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Podcast# 250 To Hell in a Handbasket: Police Raids, Hawaii Disaster Ghouls and Everybody's Broke.
Episode 25018th August 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:39:07

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The Heatwave and Global Warming

Hello folks, it's been a scorching week, especially here in Salem and the Pacific Northwest. Records are being shattered, and it's not just the daytime highs. Even the nighttime lows are setting records. Is it global warming or climate change? I'm no scientist, but things are heating up.

Hawaii's Devastating Fires

The fires in Hawaii have been catastrophic. The death toll is rising, and the speed of the disaster caught many off guard. But what's more disturbing? The disaster ghouls. These opportunists are swooping in, trying to profit from others' misery. It's a harsh reality of capitalism, where some, especially the narcissistic sociopaths, are quick to capitalize on tragedies.

The Incident in Kansas

In Marion, Kansas, the police raided a small-town newspaper, the Marion County Record. It's a stark reminder that our freedoms can be threatened. The powers that be have the authority, and we've seen it before, like in the Soviet Union. We need to be vigilant and aware.

Why Listen to the Earnest Mann Show?

In a world where you're told what to think, I strive to tell the truth as I see it. I may not be as polished as the mainstream media, but I'm genuine. I value truth over pretense. That's why you should tune into the Earnest Mann Show.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


01:24 well hello everyone thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again it's Friday we made it through another week and this is episode number two five zero two Hell in a hand basket police raids Hawaii disaster ghouls and everybody's broke and that's what we're going to be talking about here all of those things and more it's going to be a really good show now as far as heat is concerned well if you live here in Salem in the Pacific Northwest you know how damn hot it's been and it's my understanding that it's been hot as hell

02:16 in other areas of the country as well breaking records all over the place I don't mean to say the sky is falling I'm just simply saying wow um breaking a whole lot of Records very old records and um yeah the difference between these highs that are breaking records and the nighttime lows even the nighttime lows have been breaking records in that they are the warmest low temperatures at night even after the sun goes down so there is that uh global warming uh climate change whatever you want to call it I don't know

03:03 um I'm not a scientist but things are as they say heating up I'm not making light of this of course but one thing is for certain when I talked about in a previous episode when you put certain elements together is when you have problems that is to say um when you have too many people in a given area you're just gonna have problems and when you have a prevailing um attitude which chooses uh largely for the sake of profit let's say to completely ignore that well [ __ ] happens as they say as unfortunate is that is

04:03 now the next phase uh since I last talked about the Hawaii fires now the death toll is over a hundred and I'm sure it's going to climb much higher than that because you know this this thing was absolutely devastating and what made it additionally so uh devastating because this kind of thing when you you know basically live in Paradise it it just didn't happen they just didn't see it coming it was how quickly it occurred and people by the thousands they were trapped um you know you have no visibility

04:50 there's only one Road in or out and a whole combination of factors and it spells disaster but of course the disaster continues now it's coming from the ghouls and that's um that's what I call them that's what I label them and in case you really don't know what a ghoul is it actually originates um from um the as it's an Islamic or Muslim derived word supposedly um basically those who eat the human flesh they either are they can be deformed humans or evil spirits um just pretty pretty nasty creatures

05:48 with obviously no regard to Humanity nothing there's nothing good about them and they do exist now maybe not in the form of You Know The Walking Dead uh that kind of that kind of ghoulishness although there are actual and rare cases there are people who are well actual ghouls who eat corpses when they can but um I'm not so much I'm speaking more um metaphorically here but in a sense um it's the same thing I'm talking about those opportunists who now have sweeped into the area and before the damn Embers are anywhere

06:41 close to being you know cold they're already trying to swoop up the property they're trying to quickly buy out again to profit from others misery death and suffering and in one Fell Swoop um these quote unquote investors want to come in and you know buy up like a whole or half city block and uh that has a lot of people uh really pissed off that finally something happened uh besides you know the tragedy they had to go through um that they're being awakened to the reality of the people around them and their ghoulishness

07:39 so um the important thing to know about this is that that is something I knew was going to happen um this is um well there's no other way to say this now I'm going to say this please don't go crazy on me that I'm a socialist or a capitalist I mean a communist or anything like that but it is certainly a part of the religion of capitalism it is basically one of its tenets yeah it's it all works all well and good within certain parameters in other words it has to be bridled to a certain extent and don't even get me started on the

