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How To Survive A Quarter Life Crisis
Episode 12029th November 2022 • Am I Doing This Right? • Corinne Foxx and Natalie McMillan
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Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx

Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan 

What we're drinking: POPPI Sparkling Prebiotic Strawberry Lemon Soda 


So many of us in our mid-20s and early-30s start to question our goals, plans, and even relationships. This process can lead to feelings of stress and uncertainty, which is often referred to as a ‘quarter-life crisis.’ 

We dive into the eight signs of an identity crisis, helpful ways to cope with this challenging time, and how to use this as a period of self-exploration and discovery. We talk about what we find supportive during these pockets of existential questioning, as well as what the experts say about how to emerge from this experience happier, more motivated, and with a greater sense of clarity. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Different elements of identity 
  • Common quarter-life crisis triggers
  • Characteristics of the two main types of quarter-life crises: stability and meaning
  • Getting to the root cause of your burnout 
  • Questions and prompts to help guide your journaling 
  • The #1 tip to reduce the cycle of unhealthy comparison 


Episode 111 - How To Journal 

Episode 21 - How To Cultivate Purpose In Your Life and Career with Author Colleen Bordeaux



Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Week: Hailee Steinfeld


POPPI Sparkling Prebiotic Strawberry Lemon Soda  = 6.5 / Hailee


To wrap up the episode, Corinne and Natalie play Recent Obsessions. After seeing her recent Hot Ones episode, Natalie has gone down the Emma Chamberlain rabbit hole. She’s also been binging Hansen vs. Predator videos lately. Corinne didn’t believe it at first, but the SKIMS dress is worth the hype. 

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Corinne Foxx:

Hey welcome back to another episode of am I doing this right? I'm Corinne Foxx.

Natalie McMillan:

And I'm Natalie McMillan

Corinne Foxx:

and we are best friends confidants millennials and the host of am I doing this right? A life how to podcast from the perspective of non experts.

Natalie McMillan:

And each week we cover a new topic and we drink a new fun Bevy

Corinne Foxx:

fun beverage of the week.

Corinne Foxx:

