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2023-01-12. Retail Futures: The Circus Comes to Town
Episode 1112th January 2023 • Reqless • Aboard
00:00:00 00:22:58

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Paul and Rich talk about modern shopping experiences—and how big box retail is increasingly like a warehouse for online orders, while more and more commerce becomes focused around community and live events.


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I went to Walgreens the other day.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And you have to page someone now to get the shampoo.

Paul Ford:

I don't think it's just because of shoplifting.

Paul Ford:

Like it's just, everything's sort of

Rich Ziade:

locked down

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And then you know, you or you go to Best Buy and

Paul Ford:

you're like, I'll get a USB cable.

Paul Ford:

And they're like, no, you will get accessories for your Pixel 25.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

You know what it feels like big box stores and Bo and, and like,

Rich Ziade:

you know, franchise retail.

Rich Ziade:

It feels like you're walking into a w.

Paul Ford:

It does.

Paul Ford:

It's the back.

Paul Ford:

It's the back.

Paul Ford:

Like you're walking into the back where they keep all the

Rich Ziade:

stuff, where they keep all

Paul Ford:

and there's no actual stuff.

Paul Ford:

Like browsing isn't fun anymore.

Paul Ford:

There's no, there's no laptops to look at.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

There's like three giant ecosystems and platforms and

Paul Ford:

they're selling you peripherals.

Rich Ziade:

A lot of it is sort of waypoint to pick up the stuff that you

Rich Ziade:

bought online, like, Hey, it's near you.

Rich Ziade:

You can go get it in three hours or something like

Paul Ford:

that and there's clothes, et cetera, et cetera.

Paul Ford:

But you know what I'm noticing at just big box retail, which

Paul Ford:

we have in New York City.

Paul Ford:

People don't think of New York City that way, but like a lot of the stores are

Rich Ziade:

here, best Buy

Paul Ford:

we're here, we're here buying it

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

It makes less and less sense.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

have two thoughts on this.

Paul Ford:

I wanna talk 'em through with you and just get your thoughts.

Paul Ford:

So one is, do we just have enough stuff like there's no DVD player to buy.

Paul Ford:

I have a phone and then I have a watch that talks to my phone and I have

Paul Ford:

a computer that's a super computer and I don't seem to need a lot more.

Rich Ziade:

more, I mean, obviously you.

Rich Ziade:

Obviously you don't to be in absolute distress cuz you

Rich Ziade:

forgot your phone at home.

Rich Ziade:

Whereas we are old enough to remember when there was no distress for walking out

Rich Ziade:

without a communication device is crazy.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

So no, we don't need all this stuff.

Rich Ziade:

We don't need iterations of the stuff or, or, um, you know, the, we don't need cases

Rich Ziade:

and special things to attach to our stuff.

Rich Ziade:

But that's, I think you're asking the wrong question.

Paul Ford:

Well, first of all, The youth of today will never know the

Paul Ford:

experience of seeing a major upgrade to something like it . I mean, the

Paul Ford:

difference between like Windows three and Windows 95 was miraculous.

Rich Ziade:

It was

Rich Ziade:

like, it was like a, it was like a holiday.

Rich Ziade:

It was insane.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

the Rolling Stones play.

Paul Ford:

There was a

Rich Ziade:

search on YouTube.

Rich Ziade:

There's people like just rampaging computer stores to get boxes of Windows

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

it's wild,

Paul Ford:

So those, everything is incremental now in those giant ecosystems.

Paul Ford:

I think I was looking for an experience I used to have a long time ago where

Paul Ford:

I'd go to a store and kind of check out the store and then maybe pick up

Paul Ford:

something that I was looking for while also getting my bearings around like

Paul Ford:

what's going on at Best Buy these days,

Rich Ziade:

The shopping experience was something that you also looked forward

Rich Ziade:

to, not just the actual thing you bought.

Rich Ziade:

Sometimes you just say, I'm gonna go peruse.

Rich Ziade:

When I was a kid, I didn't have money for the mall.

Rich Ziade:

I had money for like a juice at the mall, but I didn't have money for

Rich Ziade:

like the record store or the bookstore or, uh, the games store, GameStop.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, but I'd go because it was, it was, I could go look at

Rich Ziade:

stuff and just check 'em out.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And that was fun.

