Artwork for podcast The Abundance Journey: Accelerating Revenue With An Abundance Mindset
Are Toxins Blocking Your Abundance? - Melissa Deally
Episode 137th July 2022 • The Abundance Journey: Accelerating Revenue With An Abundance Mindset • Elaine Starling
00:00:00 00:21:38

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Many people are carrying a toxic load and wonder why they don’t feel vibrantly healthy…!  One of the biggest challenges people have is that they don’t understand the language of their body.

Melissa Deally shares her extensive experience as an Integrative Health Practitioner, revealing how we can gain control of our health to enjoy physical abundance.  

About the Guest:

Melissa Deally is an Integrative Mind Body Health Practitioner, also trained in NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy.  She’s dedicated to helping her clients discover the root cause of their health issue and truly heal, while also detoxing their physical, mental and emotional bodies.  Melissa’s business is 100% virtual, and she works with the entire English speaking world. 

Melissa also uses the power of functional medicine lab tests mailed to your home, while offering a very high level of support, to ensure her clients’ success, as we navigate the path bringing the physical, mental and emotional bodies back into balance, while creating new lifestyle habits to ensure lasting results.

Free Gift Link: Your Toxic Load Quiz:

Please support Melissa by sharing this quiz with your family and friends.  No one needs a toxic load!

Social Media Links: 


INSTAGRAM: Guidedhealthjourney



About the Host, Elaine Starling:

An international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach and mentor, Elaine Starling is recognized for her video show and podcast, The Abundance Journey.  After a comprehensive conversation with our higher power during a stroke, Elaine created The Abundance Journey 6 week course to share what she learned.  As the Abundance Ambassador, Elaine mentors spiritual, growth-oriented women to align with Divine guidance to achieve their dreams.  Elaine’s clients experience more clarity, confidence, and commit to action that achieves their goals.  

Elaine Starling Social Media Links:




TEDx Talk, “Abundance Is a Choice”


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Elaine Starling:

The Abundance Journey explores all the ways abundance shows up to help you expand the abundance you embody, express and experience as your journey unfolds.

Elaine Starling:

Welcome this is Elaine Starling, the abundance ambassador and I'm so glad you can join me for today's episode of the abundance journey because you're in for a real treat, you know I bring nothing but the best, right? Because I like high vibe people I like people who really get it and who live a life of abundance and show us how we can have abundance in all ways. Well, that's why I want to Melissa Daly on the abundance journey because this lady really knows how it all works. Let me tell you a little bit about Melissa. She's an integrative mind body health practitioner who's trained in NLP, timeline therapy and hypnotherapy. She's dedicated to helping her clients discover the root cause of their health issues so they truly heal, and also detox their physical, mental and emotional bodies. Melissa's business is 100%. Virtual. She works with the entire English speaking world. Melissa, we are so lucky to have you with us here today. Thank you so much for joining us.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for having me, Lane. I'm excited to be here and very honored to be in that esteemed group of people that you mentioned bringing nothing but the best.

Elaine Starling:

I love it true. It's just seems to me. It's funny how that works. You know, I meet people and their high vibe people. And I'm like, Oh, I got to have you on my show. And that's what happened when we that to


yes, like attracts like, right? The energy we put out is the energy we receive back. So

Elaine Starling:

yes, yes. And so I'd love for you to share with us a little bit about how you got involved in the work that you do and why you're so passionate about it.