And this week, we are talking. I'm sure there's a lot of us out there. Me included. How to Survive a quarter life crisis. We're going to talk about what even is a quarter life crisis, the signs that you might be going through one, and steps you can take to survive this turbulent time in your life and even if you're having a midlife crisis, yeah. Really identity crisis at all. existential crisis, any sort of internal crisis. This is the episode for you. At the end of the episode, we're gonna be playing a recent obsession so we'll be revealing what we've been recently obsessed with. And you guys remember you can always write into the show with episode requests at am I doing this right? Or you can DM us at am I doing this right pod on Instagram? We love to hear it. Yes. We love to see you. We love to see those little DMS and not actually didn't tell you about my morning. Oh, yes. This is a little gross. Okay, for everyone listening. Okay. So morning. Gross. Gross. So I got up at 730, which is when my alarm goes off. And Archie actually slept. He normally sleeps in his crate. But last night he didn't, for whatever for of reasons. Okay. And so I went to go get him at 730 and I like let him out of his little area. And then he jumped on the bed and we kind of like laid for like 10 minutes. You're just like laying in bed like and then he hops down and I'm like Bucha Did you fart? I knew I knew it. I knew it did you for oh, and I go That's not fair. He shit in my room. The biggest shit I've ever seen in my life like Sorry, TMI but a log. Log. And I was just like, What in the hell? Because this was overnight or this was right when he came in. Right when he woke up. We cuddled thank God, he didn't do it in my bed. Oh my god. Oh, my I thought you were gonna say he like had stepped in and then got in your bed. And I was gonna say, Oh, hell no, no, he he cuddled on my bed with me. And then he hopped off and I don't know, I thought he went in another and I smelled hot shit. Everywhere. And when I tell you to put on a mask, like, you know, one of those masks on I'd put on plastic gloves. And I was gagging picking it up. I was like, and of course Joe was conveniently at the gym and I'm texting him. Where are you? Why didn't you take him out when he got up? Well, okay, so normally we our normal thing is he's in his crate. 730 I open the little crate we do our morning cuddles. Yeah, he eats. We don't walk till about eight. Right? He should at 740 on in the house. I was just like, I can't believe this. I was so mad at him. But I think what happened is that he normally is in his crate. Yeah. And he was up all night walking around. And so like, you know, it gets your digestive system flowing. So I think he was up earlier. And he had to really go. Yeah, by the time I was up, and he probably was just like, confused as to what his schedule was. Yeah, he's like, I think I've been up for like, several hours. It's time to go. Yeah, in the house. Wow. I have to steam clean our carpet. No. Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, it was it was bad. Anyways, you guys I'm so sorry to start the episode off this way. But it's a dumb one needed to know. And I Natalie have a photo for you that I will show you. Oh my God, because I descended to Joe because I was like, unbelievable. Unbelievable. Poor guy was he like, why? He was like, I don't even care. I mean, he was whimpering this. He never whimpers and but I thought he just wanted me to come get it. Right. But I guess I guess maybe there were other things happen, I think from now on. Oh, it's like he's never not sleeping in his grave. I think Zeplin has not been in his crate. Like one time. Pull. It makes sense. Because like, you know, once you like, go on a morning run, like you got to go to the bathroom. And so like he's been up, he's ready to go. Right. Right. Who knew? Yeah. So that's where my day started and really trying to shake that off. Yeah, sorry. Put that on the listeners. Well, I'm glad that you were able to, um, it was a real mom moment. I was like, I can't believe whatever I have kids and like this is going to be my reality. Yeah. Well, I have a there was something I wanted to talk about that oh, so so different from Yeah, let's talk about it. But I just feel like the we should tell people about what we experienced the other day. What was it? We were at a movie premiere for a documentary. And the man that introduced Oh, yeah, did a speech now like it was fun. laugh I have ever seen him. What was the one thing? So yeah, we went to the sponsors. Oh, yeah. So we went from your pretty big movie premiere. And the other guy was introducing it. He didn't know what it was. He had. Yeah, he didn't know what he was. He didn't know who the person was. Then he goes, this film is sponsored by the sponsor of sponsors. You know, the bigger Bay sponsor, that you know that one sponsor I think he said sponsor seven times before he was like at&t. It was a really big setup for at&t. It was a I have never seen as beach So had you been on so I'm like, either he was drunk or he just like they didn't give him any materials. And he was just like, he didn't really I don't think he knew the name of the movie did not because he said This documentary is really great. I just thought Natalie was crying laughing I truly wish but it wasn't just me because I was looking around people were laughing people were like, What the fuck is happening right now? It was pretty brutal. Oh, Lord, but I just had to tell people because I think it's like the most I've laughed for like money. Yeah, after it you go. I needed that. i Yang? Oh, so good. Oh, now what are we drinking?

Natalie McMillan:

Well, beverage or retagging? I feel like I've talked about this before. I think I've said that. I've never had it. But you've said you have okay. Is this puppy. Oh, yes. But I've been I haven't had this. This was this is strawberry lemon. Show lemonade loves. Are they? Okay, well, let me just see. Is it soda? Well, you know what I'm not going to do shake it up. Like last time. So yeah, this is Poppy. It's a prebiotic soda. And we have the strawberry lemon flavor. I think you can get these at like Whole Foods and like a kind of maybe a more healthy grocery store. Yeah, I'm at Sprouts. I got this at Bristol Farms. Ah. Oh, it's very fragrant. It says there's apple cider vinegar in it. Okay, Joe looks like I'm talking every single night. He has one of these or an ollie pop. Oh, I haven't had a lollipop either. Yeah. So it's for gut health for a healthy guts. Yeah. And the ingredients are sparkling water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, strawberry juice, and organic cane sugar, and then stevia. So we'll read this at the end of the episode and see if you guys should give this little drink a try. And you're supposed to take this label off to recycle it. You know what I've been realizing. Recycling is not real. It's not real. And also the amount like you can't just put anything in the recycling. There's so many like rolls, or they just literally throw out the entire thing. The whole batch. If there's one thing in there that can't be used when wanting to do a recycling episode. Yes, because it's so much more complicated than we have been led on to believe Alright, stay tuned. If you guys want that recycling. Well, we'll get to the nitty gritty will do get it Okay. Am I doing this? Right? Investigate investigate recycling. It's a conspiracy. But we'll get into we'll get into our topic.

