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Essential Grace: Element Two of the Feminine Soul System, with Tessa Lynne Alburn
Episode 45th October 2023 • Say YES to Your Soul • Tessa Lynne Alburn
00:00:00 00:14:43

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In this episode, Tessa Lynne Alburn introduces the six Essential Energy Elements of her Feminine Soul Journey System for personal growth and connection with your soul's journey and divine feminine expression. 

Understand how this system helps women change their life for the better, fostering understanding and transformation in her relationships and personal development. Embracing grace can transform your inner universe, affecting positive change in your outer world.

Explore with us!

●     Learn about Tessa’s Feminine Soul System and how it supports you in having your authentic feminine voice

●     Discover how the six Essential Energy Elements work to create feminine energy, and help you remain authentic

●     Take a deeper dive into the energy of Grace and how it is connected to receiving and feminine energy

●     Remove the masculine energy of pushing to have a more sustainable life

●     Learn the power of the Feminine Soul System and how it positively impacts women in the areas of relationships, family and more

●     How not being heard is often caused by holding back your blessings and recognition of your gifts

Get Tessa’s Free Gift: If you want to be freer,

happier and more courageous in life, get your free Soulful E-Guide here and Say YES to Your Soul!

* About the Host *

Tessa Lynne Alburn believes that every woman has the ability to learn to express their true voice, be heard, and fulfill their dreams.  

As a Feminine Energy Coach and Soul Connection Mentor for women, Tessa supports you in having the freedom you crave and strong connections with others, as you live powerfully with joy and a sense of adventure.

Tessa’s Free Gift: If you want to be freer, happier and more courageous in life, get your free Soulful E-Guide here and Say YES to Your Soul!

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May You Say YES to Your Soul.

Tessa (00:01):

Hi there. Today we're going to talk about the system I use

with my clients that helps them work through their challenges and move forward

in their soul journey so that they can feel more connected and get the results

in life that they want. Now, before we dive into that, I do wanna share these

words with you. It's a very sweet message from one of my clients, Melissa, and

I'm super grateful that she took the time to reach out and share this with me.

Here's what she wanted me to know. In particular, in her relationship with both

her parents. "You really helped me to apply these lessons to that

relationship, which means the world to me. So thank you so much for that. It's

been huge. It's like I'm a completely different person.


And also my interests are opening up. I'm looking at

things in new ways, and mostly I'm feeling really, really great about who I am

and what I can create for me and my family." When Melissa started working

with me, she was not in her feminine and she was very stressed out and feeling

totally misunderstood. There was a lot of intensity in her relationships, both

with the people in her family and with the men in her life. And you can see

that during her work together, that all changed and she's created so much more

freedom and happiness in her life as a result of her feminine soul journey.

Alright, I'd like to share part of my feminine soul system with you today. And

in my system is a structure that's supported by essential energy elements. So

you could think of this like a framework if you want, if that's easier.


There are six key elements along with their sister elements.

So first I'm gonna tell you what they are, and then I'm gonna talk more about

one of the elements. And then in future episodes, I'll fill you in on the

others. I use this structure in all my work with women, whether you're someone

who is newer to spiritual practices or someone who just wants to go deeper or

to reignite things and have greater connection to source and greater aliveness,

I use these as well. So I'm right there with you because if I'm not learning

and growing and expanding, then I am contracting. And that is true for all of

us. And, and so I have found that working with these essential elements help to

create wholeness in the soul, and they are necessary to be in expression of

your feminine divine soul.


Okay, here are the six elements of my feminine soul

system. The first one is the central element. So bring to mind a daisy. And in

the very center you have the flower head, right? It's carrying, there's this

bit that's holding the whole flower head. And it's not just one flower, but

it's a, total composite of a whole bunch of tiny little flowers that make up

that disc in the middle. And I love that imagery for the soul because your soul

has so many parts to it. So the central element is your soul and all the

fullness of it. The second essential element is vision. And when I'm talking

about vision, I'm talking about the awakening of your imagination and having it

awake and unfettered, right? Clear, so you have clarity of what you really want

to create, and then the energy can move forward along that path and come into creation.

It is born, so to speak.


The next element is grace, and that's a state of having

been forgiven. It's also an absolute state of kindness, of love, peace, and it

feels to me like it's like being held in the arms of love. Grace is about

receiving, and it also includes gratitude. When you're in gratitude, you're

essentially telling the universe what it is you want more of. The fourth

essential element is courage. And courage, you may already know this, courage

is not being free of fear, but it is having feelings, whatever they are.

