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Unmask Your Potential: The Joy of Getting Visible with Vicki Knights
11th July 2024 • Joy At Work • Lucia Knight
00:00:00 00:11:04

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In this session, Vicki Knights, an engaging speaker and qualified positive psychology practitioner, discusses the importance of being visible as a mid-career professional. Vicki explains how hiding behind a company mask can limit your joy and potential at work. 

She presents four surprising ways that building your personal brand and getting visible can improve your well-being and career prospects. Vicki covers the benefits of forging genuine connections, boosting confidence through authenticity, creating exciting opportunities, and empowering yourself and others. 

Tune in to learn how showing up can lead to a more fulfilling professional life.

[01:06] The Importance of Visibility

[02:11] Four Surprising Benefits of Getting Visible

[02:17] Building Genuine Connections

[05:09] Boosting Confidence Through Authenticity

[07:48] Creating Exciting Opportunities

[08:37] Empowering Yourself and Others

Speaker Links:

Grab Vicki's free 12-page visibility guide at

Podcast: Showing Up with Vicki Knights:


If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy my Life Satisfaction Assessment. It's a 30-minute program where I guide you through a deep dive into 10 areas of your life to assess what's bringing you joy and what's bringing you down. I call it Derailed and it's a fabulous place to begin a joy-at-work redesign.


Lucia Knight:

If you're a mid career professional, you need to

Lucia Knight:

know our next guest, Vicky Knight.

Lucia Knight:


Lucia Knight:

Because so many people I come across, particularly if they

Lucia Knight:

work for big companies, have made themselves utterly invisible when

Lucia Knight:

it comes to personal profiles.

Lucia Knight:

They hide behind the company mask of protection, and in doing so,

Lucia Knight:

they hide their human selves.

Lucia Knight:

Now here's the clincher.

Lucia Knight:

As we age, The longevity and potential joy that we can experience from our work

Lucia Knight:

becomes more and more dependent upon our uniqueness and our connection to others.

Lucia Knight:

So that mask of protection can, as we get older, become an invisibility cloak that

Lucia Knight:

limits our potential for joy at work.

Lucia Knight:

Vicky is such an engaging speaker.

Lucia Knight:

She also uses science to show you why and how to take your own visibility

Lucia Knight:

cloak off without feeling naked.

Lucia Knight:

Let's dive in.

Vicki Knight:

Hi there.

Vicki Knight:

I am Vicki Nice, and I'm going to be talking to you

Vicki Knight:

about the joy of showing up.

Vicki Knight:

And at the end of this 10 minutes, you should feel much

Vicki Knight:

more excited about getting visible and building your personal brand.

Vicki Knight:

So many people think about getting visible and showing up online in a similar way

Vicki Knight:

to how I think about household chores.

Vicki Knight:

So something that has to be done, but something that I

Vicki Knight:

really don't enjoy one bit.

Vicki Knight:

So instead, I want to share with you the four surprising ways.

Vicki Knight:

That getting visible will make you love your work even more.

Vicki Knight:

So we all know the obvious benefits of getting visible, right?

Vicki Knight:

There's so many studies that show that being visible online grows trust,

Vicki Knight:

and we know that it helps you to build your personal brand and creates

Vicki Knight:

more opportunities for you, but that doesn't mean it's easy or doesn't come

Vicki Knight:

without a huge amount of resistance.

Vicki Knight:

So I'm a qualified positive psychology practitioner, so I'm going to be

Vicki Knight:

infusing some positive psychology principles into this session to show

Vicki Knight:

how getting visible can improve your well being as well as help you improve

Vicki Knight:

your career and get more opportunities.

Vicki Knight:

Okay, so let's get started with the four surprising ways that getting visible

Vicki Knight:

will make you love your work more.

Vicki Knight:

Okay, number one is getting visible will build genuine connections and friendships.

Vicki Knight:

So all of the friendships and connections that I've made since

Vicki Knight:

running my business for 15 years have been as a result of getting visible.

Vicki Knight:

So there's this interesting psychological theory called self disclosure, which

Vicki Knight:

refers to the process of sharing personal information about yourself to others.

Vicki Knight:

So this act of sharing, which often includes emotions and sharing your

Vicki Knight:

vulnerabilities, the theory states is pivotal in forging genuine connections.

Vicki Knight:

So the self disclosure theory suggests that being open leads to

Vicki Knight:

deeper relationships because it helps develop trust and invites the other

Vicki Knight:

person to share in a deeper way too.

Vicki Knight:

So when you, as a mid career professional, share your journey and your

Vicki Knight:

challenges, you just seem more human.

Vicki Knight:

This authenticity encourages your network and your peers to engage

Vicki Knight:

with you on a more personal level.

