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Clear Trauma and Reboot Your Mind for Peak Performance
Episode 16517th May 2023 • The ReLaunch Podcast • Hilary DeCesare
00:00:00 00:53:27

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Trauma is something that affects many people, and its impact can last a lifetime. But what if you could clear that trauma and free your mind from its grip? Dr. Don Wood, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist who specializes in helping individuals overcome emotional and psychological barriers to achieve their full potential. Dr. Wood has developed a unique program called the Inspired Performance Institute, which uses cutting-edge neuroscience to help individuals clear trauma and unlock their full potential. Join Hilary and Dr. Wood as they discuss how childhood trauma can affect our brain and behavior, and why it's important to address these issues if we want to achieve peak performance. Hilary shares her experience using this program and how it’s significantly impacted her personal life and business. And stay tuned until the end when a special opportunity is announced. You won’t want to miss it!

About our Guest:

Dr. Don Wood developed the Inspired Performance Institute after spending years researching how trauma affects our minds and our lives. Dr. Wood began to understand that events and experiences throughout our lifetime continue to play a role in how we experience life in the present. He also realized that there was a better way of treating the issue. “Teaching people to live with, manage and cope with the daily stress doesn’t fix the problem. The solution comes from understanding its source and providing a long-term permanent solution.

Dr. Wood’s background experience has come from spending time in the for-profit and non-profit world. This combination provided a unique perspective on problem-solving. He used these skills to develop the Inspired Performance Institute and the NEURO XP program.

Dr. Wood has written two books about his research including the science about how our minds work and why we experience our own unique perspective of the world. Both books are focused on how we can all make the desired changes by allowing our minds to reset and reboot. He has spoken on these topics domestically and internationally.

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Hilary DeCesare:

Hey everyone, and welcome to today's show. Wow. This is one day that you are so fortunate, I must say, because I feel so fortunate to be here listening to my guest and what he is going to be delivering to you. It is beyond, beyond exciting beyond like, it is it literally today I'm going to say could change your life. How about that. His name is Dr. Don Wood, and he is a PhD author, speaker, founder and CEO of inspired Performance Institute. And he is the creat or of the patented tip method. Nope. TIPP TIPP. It is a cutting edge method inspired and developed through the newest development in neuroscience. You guys all know, this is my jam and designed to clear away the effects of disturbing or traumatic events. He repurchases like all of these old patterns and sets the individual mind up for peak performance. I mean, that's where we want to go. And so in essence, what he's doing is allowing where we say it's a relaunch, he's calling it a reboot, the brain is stuck. And he gets you out of these like patterns, making it possible to enhance what he calls the Alpha oscillations with a non invasive this is we're gonna go deep into this we're gonna keep it super simple though. But basically he shifting the brainwave activities. He is the top author of two selling like great, amazing books, you're gonna hear about emotional concussions, and you must be out of your mind.

Hilary DeCesare:

You're listening to the ReLaunch podcast and I'm your host Hillary DeCesare, best selling author, speaker and transformational coach widely recognized in the worlds of neuro psychology and business launches, which cultivated the one and only three HQ method, helping midlife women. Yep, that's me to rebuild a life of purpose, possibility and inspiring business ventures. Each week, we'll be diving into the stories that brought upon the most inspirational relaunches while sharing the methods and the secrets that they learned along the way, so that you too can have not just an ordinary relaunch, but an extraordinary relaunch.

Hilary DeCesare:

Dr. Don, it is such a pleasure to welcome you to the show today.

Dr. Don Wood:

Well, Hillary, what an introduction, wow, I better I better delivered.

Hilary DeCesare:

I have no doubt you're going to be peak performance today.

Dr. Don Wood:

I like better and that was phenomenal. Thank you so much. I'm excited to be I was really looking forward to doing this. So this is great.

Hilary DeCesare:

Well, here's the thing about what has happened between us and I love sharing this is that there, it's Kismet. It's like wow, when we first were introduced and I had an opportunity to hear what you were doing. It literally lit up everything in my own brain because I was like, Oh my gosh, where I take things with limiting beliefs and these bugs, these belief underground surfacing. You start at the root level of all right, where does this all come from? And I heard your this origin story and I thought you know what we've got, we've got to have you come on and share with people and deliver what I heard what I've had the privilege, I've gone through your program. It is beyond be on everyone. Trust me on this and you're going to be able to have some major massive takeaways just by listening to Dr. John today. So I'd love for you Dr. Don to kind of start with what was this? Like? What what caused you to get into this specific type of you no specialty around what you're calling trauma what you're calling like a reboot. Can you share with us how did it all begin?

