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Building Great Relationships with Referral Partners with Justin Duplantis
Episode 3428th July 2021 • Transformed Sales • Wesleyne
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In this episode of the Science of Selling STEM, I’ll be talking to Justin Duplantis, the director of Business Development for Bioinformatics CRO, a contract research company that serves the computational biology needs of biotechnology companies, with a focus on genomics. Justin Duplantis comes on to share how he started his career in retail sales and worked his way up to corporate-level management.

Justin is a talented recruiter and technical trainer with a proven record of sparking exponential growth and positioning companies for success. He is an Analytical chemist turned sales leader who graduated with an undergraduate degree in analytical chemistry from Louisiana state university. Justin has over 15 years of full-cycle project management experience working with Fortune 100 companies

On Today’s Episode of the Science of Selling STEM:

  • How he began his career to where he is now and his transition journey to something not chemistry related (01:33) 
  • Sales experience in the retail world and its relation to biotech (03:48)
  • Having relatability when approaching your customers in order to build rapport  (07:02)
  • His transition from analytical chemistry to retail sales and then to the bioinformatics world (07:50)
  • Pulling someone from outside the industry to bring diversity in perspective and thought (12:12)
  • Having a global perspective and creating relationships with referral partners (13:48)

Connect with Justin Duplantis:

Connect with Wesleyne Greer:

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Wesleyne Greer:

As a sales manager, you are judged by the

Wesleyne Greer:

performance of your team, and you're praised when they do

Wesleyne Greer:

well. But one thing that you've not been able to figure out is

Wesleyne Greer:

how to get everyone on your team consistently hitting quota every

Wesleyne Greer:

single month. On the Snack size sales podcast, we discuss the

Wesleyne Greer:

science of selling stem sales leadership in the science,

Wesleyne Greer:

technology, engineering and manufacturing fields is

Wesleyne Greer:

difficult. You will learn from sales managers just like you

Wesleyne Greer:

that will give you actionable insights and tips on how to

Wesleyne Greer:

develop as a leader and achieve your revenue targets every

Wesleyne Greer:

single month. So pop your headphones in and get ready to

Wesleyne Greer:

listen to my guest today. They will give you information and

Wesleyne Greer:

inspiration to ensure that you have actionable insights that

Wesleyne Greer:

you can put into place today. Hello, and welcome to the snack

Wesleyne Greer:

sized sales podcast today. My guest is Justin do plantas. How

Wesleyne Greer:

are you, Justin?

Justin Duplantis:

How you doing? Well. How are you?

Wesleyne Greer:

I am awesome. Justin has over 15 years of full

Wesleyne Greer:

cycle project management experience with Fortune 100

Wesleyne Greer:

companies. He is a talented recruiter, technical trainer,

Wesleyne Greer:

and he brings rapid and sustained growth to each company

Wesleyne Greer:

that he has worked at. He is a person after my own heart as an

Wesleyne Greer:

analytical chemist turned sales leader. Justin, how did you

Wesleyne Greer:

start your career and tell us how you got to where you are

Wesleyne Greer:


Justin Duplantis:

Sure. So first of all, thanks for having me

Justin Duplantis:

here today. Yeah, so basically, I started off in retail and did

Justin Duplantis:

retail sales and worked my way up into corporate level

Justin Duplantis:

management. As I was going through college, graduated my

Justin Duplantis:

undergraduate degree in analytical chemistry from LSU.

Justin Duplantis:

And did not kind of pursue anything in that industry. So

Justin Duplantis:

was in a variety of different roles at different types of

Justin Duplantis:

companies, everything from home services to working in still in

Justin Duplantis:

retail, and then the modeling and acting industry. So kind of

Justin Duplantis:

dabbled in a lot of different industries. But always the

Justin Duplantis:

common thread was the the recruiting, train development

Justin Duplantis:

and management as well as sales. So I just recently transitioned

Justin Duplantis:

last year into a role in the STEM industry. So kind of

Justin Duplantis:

putting my undergraduate degree somewhat to work as the Director

Justin Duplantis:

of Business Development for the bioinformatics CRO where I'm the

Justin Duplantis:

director of business development there,

Wesleyne Greer:

huh. So how did you graduate from college and

Wesleyne Greer:

not use your degree at all? One of my brothers, one of my

Wesleyne Greer:

younger brothers, he has a classmate he's a chemist also.