Vicki Knight:

Now, this isn't about having to cry on LinkedIn or share deeply personal

Vicki Knight:

stories that you don't want to share.

Vicki Knight:

It's absolutely not something you need to do.

Vicki Knight:

In order to build trust with your audience.

Vicki Knight:

I sometimes feel that personal branding seems to be conflated with

Vicki Knight:

being overly vulnerable and the two do not have to go hand in hand.

Vicki Knight:

So when people in business share their own stories, they not only appear more

Vicki Knight:

human and relatable, but they're often inviting others to connect with them

Vicki Knight:

on a more personal and emotional level.

Vicki Knight:

This view is also backed up by the mere exposure effect.

Vicki Knight:

Which is a psychological phenomenon where people tend to develop

Vicki Knight:

a preference for things simply because they're familiar with them.

Vicki Knight:

Think about when you hear a song for the first time on the radio.

Vicki Knight:

Often you need to listen to it for a number of times in order to like it.

Vicki Knight:

So showing up in your work regularly creates familiarity, which the brain

Vicki Knight:

interprets as safe and trustworthy.

Vicki Knight:

So by infusing more of you into your work, you leverage this effect.

Vicki Knight:

Each interaction where you show a bit more of your true self.

Vicki Knight:

reinforces familiarity.

Vicki Knight:

People begin to feel like they know you personally, even if they've actually never

Vicki Knight:

met you in real life, this breeds trust.

Vicki Knight:

And as we know, people need to trust you before they feel

Vicki Knight:

comfortable doing business with you.

Vicki Knight:

And this has never been more important than it is now.

Vicki Knight:

So in my own experience of hosting podcasts and sharing more of my

Vicki Knight:

personality and my values and my journey, it's meant that I've built a

Vicki Knight:

deeper relationship with my audience.

Vicki Knight:

So sometimes when I go to conferences, people will come up to me and start

Vicki Knight:

chatting to me like they know me because they feel like they do because

Vicki Knight:

they've heard me talking on podcasts and sharing my story for years.

Vicki Knight:

So when people see that you're genuine, they're much more likely to want

Vicki Knight:

to do business and work with you.

Vicki Knight:

So showing up in your work builds bridges between you and your

Vicki Knight:

peers and your audience, and it builds genuine connections,

Vicki Knight:

interactions, and friendships.

Vicki Knight:

So number two, showing up is a celebration of you and it increases your confidence.

Vicki Knight:

By getting visible in a way that feels completely and utterly authentic

Vicki Knight:

to you, studies have proven that it will actually make you happier.

Vicki Knight:

Yes, really.

Vicki Knight:

There was a study done in the 1990s by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi that demonstrated

Vicki Knight:

that living in alignment with your values is actually proven to make you happier.

Vicki Knight:

Different professionals were studied to see which ones were happy and

Vicki Knight:

which were unhappy and unproductive.

Vicki Knight:

And the most important factor the study discovered Was alignment with core values,

Vicki Knight:

the happiest and most productive people were taking actions in line with their

Vicki Knight:

values because this gives them a constant sense of motivation because they see how

Vicki Knight:

the work they're doing today leads to a long term vision they find meaningful.

Vicki Knight:

So when you're weaving your passions and your strengths into your visibility,

Vicki Knight:

this becomes a representation of you, which is incredibly fulfilling.

Vicki Knight:

So let's quick look at the concept of flow here, which is

Vicki Knight:

also known as being in the zone.

Vicki Knight:

It originates from the same psychologist, Csikszentmihalyi.

Vicki Knight:

He described flow as a mental state of complete exorbitant in an activity.

Vicki Knight:

So this state is characterized by a sense of complete energized

Vicki Knight:

focus on the task at hand.

Vicki Knight:

There's often like a sense of timelessness that accompanies this experience.

Vicki Knight:

You know when hours can feel like minutes and you also lose

Vicki Knight:

your sense of self consciousness.

Vicki Knight:

I'm sure you can all think of tasks in your work where you're in Deep flow.

Vicki Knight:

Flow occurs when there's a balance between the challenge of the task and the

Vicki Knight:

skill level of the person performing it.

Vicki Knight:

So if the task is too easy, it leads to boredom.

Vicki Knight:

If it's too difficult, it results in anxiety.

Vicki Knight:

Flow is found in that sweet spot in between.

Vicki Knight:

Though in terms of positive psychology, flow is not just beneficial for

Vicki Knight:

productivity, but also for happiness.

Vicki Knight:

So engaging in tasks that induce flow is intrinsically rewarding and has been

Vicki Knight:

linked to greater long term well being.

Vicki Knight:

for listening.