Rich Ziade:

Um, that is, Kind of gone.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, it's not entirely gone.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, I think it's shown up in other ways, in affluent pockets of America,

Paul Ford:

you're into, he.

Rich Ziade:

I am.

Paul Ford:

You love headphones?

Rich Ziade:

I do.

Paul Ford:

Tell me just a little bit about headphones.

Paul Ford:

Let's get it outta your system.

Paul Ford:

What, what makes headphones special to you?

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I, I bought headphones for convenience, mostly like, wow, no wires.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I can talk on the phone on them.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And then I'm gonna blame a shop that is actually one of the, one of the cooler

Rich Ziade:

commerce institutions in New York City.

Rich Ziade:

It's called Adorama

Paul Ford:

Oh, I love Arama.

Paul Ford:

18th Street.

Rich Ziade:

18th Street.

Rich Ziade:

And I'm gonna pitch something else, A site called slick

Paul Ford:

I wasn't expecting that.

Rich Ziade:

It's slick deals on net essentially bumps up like deals

Rich Ziade:

and they had these $600 ims, uh, in ear monitors, essentially earbuds,

Paul Ford:

headphones with wires that go in your ears, but not over your

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

For $200.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I was like, okay, I can, I can, I wanna check these

Paul Ford:

It's a bargain.

Paul Ford:

You, you couldn't afford not to buy them?

Rich Ziade:

I couldn't afford not to buy them.

Rich Ziade:

I went and bought them and it opened up a whole world for me.

Paul Ford:

So you were using like apple AirPods with your phone

Rich Ziade:

I was using Bluetooth.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Which deteriorates the quality of sound I was using.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, Spotify, which does not have lossless audio.

Rich Ziade:

And I was like, this sounds great.

Rich Ziade:

I hear music in my ears and it's pretty good.

Rich Ziade:

It's better than the old headphones I had.

Rich Ziade:

And then I put these things in and I think I threw on like John Coltrane.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And I could hear the bartender making the cocktail.

Paul Ford:

subtlety, you were just tuned for it and it was exciting

Paul Ford:

and you were like, this music is much more stimulating than before.

Rich Ziade:

I'm giving you a long-winded answer, but it opened up a whole different

Rich Ziade:

relationship with music for me actually.

Paul Ford:

now talk me through, and I, I'm using you with headphones,

Paul Ford:

but I have things like this now too.

Rich Ziade:

Like, yeah.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Now where do you go?

Rich Ziade:

I ended up, look, let's get one thing out of the way.

Rich Ziade:

I can afford expensive things.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I'm not gonna apologize

Paul Ford:

No, let's

Rich Ziade:

I didn't steal the money.

Paul Ford:

at this point, if people are interacting with us and still

Paul Ford:

listening to us talk on a podcast

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Then they know that we can afford expensive things.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So there we are.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

then so I did some research and then when you do research

Rich Ziade:

online, you end up in these corners.

Rich Ziade:

You end up in these sort of subcultures.

Rich Ziade:

That are discreet and tangible and real, and there are personalities in them, and

Rich Ziade:

these are not personalities you're gonna, they're not getting stopped in the street.

Rich Ziade:

It's like, it's what I call the, you know, the tens of thousands of views.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

So they're not on the Today Show.

Rich Ziade:

not on the Today Show, but they're respected and they're

Rich Ziade:

considered experts, and they don't, they don't give everything five stars.

Rich Ziade:

In fact, they're, some of them are just salty and hate everything.

Rich Ziade:

So when they tell you something is good, you trust.

Rich Ziade:

and I said, you know what, I'm gonna go get great hardware to listen to music.

Rich Ziade:

I care enough about music that I'm gonna go do that, but,

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Because this is . This is always part of it, right?

Paul Ford:

You bought the thing and now you have to buy things for the thing.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

just listen on headphones because you know the really good ones

Paul Ford:

require a little bit more power, so you gotta get headphones, amplifiers

Rich Ziade:

It took me at like a couple of weeks to just understand that.

Rich Ziade:

Parts that I thought, okay, I gotta get an amplifier.

Rich Ziade:

They're like, yeah, but that's not enough.

Rich Ziade:

You need a, a DAK or digital to analog converter, and you can get those in one

Rich Ziade:

device, but then you're not separating the heart electronics enough and you

Rich Ziade:

might hear a hiss, and I'm like, whoa.

Rich Ziade:

All right.

Rich Ziade:

Everybody calm down.