Nervousness, like, worry, concern, fear, but still making that choice to be

resolute, right? To have ancy, to be gutsy, maybe to be bold or strong. And it

ultimately is connected to trust. Courage is something that helps you move

along the path. Without it, you're just gonna stay in ideas or stay wherever it

is that you are.


The fifth element is femininity. This is all about

expressing as an empowered woman, bringing balance, creating calm within and

around you. But there's a purpose for it. The purpose is connection and

support. So femininities connections support community calm and balance with

empowerment. The sixth essential element is acceptance, accepting yourself,

accepting others, and accepting what is happening right now. And so that means

accepting your flaws, accepting your imperfections, accepting also your

wholeness and your power, and accepting your voice and not shying away from it,

and not shying away from your needs. So I'd like to just repeat those six

elements and then we're gonna dive into one of them. So imagine your flower,

and the first one in the center is the soul. The second essential element, a

petal on the flower is vision. The next is grace. The fourth petal is courage.

The fifth is femininity, and the sixth is acceptance.


Now, with each of those petals, there's also a sister

petal. So in the future, I'm gonna be bringing you what those relationships are

and how those work together. Right now, I am being called to share with you

more deeply the element of grace. So with all the elements, there's a correlation,

this sister petal, and what that is, I see that as a resultant energy. It's

like, it's not just a support, but it's like after that first petal, there's a

second, and with grace, it's flow. And those two are inseparable. This is the

state of having been forgiven. It is an absolute state of kindness, of love.

It's peaceful. As I mentioned, it's like being held in the arms of love and

flow is feminine in nature. It is like the river or the stream that gently

flows down a mountain and it just easily glides around or over rocks or

boulders and then it joins in with the sea. And when there's a stoppage in the

flow, you know something happens to clog up the works. That's when you have

floods and then things can often become destroyed in those floods or they crumble

and there's kind of something else that happens. But when we're in flow, it's

easy. It's like being on your little boat, knowing where you're going. You're

enjoying the ride, you're not concerned. Everything is flowing in good timing.


When we're not in a state of grace and flow, we can be

pushing ourselves. That's a good example of when we're not in flow, we push

ourselves to be something or to do something. And the problem with this is that

pushing comes from a place of masculine energy. It's definitely not grace.

Pushing always creates stress for us. Now, you're certainly entitled to

disagree with me. And you might be thinking, well, if I don't push myself, I'm

not gonna get there. I'm not gonna get this, or I'm not gonna achieve, or I

won't get my list done. Or, you know, I won't please somebody or I won't lose

weight, or whatever it is. But here's what I know. Women who push themselves to

achieve do so at a cost, right? Relationships suffer. Maybe they have no time,

they have no quality of life, or even health issues start to arise.


Women who push themselves to start a new job or business

when they're not ready to, cannot sustain what they've put into place. And then

they can suffer the consequences of that trying to keep up or catch up, or keep

all the balls in the air. Now, that's not to say that we can't stretch

ourselves, that stretching our capacity is very different from pushing. And

pushing goes against your innate being. You know, today as I'm recording this,

there are a number of heightened world crises, environmental upheavals, mores, health

alerts and more. And that's what's happening out there, out there in the world.

And we have little, if any, control of it on the macro level. What we do have

is command of things on a micro level so we can have mastery of ourselves. And

to paraphrase Gandhi, when we change our inner universe, so does our outer

world change.


Now, the element of grace is like a living prayer. It's a

prayer of asking for forgiveness and also being in a state of kindness, a state

of blessing, if you will. So today, I wanna invite you to look at where you're

still not allowing yourself to be blessed, to feel blessed. And I don't mean

just like, oh, I should feel grateful stuff. I mean, really allowing yourself

to be blessed by the loving universe. What I find with my clients is that

they're very quick to bless others, right, to wish them well, to see, good in

them, to celebrate their gifts.


And all too often they're not seeing or blessing the gifts

in themselves. And one of the key reasons you're not being heard is that you've

been holding back your blessings. You've been holding back out of fear of the

repercussions, oh, I shouldn't, you know, celebrate myself too much or think

too highly of myself, or I shouldn't say this or do that. So today I just wanna

invite you to start to look at where you are still not allowing yourself to be

blessed. See if you can start to receive a little more energy there. So I want

you to start thinking differently about yourself and your gifts. It's wildly

important to celebrate the aspects of your soul and being. One of the ways we

can do a mini celebration is through what I call kind regard. It's very subtle

and it makes a big difference. This is about holding a space for yourself as

though you were listening deeply to a good friend. And it might have a sense of

compassion, but I think with kind regard, the difference is there's an energy

moving back to the other and also to yourself.