You know, everything, there's a turning point in all of our lives, right. And so for me, mine was seven years ago, I was in a corporate career, it was 24 years in that career, loved it. But one day big fish bought little fish. And I was like go with an hour to clear out my desk, no word of thanks. And in that moment, I knew three things. One, I was never working for someone else again, to that whatever I did next had to be more of service to humanity and the planet. And three, I had no idea what it was going to be. But I was open to being guided. And later that year, I came across a company that specialized in brain supplementation. And I thought, well, that's interesting, because I use my brain 24/7. And no one's ever told me that I could or should be doing more for the health of my brain. And I knew we had near epidemic levels of Alzheimer's and dementia. But I was fortunate to also have a grandmother who was 99 years old, fully cognitively functioning, living and caring for herself by herself. Wow. Yeah. And I'm like, I want that path. No kidding. And even though I wasn't in health and wellness at the time, I kind of knew enough to say I've got good genes, but is that enough. And I started comparing her life to my life to see how I rated right. Well, she was born in little Christchurch, New Zealand, bottom corner of the world back in 1916. Before all the toxins that we have in the world today, growing all their own food on their property. I was raised in Tokyo, Japan, in the 70s, during the height of manufacturing plants spewing out toxins. Now it was a great life. I absolutely loved that I got to grow up in Japan. But I realized in that moment, I'm way more toxic than my grandmother ever was. So I need to do something about that. And as I was learning about this brain supplementation, I started learning about toxins to the brain crossing the blood brain barrier, how to detox the brain and learning about, you know, the toxic effect on our body and detoxing the body. And how we actually needed to be doing more to support our body given the toxic load that we were under. All very fascinating. And about four months later, my oldest daughter got a concussion in her first Soccer Game of the grade 12 season. Just started using this brain supplementation. And I wasn't working full time. So I started going to her appointments with her because she didn't have the cognitive function concussed to go to the appointment and then come home and tell me what they said she should do so that I can help her do it in terms of keeping her accountable for her next appointment. Right. So I went with her and continued learning about the brain through this process and two months later, I was driving to Vancouver along the ocean. And I got a phone call from the high school asking me to go pick up my younger daughter because she had a suspected concussion from grade eight gym class. No. And I looked out my windshield across the horizon. And I went really, this is how you show me my path, stop taking out my children don't have any more children to be taken out. But now I have two very different concussions. And I'm introducing a nutritional piece of healing for the brain to them, while they're also seeing the many expert practitioners that we have in town here in Whistler, because we've got downhill skiing, downhill biking, we have a lot of concussion, right? And helping them heal and guiding their healing journey, literally. And that's when I realized people need more support in their healing journey, no matter what it is, whether it's concussion or something else, to hold them accountable between appointments, because we all know there's a very big difference between knowing what you're supposed to do and actually doing it. Right. And the other piece to that is that when you are guided and you trust in the process, you your body gets into a state of relaxation. When you're trying to figure it out on your own, not really sure if you're doing it right, maybe going to Dr. Google between appointments to figure out why you feel the way you feel. And is that right? And should it be this way or not? Your body's in the stress state body doesn't heal in that state.

Elaine Starling:

Well, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you doing what you're doing, because obviously you're helping relieve a lot of stress for people, right at a critical point when they're trying to heal. Now I know a lot of people are gonna go okay, health and abundance, health and about how are these things related? How would you define abundance based on the kind of thing that you do?


For me, abundance is having your health, because when we have our health, we can do everything else that we want to do in our life, right. And we can live our life fully all the way to the end, like my grandmother did. She ended up dying in her sleep at 101. Like, that's literally what I want. But the average North American is spending 10 years in a nursing home, slowly dying. And that's no quality of life, right? That's not abundance. But when we have our health, and we prioritize it so that it can we can be abundant with our health, we can do whatever we want. And we all have dreams, we all have passions and purposes, et cetera. And we can live fully right to the end.

Elaine Starling:

I love that. I really love that. Because who doesn't want that way of life? That's kind of as good as it gets. Right? Yeah,

Melissa Deally:

it's one life, right,

Elaine Starling:

validate. So tell me a little bit about the common challenges that you find people are struggling with, when you start working with them? What's one of the biggest barriers that people have to deal with?

Melissa Deally:

So there's two, actually. And they're both triggered by stress, interestingly enough. So one is gut health issues. So people are struggling with heartburn, and they're popping and acids like candy, or they're just struggling with bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, all of these things that no one really likes to talk about. But they're all clues that they have an unhappy. And an unhappy gut doesn't just heal itself if we ignore it. And I know often in life were told suck it out, push through and all of that, right. But when our body talks to us in the form of these types of symptoms, it's asking us to do something differently. It's not asking us to just keep on going and ignore it. Because what happens if we do that is, you know, we start off with the symptoms being a gentle touch, like a soft touch of a feather. And if we don't listen, then we might come along and get thumped by a break. And if we still don't listen, watch out for the wrecking ball, right? That's the progression if we ignore our symptoms, and we all know someone who has been hit by the wrecking ball and we all know people all along that path. Ideally, we want to listen when it's that gentle touch of the feather and start doing something about it so that we can get rid of those symptoms but what people haven't been taught because it's just not public knowledge is that a we do need to have the awareness to listen to our symptoms and we can do something about them and to stop accepting them as signs of aging signs of out seasonal allergies, or blaming it on genetics, right variety uses

