"Hustle & Humor" is a special Summer 2024 series under the Unpolished MBA ® podcast, hosted by seasoned Atlanta-based entrepreneurs Monique Mills and Caitlin Ferguson. We dive into the realities of running a business with candid conversations, insightful advice, and a healthy dose of humor.
-Running from August 6th to September 19th
-Episodes released every Tuesday and Thursday
This episode tackles critical questions about generating qualified leads, establishing effective sales strategies, and the importance of having a definitive business plan established by leadership.
Additionally, there is an in-depth discussion on methods to find RFP opportunities, especially when you need to quickly development opportunities for revenue.
They also discussed the significance of continuously assessing the business environment using the PESTEL framework and other business tips.
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Key Topics Covered:
- Caitlin’s experience with international NGOs and how that shaped her business journey
- The importance of positioning, vision, and structure in building scalable sales processes
- Sales strategies: cold outreach, networking, and balancing efforts
- Revenue engines: ensuring predictability and scalability in your business model
- How empathy plays a vital role in business leadership and team performance
- Real-world advice for dealing with lean financial times and building sustainable growth strategies
- Opportunities for consultants and solopreneurs through RFP platforms like Bonfire and Catalant
- Using the PESTEL framework for continuous business risk assessment
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TPM Focus - Strategy Firm for Startups and SMBs:
Guest Co-Host : Caitlin Ferguson