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Weekend at Bernie's (1989) with Vanya Garraway from Revue Cinema
Episode 3010th November 2023 • Bad Movies We Love • Nick Sheist
00:00:00 02:14:56

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You may remember Vanya from our Crocodile Dundee episode and she is back for another foray into the oddball 80s, as we head back to New York City and eventually, the Hamptons to take a look back at one of the best pound-for-pound physical comedies, Weekend at Bernie's, and collectively lament the absence of crazy corpse humor like this in modern cinema.

Weekend and Bernie's (1989)

Director: Ted Kotcheff

Writer: Robert Klane

Stars: Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Silverman, Terry Kiser

You can check out Vanya's website here and if you are in the Toronto area make sure to swing by Revue Cinema and check out Vanya's curated film program "Paid In Sweat". You can also find Vanya on X @nostalgiaphile

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