So you might think about having a soft smile on your face

and then imagining yourself exactly as you are. 'cause when we're kind to

ourselves, the blames and criticisms don't have as much stickiness. They tend

to slide off more. Yay. And then we can listen more deeply to what it is we're

needing underneath that. And this is where grace is very, very important

because grace is like a kind regard with yourself for your needs, and really

allowing yourself to have needs, having kind regard for your emotional self,

for whatever it is feeling and experiencing and weaving in grace in there. And

then being really honest about what it is that you do need. These things all

come under grace. The first place you might start to shift into connection with

yourself is the use of grace by using kind regard with yourself first. Where

could you be kinder and in grace with yourself? What is the connection between

grace upon yourself and being in flow instead of being in doing this? Is there

any part of your past that could use more blessings of grace? These are the

types of questions I invite you to reflect upon. I just wanna leave you with

that so you can kind of let that be in your field for a while. So I'll say

bye-bye for now, with many blessings.



Tessa (:

Hi there. Today we're going to talk about the system I use with my clients that helps them work through their challenges and move forward in their soul journey so that they can feel more connected and get the results in life that they want. Now, before we dive into that, I do wanna share these words with you. It's a very sweet message from one of my clients, Melissa, and I'm super grateful that she took the time to reach out and share this with me. Here's what she wanted me to know. In particular, in her relationship with both her parents. "You really helped me to apply these lessons to that relationship, which means the world to me. So thank you so much for that. It's been huge. It's like I'm a completely different person.


And also my interests are opening up. I'm looking at things in new ways, and mostly I'm feeling really, really great about who I am and what I can create for me and my family." When Melissa started working with me, she was not in her feminine and she was very stressed out and feeling totally misunderstood. There was a lot of intensity in her relationships, both with the people in her family and with the men in her life. And you can see that during her work together, that all changed and she's created so much more freedom and happiness in her life as a result of her feminine soul journey. Alright, I'd like to share part of my feminine soul system with you today. And in my system is a structure that's supported by essential energy elements. So you could think of this like a framework if you want, if that's easier.


There are six key elements along with their sister elements. So first I'm gonna tell you what they are, and then I'm gonna talk more about one of the elements. And then in future episodes, I'll fill you in on the others. I use this structure in all my work with women, whether you're someone who is newer to spiritual practices or someone who just wants to go deeper or to reignite things and have greater connection to source and greater aliveness, I use these as well. So I'm right there with you because if I'm not learning and growing and expanding, then I am contracting. And that is true for all of us. And, and so I have found that working with these essential elements help to create wholeness in the soul, and they are necessary to be in expression of your feminine divine soul.


Okay, here are the six elements of my feminine soul system. The first one is the central element. So bring to mind a daisy. And in the very center you have the flower head, right? It's carrying, there's this bit that's holding the whole flower head. And it's not just one flower, but it's a, total composite of a whole bunch of tiny little flowers that make up that disc in the middle. And I love that imagery for the soul because your soul has so many parts to it. So the central element is your soul and all the fullness of it. The second essential element is vision. And when I'm talking about vision, I'm talking about the awakening of your imagination and having it awake and unfettered, right? Clear, so you have clarity of what you really want to create, and then the energy can move forward along that path and come into creation. It is born, so to speak.


The next element is grace, and that's a state of having been forgiven. It's also an absolute state of kindness, of love, peace, and it feels to me like it's like being held in the arms of love. Grace is about receiving, and it also includes gratitude. When you're in gratitude, you're essentially telling the universe what it is you want more of. The fourth essential element is courage. And courage, you may already know this, courage is not being free of fear, but it is having feelings, whatever they are. Nervousness, like, worry, concern, fear, but still making that choice to be resolute, right? To have ancy, to be gutsy, maybe to be bold or strong. And it ultimately is connected to trust. Courage is something that helps you move along the path. Without it, you're just gonna stay in ideas or stay wherever it is that you are.


The fifth element is femininity. This is all about expressing as an empowered woman, bringing balance, creating calm within and around you. But there's a purpose for it. The purpose is connection and support. So femininities connections support community calm and balance with empowerment. The sixth essential element is acceptance, accepting yourself, accepting others, and accepting what is happening right now. And so that means accepting your flaws, accepting your imperfections, accepting also your wholeness and your power, and accepting your voice and not shying away from it, and not shying away from your needs. So I'd like to just repeat those six elements and then we're gonna dive into one of them. So imagine your flower, and the first one in the center is the soul. The second essential element, a petal on the flower is vision. The next is grace. The fourth petal is courage. The fifth is femininity, and the sixth is acceptance.