Dr. Don Wood:

It actually started if we go all the way back in the My childhood, I had this idealic childhood very unusual. I haven't met many people in my life that have had the childhood I had. And I thought everybody when I was a child, I thought everybody had my life. I didn't realize that I was living. And I was adopted by two amazing people who Hillary, they never raised their voice. They never argued they never fought. And I'm talking about zero times can my brother and sister and I ever remember,

Hilary DeCesare:

and they were faking it, they were legit in front of you. And in their life. They just never fought.

Dr. Don Wood:

No, they just weren't that they and they never argued, never yelled at us. Right. So we would get disciplined if we did something wrong, but it was never with anger. And it was never with any fear. The worst thing you could do with my father would be disappointed by that.

Hilary DeCesare:

I hate that word. I got that I got that from my dad, too.

Dr. Don Wood:

You'd be like, Oh, I let them down. But it was never a punishment, you know, that would be dealt with anger. So I'm growing up in that kind of a world. No trauma, no physical, no sexual abuse, I played hockey, so I could fight. You know, another I was going to pick on people or fight. But nobody's going to pick on the hockey players because they know how to protect themselves. So I'm basically just skating through life thinking that everybody's living this life. And it wasn't until I met my wife that I realized she was not living in that world. She had a very violent and angry father. So she was living in fear her whole family were afraid of him. And that was unusual to me, because I remember when I first met her, I thought, there's this tension in the home, because obviously, I haven't seen it yet, but I could feel it. And I was like one wonder what this is because this was sort of even with my friends. I never saw her there wasn't around as much of my friends homes as I was in Bridget's home. And then I saw it. And that was a shock to me, I saw that violence and anger. And I was like, This is unbelievable. I've, I've never seen anything like this. And so she was living with that fear. Now she's high performing. I loved her. She's amazing. And so we are we got married at 19. I thought, Okay, I'm getting her out of that world, she's going to be living in my world where everything is calm, and so everything that will settle down. And it didn't, I couldn't fix it. Because I didn't understand that at the time is that trauma was looping. And it was running on a constant real basically, for lack of a better term. And so as long as that trauma was running, in the background, subconsciously, it was activating her nervous system. And if you remember, I always talk about I never talked about the word trigger. I never liked that word. I thought that sounds violent and angry. I think that the system is always trying to protect you. So will go into an activation mode. And so she would constantly get activated when by the simplest things. If I said something like, No, I don't like that. She could tear up and start to cry and say, Why are you upset with me? I'm not upset at all, like zero. When she go yes, you are the way you said that you're getting upset. Now Hillary, what I now know is that she wasn't wrong. And I wasn't wrong. I didn't say it with anger. But she heard it with anger. Because

Hilary DeCesare:

that happens a lot to people, right? It's your perspective on how you are, you know, kind of putting it through your own? What is it like your own formula? Have?

Dr. Don Wood:

You filter through your set of personal atmospheric conditions? Really? Eric say that, again, atmospheric conditions,

Hilary DeCesare:

atmospheric conditions, how good is that

Dr. Don Wood:

she had very dark, stormy atmospheric conditions. So she saw things through that kind of a lens. So what I discovered through all the research is that children in particular, who have had a lot of trauma are highly sensitive to sound. So her antennae were on high alert. So if I was a little tired, maybe at the end of the day, and my voice had a little chant tension change in it. I wasn't upset, but it sounded like that. So then her system would pick up that I know what that sounds like. That sounds like when my father used to get upset and danger was coming.

Hilary DeCesare:

She and it would activate her

Dr. Don Wood:

totally activate our nervous system. She thought it was what I said. I thought it was what I said. And it was it was her mind see

Hilary DeCesare:

that happening all the time. Right? I mean, this is a very common occurrence where that I you know, we say things or we write things and we interpret it differently based on you know, what, how we're feeling at that moment when we're reading it, right?

Dr. Don Wood:

Yeah. And for her, it was just a little vocal change. So if there was a little bit because maybe I was Tired, right? It had nothing to do. So I got a little lazy the way I said it, she could pick up on that because her system was on such a high defense mode to try to protect her. She was looking for the slightest little influence that would tell her she was in danger subconsciously.