08:38 free market but anyway um yeah this is one of the very ugly realities of it and um yeah for those people who are investors these types of people which tend to be hmm what's the word narcissistic uh sociopaths yeah that's um yeah the Embers aren't uh you know your your mom's not even isn't even cold yet and they're already you know trampling over top of her to get to the title to that property and that's part and partial of the whole uh Psychopathic psychology that got everything as it is in the first damn

09:26 place um you gotta be I mean to for Mo for the vast majority of people especially if you want a home it should be no surprise that um I mean there are of course there are a few you know a few inconveniences there's always been you know some beach bums and folks like that typically really young but um for the rest of us I mean you got to be rich to live in Hawaii you know the income of a person with a steady career you could be an RN for instance um say a police officer uh depending on you know where that is but

10:15 those sellers they're not going to cut it in Paradise so apparently whether you know they those that are just absolutely very obscenely wealthy or perhaps just to be trying desperately to be part of that exclusive Club they have perhaps some of them have mortgaged themselves to the hilt but they've at least feel as though they're in the club well that all got taken away so that is what that is and all the details has to do with their personal lives of course I'm talking insurance that goes without saying and yes it

11:04 would it would be absolutely foolish not to understand that you when you're these people and you have these kinds of properties you have insurance matter of fact it's probably mandatory I'm sure that would be but my bigger point is it's the thing that you can't get away from and that's the ghoulishness because it's not just there whatever tragedy happens wherever it may be you know the Embers won't even be cold yet and here will come the disaster ghouls and that just that alone and to be aware

11:54 of that to know that see that's why I talk about this there are a large number of people and they don't even know this they don't they because these are I'm not saying they're bad people but talking naive is an understatement because especially you know if you are one of the relative fortunate few who um for various circumstances and you didn't get that way by being a psychopath in business and uh you know you're just living your life and you've done what you've done and perhaps you've done well and that's

12:47 fine but you've been living this way and you're you know your whole life pretty much trouble free no drama and then it's this kind of thing that hits home and these people they're just dumbfounded they're not prepared they are in Shock and it surprises me when they are in Shock because I could see this coming a mile away but then again I haven't walked their path in life and as a consequence I mean they haven't walked mine so there's that and um you need to fully a person needs to fully understand

13:38 what you're getting into what things are about where you're at and what you're getting into um as opposed to just sitting back on your laurels and pretending the rest of the world isn't there because it's important to understand let's put a different side of the face of this tragedy but the fact is for most of those people who for all those years living their very beautiful Pleasant life which is essentially at least what most people would consider to be paradise uh when you're living like that you just

14:18 sit back and you the rest of the world the LA riots California fires and here in Oregon entire towns that I personally visited the entire town destroyed a beautiful small town several of them destroyed gone been there I was there visiting hanging out doing things many times before the fire of uh three or four years ago and now nothing starting very slowly to rebuild but I mean all the little businesses the little post office all these things down on the foundation gone so when something the good side of this if there is one and I always try to

15:14 you know when you've had and I'm not playing my own fiddle here but I let's just say I've seen my share of hell as a matter of fact I'm still going through it but the good thing about it is is what it has um enabled me to do and what have had to do is the old saying of well you know to the best of your ability you've gotta turn those lemons into lemonade and so at least if there's anything good that can be said about what happened well that will definitely um that should clean your clock that

16:00 should make you aware if you would you know if that doesn't jolt your reality and bring you around maybe start putting you know the two fingers to the chin going hmm maybe this isn't Paradise after all so mainly what I've done is uh and and I well I I want to make something clear as at least as clear as I as I can I will attempt to be clear you see there are things that I talk about on this show that quite simply and I have said this many times before but I'm going to say it again I am forced to talk about in a less than

17:01 straightforward manner and for what should be obvious reasons I have to do that it's not that I want to do that I have to I rely on the intelligence of my listeners to um you know read between the lines to figure it out or as I've said many other times you don't understand something you got a question you know how to reach me and this is no different there are a lot more uh facts and figures things I found out about the fires in Hawaii and it's like okay I looked down to the list it's like well can't talk about

17:59 that I can't talk about that can't talk about that can't talk about that because of the next thing that I'm going to tell you about which kind of segues into that and that is the incident that just recently happened in Kansas and if you haven't heard about it in these small town County of Marion Kansas and the police come in uh came in a week ago I believe and they rated this small town newspaper it has been on the news repeatedly but um in this one good case uh they screwed with the wrong guy

18:55 and um you know these guys came in all Stormtrooper Style and um raided the um at The Ordering of their police chief apparently uh rated the uh newspaper and uh just you know took all their computers took all their equipment and supposedly what this is about was that there was a talk about the um the police chief the guy who ordered this raid um that um some things that weren't going to look very good on his um resume let's say because they had just recently hired this this police chief this guy here yeah so this is um