Rich Ziade:

I would always go from your insane and ridiculous to, of course I need

Paul Ford:

to, of course.

Paul Ford:

So so let me, let me, let me keep driving you for a little bit so we

Paul Ford:

don't just talk about headphones cuz here's the larger point.

Paul Ford:

What are the platform you're reading on websites?

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

YouTube channels?

Rich Ziade:

Um, uh, there's a, the forum for high-end audio called Head,

Rich Ziade:

and it's an old school forum, but it is.

Rich Ziade:

Where everybody is, like the, the manufacturers and the, and the producers

Rich Ziade:

of this hardware know they have to go there to tell people what's going on.

Rich Ziade:

It's that big,

Paul Ford:

I gotta tell you, and look, we're talking about, you know, you said

Paul Ford:

earlier, We ha we kind of have the time and flexibility here, but everyone I know

Paul Ford:

who gets into anything doesn't have to be that expensive, has these communities.

Paul Ford:

Can be gardening, can be, um, knitting, can be, I had a friend who got really

Paul Ford:

into Japanese, um, wood tools and there's a whole eBay community and there's

Rich Ziade:

Sim racing rigs.

Rich Ziade:

I was gonna say gaming, but gaming is like film now.

Rich Ziade:

It's too big.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

But like specific things like flight simulation or sim racing, which

Rich Ziade:

is like these rigs that make you feel like you're driving a car in your house.

Rich Ziade:

Um, many marriages have been ruined with some racing rigs.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

These, these are corners of the

Paul Ford:

So there's another thing too, and I actually wanna point out

Paul Ford:

the money parts in because my, these friends I know might not have had

Paul Ford:

that much money, but once you buy, one of the things, if they're high

Paul Ford:

value, they hold their value pretty.

Rich Ziade:

They do, they do.

Rich Ziade:

There's always resale markets for weird stuff.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And so like, so actually what happens is you end up owning three or four

Paul Ford:

of the things, but if you wanna get rid of them, you sell one or

Paul Ford:

two and then you go buy a new one.

Paul Ford:

And that, that's sort of,

Rich Ziade:

you're touching on something Paul, which is.

Rich Ziade:

The journey to the purchase.

Rich Ziade:

The purchase is oftentimes, sometimes great, cuz you're like, wow, this is

Rich Ziade:

as good as I thought it was gonna be.

Rich Ziade:

But it's the journey to the thing.

Rich Ziade:

And the truth is, eventually you don't, the value of the thing is

Rich Ziade:

diminished and you want to go on other

Paul Ford:

There are studies that the emotional release, when you

Paul Ford:

get something you really want comes right before you open the box.

Rich Ziade:

Of course it's

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I got it, I'm gonna open it now.

Paul Ford:

Now I will be happy.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So now again, let me keep fast forwarding.

Paul Ford:

So you also, there's another thing you love, you love watch.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

have the same dynamic.

Paul Ford:

You own a couple, but you like to learn and read about.

Rich Ziade:

I, and I don't own like, Glittery, like status

Paul Ford:

No, no.

Rich Ziade:

you won't recognize the

Paul Ford:

you got into were ones that actually are pretty relatively

Paul Ford:

affordable, but made by very small companies, craftsmen, a couple people.

Paul Ford:

So I'm gonna, I'm gonna share experience and look, I'm, I'm, it'll sound

Paul Ford:

like I'm putting you on this spot.

Paul Ford:

I have this exact same relationship now with like music equipment.

Paul Ford:

I love gear and synthesizers and stuff like that.

Paul Ford:

So, but pause for a sec.

Paul Ford:

Here we go.

Paul Ford:

You say, let's go to this little watch event.

Paul Ford:

And we go and we take the train in.

Paul Ford:

I, we we're, it was actually right near Arama and it was at, um, this place

Paul Ford:

I'd been at before for some big dinner.

Paul Ford:

Uh, not huge, like the size of like a church basement, like, you know, just a,

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

4,000 square feet.

Paul Ford:

four and lots of little tables with people selling

Paul Ford:

their very small limited run.

Paul Ford:

Exactly spoke and, and these are people trying to essentially make

Paul Ford:

a middle class life out of their absolute love for watch crafts, right?

Paul Ford:

So they've become the producers and that that's another part of it.

Paul Ford:

You make your own equipment.

Paul Ford:

Um, I cannot describe how crowded it was.