Hilary DeCesare:

So totally makes sense. But I do have to go back before you keep going. When I first heard your story, and you said, you know, is idyllic, and this is it, I thought you may be the only person on the planet that I have ever heard literally does not have a bug, a limiting belief. And I thought, wow, so interesting. And you know, I love the the ying and yang between us because I'm like, Okay, well, I've we've had you know, quite a bit of you know, things that happened, you know, growing up and divorce with my parents and moving you know, from one California San Francisco area to LA I mean, there was a lot of big, big events and having you know, being in a in a divorce family and having to get on a plane and go from one house to another. And it was very different, you know, where my my mom and my stepdad, the money was always it was always a struggle, where my dad was orthopedic surgeon, and he was really doing well, during that time. And it was just constant. You know, and I think of you and I, Mike kind of feels a little bit like the Wizard of Oz, and you've got a little of the Glinda the Good Witch, right. Everything Is Everything is so good. And I want everyone to know, it's for real. He's legit, like this is really, because I've gotten to know you so well. Now. It's like incredible that it's possible, like this is possible and a reality, and you are living and breathing it so your wife is more like the rest of us. Right? Yeah, totally.

Dr. Don Wood:

So tell her story. That's what I hear all the time is you're describing my wife, you're or you're describing my husband or my wife or whatever. Because it was the the average home mine was the I thought she was the anomaly. I was the anomaly. Let me give you a real quick story. This was explained that world I grew up in, when I was about six years old, I my dad was writing out as bills. And I sat down with him. And he was going to use this as a teaching moment. So he shows me how he writes a check out and he asked me to help him put the check in the envelope, you know, in the in the bill in there, seal it up for me stamp it and then asked me to run it down to the mailbox. So I run it down to the mailbox, I come running back for my next assignment. And he's not there. But I see all the other bills and envelopes. So I start randomly stuffing bills and envelopes sealing them up. And I ran them all down to the mailbox and mail them off. Then I come back. And he's looking to go where all the bills were the envelopes. And I said I mailed them for you. And what he did Hillary's he laughed and he goes, I don't think I explained this very well.

Hilary DeCesare:

I mean, what a great response. Yeah,

Dr. Don Wood:

because he was right. He didn't explain it to a six year old. Very well. Right. Right. So you could see how a six year old to think I'm doing the right thing. So Who's he going to blame himself for the six year old? And he realized it's really on me. Right? And that's the way we were treated all the time, my brother and sister who are no genetic connection to me at all. None of us have ever been sick. None of us have ever been unhealthy never been hospitalized. And I believe when people say is it nature or nurture? I said it's nurture.

Hilary DeCesare:

Environment. Yes. plays such a role. I was just talking to my husband about that. And how, you know, we have five kids between us. And you know, they're all very unique and different in their own sense. And we were talking about that the environment that it's played, right. And yet, there's still there's still a connection. It's just, it's fascinating. So as you are now kind of eyes wide open about, you know, wow, I'm the anomaly. This isn't the way what happened to cause you to then really get into this field of work where you really want to help people establish, you know, how can you move through these types of environments that we grew up in?

Dr. Don Wood:

It was really my daughter was the next so like I said, my wife was high functioning great mom, great wife, but living in fear. If you had met her, you would never have known it. She was very good at managing it. But then my daughter at 14 gets diagnosed with Crohn's and then they ended up doing for me sections.

Hilary DeCesare:

For those that don't know what Crohn's is, can you walk us through that because going into the next part, I don't think people will really understand if they haven't, if they were not aware of it.

Dr. Don Wood:

Crohn's is an autoimmune disease where basically the lower intestinal tract becomes inflamed, and she couldn't pass food through because we've become so swollen, that if she tried to eat, she couldn't get it through. And so what would happen is she couldn't obviously eat and the only way they could get the inflammation down was to put her on steroids. And so what they told us is take her off of gluten take her off a dairy. Right, they said, there's no cure for Crohn's. We don't know what causes Crohn's, but she's gonna have to live in manage and cope with this for the rest of her life. They took out about 24 inches during four surgeries of her intestines. And so that was really debilitating. And then we get a call saying she's been rushed to the hospital, she was coughing up blood. And what they said they had her in ICU for three and a half weeks and said she has Idiopathic Pulmonary hemo siderosis, which is an autoimmune disorder, where the iron in the blood gets released into the lungs. And again, they said, there's no cure for it. We don't know what causes it, but you should live near a hospital. That's when my wife Bridget said to me, she goes, You need to figure this out, or we're gonna lose our daughter. That was what started me on the research. And then what I did,

Hilary DeCesare:

Dr. Dunn, this is interesting, because as you said, you grew up in this household. And it was, you know, awesome, like your parents both, you know, really, they parented feeling a plus. But now you're you're doing that with your own daughter, you're parenting that way. What was and you said you hadn't been sick? You had been the hospital, brother, sister environment. What do you think at age 13, caused your daughter to even begin this path down? You know, this, this terrible slope of 24 inches removed? And, you know, no cure Crohn's? What happened?