19:55 you know just a small paper and it's called a Marion County record and it's famous it has the big headline seized but not silenced now um there's there's ton of coverage on this and uh some of it I feel has been quite good some of it man not so much but that's the way it goes but there's an element of it that isn't being discussed and as you know it that's what I'm gonna talk about because here's what here's the takeaway for you this is what should matter so whether you are because this is the

20:48 kind of thing and it always starts small so in the meantime since this happened just recently they have basically sheepishly the powers that did this [ __ ] they tucked their tail between their legs and their sheepishly handing back all their equipment Sherry Jerry we did this here I hope you're not gonna be mad at us um yeah you better sweet ass the lawsuits are yeah you could bet your ass that's not that is definitely going to happen as it should and the 98 year old I believe is the mother of the owner of the newspaper

21:40 the next day they also rated her home and she died apparently the experience of having a group of thugs uh bashed down your door and you're a 98 year old woman it was a bit much for a show yeah going to be sued over that as well you better believe it but but you see it always starts small something like this and you know relatively no one's heard of this paper no one's heard of this town but it always starts small but what your takeaway should be at least it is for me is the thing is they have the power and

22:26 this was something this was was worked out um a good 20 30 years ago this was under um the Bush Administration the second one the the idiot son um yeah your protections which For Better or Worse more or less don't hardly exist anymore they already have the authority to shoot first and ask questions later and this can be done anywhere at any time to anyone in that comforting because you gave it away all those years ago when I say you I didn't vote for it but I'm just saying but the uh vast majority of Americans

23:25 did if even by default due to apathy nice way of saying they laid on ass and did nothing while they were you know watching movies playing video games or football game whatever because that's what they do and it's no different here and in this case so yeah this thing will what will happen is you know remains to be seen but it's not gonna stop maybe this time they might possibly make sure they have a few more of their uh ducks in order because this one's gonna cost them big but hey but as far as you and your life same

24:16 deal no warning completely just boom now on the one hand I know maybe what you're thinking where I'm going with this is well that's why you know you have the Preppers and you have these isolationists and all that because there you go there's the proof in the pudding and they want to take our guns and and all that to a certain extent on the surface level that's true but there is a point of this that they are collectively all missing and that is it as far as you wanting to have a compound or batten down the place

25:02 or secure your your place out in the woods or stake your claim or you know you're a prepper or you're this none of it doesn't mean a [ __ ] biscuit at all if they want it I don't care who you are where you are they will come in and take your [ __ ] and you wanna you know you want to get all cocky and have a gun battle with them you might want to go back several years ago go to YouTube or something and or read about what happened with the Branch Davidians in Waco Texas and that was meant way back then they didn't the forces

25:49 that be didn't quite have to do what they did the way they did it but it was meant to send a clear message we absolutely control you the bottom line is we control you your your relative compound is nothing compared if they want it to you know well the police are basically just about to the point of being militarized so they can handle most [ __ ] themselves and for that they that they can't well of course they have a National Guard the point is this if they want your ass and your family and your computers and everything else just come

26:39 in and take it now bear in mind I'm old enough to remember that you know that was the kind of [ __ ] that happened under the Soviet States you know under communism under Russian you know under communism in the old Soviet Union and that America was just constantly bragging oh yeah that helps because their Communists were not America because we're free food and puffing themselves up well guess what reality Taps you on the shoulder and you can't make those claims anymore because they're doing the same [ __ ] thing

27:22 that they did in the Soviet Union in the Soviet States yes it has arrived it is here now which banks to the next question what do you want to do about it you in your personal life in other words because this is all individualized it's all up to you it all has to do with all the factors of your life in other words if you're expecting me to tell you what to do I cannot do that at least not if I don't want you know cops kicking down my door and all that I can't I can't do that also one of the largest parts of it is I

28:21 cannot instruct you on these things concerning what amounts to your personal life because everybody's circumstances are unique to them your age are you rich are you poor do you have family do you not have family are you religious are you not religious do you you know would you if given the opportunity would you uh leave this country and not look back or does the idea of leaving America is just absolutely impossible for you and there's just no damn way in the world you will ever leave the USA in your life

29:07 permanently well all those kinds of things they all matter they're all part of the equation but here's one thing for certain as you're as we are on this ship going across the ocean now the ship is showing signs that it's sinking hasn't sank yet but it's let's just say it's uh starting to develop a pretty good list unfortunately most of the people are still down below eating and partying and having a good time an X number of people another percentage are simply in denial they're simply in denial and they're

