Artwork for podcast Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All
Marie Hoag Estrogen and Suicide Ideation Mental Health S6 E6
Episode 624th October 2023 • Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All • Elaine Lindsay
00:00:00 01:09:35

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After being diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 17, and going through hell, and suicidal times, Marie,  found her solution. Marie is now a clinical hormone coach, HRT physician educator, perimenopause and menopause specialist, and speaker with nearly 20 years of professional experience.

Marie says "I have worked directly with hormone therapy physicians and patients utilizing the most advanced and cutting-edge hormone replacement therapy approaches on the market." 

Marie started the MeNoPause Moxie website and blog to educate women after she realized that women (and doctors) lack knowledge and truth regarding menstrual cycle regulation, PMS, PMDD, perimenopause, and menopause reversal and prevention. 

Marie also noticed the lack of education and clinical application training doctors are given in medical school about estrogen and adequate dosed female hormone therapies, and as a result, women are needlessly suffering from mental illness and physical decline at all ages.

This is why Marie founded Panacea Sciences, a company dedicated to educating and training physicians about estrogen and how to prescribe and balance hormones in a manner so that generally healthy women can establish and maintain a regular menstrual cycle for as long as they choose, even if they no longer have all their parts. We are also dedicated to training health coaches to become clinical hormone coaches to help these doctors get their patients' hormones balanced and keep them balanced.






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