Dr. Don Wood:

Great question. We didn't know it at the time when she was diagnosed with Crohn's. But at six years of age, she had had sexual abuse that we're unaware of. We didn't know that. And what I discovered is, is that this unresolved trauma creates inflammation. Inflammation compromises the immune system and the neurotransmitters. So we were unaware of it. Even though when she was diagnosed with Crohn's, it wasn't till much after that she disclosed it. And that's what I started to make the connection between all these people who have trauma, and have a lot of these autoimmune disorders, because immune system gets compromised with trauma.

Hilary DeCesare:

When did you when did you find out about your daughter, and what happened her at age six,

Dr. Don Wood:

she was probably about 17 When she disclosed it to us. And you would never have known it Hillary, she was a loving kid. She's an actress. She's been acting since she was four. And she was one of these kids just laughing with how you she was very affectionate. So we pick up on any of it. We just thought this is a well adjusted child. But oh my gosh, originally she was grinding. Alright, listen,

Hilary DeCesare:

we have to take a quick break. And when we come back, we are going to be talking about the things that happened to you in childhood that become unresolved traumas, and they happen and like we just said six years old is when this happened to his daughter 17 is when she started talking about you would never know. But we're going to talk about how they show up. All right, and for everyone listening, you don't want to miss this. So we will we will be digging deep in this next segment on what you can do. This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and is a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three HQ method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch Hey everyone, welcome back and I'm here with Dr. Don and we are going to tap into something that most of us have probably heard that your childhood is a huge influence on what ends up coming up for you later as Dr. Don said, we're not talking about triggers that That's kind of a more violent way to say it, but activate what activates you, why do you go from zero to 60? So quickly. And as we were talking about Dr. Don's daughter, age six, having a, you know, a trauma in her life, being, you know, having a having a terrible thing that no child should ever have to go through a sexual situation. And then she keeps it under, doesn't talk about until 17. And Dr. Don, I'd like to understand, you know, these unresolved traumas, right, that all of a sudden show and create something later in life? How do they really show up in people? How, you know, how did they show up in your daughter at age 17?

Dr. Don Wood:

Well, basically, what happens is this, what they discovered through the research is it when you have unresolved trauma, now think about even physical trauma, if somebody started punching me in the arm, my arm would swell up, it would become inflamed, the purpose of that it's a cell danger response to protect the system while it's under attack. So the cells become hardened and inflamed, so that nothing can penetrate the cell, but nothing gets out of the cell. So it's a cell danger response. Inflammation on its own is not a problem. It's a defense mechanism. Chronic inflammation is the problem. So as long as it's in a cell danger response, it's doing what it's supposed to do is to protect the system. And I then realize that not only is the inflammation becoming active, it compromises the immune system, it's a temporary pause, it's waiting until the danger is over. So the immune system can come in, and, and clean everything up. But the problem is, is that that affects the immune system and neurotransmitters. So if your immune system stays in the cell danger response, and your neurotransmitters are also compromised, you're going to get sick physically, and mentally. And so it's gonna be CLI

Hilary DeCesare:

and mentally, yes. So interesting there, because we often think, Oh, it's just going to be a physical thing, right? But But no, it all starts we know, it's that the inside jobs so when you talk about this chronic inflammation, and specifically for your, your daughter, and all of these, you know, I think you've worked with now over 1000 plus people and taking them through your program, do you find that people can remember and identify with the trauma that they had, like, as you said, sometimes we you know, we don't want to bring it up on the outside, it looks pretty good, everyone's great. But on the inside, it's, it's chronic inflammation. Most people

Dr. Don Wood:

do remember, but I have had people come in and say, you know, I can't really remember much about my trauma. But once we get into the session, the subconscious mind knows what it wants to resolve, and things will come up, we just did a retreat on the weekend. And a lady said that one event that she thought she was going to work on first. As soon as we started in this group going through it, she says it switched to an event I hadn't thought about. And she says I wasn't even thinking I was going to use that event and went right to that event. And she was, it was definitely something that was bothering her she didn't realize it.

Hilary DeCesare:

So I found what I do want to mention is for everyone listening is that you, you went all in when your wife said, Hey, Don, find a solution here, or this kid, this this beautiful, beautiful child of ours is going to be you know, having a horrible life with all these different, you know, more of her intestines are going to be taken on all these different things. And today, can you just I want to fast forward to now how is your daughter?

Dr. Don Wood:

No, Crohn's is gone, hasn't had a Crohn's flare up and yours,

Hilary DeCesare:

which everyone heard that Crohn's is a lifetime illness?

