lindsay Poss:

you've had and give advice to folks out there who are looking

Lindsay Poss:

to put themselves into a similar space that you're in. So the

Lindsay Poss:

question I like to ask is, what is one thing you would like to

Lindsay Poss:

tell your younger self or even yourself from just two years

Lindsay Poss:

ago, about getting into crypto and being successful?


Just do it. I like it. Just do it still being a wuss


and just talking to myself? Yeah,

Lindsay Poss:

that's good advice, though. Truly,


yeah. Don't be scared of fear, think you're never


going to get anywhere. If you can't create change. And the


same things over and over again. There's a multitude of options


and opportunities that are out there within the crypto space to


comfortably interject yourself. You can learn this at your own


pace. There's classes now, of course, I'm sure but when I was


in school, there wasn't this was made in the city of existence.


So feel free, comfortable and confident to learn at your own


pace. And if not, that means like learning a word a day, go


for it. Learn one strategy or technique a day, learn about one


coin a day. And don't own your overwhelm yourself. Because


there is as we talked about so much information, it can blow


your mind and making run for the hills. But just just dive in it,


that doesn't mean that you have to invest money, like right away


on day one, get more comfortable with it. Give yourself a


foundation that you feel strong and comfortable with. And then


look at the money part of it. And then look at the investing


piece to you want to get into staking does that work out


better for you? Do you want to start farming or mining? Do you


just want to watch and see what happens? Is there I mean bots,


something else we didn't even cover at all. But is there like


maybe a bot that works for you? And it can just manage your


portfolio for you? Yeah. Don't be scared. This isn't


necessarily going away tomorrow. It's probably not, in my opinion


going wait, in my lifetime. So it's either you get on the train


now. Otherwise, it's leaving you and it may possibly not come



Lindsay Poss:

Oh, I like that. Yeah, I think we talked we did

Lindsay Poss:

talk about the systematic issues. But you know, that

Lindsay Poss:

personal mindset of, of getting out there, it can be hard to

Lindsay Poss:

take that leap. But yeah, once you do, you don't have to be

Lindsay Poss:

like me and passed on $400 Bitcoins, that's for sure.


So yeah, not everyone gets the opportunity to say, Oh,


I missed this the first time. Let me come back the second time


because that train is not always going to be there. And I think


it's moving so quickly now. Like, get on board, get on board


and stay on board. You don't have to jump off but like,

Lindsay Poss:

yeah, thank you so much for coming on. Where can

Lindsay Poss:

people find you follow you if you want to be found and

Lindsay Poss:



Oh, sure, you can find and follow me. My Instagram is


Jen Nicole one. You can find me on celestial body dot shop. For


sure. I'm either, of course at Sugar gamers. And you can just


go to Jen for all the information about the


consultancy that we're working on.

Lindsay Poss:

So wonderful. For all of our listeners. Be sure

Lindsay Poss:

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Lindsay Poss:

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Lindsay Poss:

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Lindsay Poss:

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Lindsay Poss:

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Lindsay Poss:

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Lindsay Poss:

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Lindsay Poss:

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Lindsay Poss:

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