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Greatness is A Lot of Things Done Well #preaching
Episode 12514th July 2023 • The NJ Podcast • Njabulo James Nkosi
00:00:00 00:07:12

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Greatness is A Lot of Things Done Well

Good morning, brothers and sisters! I hope you are all doing well today. Before we dive into our sermon, let me share a funny story with you.

There was a renowned chef who prided himself on creating exquisite dishes. One day, a young aspiring chef approached him and asked, "Chef, what is the secret to your greatness?" The renowned chef smiled and replied, "Greatness, my young friend, is a lot of things done well. It's not just about one recipe or one dish. It's about the attention to detail, the passion for excellence, and the commitment to continuous improvement."

We may laugh at this story, but it holds a valuable lesson for us. Greatness is not achieved through one extraordinary act but through consistent dedication to excellence in every area of our lives. Today, I want to explore this concept further and see how it applies to our spiritual journey.

Let us turn to a powerful Bible verse in Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV): "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

This verse reminds us that our pursuit of greatness should not be driven by worldly recognition or personal gain. Instead, our focus should be on serving the Lord wholeheartedly in everything we do. Greatness is not about seeking glory for ourselves but about bringing glory to God.

When we think about greatness in the context of our faith, we can look to the lives of many individuals in the Bible who exemplified this concept. One such person is Joseph. Despite facing numerous trials and setbacks, Joseph remained faithful to God and consistently displayed excellence in his character and work. Whether he was a servant in Potiphar's house, a prisoner in Pharaoh's prison, or a ruler in Egypt, Joseph consistently sought to honor God and serve others with integrity.

Another example is the apostle Paul. Throughout his ministry, Paul tirelessly preached the Gospel, established churches, and mentored young leaders. His dedication to his calling and his passion for spreading the message of Christ made a profound impact on the early Christian community.

These stories teach us that greatness is not about achieving fame or status but about faithfully fulfilling the tasks and responsibilities that God has given us. It is about being faithful stewards of the talents, resources, and opportunities entrusted to us.

To pursue greatness in our lives, we must cultivate certain key attributes. First, we must cultivate a spirit of excellence. This means giving our best effort in all that we do, whether it is our work, relationships, or service to others. As Colossians 3:17 (NIV) tells us, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Second, we must cultivate humility. Greatness is not about self-promotion or seeking recognition. It is about recognizing that all our abilities and accomplishments come from God. As James 4:10 (NIV) reminds us, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."

Lastly, we must cultivate a heart of servanthood. Jesus Himself set the ultimate example of greatness through His sacrificial love and service to humanity. In Mark 10:45 (NIV), He said, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." When we follow His example and serve others with love and compassion, we reflect the true greatness that comes from a heart aligned with God's purpose.

Brothers and sisters, let us strive for greatness, not in the world's sense of power and prestige, but in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Let us fix our character by committing ourselves to excellence, humility, and servanthood. As we do so, we align ourselves with God's plan for our lives and become vessels of His love and grace.

Remember, greatness is not measured by the number of achievements or accolades we accumulate, but by the impact we make on the lives of others. It is about living a life of integrity, faithfulness, and selflessness. It is about being the hands and feet of Jesus in a broken world.

May we be inspired by the examples of Joseph, Paul, and countless others who have walked before us, showing us what it means to live a life dedicated to God. May we constantly seek His guidance and wisdom, allowing Him to shape and mold our character according to His perfect will.

And as we pursue greatness, let us not forget that it is ultimately God who empowers us and works through us. It is by His grace and strength that we can accomplish great things for His kingdom. Therefore, let us surrender ourselves to Him completely, trusting in His plans and purposes for our lives.

In conclusion, my dear brothers and sisters, remember that true greatness lies not in the achievements of this world, but in the character we develop and the impact we have on others. Let us fix our character by seeking excellence, cultivating humility, and embracing a heart of servanthood. Let us walk in the footsteps of Jesus, who showed us the path to true greatness through His selfless love and sacrificial service.

May God bless you abundantly as you embark on this journey of fixing your character and pursuing greatness in Him. Amen.



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