Dr. Don Wood:

Yes, that's what they say. It's lifetime. There's no cure. They don't even know what causes it. For what I have realized, is it trauma, creating the now is at 100% of Crohn's cases? I don't know. But I think it's the majority. So the inflammation is created by the trauma. So that's what caused it. And the way to fix it is to fix the trauma loop. And to get that trauma loop out because what I said is mentally and physically. They had her on anti anxiety meds, antidepressants, constant steroid use, they were managing it. And so here's the other danger. And this is something that we've now really just started to understand the constant use of those steroids. A number of years ago, she developed a system her ovary. So they removed the cyst and removed the ovary. And that's what the doctor said, I don't see that you've ever had Crohn's? Right, it was gone. And so he didn't believe it, he goes, You must have never had Crohn's because it doesn't go away. And what I explained to him is that the trauma was created. And he goes, that's impossible. If that was true, you'd have a Nobel Peace Prize, believe it could be fixed. But she would be

Hilary DeCesare:

proof. So I heard this story, everyone and I was, you know, I'm a, I'm one of those that I like, I'm like, Nancy Drew, I want to keep getting to the bottom of it. So I said to you, I'd like to go through, I like to go through your program. And I had no idea at that point. What was involved, but I know I've got my own trauma. I've got things that you know, continue to come up, and I work through them my limiting beliefs, but the trauma itself, deep inside still persisted. And I was blown away. When you said, we'll meet for four hours. And that will be like, That's it. I'm like, That's it. Like, who's ever heard of that, that that that's it. Now, there's a little there's a follow up program. But even that is very minimal. helped me understand when you start talking about the tip program, what is this what is because it literally feels like it's a miracle program.

Dr. Don Wood:

So really what the issue is coming in, this is what I discovered in the research. The issue is coming from trauma, trauma keeps looping, it's a memory issue. It's the way you record it and stored that event. So if you had a traumatic events event, like my daughter when she was six, she was in a very high beta brainwave state, taking in tremendous amounts of data into that memory. That creates the glitch. Because your subconscious operates in real time. It's seeing memory as if it's still happening now. Because it has no connection to time that ever so every time she would think about it, something would remind her about it, her memory would activate and then throw her an activator into a nervous system response. While lower conscious awareness she just be feeling her heart pounding in her chest, or the store it and they would diagnose it as anxiety. It wasn't her mind was trying to get her into an action to protect herself from when she was six. It was impossible to do. She couldn't change anything that happened, but her mind saw it in real time. So basically what I do and this is the audience can do this on their own right now. If I asked you Hillary, what you ate for dinner last night, can you tell me what you ate for dinner?

Hilary DeCesare:

Absolutely, but I'm embarrassed what I ate. Because I was on a plane. Okay, what did? What did I eat? Okay, so you had popcorn, and a cheese box?

Dr. Don Wood:

Popcorn cheese. But so when I asked you that you saw pictures, right of what completely, completely, that last night wasn't disturbing or threatening, so stored as a fairly low resolution file. If that was traumatic, all your senses are heightened sight, smell hearing. So now it's recorded in high definition. Because when you recall a high definition memory from even 20 years ago, your mind seen it in real time? Doesn't it make sense that if your mind thought that something was happening to you right now, it would activate your nervous system? Absolutely. It has to do. It's designed to do it. It's an autonomic nervous system response. And that's why I say to everybody, when they come into me, and they say I have this I have that. I said, No, those are symptoms. It's not what you have, you don't have anxiety and depression, you have a symptom of a problem. Let's get to the root cause and reset it. So that their mind so what I'm going to do in the four hours is I'm going to take that high definition traumatic memory, and get your mind to reprocess it into the same format as what Jay for dinner last night. And when you see that file, it doesn't seem threatening at all, your mind is not going to go into an activation. It's that fast and simple.

Hilary DeCesare:

Now, I was fascinated that we went through three of my own what I thought were traumatic events, and I didn't just put in childhood ones I put in one that happened probably seven or eight years ago. And it doesn't have to be the childhood, something in your childhood, it can be at any point in your life. Is that correct?

Dr. Don Wood:

Correct. So I said don't even worry about what one comes to mind. Just let your mind choose for you what it wants to resolve. And we can do from childhood up until yesterday. It doesn't really matter all we're once we start the reset process. Our brains are brilliant. So the thalamus in your brain is sort of The thick of it as the air traffic control system for all the information, it's processing and sending the information throughout the system. So when it learns this technique, it also then starts to go into the hippocampus and starts to continue the process of updating memory. So once we did, if you remember how we did three, we don't need to do any more, because the thalamus will continue the process of resetting that traumatic membrane. And it will say things that we never talked about.