Corinne Foxx:

Yeah, this week is how to survive your quarter life crisis or a any type of crisis essentially, yes, we're at that age where like, I think a lot of us are going through it also for the fellow Astro girlies. You know, it's astrology, a lot of the people going through Saturn Return the infamous Saturn Return where you get knocked on your ass, but you get up and you're new and you're aligned and authentic and the whole nine so it's always you know, it's a good thing when you go through a quarter life crisis, I think because you always come out of it a different way. But they always do tend to hit us in our 20s for a reason. And usually is what takes us from the little baby adult to adult adult, which I don't really think I'm an adult adult. I'm starting to get there which is scary. I guess that's the Saturn Return. They're like you're not an adult until after and I'm like fuck because mine is right want to just like really quickly just say because you've said it twice now and I don't want people for people that are like talking about Okay, so in astrology you can look up on your chart to or we also have an episode with astrology. Elisa Kelly have an episode she talks about it. Okay, and I think she's the one that was like you think you're an adult now but you're not I'm I was like, oh, but basically it's when Saturn comes back into your chart and like, hence Saturn Saturn Return. Essentially, it rocks your shit. Yeah, yeah, it rocks your shit. And then normally comes around between your 27th and your 29th birthday, which is why we're saying that because that's typically when your court life crisis can occur. And it's interesting because I've also asked people like, when you were like 2829 Did anything you know happen and they're always like, oh my god like this that and the third happened like I got a, you know, married to somebody for four minutes. So like all this crazy shit. So, yes, but let's actually like define it. So what

Corinne Foxx:

is a quarter life crisis? Yeah, so often the 20s and your 20s I guess your 20s and your early 30s are thought to be the best time of a person's life. Individuals in this age range are generally in good health have minimal responsibilities, and are able to explore opportunities and take chances in both their professional and private lives. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that young adults are not free of the stresses that come later in life. In fact, many people in this stage of life experience periods of uncertainty and anxiety during which they question their goals, plans and even relationships. Professionals have named this occurrence, the quarter life crisis. And according to Forbes, a quarter life crisis is defined as a period of quote, intense soul searching and stress. Because soul searching doesn't sound bad. No, it's the AMS and and the intensity of it. Yes. Oh, intense. Yeah. And research has shown us that quarter life crisis is are more common than we may think. According to one survey, 86% of millennials have experienced a quarterlife crisis. So Gen Z have that to look forward to Yes. And according to licensed psychologist Rachel needle, a quarterlife crisis is a period and a young adults life that typically happens between one's mid 20s and early 30s. It's a feeling of stress and uncertainty often triggered around this time in someone's life, as they figure out who they are and what they want. Yeah, and I think not. And I can both confidently say, we are experiencing we are feeling that it's like, who am I going to be? And how am I going to show up in this world? Right? And what am I doing? What am I doing? Am I doing this? Or am I doing this? Right? And like, who am I? I wonder it's me, my grid. Hello, God. Me, Margaret. Yeah, it's it's tough. So how do these? How does the quarter life crisis kick off?

Natalie McMillan:

So typically, a midlife crisis and identity crisis and existential crisis, any of these crises will be kicked off by an event, or even a combination of a few events that make you feel like you've lost a sense of identity. When something happens that challenges or changes our sense of identity. It can be disorienting, and very scary, hence, the quote unquote crisis, the crisis of crisis, absolute crisis, you feel like you're in. But what is identity anyways? So according to Harley therapy, counseling in the United Kingdom, what not going to more on that later? I was really good. Oh, thank you. They say our identity is the way we define ourselves. This includes our values, our beliefs, and our personality. It also encompasses the roles we play in our society and family, our past memories, our hopes for the future, as well as our hobbies and interests. Yeah, there's always these elements to have like, okay, especially like with parents, I think like, when you're young adult, yeah. Older adults, like, Oh, my God, now I gotta start taking care of them. Yes, or like, and then if we start having kids, then it's like a whole, like a whole other thing. They have said that, like, have you heard that, like happiness is a smile. When you're in your early, late teens, early 20s, you're at the top half of the smile. And then you dip down in like your 20s 30s. And like, 40s, and then you start going back up in your 50s 60s 70s 80s. Wow. I mean, that makes sense. So we are on the decline. For some studies sloped downward will also it's like you probably you've got more responsibilities, you've probably got kids, which means more financial responsibilities, which means like, less time for you. There's a lot going on. Let's get into some common triggers, though. What are some common thing common kickoff events? Yeah,