Elaine Starling:

for them exact recognizing that this is the language of the body. Yes tuning in to hear the message that we're BSN 100% Aha that's yes a really big aha

Melissa Deally:

you're giving me head to toe goosebumps. Yeah, because it's the truth. Right and society no normalizes these things, the stress for starters. And secondly, we've accepted as society, we're going to feel worse as we get older. No, thank you. I'll pass on. Exactly. We don't have to. I mean,

Elaine Starling:

it's like, it sounds like the biggest solution for this challenge is to really get aware of what's going on and what your body is saying to you. So what's the first thing you'd like to do with people to help them bridge the the message gap? Like if I'm not used to speaking my body's language and understanding what it's saying? How do I hear what it's saying?

Melissa Deally:

Well, one thing that I have that we can offer to the listeners is, it's called the Discover Your toxic load quiz. And what that is, is it's that it's 105 questions, they're really quick to answer of all these different symptoms, right? All the ways your body's talking to you, that you haven't been paying attention to, right. But now it's bringing it to the forefront because you have to answer the questions. And you're like, oh, I have that. Oh, yeah, I do have that, oh, I have that too. And you get a score at the end. And that score could be quite high, because we do live in a toxic world. And that's okay, because we're going to bring it down, right. And many of the symptoms that we accept as aging are the result of the toxic load on our body, we're getting toxins inside our body all the time from our waterways, airways, food, you know, just walking down the street exhaust fumes getting on our skin, getting into our plastics,

Elaine Starling:

exactly, everything. Exactly.

Melissa Deally:

And so when we do that quiz, we see the score. And then what I do is I will start people with my detox program, which is a guided program again, so they can trust in the process, they can get the support, we start everyone in the same place, but not everyone's coming to it in the same place of health. So I have to adjust it for people so that it works for them, right. And it's three weeks. And that might sound like oh, that's so long. But the health benefits people get in just three weeks of renewed energy, getting rid of afternoon naps brain getting rid of brain fog and more mental clarity, getting rid of the aches and pains and their joints, etc. And just feeling better and their whole digestive system. That's totally worth it. You know, I've never had someone get to the end and say, I wish I didn't do this. I have people getting to the end going I wish I knew you 10 years ago.

Elaine Starling:

Right? Right. They're

Melissa Deally:

so excited about how they feel.

Elaine Starling:

Well, I have to ask you about one other thing because suffer from the I want it now syndrome.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah, exactly. You

Elaine Starling:

just get rid of 50 pounds for me like

Melissa Deally:

a magic pill, right?

Elaine Starling:

magic pill? I always ask what are those baby steps that you invite people to look at so that they can tell they're actually making progress, things are moving in the right direction, even though you don't see that final net net result that you'd really like to have happen? How do you because when you see your progress, you start to feel the momentum building, and you're willing to stay the course. Yes, the entire process. So yes, what should we look for?

Melissa Deally:

Well, and that's what I love is when we create the environment for the body to heal, it starts to heal really quickly. And we will start to see results within that first week. Right? Wow. But we're adjusting the way people are eating we're taking out very common trigger foods such as dairy, such as gluten, such as eggs, a lot of people don't realize that they might have some kind of sensitivity to eggs. So we take out a lot of trigger foods, because when we eat those foods causes stress on the system, right? We're trying to bring the stress down so the body can start healing. So we're changing what people are eating, we're changing the timing of when they're eating, we're introducing some intermittent fasting, but not too long, we're introducing you know, eating every three and a half to four hours. So digestion can be completed before the next meal even starts. So the body has time to do some self cleaning in between, as opposed to through COVID. The refrigerators right there and we just graze all day long, right? And we're putting food in before the last meal has even been digested, fully digested. So the body never gets a chance to clean. So you know we clean our homes, we vacuum we renovate, we fix things, but what are we doing for our body? We're not giving you that chance.

Elaine Starling:

It's basic housekeeping for your body. Yeah, exactly of sense that really does

Melissa Deally:

go I teach all of this so that people can get those results very quickly. Because I know that's what they want. I know they want that magic pill and I can't give it to them instantaneously, but I can give it to them very quickly.