Hilary DeCesare:

And for those that say, you know, three, I might have, you know, 27 There were so many it as you said, um, it didn't even really matter which one I selected because they the others kind of nested under. Yes. Is that correct? Sure that because I did find that was really interesting, because for those that you know, have heard my story, read the book, there's a point in my career where I had a business and my board member was literally emotionally abusive, and it became a very toxic situation, he brought the company down. And what ended up happening is that once it was completely done, and my my intuition was high alert, I knew something was wrong. I tried to share that with my investors. But you know, he was so deeply trying to save himself and he ended up going to federal prison Ponzi scheme, our company, it was a terrible situation. And it was causing me and it's so interesting right now, Dr. Don, as I am sharing this, I'm, I don't have a level of heightened. I'm very calm, like I'm thinking about this right now. Where I'm okay with the situation. I'm like, really? Can you explain what's happened to me? And in so people can understand like, this is just one traumatic event, but it's, it's helped and others that I haven't even brought up?

Dr. Don Wood:

Yeah. So the best way to explain this is anytime you have an emotion, a feeling or a sensation, your mind is calling for an action, the purpose of fears to escape a threat, the purpose of anger is to attack a threat. So when you thought about this partner who had hurt you and done things to you against your company, your mind would look at that event in real time and memory and try to get you into an action. But what could you possibly do about something that happened years ago, there's no action possible, but your mind sees it in real time, keeps calling for the action. So now your mind got the reset. It's just data, it's information, there's no call for an action. So there's where you're not your nervous system is not going to call for something to be done. You're okay, you're safe. Now he's out of the picture. Before,

Hilary DeCesare:

this is incredible, because I'm literally, you know, why do I A lot of times meet with people or go through people's programs or you know, experiences so that I can actually say, no joke, like this, constantly was activating me, like constantly and literally causing me I mean, we have worked on this. And I can say, right now even my business is significantly taking off. It's just crazy from getting rid of that, as you called trauma loop and working through it, and you did it with me alone. But share with us how you can also do this with groups of people.

Dr. Don Wood:

Yeah, we just did a retreat with 20 people. I've done up to 140. That was actually a bit much but yeah, 140 was strange. But I did it with 20 people, I take them through the same exact process that we did together, and nobody has to share their trauma. I don't need to know what the trauma is. The techniques that we use your mind knows what it is. And Hillary did you I mean, we talked about that one, but there may have been some others that you never even shared with me. I don't even know what it was.

Hilary DeCesare:

You said you said specifically Don't Don't Don't tell me I don't need to hear it. And for so many of us who are taught like well you got to say it in order you know if you don't hear it, is this just like you know, the woowoo you know, how are you doing? This is this magic but it's not but share with us? Like what is going on that you don't have to hear the story that I can literally there was one exercise you had me do which I thought was so interesting. And for everyone Who knows and has been listening, the time when I got the call from my mom. And she told me that she had 13 lesions, cancer stage four. And it is a her, it was a horrific memory for me and you took me and started way before the situation, then you had me kind of share the process because it was so fascinating. So it's

Dr. Don Wood:

basically what we're trying to do is bring your mind into a safe place first before that call, and then we take you through that event. And then we finish back in a safe place. And we're looking at a series of pictures. And what happens is, is the mind starts to look at this. And as you're in a very high beta state in that event, now you're in a very low alpha, safe mindset. And the minds and I'll ask you for what about minute to minute highlight reel, that's it, or a picture of once we start to reset it, the mind will take all that intensity out of it, because you're in an alpha safe, brainwave state. And that basically just reboots it. And then it

Hilary DeCesare:

was the coolest thing, because he would make me go to the moment that my mom was sharing it, then go back. And the millennium before I got the call, and then after I mean he was he was asked me to pull up like in crazy order and everything. And I remember like, it was so fascinating what was happening. And as I just said, even and even sharing the story right now, I don't have that like intense. I was I was constantly every time I brought it up, I would tear I would like my eyes would fill with water every time. And it's not that I'm not sensitive to what happened. What is happening, doctor would that I'm not teary eyed.

Dr. Don Wood:

Because before the tears would be coming because your mind was trying to get you to do something. Don't let it happen, fix it. Don't let her get that call, don't have to deal with it. There was nothing you could have done, then. And there's certainly nothing you could have done now. But at the time your mind seen it saying Hillary do something like stop it from happening. But now your mind understands that it's not happening now. So I'll call for an action. And then you can talk about it.

Hilary DeCesare:

So we have to take a quick break. But when we come back, how does we're going to discuss how does rebooting the mind help performance? Can someone really break a world record simply by changing their mindset. And we'll go into that when we come back. This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and is a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three h q method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally. And personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch Hey, everyone, welcome back. I'm here with Dr. Don and we have been talking about it's not magic. It's actually your brain wanting to do something so powerful for you. And we're talking about this process of rebooting. And how does that impact performance? And so Dr. Don, please, you've got so many again, 1000s of people who have gone through this, you've had such incredible results. Can you share with us this? You know, how does this all take place within you know, share the world record one because this is so cool.

