On this week's episode of The Rural Woman Podcast™, you'll meet Anna Bowen.
Anna Bowen is a dairy farmer, farm business consultant, and freelance writer living in West Wales (UK). She and her partner are in a contract farming agreement milking 300 spring-calving dairy cows managed on a grass-based system. Anna's off-farm work focuses on low-input dairy farms but also covers other dairy systems, beef, sheep, and soil science. She writes for the farming and rural press and on her own website.
In 2020 Anna was awarded a Nuffield Farming Scholarship to research how the dairy industry can rear calves in a more ethical way - looking at the best ways to use sexed semen and breed dairy beef and the feasibility of keeping cows and calves together. Her scholarship also looked at lessons the dairy industry can learn from horseracing about social licence.
For full show notes, including links mentioned in the show, head over to wildrosefarmer.com/182
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[13:20] Traditional and Progressive Farming
[16:15] The Dairy Industry in the UK
[22:30] Contract Farming Agreements
[30:35] All About Nuffield Scholarships
[41:00] The Most Rewarding Part of Being a Rural Woman
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