Corinne Foxx:

the kickoff events include losing your job, or experiencing job insecurity or issues with job stability at all, a breakup or the end of a meaningful relationship, moving to a new place where you might not know anyone living alone for the first time, by nancial, insecurity or instability, the loss of a loved one family member or friend, experiencing grief in any way marriage or major relationship commitments, or just simply graduating college without plans for what's next. Also, there's just a million other things that could kick it off or maybe don't even. I think what can be really scary is if you don't know why it's happening or like, right, okay, my job is stable my relationships they will. This is the end, you're like, why do I still feel like I don't know what's going on? Yes. Oh my god, it starts even scarier very scary.

Natalie McMillan:

And also, I think we should point out with these triggers like, yes, some of them losing your job breaking up with somebody those suck, but things like getting married, getting your degree like those are great things. But I think people forget like, those can be so fucking anxiety inducing, it's not your identity, you're completely changing your identity. I mean, you're literally like changing your name. You're on your identification, which we have, how to get married, right, and I will not be changing my name. Wage when you start I saw a lot of steps. So what are some signs if someone's listening like okay, am I having a quarter life crisis? Am I having a midlife crisis? Am I having some type of crisis? Yes.

Corinne Foxx:

So there's like eight common signs, one being impulsive behaviors. So if somebody has a realization, they actually hate the job that they'd been dreaming about, for example, they might impulsively quit without thinking it through first, and decide to like backpack through Europe for a month, which Yeah, that's extreme. But like you get it? Yes. feeling a need for change. It's this need for change, but not knowing what that change needs to look like in order to be fulfilled? Yeah, I feel like that is a key part of it. It's like something needs to change. I don't even know what it is. But it feels like very urgent and immediate and like, I gotta figure it out urgency of it. Yes. I've been telling my therapy. And I was telling you about it too. Like, I feel like I'm floating. Like, and I know I have to do it. But I don't know what it is. You're just like waiting to figure. Yeah, I'm just like waiting. A fluctuating relationship. So depending on what triggered your quarter life crisis, sometimes relationships can be affected. If you found yourself on a new spiritual path. For example, you might feel inclined to break up with your partner or forge a whole new group of friends. Yeah, depending on like, what your interests are changing too. And you might be like, I gotta, I can't be with you. You might look around and be like, Wow, my friends are problematic. Now I have to completely change my whole life, which is very scary. Big crisis, big crisis, having difficulty making decisions. So a person may be exploring a lot of different options for what they might do moving forward, whether that's what city to move to, or what job to have, and experience and over analysis of pros and cons of those various decisions to the point where the person has a really hard time moving forward. Again, we got an episode on this what to do when you don't know what to do the analysis paralysis. Yeah, for sure. Another sign of having a quarter life crisis is feelings of isolation. A quarterlife crisis can feel really isolating especially if part of what triggered it was comparing yourself to others. There can be a sense that you're the only one struggling and that everyone else has already has their life figured out which let me just tell you right now. Absolute No, not a true no one, especially with social media. Yeah. Like no, no, I know. It's easy to feel like everyone's I especially when like, all the marriage proposals start coming for grammar, like Oh, my God, or even like tick tock on some of my things where people were like, these are so funny. Like, I love it. I'm like, I was so depressed that you know, what do you mean? Yeah, I don't know. Another sign of a quarterlife crisis is feeling directionless. Going back to the a4 mentioned point that about difficulty making decisions. Feeling directionless is also common in a quarter life crisis. This period in one's life is full of confusion, uncertainty, and a sense of stuckness. Yeah, that's that flow, I don't know where to get happening. Another sign of a quarterlife crisis you will not be surprised is depression and anxiety. It can look a lot like burnout at work, even though the person may not actually have been working for all that many months or years. It can look like a lack of motivation to do one's work or not fulfilling one's job duties the way that they used to. So it can manifest in different ways in your personal life, but also in your professional life. Maybe you'll notice it in your professional life first, like Yeah, I'm not getting my work done. You're like I'm just sitting here staring at a wall eating my life. Exactly. And another sign of having a quarterlife crisis is insecurity. After all, this is all about a young adult trying to figure out their place in the world and who they want to be. And it can feel daunting and shameful. And a host of other negative emotions again, especially if part of the crisis stems from comparison to others and it might look like a lack of confidence or even feeling like imposter syndrome. That is huge. I think also like, because we are getting to the age where it's like we're full blown like professional adults. Yeah, but I also have my but I still don't know what I'm doing.