Dr. Don Wood:

What was amazing. That's what I discovered. This is why the program's called the inspired performance program that has if you notice I never talked about trauma. Trauma just interferes with us reaching our highest level of performance. So when we have this unresolved trauma, what I have discovered is it actually affects the mitochondria, the ATP, the energy production in the cell, because the trauma loop is running draining that power. It's like having an open program on your phone. So when we shut that power down because there's no longer any necessary power being used for that trauma loop and performance goes up. So I love working with athletes because we can see it so quickly. I'll give you a great example Marco just set out is a double amputee marathon runner from Kenya, he ended up having a suicide attempt lost both his legs from the suicide attempt. And for a marathon runner, obviously, that's devastating. So they had to teach him how to walk again. And then they built him prosthetics so that he could the blade so he could run. Marco came in to see me in February of 2019. And they said, we really think he's got great potential, but he's plateaued. He's not improving, no matter how much physical training he's doing, he's hit his wall. So I took him to the program, same program that you went through Hillary, nine days later, he runs in a marathon and took 15 seconds per mile off his time, which is a big amount. And then a few weeks later, he runs in the Boston Marathon in 2019, and breaks a world record. And he said, it was in my mind, I didn't understand how much energy and what I said to Marco, I said, Marco, I didn't make you a faster runner, you will always that fast, you didn't have access to that power, we freed up that power. So he breaks a world record in April of 2019. Couple months later runs in the Chicago Marathon breaks his own world record again, by another five minutes thing get signed by Nike. He's now a Nike athlete. And the idea behind it is Marco always had that ability. There's an what I say to everybody. And I said that to you. There's nothing wrong with anybody. There's nothing wrong with anybody's mind. everybody's mind is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. If you have trauma, your mind thinks you're still in danger. Because it's running trauma in real time. It has to activate to protect you shut that down what happens to performance, it has to go up. It's, it's a science, if you have more energy, more power, more focused. I mean, I work with people like you highest performing executives, you can imagine world class athletes, they all improve the performance when you get that trauma loop shut down. And that's why I'm so excited about working together. Well,

Hilary DeCesare:

let me just share this was so fascinating to me, because I thought and I call it hell in the hallway, in the book I put, you know, my my past, anything that was traumatic, anything that was you know, activating I just put behind a door, close that door. And then I call the bugs, right, those limiting beliefs, those, those little like crazies, they crawl under the door, they slipped through the keyhole. And what was so amazing is I've taken myself through my process, but it wasn't a limiting belief around some of the, you know, some of the things that I took through the process with you. They were deep, they were traumatic events. And what you did was you clear those, and then I could really focus on my bugs. I mean, then I could really say Alright, so now let me uplevel myself, and that's where, I mean, it's not that I was going up against this wall, but I just felt like, How come things aren't moving a little faster? Why aren't things happening at a greater pace? Because I've been able to do this in the past, you know, manifest all these things. But it was like, Okay, open up the, you know, open up the door, that wall came crashing down. And then the business, my life like everything, just I there was a sense of calming, and I'm like, wow, so incredible. So how, let me ask you from, from a person who's listening to this, right, and they're thinking, Hmm, who is really an like, this really helps this type of person? Is it? Is it limited? Or do you primarily focus on certain, you know, certain types? Like what, who really do you want to light the world on fire with?

Dr. Don Wood:

It's amazing because I work with so many people, and they'll say, everybody needs this program, kids in this program. So there's really no it's anybody who's dealing currently with if they say I have anxiety, I have depression. I'll say something. They'll come in and say I have depression. What I'll say is, what are you angry about? They'll go well, no, I'm not angry, I'm depressed. Now your depression is a function of the brain, not a dysfunction. The brain is shutting down to protect you. And people say, Oh, I sabotage myself. I go, it's impossible. The brains are survival based brain is trying to keep you alive. And that's why I love the way you talked about it when you said bugs, what bugs are these limiting beliefs that you're talking about? Our protection, ways to protect you? So like you said, I put it away I closed the door so your brain is going to figure out how to keep that door closed. So we're going to change the way you think We're going to change the way you believe, so that we don't have to open the door. Right? Those are codes that got built for you. Because your mind says we need to protect Hillary, that's painful. So let's work around so we don't have to see the door. And so that we don't even have to think about the door, those are the bugs that you're talking about, when you clear the trauma, you can open the door, because those limiting beliefs will go away, you're gonna reset them,

Hilary DeCesare:

you can reset them, and then you can relaunch yourself. Really, it is so okay, that everyone, the reason that I am so excited is because this was the missing piece for me. And I know so many of the people that are trying to scale their businesses, from six to seven to eight to 10 figures, you're running up against this, and you don't even know what it is. And so super excited that when you and I started talking, you have such a great wealth of the neuroscience of all these different things, and I like to dummy down everything, spoon feed it, you know, little put the, you know, put it out there so easily. And I'd love to have you share what we're about to embark on?