30:05 saying Yeah well yeah the you know everybody's everybody's broke and you know the economies the economy is just [ __ ] the environment is going to [ __ ] and there's fires everywhere and then there's riots and not to mention the Invasion from the south yeah but but you know I I I think I yeah you keep on thinking that because if there's one thing you want to have on a ship at least I know I would have is I got you know a big old good-sized good enough sized uh suitcase and in that suitcase is a raft

30:59 well blow up raft high tech and all that [ __ ] it even has paddles with it so yeah I'd like to stick around on this ship I don't mind the food generally it's fun it's a good party but by the time if in fact uh the ship sinking is not corrected and then you start talking or at least trying to talk to the captain and the captain's always busy and the um the crew members are just no no no everything's fine it's fine good yeah go go on back to the go on back to your uh your gambling uh here here's a

31:45 handful of chips uh enjoy the band um you know it's fine everything's fine Yeah the more I'm hearing that uh the edgier I get and guess what Maybe in my suitcase because it being you know it's high tech and everything maybe I have two wrath of those wraps inflatable life-saving you know wraps hell maybe it has three maybe it has four these things can be very compact these days you know but the time to talk to me about that is not when the ship has you know a 20 degree uh list and then everyone is screaming and

32:38 running up to the top of the ship in a general panic that's not the time hello folks I just wanted to take a moment to give you this brief message as you know I don't accept any third-party advertising I want you to be able to listen to any and all episodes to your heart's content without that nonsense and it really is nonsense unfortunately though I do need to keep the lights on here so I am asking for your support the best way to do that is if you're not here already go to the and you can either

33:23 click on the put some food in the fridge tab or if you're interested in a little bit of merchandise it's the earnest stuff tab in either way by participating that you will be supporting the show and keeping it commercial free if you have donated already I just wanted to thank you sincerely that's it that's all I wanted to say and again thank you much in other words that is going to get you nowhere you're spinning your wheels in other words you had your opportunity and either you laughed you've got a big no come on

34:13 yeah it's got some we've had some bumps in the road but hey we're America everything's cool I can tap some figures out to them about hell actually people quietly especially the rich which eventually could also backfire on them as well you see because it doesn't so much matter that you're rich and temporarily you can leave but that's not going to save your ass they think it is but it's not it's a little bit more complicated than that so don't necessarily have to be rich um you do have to be smart

35:07 and like I said if if that time comes and I hope it doesn't but hedging my bets being that kind of person yeah the time that the flood of humans the people and in complete panic and now you know just a few hours before they were laughing at me and patting me on the back and said oh silly fellow and went back to their gambling and now everybody's in a panic and it's that that's too late so um but I could tell you this much as far as the government which is run by the oligarchs who only know one thing in this religion

36:02 I'll I'll leave you with this with this religion called capitalism that's what it is make no mistake about it that's what it is unbridled capital is a religion and it's the only religion and um they don't care anyone other than the oligarchs they don't care about this government those guys are only the puppets by comparison they don't own by comparison I say they don't own [ __ ] you know Nancy Pelosi managed to Waddle off into the sunset in the retirement with her I don't know five six seven

36:53 hundred million dollars that's Chum change to them she's a pulper to them but all those years she was very useful and so um she's not the only one so many and so many currently there but uh yeah they're just going to keep telling you the same thing as they did like in The Wizard of Oz when he was obviously found out by the three if you any of you have seen that classic wonderful movie and the famous you've seen when he was actually caught and he wasn't a God and he saw he was just an old man and he's screaming pay no

37:36 attention to that man behind the curtain that's what it's like but make no mistake despite they do things that they do for appearances and certain pretenses of obligations they don't give a [ __ ] biscuit about you they stop that a good 40 years ago at least anyway um I guess until Monday take care I'm going to tell you the reason why you

41:50 should listen to the Ernest Man Show when you're constantly being told what you should think and what you should feel about any given subject that happens to be in six o'clock news by people who have absolutely nothing in common with you these people regardless if they're supposed to be on the right or on the left have absolutely no dog in the fight between what is actually true and isn't they are simply very well-paid mouthpieces that in reality could really give a [ __ ] biscuit less about what

42:39 really concerns you in your life now I have to admit I may not speak as eloquently or professionally as those folks but at least I try to tell the truth as I see it anyway and that because you value truth more than [ __ ] is why you should listen to the Earnest Mann Show



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