Paul Ford:

It was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life.

Paul Ford:

You are happy.

Rich Ziade:

I was happy, but I actually had.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I wanted to go see and then I was ready to leave cuz it was, it was

Paul Ford:

I lasted about five minutes and then I went out and just watched people

Paul Ford:

make weird deals about watches in the front because I felt I would have like a

Paul Ford:

post covid heart attack just being there.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Why did you feel like you needed to immediately turn around and leave?

Paul Ford:

It wasn't for me.

Paul Ford:

You couldn't get towards the tables.

Paul Ford:

And actually what

Rich Ziade:

happened, it was mobbed.

Paul Ford:

gotta tell you, you walk in and there is a whole system of

Paul Ford:

knowledge and symbols and information that is getting shot into your brain,

Paul Ford:

and I can't parse or understand it.

Rich Ziade:

You felt like an uber novice, like you were

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Everyone's just like, and, and it's like, it is loud.

Paul Ford:

It is hot.

Paul Ford:

It is a lot of men and everyone is like grabbing at the tables and you

Paul Ford:

can't get within four feet of them, and it's just like, check, check out the

Paul Ford:

movement on this, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Paul Ford:

And it's, nobody's yelling.

Paul Ford:

It's, it's all very like, just,

Rich Ziade:

It was very intense.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, I, I, I will say, I, I, I think I have a couple of theories as to why it

Rich Ziade:

was, I was shocked at how crowded it was.

Rich Ziade:

I thought it was gonna be this sort of really niche thing where

Rich Ziade:

where wouldn't be that many people.

Rich Ziade:

I was shocked, and I think there were a couple of reasons for it.

Rich Ziade:

The first is the pandemic.

Rich Ziade:

Like, we're coming, we can't, it was, I think they had postponed

Rich Ziade:

the fair, the watch fair for like a couple years, or one year

Paul Ford:

Just built up cravings.

Rich Ziade:

built up cravings.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

But I think there's another reason, and the other reason is that I think

Rich Ziade:

the mass consumption spaces are such a grind, and so in some cases

Rich Ziade:

toxic, but generally not toxic.

Rich Ziade:

Usually the word I like to use is tiring.

Rich Ziade:

Everything is so, um,

Rich Ziade:

shallow, and I don't mean shallow negatively.

Rich Ziade:

I like a 12 second Tik TikTok video, but there's not much to it.

Rich Ziade:

There's nothing to build on.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

But oftentimes adversarial.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Very much like, I'm gonna make a point that I'm gonna make

Rich Ziade:

a counterpoint to your point.

Rich Ziade:

And so these spaces where you're, your specialties, your domain knowledge, Can

Rich Ziade:

be cultivated, rewarded, encouraged, and uh, there is no camp, there is

Rich Ziade:

no angry watch camp that is like all about, you know, automatics.

Rich Ziade:

Some people like automatics, some people like chronograph, some people

Rich Ziade:

like battery, they can segment off, but they're not at each other's throats.

Paul Ford:

How much money do you think you, you have a

Paul Ford:

better business brain than I do.

Paul Ford:

How much money do you think went through that 4,000 square foot

Paul Ford:

watch fair that day or in the, it was, it was there for a weekend.

Rich Ziade:

There were no, like, it wasn't the fair that had Rolex, right?

Rich Ziade:

So that you didn't have the five, $8,000 watches there.

Rich Ziade:

You had, you know, it probably capped out at a couple thousand.

Rich Ziade:

You had some outliers and whatnot.

Rich Ziade:

Probably hundreds of thousands of dollars, like nothing crazy.

Rich Ziade:

Um, but I think, I think more importantly, Uh, and I happen to know

Rich Ziade:

the, the organizer of this event, we haven't mentioned what it is.

Rich Ziade:

Maybe they don't want us to, so, but I met the organizer and

Rich Ziade:

I was like, what was going on?

Rich Ziade:

He's like, well, it's a lot of people who've talked to each other in forums

Rich Ziade:

and have watched YouTube videos and are finally able to get together.

Paul Ford:

and there you go.

Paul Ford:

See, that to me is where we're headed, right?

Paul Ford:

You've got all these commerce experiences that we thought were going

Paul Ford:

to be like a little bit, a little bit physical, a little bit online.

Paul Ford:

You'll go get your USB cable, you'll go get your, your things for your phone.