Natalie McMillan:

But there's actually four stages Yeah, there's a quarter life crisis. And this is according to the Harvard Business Review, hello, Harvard. So regardless of the cause, the quarter life crisis often spans several years, and includes four typical stages. It starts with a feeling of being locked into a commitment at work or at home. People take on jobs, rent apartments and to relationships, but then they feel trapped in quote, unquote, pretend adult, hmm, relatable. Then at some point, they leave their romantic partners jobs or social groups, and become separated and lonely. They spend the worst part of this crisis reflecting and recalibrating their plans alone and isolated until eventually they go out and explore new hobbies, interests, and social groups. Finally, emerging at the other side of the crisis, happier, more motivated, and with a greater sense of clarity. I think that's the key there, clarity is the key. And like I said, this process can last for years or can even repeat itself. It's a painful process, but it is also a tremendous growth opportunity, as it can create individuals who go on to lead more meaningful and happier life. Just know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, yeah, we are gonna get you're gonna do this, you guys. And we know we have a guide on how to survive, right? Yes, of course, it's not to podcast. So how do we start?

Corinne Foxx:

Well, first and foremost, start with self reflection. So take inventory of where you are in your life. How are you feeling? What emotions are you experiencing? What brings you stress and anxiety? What values do you hold? Are you living out of your values in your everyday life? What dreams goals and ambitions Do you have? Are you making progress towards those dreams and make space for that reflection, and that can be in the form of like journaling or meditation or mindfulness? We actually have a journaling episode if you want to go back and listen, we have a lot absolutely are qualified for this episode. You know why? Because the basis of this podcast during it now is basically it was us having the quarterlife crisis. What are we doing? So that makes sense that so many episodes all catered to this? Yes, yes. It really was because we were like, 2425. Yes. When we first conceptualized Exactly. Well, Dr. Neal Barnett, who is also the author of soothe your nerves, the black woman's guide to understanding and overcoming anxiety, panic and fear. Oh, my gosh, I need to get that book. She says, I'm assuming it's a woman, right? Yeah. Oh, No way, man. I think Neal Barnett is like her last year, right? Yeah, yeah. versus not yet. Yeah. I thought that was like, and I was like, why is Neil writing a black woman's guide? That does not sound like a black woman now? Well, she says, to set aside time to be selfish. She recommends scheduling reminders to check in with yourself roughly every three months to examine where you are in your life and whether you feel stuck or dissatisfied. And then from there, she said, you can start to identify aspects of your life that you want to change. Okay, so it's like kind of taking a what do people call it a life audit? Oh, yeah. Our wellness check on yourself. Yeah.

Natalie McMillan:

Next, you're gonna want to understand your quarter life type. I thought this was so interesting. So therapist, Dr. Satya Byock be UK by UK, we don't know we just know she's queen to therapist. She groups quarter lifers into two categories, the stability types, and the meaning types. Stability types are seen by others as solid and stable. They prioritize a sense of security succeed in their careers and may pursue building a family. But she says there's a sense of emptiness and a sense of faking it appears that imposter syndrome, they think that this couldn't possibly be all that life is about, okay. And then the other end of the spectrum are the meaning types who are typically artists, they have intense creative passions, but have a hard time dealing with a day to day tasks because sort of life. She says these are folks for whom doing what society expects of you is so overwhelming and so discordant with their own sense of self that they seem to constantly be floundering and they can't quite figure it out. That's me. I think, yeah, I've injured that's me. I feel like I'm probably more civility type probably. Yeah, I think you're more I think you lean more stability type, or I definitely lean more meaning tightening type. But she says, quarter life is about becoming a whole person. And both groups need to absorb the others characteristics to balance themselves out. Stability types need to think about how to give their lives a sense of passion and purpose and meaning Types need to find security perhaps by starting with a consistent routine that can both anchor and unlock creativity. I think that's so interesting. Because once you figure out like what type you are, then you kind of know what's missing, right? What that feeling is, and you're like, okay, if I'm a stability type, I need to find more passion and meaning in everything that I'm doing and not just be following, you know, the success train, right? And then the meaning of types like, Okay, I need to find that stability. What's going to make me feel grounded enough so that I can be this creative that I want to be? Yeah, and I just think that's such a great way to look at it. Because it's not like one or the other is right. It's like you want to be a blend of both. You need to have both. Yeah. Another way to survive your quarter life crisis is to be patient, you guys, quarter lifers may feel pressure to race through each step of their lives. Craving, the sense of achievement that comes with completing a task, but learning to listen to oneself is a lifelong process. Damn, instead of searching for quick fixes, young adults should think about longer term goals. So starting therapy that stretches beyond a handful of sessions, building healthy nutrition and exercise habits and working towards self reliance. So think more broad strokes like okay, what can I do that's going to make me feel good, long term? And then hopefully, these shorter term goals will come along the way? Yes. Oh, I'm just I'm kind of like smirking. Because my therapist and I talked about this last week, she's like, You need to like set alarms to like, Eat on time. And like, because one of my things is I eat late because I work too late. And then I'm eating dinner at like, nine and I hate it. And she's like, let's stop. Yeah, like, let's, and again, it's because I'm not stable in state Oh, rock record on the record. But we're working on it. Yes, on a weekly therapy session, there we go know what I mean. Okay, next, you're going to want to create a roadmap for your goals. So imagine holding a document in your hands containing the plans for the next five years of your life, identifying your top three values is a great start. From there, you could go on to create your bucket list, then pick the top thing from there that you would like to prioritize for achieving in the next 12 months, then jot down a list of everything that you would need to do to make it happen. What are the major stepping stones for achieving that thing? What are the specific tasks that you would need to do to achieve each of those steps? And when will you do each of those steps? This is a lot of what my life coach does.

Corinne Foxx:

So like there was a goal. And then she like we break it down, Break it down? And then she always asked me at the end, okay, what are you going to do that? I'm gonna get to it. She's like, No, no, in your calendar. When are you going to do that? I'm like, I guess Thursday at three, just a great Thursday at three of all up next week. You're like, oh, okay, I was actually gonna get. I know, actually, that reminds me, I actually do have to set those alarms, because she asked me to do that on Monday, today's Friday, and I didn't do it.

Natalie McMillan:

But these are some of the basic questions that you would need to ask yourself to give yourself a great chance of making that thing happen. If you take a little bit of action on each of those steps on a regular basis, you will reduce your risk of being hit by the quarter life crisis. You also increase your ability to deal with it, if that is where you are already finding yourself. And actually, we have a friend right now. And I really liked this. I really like what she's doing. It's kind of similar to this. She's turning 30 in six months. And so she made a list of 30 things I want to do before I'm 30 I love that and she's going on like a little trip this weekend by herself. Like doing a solo trip was one of the Yes. So she's like, actively going down this list of like 30 things to do before. I'm 30 and I'm like, I love that. I'll do that when I turn 29 in like a mind like a few short weeks coming up, or put it in your hand. Me I know