Now, with each of those petals, there's also a sister petal. So in the future, I'm gonna be bringing you what those relationships are and how those work together. Right now, I am being called to share with you more deeply the element of grace. So with all the elements, there's a correlation, this sister petal, and what that is, I see that as a resultant energy. It's like, it's not just a support, but it's like after that first petal, there's a second, and with grace, it's flow. And those two are inseparable. This is the state of having been forgiven. It is an absolute state of kindness, of love. It's peaceful. As I mentioned, it's like being held in the arms of love and flow is feminine in nature. It is like the river or the stream that gently flows down a mountain and it just easily glides around or over rocks or boulders and then it joins in with the sea. And when there's a stoppage in the flow, you know something happens to clog up the works. That's when you have floods and then things can often become destroyed in those floods or they crumble and there's kind of something else that happens. But when we're in flow, it's easy. It's like being on your little boat, knowing where you're going. You're enjoying the ride, you're not concerned. Everything is flowing in good timing.


When we're not in a state of grace and flow, we can be pushing ourselves. That's a good example of when we're not in flow, we push ourselves to be something or to do something. And the problem with this is that pushing comes from a place of masculine energy. It's definitely not grace. Pushing always creates stress for us. Now, you're certainly entitled to disagree with me. And you might be thinking, well, if I don't push myself, I'm not gonna get there. I'm not gonna get this, or I'm not gonna achieve, or I won't get my list done. Or, you know, I won't please somebody or I won't lose weight, or whatever it is. But here's what I know. Women who push themselves to achieve do so at a cost, right? Relationships suffer. Maybe they have no time, they have no quality of life, or even health issues start to arise.


Women who push themselves to start a new job or business when they're not ready to, cannot sustain what they've put into place. And then they can suffer the consequences of that trying to keep up or catch up, or keep all the balls in the air. Now, that's not to say that we can't stretch ourselves, that stretching our capacity is very different from pushing. And pushing goes against your innate being. You know, today as I'm recording this, there are a number of heightened world crises, environmental upheavals, mores, health alerts and more. And that's what's happening out there, out there in the world. And we have little, if any, control of it on the macro level. What we do have is command of things on a micro level so we can have mastery of ourselves. And to paraphrase Gandhi, when we change our inner universe, so does our outer world change.


Now, the element of grace is like a living prayer. It's a prayer of asking for forgiveness and also being in a state of kindness, a state of blessing, if you will. So today, I wanna invite you to look at where you're still not allowing yourself to be blessed, to feel blessed. And I don't mean just like, oh, I should feel grateful stuff. I mean, really allowing yourself to be blessed by the loving universe. What I find with my clients is that they're very quick to bless others, right, to wish them well, to see, good in them, to celebrate their gifts.


And all too often they're not seeing or blessing the gifts in themselves. And one of the key reasons you're not being heard is that you've been holding back your blessings. You've been holding back out of fear of the repercussions, oh, I shouldn't, you know, celebrate myself too much or think too highly of myself, or I shouldn't say this or do that. So today I just wanna invite you to start to look at where you are still not allowing yourself to be blessed. See if you can start to receive a little more energy there. So I want you to start thinking differently about yourself and your gifts. It's wildly important to celebrate the aspects of your soul and being. One of the ways we can do a mini celebration is through what I call kind regard. It's very subtle and it makes a big difference. This is about holding a space for yourself as though you were listening deeply to a good friend. And it might have a sense of compassion, but I think with kind regard, the difference is there's an energy moving back to the other and also to yourself.


So you might think about having a soft smile on your face and then imagining yourself exactly as you are. 'cause when we're kind to ourselves, the blames and criticisms don't have as much stickiness. They tend to slide off more. Yay. And then we can listen more deeply to what it is we're needing underneath that. And this is where grace is very, very important because grace is like a kind regard with yourself for your needs, and really allowing yourself to have needs, having kind regard for your emotional self, for whatever it is feeling and experiencing and weaving in grace in there. And then being really honest about what it is that you do need. These things all come under grace. The first place you might start to shift into connection with yourself is the use of grace by using kind regard with yourself first. Where could you be kinder and in grace with yourself? What is the connection between grace upon yourself and being in flow instead of being in doing this? Is there any part of your past that could use more blessings of grace? These are the types of questions I invite you to reflect upon. I just wanna leave you with that so you can kind of let that be in your field for a while. So I'll say bye-bye for now, with many blessings.



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