Wesleyne Greer:

So he followed in my footsteps when he graduated, he went to

Wesleyne Greer:

work for Waffle House, and now he's like a district VP or

Wesleyne Greer:

something like that, a waffle house, and he never used it

Wesleyne Greer:

degree. So tell me, how did that transition go for you when you

Wesleyne Greer:

were like, I'm not doing anything chemistry?

Justin Duplantis:

Yeah, I think essentially, the I was lost, I

Justin Duplantis:

guess, in college didn't really know what to do. My parents, my

Justin Duplantis:

mother's in the medical field, my father's a Civil

Justin Duplantis:

Environmental Engineer. And they were both kind of pushing me in

Justin Duplantis:

either direction, I have went to some pre med type camps, I

Justin Duplantis:

looked at potentially doing law school, actually, toward the law

Justin Duplantis:

school that LSU and just determined it was really it was

Justin Duplantis:

just kind of lost. And so being in management while going

Justin Duplantis:

through college, it was one of those things where I just stayed

Justin Duplantis:

where I was, and didn't transition out of the industry

Justin Duplantis:

that I had already kind of started working in, never really

Justin Duplantis:

wanted to work in a lab. And there's not much you can do with

Justin Duplantis:

the analytical chemistry degree other than that.

Wesleyne Greer:

Okay, so tell me about your experience in the

Wesleyne Greer:

retail sales world, because a lot of times people on the

Wesleyne Greer:

podcast, they're very stem focused, or, you know, in the

Wesleyne Greer:

b2b area. So tell me about that sales experience?

Justin Duplantis:

Yeah, I think it's a, it's interesting,

Justin Duplantis:

because a lot of industries don't see retail as a legitimate

Justin Duplantis:

form of any type of employment more as a temporary move from

Justin Duplantis:

university to their career. But I think for me moving up into

Justin Duplantis:

management, I did international store opening, I did train

Justin Duplantis:

development on a national level technical training, I was in a

Justin Duplantis:

district wide level where I was managing, you know, 15 to 20

Justin Duplantis:

locations. So there's a lot of moving parts, I think the key

Justin Duplantis:

thing is there, I guess the big relation to biotech is it's a

Justin Duplantis:

very fast moving environment. And you're always kind of having

Justin Duplantis:

to think on your feet. Biotech is the same way where you may be

Justin Duplantis:

kind of slow to pick up one day, and then the next day, it's

Justin Duplantis:

like, we have to hit the ground running really hard, which is

Justin Duplantis:

aka Black Friday. So I think there's a lot more relation than

Justin Duplantis:

people give it credit for between the biotech industry and

Justin Duplantis:

retail industry as far as the way that it's structured.

Wesleyne Greer:

So tell me, before we delve into your

Wesleyne Greer:

current position, what are some of the hard core skills whether

Wesleyne Greer:

they're soft skills or hard skills that you were able to

Wesleyne Greer:

translate from the retail industry to the stem industry?

Justin Duplantis:

Yeah, I think definitely the train development

Justin Duplantis:

is something that's going to be pretty much crosses every plane,

Justin Duplantis:

but more specifically, the client interface. So in biotech,

Justin Duplantis:

a lot of times we have bioinformaticians, that are

Justin Duplantis:

coming from more of an academic background that don't have any

Justin Duplantis:

type of interaction with customers at all. So there's no

Justin Duplantis:

client interfacing whatsoever in their position to transition to

Justin Duplantis:

a company like ours, where we are at the bioinformatics CRO,

Justin Duplantis:

specifically client interfacing with our bioinformaticians that

Justin Duplantis:

are dealing directly with the clients. So having that client

Justin Duplantis:

interface training is very important. So I'm not the one

Justin Duplantis:

going through and helping them with the scientific side and

Justin Duplantis:

working AWS, but I am the one on the flip side saying, Okay, this

Justin Duplantis:

is the way that we properly communicate with clients, which

Justin Duplantis:

is a direct relation to that business to consumer type

Justin Duplantis:

customer service that we expect in the in a high level retail

Justin Duplantis:

environment as

Wesleyne Greer:

well. You know, one thing that people always

Wesleyne Greer:

tend to forget when we're in this, the b2b sales environment,

Wesleyne Greer:

is the fact that at the end of the day, yes, this is a business

Wesleyne Greer:

to business sale, but you're selling to a person. So it is

Wesleyne Greer:

still a consumer, and each person within the organization

Wesleyne Greer:

has to really be thought of as an individual, right? It's not

Wesleyne Greer:

just like, oh, this is a big company, I'm selling to let me

Wesleyne Greer:

think all about the company, you know, it's who is the person

Wesleyne Greer:

you're specifically calling on?

Justin Duplantis:

Yeah, and I think, you know, coming from I

Justin Duplantis:

grew up in Louisiana, and South Louisiana, specifically, and the

Justin Duplantis:

culture down there is very much a carefree lifestyle. And we're

Justin Duplantis:

going to be asked with people. And I think that's one of the

Justin Duplantis:

things that sets us apart at the bioinformatics CRO, the way that

Justin Duplantis:

we kind of or I handled the sales cycle is, the first half

Justin Duplantis:

of the conversation has nothing to do with what the product is,

Justin Duplantis:

it's 100% Getting to know that person and joking around and

Justin Duplantis:

having that relatability and finding that common ground. And

Justin Duplantis:

then the other half is just Oh, and by the way, we have a

Justin Duplantis:

product that we're supposed to be talking about. And I think

Justin Duplantis:

that translates no matter if you're talking about shoes, or

Justin Duplantis:

you're talking about bioinformatics, it's the same

Justin Duplantis:

type of interaction that people respond well to because as you

Justin Duplantis:

mentioned, we're not selling to, you know, some man behind the

Justin Duplantis:

screen, you're talking to an individual and that's, that's

Justin Duplantis:

what you're selling yourself to. And what we really pride

Justin Duplantis:

ourselves in is making sure that the synergies are right between

Justin Duplantis:

the company that we're dealing with and our company that we are

Justin Duplantis:

an extension of their organization, as opposed to this

Justin Duplantis:

third party that's coming in for one or two projects, one offs.

Wesleyne Greer:

It's really good, you know, building that

Wesleyne Greer:

rapport, and that relationship, especially in these technical

Wesleyne Greer:

fields, sometimes we just focus so much on the science or the

Wesleyne Greer:

technical problem that we're trying to solve our process or

Wesleyne Greer:

our tool, how that can actually, you know, we're so focused on

Wesleyne Greer:

us. And really, at the end of the day, what is sales? It's all

Wesleyne Greer:

about the person on the other side of the table. Right? So how

Wesleyne Greer:

can I help the person on the other side of the table? So how

Wesleyne Greer:

did you transition from, you know, so chemists to retail

Wesleyne Greer:

sales back into the bio informatics world?

Justin Duplantis:

Yeah, it was pure luck. Essentially, I was

Justin Duplantis:

working in the modeling acting industry, I was the basically

Justin Duplantis:

had call the head of sales. But basically, I was the Director of

Justin Duplantis:

Admissions. But we're basically in sales, getting individuals to

Justin Duplantis:

work for a Malian acting organization, we were a school

Justin Duplantis:

and Academy in Louisiana area. And when COVID started kind of

Justin Duplantis:

peeking its head out, I knew that I saw the writing on the

Justin Duplantis:

wall, that it wasn't probably not going to be a stable

Justin Duplantis:

organization to be a part of. So I transitioned my family to the

Justin Duplantis:

Texas area where my wife resided, and started kind of

Justin Duplantis:

looking for work. And I thought it was gonna be a really easy

Justin Duplantis:

transition. And it just wasn't, I was having a really hard time,

Justin Duplantis:

I was being told a lot that I was overqualified for certain

Justin Duplantis:

roles that I was going out for, or I didn't have the exact

Justin Duplantis:

experience they were looking for. So I am not one that's very

Justin Duplantis:

active on social media. But I posted my first thing ever on

Justin Duplantis:

social media out of pure desperation and frustration, and

Justin Duplantis:

basically said, I'm tired of being told that I'm

Justin Duplantis:

overqualified, and had a little political cartoon that said, you

Justin Duplantis:

know, I'm sorry, you're overqualified. Come back when

Justin Duplantis:

you forget some things, and so posted that on social media and

Justin Duplantis:

and was just kind of like, Hey, I'm frustrated. Someone that I

Justin Duplantis:

know from the triple nine society, which is a high IQ

Justin Duplantis:

society that I'm a member of, it's kind of like Mensa, but a

Justin Duplantis:

little bit, it's a more strict as far as the application

Justin Duplantis:

process. So like menses 90th percentile, this is the 99.9

Justin Duplantis:

percentile. One of my members of my cohort from TNS is the owner

Justin Duplantis:

of the bioinformatics URL, and he reached out and said, Hey,

Justin Duplantis:

let's have a conversation. We talked and I said, I don't not

Justin Duplantis:

think I'm a great fit for this. I don't know anything about

Justin Duplantis:

bioinformatics. And he says, But you know, sales and that's what

Justin Duplantis:

we need, and you can learn the bioinformatics side of things

Justin Duplantis:

you know, you're a smart guy, you have a background in you

Justin Duplantis:

know, somewhat of a it's not related but you know, in a STEM

Justin Duplantis:

field at least you'll be fine. And he was the one that had the

Justin Duplantis:

I guess the confidence in me when I definitely did not, but

Justin Duplantis:

our results have have definitely shown that he I guess he saw

Justin Duplantis:

something I didn't see and we we've made some really great

Justin Duplantis:

strides since since coming on board. So

Wesleyne Greer:

the so your boss, I hope he listens to this

Wesleyne Greer:

podcast. He is one of the most brilliant people that I know in

Wesleyne Greer:

hiring salespeople, sales leaders, because that's what I

Wesleyne Greer:

like I say this all the time and people don't get it. You need

Wesleyne Greer:

somebody with strong sales skills. You need somebody with

Wesleyne Greer:

strong leadership capabilities, your product is as good as you

Wesleyne Greer:

say it is. You can teach them the technology, simple, plain

Wesleyne Greer:

and simple. And he really proved that that's exactly what he did

Wesleyne Greer:

with you. And another thing I say is don't hire industry

Wesleyne Greer:

insiders. He could have went in pluck, I call them your

Wesleyne Greer:

competitors rejects kind of where to pluck a competitor's

Wesleyne Greer:

reject, right to fill your position. But he did. And he had

Wesleyne Greer:

an open mind and looked outside. And really, as you said, you

Wesleyne Greer:

guys have really been able within this last year to blossom

Wesleyne Greer:

to grow.

Justin Duplantis:

Absolutely, yeah. And I think the

Justin Duplantis:

interesting thing about that is I had about three or four months

Justin Duplantis:

ago, I had somebody reach out to me, Well, I reached out to them

Justin Duplantis:

kind of hunting down leads, as I often do through LinkedIn, and

Justin Duplantis:

reach out to this person. He said, Look, we don't have any

Justin Duplantis:

needs. And I said, Okay, well, I'll follow up with you,

Justin Duplantis:

intermittently, to see if the needs have changed. And so a

Justin Duplantis:

couple months later reached out to him again, and he said, You

Justin Duplantis:

know, I don't need anything. And then quickly afterwards, he

Justin Duplantis:

responded, actually, you know, actually, I do have a need to

Justin Duplantis:

meet, let's have a conversation. So great. We jumped on the call

Justin Duplantis:

a few days later, he said, he's like, so tell me a little bit

Justin Duplantis:

about you guys. So I started kind of going over my normal

Justin Duplantis:

kind of conversation, I don't really like to call it a pitch,

Justin Duplantis:

because it's different every time I do it, it's just more of

Justin Duplantis:

just like kind of chatting, and this what we do. And about

Justin Duplantis:

halfway through, he said, Hey, I don't need to hear anymore. And

Justin Duplantis:

it was very abrupt. And it took me a little bit by surprise. And

Justin Duplantis:

he said, I'll be honest with you, the reason I got you on

Justin Duplantis:

this call today was because I'm interested in talking about

Justin Duplantis:

coming on board with us in a business development role. And I

Justin Duplantis:

said, Oh, well, you know, I'm happy where I'm at, could you

Justin Duplantis:

send me though the job description, as well as, you

Justin Duplantis:

know, salary kind of range, so that I can address with maybe

Justin Duplantis:

some contacts that I have. So we sent it over. And one of the

Justin Duplantis:

things that was in that job description was five years of

Justin Duplantis:

industry experience. And so I addressed that with him, I said,

Justin Duplantis:

you know, I just want to point out the fact that you're trying

Justin Duplantis:

to recruit me, but I'm not even qualified for the position

Justin Duplantis:

you're trying to recruit me for? And he said, What do you mean,

Justin Duplantis:

you're highly qualified? And I said, I am? Absolutely not. I

Justin Duplantis:

said, I've been in this role for, you know, a little less

Justin Duplantis:

than a year in this industry, I have had don't have the

Justin Duplantis:

qualifications that you would even look at me. And he said,

Justin Duplantis:

Well, I want to let you know that you've changed my mind on

Justin Duplantis:

that quite a bit. And I so I agree with you, I think, I think

Justin Duplantis:

that's huge, you know, to be able to think outside the box,

Justin Duplantis:

you're going to find much better candidates than the ones that

Justin Duplantis:

have been doing the same thing over and over again, because

Justin Duplantis:

they're going to bring those preconceived notions on how

Justin Duplantis:

things are done. And that may not be the way that your company

Justin Duplantis:

wants them done at, you know, at that time. So there's a lot of

Justin Duplantis:

advantages to pulling someone from outside the industry, for

Justin Duplantis:


Wesleyne Greer:

Absolutely. It gives you that difference of

Wesleyne Greer:

opinion as to the diversity of perspective, diversity of

Wesleyne Greer:

thought. And really, what you'll find is when you build your

Wesleyne Greer:

sales team with Yeah, okay, maybe you have some people who

Wesleyne Greer:

are within the industry, or who have come from your competitors,

Wesleyne Greer:

as well as the outside perspective, that's what really

Wesleyne Greer:

builds a strong sales team. And that's how companies really

Wesleyne Greer:

achieve that double digit, triple digit growth, because you

Wesleyne Greer:

have so many different opinions like, okay, in retail, we didn't

Wesleyne Greer:

like this. Okay, in my last bioinformatics company, we did

Wesleyne Greer:

like this. In polymers, we do it like this, right? All of that

Wesleyne Greer:

put together is really what builds these organizations that

Wesleyne Greer:

makes them strong.

Justin Duplantis:

Absolutely. Yeah, for sure. I think one of

Justin Duplantis:

the things that that we've kind of implemented is that more that

Justin Duplantis:

human touch that I had, I kind of mentioned earlier, we provide

Justin Duplantis:

all of our clients with basically like a little

Justin Duplantis:

biography of the bar fish they're gonna be working with,

Justin Duplantis:

but not in a traditional sense, we're not going to send you

Justin Duplantis:

their CV, we're sending you a photo of them, it tells you

Justin Duplantis:

about their hobbies has little pictures, it's much more of this

Justin Duplantis:

as a human being that you can be working with. And then on the

Justin Duplantis:

sales side of things, you know, I think one of the things again,

Justin Duplantis:

that we we emphasize is that we want to be an extension of your

Justin Duplantis:

organization, we don't just want to be a contractor that you're

Justin Duplantis:

using for a one off project, it needs to be something where it's

Justin Duplantis:

a much more client telling than it is a customer interface. When

Justin Duplantis:

we're interacting with these potential clients. One of the

Justin Duplantis:

things that company was doing in the past was trying to basically

Justin Duplantis:

ascertain a client here and client, their client here,

Justin Duplantis:

client there, but what we have changed in that mentality, and

Justin Duplantis:

it's coming from all the diverse backgrounds I've had is I would

Justin Duplantis:

rather make a relationship with a company that has similar to

Justin Duplantis:

similar clients and build that network. So that I have other

Justin Duplantis:

companies headhunting for me for clients as well. So if I have

Justin Duplantis:

this company that's related, let's say we just made a

Justin Duplantis:

relationship with at Cedar, which is a equipment leasing

Justin Duplantis:

company, well, when you go to lease the equipment, you're

Justin Duplantis:

going to have to be producing a lot of data. And that data needs

Justin Duplantis:

to be analysis analyzed. And that's where we come in. And so

Justin Duplantis:

having that relationship with this company, they're able to

Justin Duplantis:

pitch our company to their clients. And I think making

Justin Duplantis:

those b2b relationships, not just thinking on a client

Justin Duplantis:

perspective, I think has been big for us as well.

Wesleyne Greer:

Yeah, really that global perspective, I was

Wesleyne Greer:

actually just telling somebody that we're doing a whole thing,

Wesleyne Greer:

showing people how to use LinkedIn. I said, Well, you

Wesleyne Greer:

know, one of the greatest benefits that I've had on

Wesleyne Greer:

LinkedIn is not just the direct interaction with prospects and

Wesleyne Greer:

clients and employees. It's actually I'm building these

Wesleyne Greer:

great relationships with referral partners. And they're,

Wesleyne Greer:

you know, you talk to somebody, you get on a call, and you're

Wesleyne Greer:

like, Wow, you should meet this person, or you should meet that

Wesleyne Greer:

person. And then it's like you have this whole ecosystem, these

Wesleyne Greer:

arms, that you've touched people that are so far outside of your

Wesleyne Greer:

realm that you wouldn't have been able to do if you were just

Wesleyne Greer:

so focused on I have to get business, I have to hire

Wesleyne Greer:


Justin Duplantis:

and a warm lead, as opposed to a cold lead

Justin Duplantis:

that point to

Wesleyne Greer:

exactly, exactly. So tell me about your

Wesleyne Greer:

great success, something that you're really proud of? Yeah. So

Justin Duplantis:

I think this is a combination of a personal

Justin Duplantis:

note, as well, as a professional, I think the past

Justin Duplantis:

month has been a very challenging month. So I'm

Justin Duplantis:

currently in grad school. I'm ascertaining my MBA right now,

Justin Duplantis:

and working full time. And so that obviously, is a big strain.

Justin Duplantis:

And then last month, on the 15th, my five year old son was

Justin Duplantis:

diagnosed with medical blastoma brain cancer. So we have kind of

Justin Duplantis:

uprooted our family from the Dallas Fort Worth area to now

Justin Duplantis:

living in Memphis, where he's going to St. Jude's for his, his

Justin Duplantis:

treatment. So we've kind of displaced our family and have

Justin Duplantis:

been able to still kind of manage all of the different

Justin Duplantis:

aspects, I think being able to juggle having a family and

Justin Duplantis:

working full time and going to school full time and having a

Justin Duplantis:

child with, you know, obviously a very serious illness in brain

Justin Duplantis:

cancer, I think has been has definitely been a challenge. But

Justin Duplantis:

we have as a family stepped up to the challenge. And I think,

Justin Duplantis:

you know, you're only as strong as you believe you are. And it's

Justin Duplantis:

amazing to see, I guess all these other families that are

Justin Duplantis:

here as well, that are are not able to do kind of the working

Justin Duplantis:

from home and everything like that. So we're very blessed. But

Justin Duplantis:

it's been a challenge. But I'm happy to say that we're making

Justin Duplantis:

it through it. So

Wesleyne Greer:

I love that. And you know, one thing, I asked

Wesleyne Greer:

this question all the time, and when I wrap up the podcast, and

Wesleyne Greer:

sometimes people you know, they're proud of a project or a

Wesleyne Greer:

team member, somebody who they've mentored and, you know,

Wesleyne Greer:

you really took it to that. I'm a human being and life has been

Wesleyne Greer:

challenging, and I'm proud, proud of myself for overcoming

Wesleyne Greer:

it. And one thing that I always tell sales leaders is, at the

Wesleyne Greer:

beginning of every year at the beginning of every quarter, you

Wesleyne Greer:

have to sit down with your team and make it have them make a

Wesleyne Greer:

personal goal, right. And that personal goal, that's why we're

Wesleyne Greer:

working so hard. That's what we're doing, you know, is it

Wesleyne Greer:

that I need to get treatment for a child? Is it that I need to

Wesleyne Greer:

buy a car, I want to retire my parents early? Like whatever

Wesleyne Greer:

that goal is? That's what they're working for? Yes,

Wesleyne Greer:

they're working for your company. Yes, they're working

Wesleyne Greer:

because they want to make commission but at the end of the

Wesleyne Greer:

day, why are they working so hard? It's to achieve that goal.

Wesleyne Greer:

And so again, hats off to you for everything that you've been

Wesleyne Greer:

experiencing this past month, because I can only imagine just

Wesleyne Greer:

the gravity of having a child that's being treated at St.

Wesleyne Greer:

Jude's, and being in grad school and working full time. I mean,

Wesleyne Greer:

just all three of those, each one of those things is a lot,

Wesleyne Greer:

but put them all together, I definitely think that you're

Wesleyne Greer:

you're doing a great job, and hats off to you as a husband,

Wesleyne Greer:

and as a father. I appreciate it. Thank you. And so if people

Wesleyne Greer:

want to get in contact with you to chat with you more, learn

Wesleyne Greer:

more about the products that you guys sell, what is the best way

Wesleyne Greer:

for them to do that?

Justin Duplantis:

Yeah, so we actually have a podcast as well.

Justin Duplantis:

So our podcast is the bioinformatics CRO podcast, very

Justin Duplantis:

original name. It's industry related. So generally talking

Justin Duplantis:

about to therapeutic companies that are in the industry. We

Justin Duplantis:

also have a website, of course, bioinformatics And then

Justin Duplantis:

my email address is Justin at bioinformatics, as well.

Justin Duplantis:

And of course, you can always find me on LinkedIn, I'm pretty

Justin Duplantis:

easily found. My name is not all that that normal, we have, I

Justin Duplantis:

think there's one or two other Justin do planets, but there's

Justin Duplantis:

not very many,

Wesleyne Greer:

pass them. And all of that contact information

Wesleyne Greer:

will be in the show notes. So please check out I love other

Wesleyne Greer:

podcast hosts because they get the what is like the other other

Wesleyne Greer:

side of the mic. So please check out the podcast connect with

Wesleyne Greer:

Justin on LinkedIn. And thank you so much, Justin for sharing

Wesleyne Greer:

your story, your journey and I really, you know, the biggest

Wesleyne Greer:

takeaway that I got, and that's going to stick with me is really

Wesleyne Greer:

your biggest accomplishment. And that's what I really enjoyed the

Wesleyne Greer:

most about this conversation. Yes, we're all salespeople or

Wesleyne Greer:

sales leaders, but we're also human beings. And as human

Wesleyne Greer:

beings, we have challenges that we have to overcome. So thank

Wesleyne Greer:

you. Thank you. And that is a another episode of the Snack

Wesleyne Greer:

size sales podcast. Remember what we do here is we talk about

Wesleyne Greer:

the science of selling stem. So in everything that you do, make

Wesleyne Greer:

sure you transform your sales. See you next time.


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