Paul Ford:

And I guess that's real.

Paul Ford:

Like Best Buy still exists, but for the most part, I think people

Paul Ford:

order a lot of stuff online.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And then there are these things that people love.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And what they find very often, uh, is communities that are, that validate that.

Rich Ziade:

It's good to find out.

Rich Ziade:

You're not the only one who's crazy enough to be into that thing.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

very good to hear that you aren't off, you know, alone on the island.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Um, but more importantly, they're not.

Rich Ziade:

They're typically, um, places where you feel like you could always learn

Rich Ziade:

a little more, which feels good.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

it's also very validating to see all the other people.

Rich Ziade:

It's validating to see

Paul Ford:

you're, you're not the only one.

Paul Ford:

Is there a big headphone fair?

Rich Ziade:

There is.

Rich Ziade:

There is.

Rich Ziade:

It's coming in February.

Rich Ziade:

I bought you a ticket,

Paul Ford:

All right.

Paul Ford:

We're going.

Paul Ford:

That's fine.

Paul Ford:

No, I mean, I enjoy observing these things.

Paul Ford:

I now know to be prepared that if I go into the headphone

Paul Ford:

fair, it will be intense.

Paul Ford:

Intense, right.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Part of me loves to observe the culture

Paul Ford:

Of course.

Paul Ford:

That's the fun of it.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

there I wear the outsider hat, but then if somebody asks me a question,

Rich Ziade:

I'm actually pretty knowledgeable at this

Paul Ford:

Well, you're pr you're proud of your knowledge, right?

Rich Ziade:

The internet people talk about town squares and

Rich Ziade:

communities on the internet.

Rich Ziade:

That ship has sailed.

Rich Ziade:

It is mass media in a classic sense, and everyone is trying to get 10 seconds in

Rich Ziade:

that could somehow tip to millions of

Paul Ford:

Twitter is like a TV network.

Paul Ford:

It's like NBC in the eighties.

Rich Ziade:

like a TV network.

Rich Ziade:

And so what's happened is the real communities, capital C on the internet

Rich Ziade:

are in these places because the scale isn't such that you win by yelling

Rich Ziade:

at someone else or you win by views.

Rich Ziade:

There are experts in these.

Rich Ziade:

In these communities that are happy, that others want to talk to them about

Rich Ziade:

it and are not seeking out the dopamine hit of likes and views or whatever else.

Rich Ziade:

And I think that's the scale we can function at as humans.

Rich Ziade:

We don't, we can't build communities.

Rich Ziade:

Don't tell me about the Town Square on Twitter or the town square on.

Rich Ziade:

It's not a town square.

Rich Ziade:

It's not what it is.

Rich Ziade:

It is a mob.

Rich Ziade:

There's this amazing old onion news network video, Paul, of this mock

Rich Ziade:

report where the reporter can't tell if it's a revolution or a festival

Rich Ziade:

And I think about that video a lot because I think people want to frame

Rich Ziade:

the internet a certain way and it's, IM, it's just like waves of humans

Paul Ford:

to frame society,

Rich Ziade:

trying to frame society.

Paul Ford:

So, so let's give Zdi and Ford advisors.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Something's changing out there.

Paul Ford:

It definitely feels like retail and craft and community are aligning.

Paul Ford:

It feels like instead of going to the store, you might buy a lot of stuff

Paul Ford:

online and then wait till the circus comes to town and then you'll buy the,

Paul Ford:

you'll go check out the things you love.

Paul Ford:

What should people do?

Paul Ford:

How do you get ready for this world?

Paul Ford:

What do you do?

Rich Ziade:

No, I, I don't know if you have to get ready for anything.

Rich Ziade:

Here's our advice in this week's episode of Z and Ford Advisors.

Rich Ziade:

Find your community.

Rich Ziade:

It's healthy, it's nurturing.

Rich Ziade:

It's not to look, I'm not saying go find your community in some like

Rich Ziade:

wackadoo conspiracy theory forum.

Rich Ziade:

'em, go find something where you feel constructive and useful

Rich Ziade:

and can be additive and where people wanna help you learn.

Rich Ziade:

It's healthy, it's normal.

Rich Ziade:

It is.

Rich Ziade:

It is the true town square in my mind, and I don't care what that is.

Rich Ziade:

It could be watches.

Rich Ziade:

It doesn't have to be material things, by the way.

