Hello, darling heart, and welcome to the drink less, live better podcast. This is the podcast that helps you to see that drinking
less doesn't need to be stressful, lonely, or boring. I'm your host, Sarah Williamson, and I decided to have a year alcohol
free as a little life experiment and haven't looked back. With my experience in training, I now help other women with their
alcohol free or drink less adventures. I'm here to tell you that you can be truly joyful without alcohol in your life. Join
me here each week to find out how. So how's dry January going for you? Have you picked dry Jan as a reset month after a boozy
December? Do you always do dry Jan? Is it one of your New Year's resolutions every year? We're 3 weeks into it now, but there's
still another 2 weekends to go. That makes it sound like a long old month to me. I'd love to know how you're feeling right
now. Do you have a calm sense of knowing that you will achieve what you set out to? I really hope you do. Are you feeling
freedom and joy about your month without alcohol? A few weeks into a period of not drinking, our sleep becomes more settled.
Oh, god. I love my sleep. So deep. So restorative now. I hope your month is feeling straight forward and undramatic, without
the need to justify your choice to anyone else. Are you speaking to yourself with a supportive and helpful voice? Is this
month, alcohol free, starting to bring you a clearer vision for the future? Are you starting to think this might be a choice
to make for a bit longer than a month? In lots of the sober circles I hang out in, people start off doing an alcohol free
month challenge and enjoy the benefits so much they want to upgrade to another challenge. What could be next for you? Does
it feel good to talk about 60 days or 2 months next? How about a 90 day or a 100 day streak? If you began dry January on 1st
Jan, 90 days would take you up to Friday 1st April. Doesn't that sound good, going right the way through to spring? How amazing
could your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being be with that beautiful number of days alcohol free behind you? When
I used to do dry January or sober October as a one off alcohol free month, I used to count down the last few days of the month
until I could go back to my drinking ways. I used to think that if I used an alcohol free month as a reset, a good habit,
a time to prove to myself that I wasn't physically addicted to alcohol. But, actually, let's look at the word reset. One of
the definitions in the Cambridge Dictionary is to start again after a period of rest or change, so you feel better able to
deal with your life or situation. Change doesn't involve going back to how you were before, as far as I can see. So, if you're
planning to finish dry jam and go back to how you were, could I gently and lovingly suggest that you go forward instead? Use
the reset to really reconsider your future and the place alcohol plays in it very carefully. Thank you for listening to this
episode. Please listen in again next time. You can find out about working with me one to 1 at drink less, live better.com.
Thank you, and PS, I believe in you.