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Episode 153 – A Marriage in Time – Anna M. Aquino
29th October 2017 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:29:21

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Episode 153 Show Notes for Anna Aquino Interview #3

Well, today, we have a very special guest to our program. Anna Aquino with Dove Eagle Ministries has written a new book, just released, called “A Marriage in Time.”

Anna Aquino has appeared on TBN numerous times, she writes for Charisma as well…although she approaches these topics from a charismatic perspective – she was raised denominationally – so she can be relevant across the board…

Welcome to the program – Anna M. Aquino! You have so much “energy” – when I see you on TV or watch some of the videos of you on YouTube…are you like this all day everyday?

Anna, last time we talked about your book, “An Ember in Time.” And at the end of the program, you gave a little tease about your next book “A Marriage in Time” and told us it would be released soon.

ONE DIVINE ENCOUNTER that thrusts her into Biblical history, will change her life.

ONE TEMPTATION that ripples from her past, will force her to stop hiding behind pretense.

AND ONE ANGELIC ENCOUNTER will prepare her for her future.

Now, tell us what that means and give us the pretense of the book…

How long did it take you to write this book?

What was the release date again? So just a few days ago…

Any feedback on your book yet?

I already mentioned the book is on Amazon…any other outlets that people can order the book from?

SO, I guess the next question for you is: What’s next? What is your next project you are working on?

Anna, it’s been a joy to have you back again…it is always a refreshing interview with you…I really look forward to these interviews.


Cursing the Church or Helping It:

An Ember In Time:

Marriage in Time:

Twitter: @annamaquino
Instagram: AnnaMAquino33
Facebook: annamquino2

Ministry Name: Doveagle Ministries

The post Episode 153 – A Marriage in Time – Anna M. Aquino appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.



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