Rich Ziade:

It could be cross-stitching.

Rich Ziade:

It doesn't have to be money driven.

Rich Ziade:

Um, but f finding your place in those communities is incredibly valuable.

Rich Ziade:

I think just for like mental health, I really believe that.

Paul Ford:

I find it.

Paul Ford:

So I've been getting really into synths and studying music theory and all kinds

Paul Ford:

of stuff, and it's really great to have something utterly aspirational that

Paul Ford:

where there are just people who are so much better at it than me in every way.

Paul Ford:

Like, well, you don't think you could make a better watch?

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

These people are making the better watch.

Paul Ford:

And that's a joy.

Rich Ziade:

It's a joy.

Rich Ziade:

And you know what, um, if you don't give humans.

Rich Ziade:

The job, they use those extra cycles to be at each other's throats.

Rich Ziade:

Now everyone's got the job, whether it be making a better headphone or how to

Rich Ziade:

optimize this or how to make a great watch or how to garden better and get a better

Rich Ziade:

like, um, yield or whatever it may be by doing, giving them that to do, we can

Rich Ziade:

park all the other shit that comes out of

Paul Ford:

of us.

Paul Ford:

So is what we're actually saying, that the path to happiness through

Paul Ford:

the web and through the internet is not simply going into a big room with

Paul Ford:

everybody and debating and figuring it all out, but rather giving yourself

Paul Ford:

a job to do a thing, to learn a task, and then finding a community

Paul Ford:

that is also aligned around that.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

That's a beautiful thing.

Rich Ziade:

That sounds really pleasant.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

actually is a beautiful thing.

Paul Ford:

I feel that I've said this a million times, but it's

Paul Ford:

never been as apparent to me.

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, I, I, I visited, I want to close it with a little anecdote.

Rich Ziade:

I visited.

Rich Ziade:

They do this thing called First Fridays at my, at my kids' school,

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

and the first Friday the parents can hang with the

Paul Ford:

Brooklyn Public School.

Paul Ford:

Normal place.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Went to the school and all the tables, all the

Rich Ziade:

kids' desks are in circles.

Rich Ziade:

Each circle.

Rich Ziade:

Is a wedge, like a pizza slice of a desk, and there's six kids in circles.

Rich Ziade:

And I, I thought back to how I went to school and it was rows of desks

Rich Ziade:

and you weren't next to anyone

Paul Ford:

Oh, your, your last name is Zdi.

Paul Ford:

You didn't have a chance.

Paul Ford:

You're just all the way in

Rich Ziade:

in the corner if it's alphabetical.

Rich Ziade:

But more importantly, there was space between us.

Rich Ziade:

I was in a grid.

Rich Ziade:

and I wasn't connecting with anyone else.

Rich Ziade:

And meanwhile, I come to my kids' class and these clusters of kids

Rich Ziade:

are together in these little, just architecturally arranged

Rich Ziade:

communities in a way, effectively.

Rich Ziade:

And they drift from one to the other, but they're, they're facing each other.

Rich Ziade:

They're talking to each other.

Rich Ziade:

And that's how I, that's how I, what I think of when I

Rich Ziade:

think of these communities.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

it is so wild cuz I, we both have kids in public school

Paul Ford:

is so wild how much better their educational experiences than ours.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, they should have just beaten us with a stick.

Rich Ziade:

When we went to school, we would've been better

Paul Ford:

you and I went to school like animals in a.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Um, get out there, find the thing you care about.

Rich Ziade:

There's a community that's ready to welcome you.

Rich Ziade:

This has been one of the more positive podcasts we've

Paul Ford:

Well, notice I, I drove this one,

Rich Ziade:

Fair enough.

Rich Ziade:

If you've got I topic ideas, questions, or need advice on just

Rich Ziade:

about anything except medical, I can

Paul Ford:

Yeah, let's not do that.

Paul Ford:

Don't do

Rich Ziade:

Hit us up.

Rich Ziade:

Rich Ziade:

Check us out on in.

Rich Ziade:

Well, how can people, uh, listen to the podcast?

Rich Ziade:

Paul, what's your podcast App of choice?

Paul Ford:

The web

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

I like browsers.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

We're in all the usual

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Gianni We're, we're getting all those transcripts done and trued up and,

Paul Ford:

uh, just we're, we're gonna keep rolling.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Have a lovely week.




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