Ever heard of the term “manspreading”? It refers to when men -- on public transportation or in other spaces -- sit with legs wide apart, usually covering more than one seat. Yes, men literally take up too much space in many settings. (We haven’t even talked about triathlon transition areas yet!) Shaunna and Lisa discuss the idea of White DEI Professionals and help them to think critically about “white-spreading” -- how can one authentically serve as a White DEI professional without taking up too much space?
During this episode, Shaunna and Lisa discuss how a White DEI professional must move very differently from other oppressed groups in similar roles to be successful in their work. Humility is foundational. Yet, White DEI professionals will need to think about strategy, such as intentional collaborations, earning credibility in various ways, navigating perceptions of white savior complex, and knowing when to talk less and listen more.
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