Artwork for podcast Night Church Sermons by Praxis
Why Adventism? // Part 1 "Failure Stories // Panel: Filip, Miguel, Austin, Ezrica & Ranela
Episode 1811th August 2021 • Night Church Sermons by Praxis • Loma Linda University Church
00:00:00 00:58:01

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This series explores why remain in the church (period)? And more specifically, why consider joining or consider remaining a Seventh-day Adventist Christian?

In this episode 5 panelists give their voice to how the Seventh-day Adventist Church has let down, and failed its young and old and how to move forward through the pain.

Miguel Mendez, pastor for study and discipleship, LLU Church

Austin Roberts, Intern Young Adult Pastor, LLU Church

Ezrica Bennett, elder LLU Church, poet and writer

Ranela Kaligithi, former Bible worker, mental health coach and student

Filip Milosavljevic, Young Adult Pastor, LLU Church




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