Corinne Foxx:

another way to survive your quarterlife crisis is to consider working with a coach or therapist. No matter what kind of crisis you're dealing with. Working with a therapist or coach can also be a helpful way to cope with your challenges. individual therapy for existential crisis is might be a good choice. If you're dealing with symptoms of anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges. In therapy, you'll have a safe space to process your thoughts and emotions about what's going on. And you'll also learn concrete strategies for working through the crisis. I mean, me and Natalie we love therapy. We're in it religiously constantly. But what I like I just mentioned I have a life coach and if your your quarter life, or midlife crisis is tied to career issues, or just a general search for purpose. as a life coach could also be a helpful option, particularly if you're looking for motivation, inspiration and strategies to move forward with a new life path. Life coaching can be an empowering way to work towards your goals. So there's like the emotional element of all of this right? And like having someone to process your motions with, but a life coach is also really great for like, Okay, you want to do this with your business? You want to do that you want to get there? Like, let's lay out the map for if you're having trouble with like, the roadmap to your goals. Yeah, element of it. That's a great person to bring in. Yeah. And honestly, if you are one of the instability types are the meaning types, rather? That's probably very, very helpful. Yeah, I was like, for me, I am in that phase. And I'm like, How do I even like my brain doesn't. And also, I've been trying to learn more about like, how to work with ADHD, because the way I process things is different. So I'm like trying to learn more about it, and then apply it to certain things so that I can actually accomplish the goals. Yes, what is tough? Just tempt yourself to ask for help.

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, so a little life coach could probably do me some good. We were talking about this before, but try your best not to compare your journey with others. We think everyone else has gotta figure it out. But in reality, all of us are searching. Instead of comparing yourself to others spend time figuring out what it is that you want. The main tip here is to get off social media. While many people need to at least be partially on social media for work, try to keep it to a bare minimum. As we know, logically, social media isn't reality. But when we're in a headspace of crisis, and we're searching for identity, it can be very easy to get caught up in it. Yeah, you don't have a lot of the skills that that moment to be like, is it right? Like, how are they doing? Yeah. And our last tip for surviving a quarter life crisis is to just try new things. According to licensed therapists, Tiana leads, this is a time to explore and get to know yourself.

Corinne Foxx:

So you can come out of this quarterlife crisis on the other side with a stronger sense of self. She says, Give yourself permission to try things to test the waters in terms of who you're dating, or different careers, to allow yourself to take this one piece at a time and treat it like a like a little experiment in our little finance experiment. Yeah, this is how you'll figure out what works and what doesn't. She also says to feel free to throw out any rules, namely, limiting beliefs. Mm hmm. So letting go of any beliefs you've picked up along the way from people, from your family, to expectations from society, and really try to tune into your own inner knowing about who you are and what you want.

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, and I think that thinking about a lot of our friends that are in that turning 30 phase, a lot of them are like, Oh my god, like, I'm not married. I don't have a kid. It's like, who said that? That's who said it was Hannah Montana? Who says who says, oh, Selena Gomez. Hannah Montana. Their will is who said I Yes, your Yeah, you are right. We're, we're aging ourselves. Really?

Corinne Foxx:

Well, we hope you guys learn more about what a quarter life crisis is. How to know if you're having one and how to survive it. If you are I know that you're not alone. Natalie and I are experiencing all of these feelings as well. Weird time of life. And I'm very excited to see what lies on the other side of it. Me too. I really am. I really am. So now Should we circle back on this beverage we've been drinking the poppy prebiotic soda in the strawberry lemon flavor. So this, you said that you have had this but not this flavor? Not this flavor. So it tastes to me like gummy worms. Okay, yeah. Do you get that? I see what you're saying. See what you're saying. Do you want to introduce our hottie of the week? Yes. We chose our hottie because she's 25 and that is the quarter of her life. Well, hopefully, she lives way past 100 But I don't want to live how do you know I already know you don't? We don't. But she's 25 Hailee Steinfeld. Hey, Seinfeld. She's so cute. I wonder what she's up to work in she doing any movies? I'm sure. I don't know. We're in a personal way and I can't find out. Yeah, I'm sure right. She's a working gal. Yeah. So one two, Hailee Steinfeld. What are we going to read the poppy strawberry lemon.


I'll give it a six and a half. Seven.

Corinne Foxx:

We're gonna meet you at a six. Okay, so six and a half, six and a half? Yeah. Out of Haley Stein out

Corinne Foxx:

all right. This is the part of the episode where we play a little wrap up game and this week We're doing an obsession that do you want to reveal your obsession?