Elaine Starling:

That is fabulous. Well, I really appreciate you making this free quiz available to us so that we can get a handle on just how toxic our system is right now and tie that back to our specific symptoms. That's that's absolutely brilliant. I'm definitely going to download that. The link to this quiz will be in the show notes so everybody can do it. Here at the abundance tree. We love to turn the tables on our guests. We like to find what ways that we can support you. Because when you give is when you get. So what can we do to support you?

Melissa Deally:

Well, I would actually absolutely love it if people do that quiz and then share it with their loved ones. Because you know, everybody needs to know this information. It's not what's been taught publicly, we've been taught, you get sick, you go to the doctor, they make you better. But that's putting a lot of responsibility on another person. And it's really your responsibility to look after your health. And this is a really easy starting point, and share it with your loved one. So they can get that message to thank you so much for, you know, allowing that because my mission is to create a healthier global community. And this is the starting point. Because I truly believe if people understand what the toxins are doing to our health and start to get into a practice of detoxing, we would get rid of the chronic illness that we have in the world today, we really wouldn't.

Elaine Starling:

And I really like your idea of sharing it with friends and family, because I remember seeing those commercials for one of the DNA tests, and they were showing how twins have different DNA profiles. I mean, everybody in the family interacts with their environment differently, and has different trigger foods and different stuff going absolutely. And so it really makes sense for each of us to get our own reading. Absolutely. And where we are, and it's, I don't view this as a bad number. Awareness is not a bad thing. It's just where you are temporarily right now at this moment in time, and your personal choices. Right. And and knowledge is power, right? It's yeah, it's wonderful to know that you have choices, and you can choose abundance, you can choose fabulous health, whenever you're ready.

Melissa Deally:

100%, I fully agree. And what's going on with our health also goes back to our childhood, in fact, to being in the womb, right? So none of us have all had the exact same journey since then put the same food in our mouth at the exact same time, etc. So yes, people might end up with the same score, but due to different symptoms. So absolutely, everyone should do it.

Elaine Starling:

That is fascinating. Melissa, thank you so much for joining us today. Because you really bring in a vital component of abundance, which is your health and well being. I mean, obviously, it's wonderful to get a ton of money. But if you lose your health, all that money is going to try to regain your health. So why not take care of your health now from the gesso so that you've got the strength and vitality to enjoy all kinds of abundance in all the different ways that shows up? Thank you for what you're doing, you're making a massive difference. And we really appreciate you.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you so very much. And I agree with what you've just said, I like to say health is your true wealth for exactly that reason.

Elaine Starling:

Very true. Very true. All right, well, stay tuned, because we're going to be activating abundance in just a minute.

Elaine Starling:

Hey, we just got to see Melissa daily and hear about how important taking care and paying attention to our health is for all aspects of abundance. So we're going to activate abundance. Now. We always start by celebrating in advance, we celebrate that we got to meet an incredible person who's got a really cool perspective on abundance. She sees it from a completely different standpoint. How cool is that? The second thing is we acknowledge something that she said something we heard, that really is making a difference for us. And one thing really stood out for me when she was talking about how often we kind of are divorced from our bodies, we're not really paying attention to the language our body is using to communicate with us. And it's so important to tune in, and really pay attention to what's going on. Because sometimes there's a lag time between you ate something, and then you don't feel so hot, and you aren't sure which thing it was that you ate that's causing the upset. Yeah, understanding the language of your body super important to your happiness and your abundance. So I really want to acknowledge her for that. I appreciate that she is making a quiz available for free so that I can understand my own toxic load. Everybody has a toxic load. And you can only address it once you know where the issues are. So how wonderful that there's a free tool that we can use that will make a radical difference in my health and well being. I love that idea. So that's what I want to appreciate. What I want to activate is I'm going to download that quiz and I'm going to take the quiz and I'm going to post it on my social media and I'm going to share it with my friends and family because I really strongly believe that knowing what your toxic load is and doing something about it is going to radically change every aspect of your life. When you have that health and vitality, you show up in a totally different way. So I'm going to be doing it and I'm going to look for your comments and see if you're doing it too. So again, we celebrate, I want to celebrate that I have this new way to bring abundance into my life. I love getting new tools, new resources, meeting new people, because our energy is now connected. And Didn't she have great energy? I just love Melissa. She's got this calm, tranquil, confident energy that's just so compelling. I really appreciate that.




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