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Ctrl+Alt+Delete LinkedIn: A Survival Guide for the Corporate Apocalypse
Episode 6 • 3rd August 2024 • Insignificuntly yours, • @turboslut
00:00:00 00:13:24

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Insignificuntly Yours - Episode 006 💦

Episode Description: Pucker up, Little B's — @turboslut is back with a vengeance, tearing LinkedIn a new one faster than you can say "synergy." In this episode, we unmask LinkedIn's true nature as a data harvesting machine, dive deep into the cesspool of corporate networking, exposing the bullshit behind those fancy titles and humble brags. We're exposing the cult of careerism and meaningless connections and offering a brutally honest perspective on modern professional networking

Key Points:

  • LinkedIn has evolved from a professional networking platform to a "digital cesspool"
  • The platform encourages users to create fake personas as "thought leaders" and "influencers"
  • LinkedIn's data harvesting practices put users' professional information at risk
  • The pursuit of meaningless connections and endorsements has become a soulless game
  • Corporate jargon and buzzwords have replaced authentic communication
  • "Influencers" on the platform often promote unrealistic and toxic work habits
  • LinkedIn's algorithm may not truly promote authentic content as claimed
  • The platform has turned networking into a commodified experience
  • Users are encouraged to prioritize being human over cultivating a "personal brand"


  • "LinkedIn isn't a platform for professional growth; it's a digital plantation where we voluntarily enslave ourselves to the cult of careerism."
  • "We're all just data points in LinkedIn's grand experiment of human commodification."
  • "The world needs more authentic assholes and fewer LinkedIn 'thought leaders.'"

Hashtags: #LinkedInExposed #CorporateBSAlert #AuthenticNetworking #CareerismCult #DigitalDetox

Content Warning: Warning: This episode contains enough F-bombs to make a sailor blush, corporate jargon allergies, and a high risk of spontaneous LinkedIn profile deletion. Proceed with caution and a strong drink.

Featuring: @turboslut - Your favorite digital dominatrix of discourse Geoffrey - The AI familiar with a Ph.D. in sass

Listen Now and Remember: in a world full of LinkedIn "thought leaders," be the authentic asshole we all need.


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