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Special Intro: The 7-Figure Checklist (download at
Episode 45th January 2023 • Million Dollar Scaleup • Azfar Haider
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In this short introduction, I provide some background for the new R3 7-Figure Checklist which consists of 22 critical business requirements in order to build a 7-figure business meaning one that can grow to $1M-$10M annual recurring revenue. This can be downloaded at

The reason this is so important is because it represents 22 essential ingredients that are derived from all the work we have done on the R3 Framework. Miss too many of these and the business is unbalanced and will have difficulties. Each of the 22 requirements is cross-referenced to the corresponding R3 Framework programs and modules.

In this way, the checklist is a rapid diagnostic tool that can be, and should be used, regularly to see how far you've come and expose any key vulnerabilities that may impede your journey. The best part is that it takes just 11 minutes to run through the checklist and score yourself... so let's get going :)


[Page 1 - Title Page] Hi there, and welcome to this short video where I want to explain to you a few details about the 7-figure checklist which you have opted in here to download. So welcome to this short presentation. I'm going to keep it to as short as I can probably five to seven minutes or so. And tune into this, because I want you to know a couple of really important things which are really going to help you orient yourself around the value here and prioritize actually taking a look and working through the checklist. So, my name is Azfar Haider and what I have been doing over the past few years is to build out what I call a framework for helping SaaS founders, anyone building apps, launching transactional websites or funnels online. And the whole point of this checklist is to help you think about the things which are important that are going to enable you to build your business to a 7-figure business from a million to 10 million annual recurring is really the focal point here. Obviously, anything less than that is not really going to be a sustainable business. And once you get to the higher levels in that sort of range, there are a lot of people out there that can support you build a business further if that's what you want. And the second part of this is to help you prepare to raise strategic funding. And I say, really for the between $50,000 to over a $1M, sometimes more if you're ready to raise a couple of million dollars. So let's get going here.

[Page 2 - Client Results] I want to give you just a little bit of insight into results that I have helped some of my clients achieve. I'm not going to go through this in detail in fact, I'm gonna send you the entire slide deck by email so you can study these pages on your own, but I just want to highlight a few things so that you are aware of the context here and you know what we've been achieving over the last couple of years. So here are examples of five clients. I've worked with David, Pippa, Clint, Artjom and Mark, and just the highlight reel is to say that we've helped numerous of these guys raise over half a million in seed funding for their companies. And at least one has now achieved over a million dollars a year in annual revenue as a result of working together and the results and practices that we figured out over the course of working together have been incorporated into the framework which I have now put together. So all of this is really structured on real practical experience out in the marketplace, and combined with my own experience.

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[Page 4 - Struggles] Okay, so the thing here that why do most owners of SaaS businesses apps transaction websites and funnels fail to reach $100,000 monthly, raise capital and build essentially a sustainable business. One that is more than just a lifestyle business with one person working from home, it's a company, it's something that can scale and grow and and become a really successful business in the world. And there are really 3 things: number one most people do not have the strategies and tactics that they need to make that work. Secondly, most people operate in their comfort zone. And thirdly, and this is probably the biggest one, most people come into something like this with preconceived ideas, and then work on that at your own speed, which is essentially lack of speed, is really the reason why most things become very hard and people struggle.

[Page 5 - Checklist] So how can we solve this? This is the this is the checklist which I've put together. It's more of an illustration on this particular page and shows that there are in fact 22 overall requirements, that you must master and implement in order to for your entire business to operate and be able to grow. And so that's the reason why this checklist is going to be incredibly important for you. I'm offering this out to you so you can take a look and I really want you to digest this and learn by reading through these points.

[Page 6 - Checklist Examples] And so let's go through a little little bit of what's inside this this checklist. The color coding corresponds to the overall framework which we have put together. I have a few examples on the right here that give you an idea of what's in the checklist. So as the examples show, the checklist items are written as statements. To give you the first example there: "Our mission, vision and values are clearly defined and supported by all stakeholders, including investors, employees and primary customers". And so the idea behind this checklist is for you to read that one statement and just for you to self evaluate, on a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think you agree with that statement in relation to your business? Another example is the third one in the middle there: "Our core product and service provides a clearly defined and required transformation in distinct steps that can be articulated through simple graphics and associated content". And I want you to be very clear about the wording that I have used in these because it is really important. Like I don't want you to make your own assumptions about the fact you've got something great. So for example, in that particular one I just gave around the product and service, a lot of people might be able to say that they can demo what they've got, they can demo their product. But that is not the same as being able to articulate that through some sort of abstract form like a graphic of some sort. So these are the ideas behind this checklist. Please do go through this.

[Page 7 - Take Action] And on the next page here. I want to show you actually what this checklist looks like in reality. The link at the top takes you to the Adobe site with the checklist - That will take you to the site where this page can be downloaded. When you go to this page, you'll see that there is a download link directly from the Adobe site. Just go ahead and click "Download PDF" and it will come down to your desktop. So you really want to you want to be doing this from a desktop rather than your mobile. Just that one page is all you need. And so on this page, the idea is that there's a column here to score yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 across these 22 checklist items. And secondly, there's a bit of space there for you to write down where you see the gaps in your business. And I don't want you to get too ahead of yourself here we just want the highest level points for the gaps in your business. Things that you can see are missing based on the statements that I've written in the middle. And if you score yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 across these 22 points, that gives you a potential total score of 220. And what we want here is your overall score. So you want to be as honest with yourself about this as possible. And just give yourself a score and 11 minutes to do this maximum, as I've said in the red star up on the top right which is just 30 seconds for every question. Keep it simple and put down the number you think is right. Within 11 minutes, you'll be done. Okay, so that's it.

[Page 8 - Let's Talk] And so once you've done that, I'm here to help you and my offer here is to say let's talk. So if you're interested in how we might be able to help you build and scale your online business using the R3 Framework covering launch revenue and funding to achieve at least $100,000 monthly and to help you raise capital, then let's jump on a call. The offer here is for a 15 minute call initially. We don't want to overcomplicate this, or take too much of your time. We're going to talk about just three things very briefly. Number one, what is your primary promise to the marketplace? And how are you offering that value? Secondly, your value delivery roadmap. In other words, how do you transform your clients through the concept of your business. And then thirdly, your overall strategy to achieve seven figures and raise funding. And look this is a totally free call. I'll use the best of my knowledge and experience in those 15 minutes to help you with nothing held back so it's really like free consulting for 15 minutes. And look if there is some value there and after that 15 minutes. You know you decide that you would like to have a further call, then we could schedule a time where we go into further detail. I have numerous options for how we could work together starting at very, very affordable levels. So I don't want you to feel like this is not reachable in case you're just starting out and you have less funds. And in any case this is all designed to help you get on the right track. And so that's it. Let's leave it there in terms of this presentation. I hope this has been helpful for you and we get a chance to talk at some point.




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