Natalie McMillan:

I think between two recent obsessions okay, you can say both of your obsessions. Well it does this help the listener. This true. One of them is more niche. And then the other one I think is like a lot of people are recently obsessed. Oh, no. I wonder, is it my resume session? Oh, yeah, I'm sure it's not. Emma Chamberlain. Oh, I feel like all of it. She was on hot one. It's so funny. I watched her hot ones. Yeah. Well, so I never watched her YouTube videos. I don't really like not really her age, right? But then like, like, a month ago or something. Oh, I listened to a podcast. And I was like, Oh, I like this girl. And then I listened to her podcast and then I saw some of her like Vogue things. And then I saw on hot ones that I'm like, Oh, like this check. We love it's got a coffee company.

Corinne Foxx:

I know. It was like,

Natalie McMillan:

I should try this coffee. Now that I'm back into coffee. I don't know if I got back into coffee. Today. I got a peppermint creamer. Very. Yeah, I'm a Chamberlain. And then the other one more niche. People probably would not know what this is. Or maybe not even like it. Hanson versus predator. Did you ever watch To Catch A Predator? Oh, maybe I loved To Catch A Predator. But you know, they don't have any more. So now Chris Hanson. Because you know, he would always say I'm Chris Hanson. From Well, no, I actually don't know. Oh, so like, basically, the whole thing is like they would trap predators. Oh, I've seen clips from this. Yeah. Where they were trying to like say, I'm a 14 year old girl and like, come over here. And then these men would say the craziest shit. They'd be like, Oh, no, I was here to tell them not to do I was teaching them a lesson. There. He's like, really like, and they always got arrested right after it's the best. So they started doing it on YouTube called Hanson versus predator. Oh, wow. I know. should check it out. Should it's the excuses these men think of on the spot are unbelievable. Yeah, I believe. And then one of the one of time. Chris Hansen goes. I'm Chris Hanson. And the guy goes, No, you're not? Because he knows every if you're a predator, you know, Chris, you do not want to run into Chris Hanson. So no, you're not. And he goes, Yes, I am. Because no, you're not. I'm like he knows he's about to go to prison for a long time. It's my favorite thing. Okay. Yeah, these are definitely nothing similar to my recent obsession. Let's hear it.

Corinne Foxx:

I'm no surprise to Natalie, but guys, I didn't want to love it. But I do skims. I am obsessed with skims. Yeah, there's this long black dress that they have. Everyone loves it. I swear to God, it's like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Like I swear it looks good on everybody. I did just you've never tried it. I've never tried it on I just cannot imagine that looks good on me. That I I'm gonna I will have to try to try it. But like I am real I bought I mean I'm buying from skims all the time. Yeah, I'm giving Kim Kardashian my many Yes. And you know that people have opinions on the Kardashians and if we shouldn't be giving them more money, but hey, I'm looking at the products are great. Let's listen. And if you feel good in them, I feel great. You know seems like good American. Like I love good American jeans. There are actually some of the only jeans that fit me and I don't have to get altered right? I mean, there's like hits you know, all these celebrity brands have major hits major misses. Yeah, well I also want to my recent obsessions was my base bag which is by celebrity brands. They do get the right team on board and the products are great. I'm not gonna say all of them are right but I will say skims. I would recommend I've been right yes, yes, I still have to try it even though like underwear very soft. And it was I think everyone should just give it a shot if you want if you're looking for some fun, but that is definitely obsession of mine as of recent as every cent and do you have another one? Oh, no, I only Oh, I don't know I thought you said obsessions was the name of the game is recent obsession. That's true. That's true.

Corinne Foxx:

Well if you guys liked this episode, we actually like we said have a lot of similar episodes, Episode 111 How to journal we also have episode 21 which is how to cultivate purpose in your life and career with author Colleen Bordeaux. So she was one of our OG she's one of our OG so you can go back and listen to that because that is in the same vein of like, what do I do and how do I feel purposeful and so that's a great episode to listen to. And you guys can always always write into the show at am I doing this right? Or you can DM us at am I doing this right pod? If you want Advice from us. We would love to give you advice. If you have an episode request something you want us to research. You can email us or you can DM us. And like always we'll be back next week with another episode. Love you Bye Love you




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