Vicki Knight:

So when you're crafting your visibility strategy, you need to ensure that you're

Vicki Knight:

getting visible in a way that aligns with your personality and your values.

Vicki Knight:

the visibility tasks that you're doing create a sense of flow for you.

Vicki Knight:

So for example, if one of your signature strengths is curiosity and

Vicki Knight:

humor, and you love having joyful, interesting live interviews with people

Vicki Knight:

on LinkedIn, you're much more likely to enter a flow state when you're

Vicki Knight:

working on this kind of marketing.

Vicki Knight:

Your audience will be able to feel this joy and passion for what you're doing.

Vicki Knight:

Which will mean that they'll connect with it more.

Vicki Knight:

So aligning your business activities with your values and strengths and creating

Vicki Knight:

a strategy around activities that put you in a flow state, all will lead to

Vicki Knight:

increased confidence and well being.

Vicki Knight:

And we can't say no to that.

Vicki Knight:

So number three, visibility creates exciting opportunities.

Vicki Knight:

When you get visible in your work and you build a personal brand, you

Vicki Knight:

become a voice in your industry.

Vicki Knight:

You establish yourself as an expert, someone who knows what

Vicki Knight:

they're talking about and has the experience to back it up.

Vicki Knight:

This helps you to gain credibility, increases your chances of being noticed

Vicki Knight:

by people in and out of your industry.

Vicki Knight:

This can lead to collaborations and other opportunities to meet

Vicki Knight:

new people and develop your career.

Vicki Knight:

So, so many of the brilliant opportunities I've had in my business,

Vicki Knight:

such as features in magazines, being invited to speak at conferences

Vicki Knight:

and contribute to people's books.

Vicki Knight:

Being a guest of brilliant podcasts, being booked to do

Vicki Knight:

talks within people's communities.

Vicki Knight:

None of these opportunities would have happened if I hadn't been visible in

Vicki Knight:

my business and proactively sought out these kinds of opportunities.

Vicki Knight:

They don't just come and fall in your lap.

Vicki Knight:

And number four, showing up empowers yourself and others.

Vicki Knight:

Every time you put yourself out there, you reinforce your self belief and

Vicki Knight:

demonstrate your capabilities, not just to yourself, but to the world.

Vicki Knight:

This is closely tied with the concept of Albert Bandura's theory of self

Vicki Knight:

efficacy, which is the belief in one's ability to succeed in specific situations.

Vicki Knight:

So each act of visibility boosts your self efficacy, leading to greater confidence

Vicki Knight:

and a proactive approach to challenges.

Vicki Knight:

And your visibility can be incredibly empowering for other people.

Vicki Knight:

So for example, when others see you overcoming the fears and the resistance

Vicki Knight:

they have to get invisible, they see you showing up with confidence, It

Vicki Knight:

encourages them to believe they too have the capability to show up and be seen.

Vicki Knight:

It provides them with evidence that it's possible to show up with

Vicki Knight:

confidence and that the barriers they perceive can be overcome.

Vicki Knight:

So by being more visible in work, you're not only increasing your own

Vicki Knight:

confidence, but you're also helping to inspire others to do the same.

Vicki Knight:

So let's just recap those four unexpected joys of getting visible.

Vicki Knight:

Number one, it will build genuine connections and friendships.

Vicki Knight:

You never know what wonderful people you're going to connect with.

Vicki Knight:

Until you start getting more visible.

Vicki Knight:

Number two, showing up as a celebration of you.

Vicki Knight:

Number three, getting visible creates exciting opportunities.

Vicki Knight:

Number four, getting visible empowers others as well as yourself.

Vicki Knight:

So I hope this has made you feel more excited about showing up in your work.

Vicki Knight:

And it's helped you to see that it's not something to be feared,

Vicki Knight:

but instead it's something to be celebrated and it will actually

Vicki Knight:

improve your wellbeing and increase your confidence if you do it right

Vicki Knight:

and in a way that's authentic to you.

Vicki Knight:

If you want more inspiration and motivation to get visible, the best place

Vicki Knight:

to start is by listening to my podcast.

Vicki Knight:

Just search for Showing Up With Vicki Nights, wherever you get your podcasts.

Vicki Knight:

You can also grab my free 12 page visibility guide at vickiknights.

Vicki Knight:


Vicki Knight:


Vicki Knight:

Thank you so much for listening and enjoy the rest of the Joy at Work Summit.

Lucia Knight:

If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy my

Lucia Knight:

Life Satisfaction Assessment.

Lucia Knight:

It's a 30 minute program where I guide you through a deep dive into 10 areas

Lucia Knight:

of your life to assess what's bringing you joy and what's bringing you time.

Lucia Knight:

I call it D.

Lucia Knight:

It's a fabulous place to begin a joy at work redesign.



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