Dr. Don Wood:

Well, it's a perfect combination, because your experience and what you've done in the business world, you know, along with all the people that you have been helping. So now we can just go that next level and get to the root cause, which is then going to make your system and what you're doing even more powerful. So I know what I'm excited about is to work with you. And let's bring people in who want to get to that next level who are already successful doesn't mean you're not successful, you could already be successful, but you know, you have another gear. So we're gonna work together to find that other gear for you, and help you improve your business to a high level mastermind program that we're going to do together.

Hilary DeCesare:

I mean, you guys this is like we have not even this is first we are putting it out there, we're going to start with a podcast. So that for those that want to start to really, truly get into peak performance mode to really understand more about this, right, because first you have to have awareness, then you have an understanding, and then you can take it to the next level of knowing. And where we're going to combine is that Dr. Don, state of the art facilities, state of the art, they put the probes on your brain, they do all this crazy, awesome things in this in this facility in Florida, Orlando. And what we want to be able to do is with the business side of what I know you're all trying to create, right, we've got three HQ getting out of your head, the strategies to do it, which is what we're talking about right now, getting into the heart really like where are you trying to get to, and then tapping into that higher self, the energy you heard about the energy leak, we are going to be going into that with this brand new podcast really helping you understand taking it to the next level, and then the peak performance mastermind. And that's where we are going to be working with the elite of the elite like this is going to be power based, powerful as powerful can be. We are designing it right now. For those that are already like, hey, oh my god, make sure I am on that list, I need to find out that information, please go ahead. And either what's the best way to contact you, Dr. Don, what's the best way

Dr. Don Wood:

probably just to our website. So if you go to the inspired performance Just go to info there send an information it always reaches. So my assistant or the our staff, somebody will see it and then either alert you or contact you directly.

Hilary DeCesare:

So definitely just put peak performance mastermind in there to make sure that you are, you know, at the front of the line when this opens up. And for those that want to reach out directly, you can go ahead and go to our website, just the the and go ahead and put in there's a place that you can message message us so you can message me and just put it in there and I'll make sure that we get right back to you tell you more. But this is so exciting. But for those that want to do something right now don't want to wait, what what are you working on right now? I know you have your two books, what would you suggest as that first step?

Dr. Don Wood:

I've actually got two more books that are coming out so they should be out shortly but we have our online program that people can also go through, we just shot our hole online for hours and virtual reality, which we're excited about. So they're editing all that and and then I think just continue to listen to it because this mastermind that we're tying was going to be limited, we want to try to make this really powerful want to come out of the gate and really show some major results. So the first people coming in are really going to be sort of the rocket, right for us to show what we can accomplish with people. So if you're interested, I would certainly get your name into either Hillary or herself to let us know that you're interested.

Hilary DeCesare:

I love it. It's like the rocket fuel, right? I mean, they're the rockets, they're gonna have their North Star. And we are literally going to I mean, just, it's a blast off. Like you've you can't even imagine what we have in store. Like, you talk about what AI is doing in the market right now. This is going to change the course of true peak performance and how it's defined. There will not be after we, after we put this out there, it will make every single type of mastermind out there have, they're gonna have to rethink it. They really want.

Dr. Don Wood:

I love that. Yeah, true. A number of them, I've been a number of them. And a lot of them are great, right? So there's some great stuff. But we want to get that next level again. So we want to get your peak level up. Ah,

Hilary DeCesare:

and so who would be ideal for what type of person would be ideal for this peak performance mastermind.

Dr. Don Wood:

I think people who know that they've got more in them. And then they just don't know why they can't get there. Because everything is sort of looks like it's lined up. But they find themselves being able to not finish or not be able to get started on something. And I don't know why. It's because of these bugs. And it's also the bugs that got created by trauma.

Hilary DeCesare:

You have to be raising your hand because there are very few that had that perfect, perfect childhood. So unfortunately, we do have to end it right now. If you love what you're listening to make sure you're subscribing hit that button and we'll make sure to get you all of this goodness as well. Be on the lookout. Be on the lookout for what's coming because this next generation podcast this next generation mastermind is coming your way. Everyone thank you so much and we will be with you again next week. Take care




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