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10 Sources Of Inspiration To Raise Your Vibration and Boost Your Health Part I
Episode 602nd April 2022 • Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call! • Melissa Deally
00:00:00 00:42:13

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The theme this month is inspiration and I’m bringing you the stories of 3 amazing guests but wasn’t sure what I’d do for my solo episodes! And then I was inspired to look up the definition of inspiration and then sources of inspiration and that then inspired me to share with you a list of 20 sources of inspiration and how they have impacted me in my life and I hope they will resonate with you.  As when we feel inspired, we are in a place of more happiness and joy, raising our vibration and all of that boosts your immune system and health.   There is a part two to this episode, with 10 more sources of inspiration to come in 2 more weeks!  Use these episodes to get inspired and stay inspired! 

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About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit, and many more!  She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started.






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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

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if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be? Like? What

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would that be worth to

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you? What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your

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health isn't everything. But without it, everything else is

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nothing. And yet too many of us are taking it for granted until

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something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be diagnosed

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with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've never

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been taught how to be proactive in our health through our school

Melissa Deally:

system, or public health. As a registered health coach and

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integrative health practitioner, I believe it is time this

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information is made available to everyone. Combining new

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knowledge around your health and the ability to do my functional

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medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home will

Melissa Deally:

allow you to optimize your health for today and all your

Melissa Deally:

tomorrow's don't wait for your wake up call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to a another episode of The don't wait for

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your wake up call podcast. I am your host, Melissa Daly. And

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this month, I'm focusing on the theme of inspiration. And I'm

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super excited to actually be bringing you three amazing guest

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interviews this month because there's five Saturdays in the

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month of April 2022. From three amazing women who have suffered

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near death experiences health issues, I've been told they'd

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never walk again. And then they do you know, each of those

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stories is very different story, but so inspirational in and of

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itself. And so I hope you love these episodes. But that left me

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kind of stalling on creating my own solo episodes wondering,

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what do I talk about in regards to inspiration? How do I that?

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How do I tie that back to health. And so I started by

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looking up the definition. And the definition of inspiration is

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the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel

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something, especially to do something creative, or a sudden,

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brilliant, creative, or timely idea. And then I started

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Googling sources of inspiration. And from there I became inspired

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to share with you 10 sources of inspiration over my next two

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episodes, and share with you how each of them has inspired me in

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my life. And I just love that I was stalling. I didn't really

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know what I was going to do with these two episodes to tie it in

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with the theme, but also tie it back to health education, which

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is what this podcast is all about. And in just starting to

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do a little bit of research and looking for some ideas I got

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totally inspired. So I hope you love this episode. I hope that

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as you listen, it brings you inspiration as well. Because you

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see whether you are inspired by another individual or something

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within your own person. Inspiration is the motivator

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within life. It is the catalyst for keeping you moving forward.

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And more than that, when you're feeling inspired, there is hope

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there is joy, there is belief that you can do something, it

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feels exciting, it's feels new and good. And when we are in

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this state, we are moved away from fear and anger and all the

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negative emotions that can weigh heavy and bog us down and

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literally cause disease in our body over time. Therefore, being

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in a state of feeling inspired, leads you to a healthier frame

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of mind and healthy physical body as you raise your vibration

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and soar. So let's dive in. And as I go through this list, think

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about how these

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these 10 different inspiration or weight sources of inspiration

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might inspire you in your life. And I hope by the end of this

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podcast that your energy vibration has been lifted by you

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thinking about this, as you hear me explain how each of these

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sources of inspiration has impacted me in my life. So the

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first source of inspiration on the list that I found was the

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sunrise something that happens each and every single day. And

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we don't necessarily see it. In fact, very rarely do most of us

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get to see the sunrise because especially in the summer months

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and if you're living out North is happening in the wee hours of

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the morning and we are still asleep. But last October, I went

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camping with my oldest daughter, back country camping, something

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that we've started doing together since the pandemic. And

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then we really come to enjoy. We love being in nature, it gets us

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off devices, and just gets us to spend time together creating

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memories. And being in nature, which just lets the stress drip

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right off your body. Right. And we had looked up before we left

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because of course, there's no Wi Fi, there's no devices, etc.

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What time the Sunrise was going to be this was very early

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October. And we decided to get up and watch the sunrise. And so

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we got up at 5am. And it was still chilly. And we found an

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empty, empty platform that someone hadn't used in the

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campsite the night before. And we took our chairs, and we took

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our sleeping bags, and we sat in the chairs snug in our sleeping

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bags. And we just watched the light move across the sky, as

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the sun got higher and higher in the sky, and all of the shades

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and the changes of the color in the sky during the 45 minutes

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that it took for the sun to fully come up over the

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mountains, the oranges and pinks and yellows. And every sunrise

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is different. And it was just so beautiful to have that quiet

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time in the morning, we weren't even talking just sitting there

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being together, mesmerized by the beauty of nature, something

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that I'm always in awe of. And so that is definitely a source

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of inspiration, an opportunity to be grateful for each new day

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that you get to wake up to. And as you're watching that and

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letting your mind wander, it's almost meditative. That's when

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creative ideas can be coming to you, as well. So source number

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two is past achievements.

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And when we look back at what we've accomplished, then that

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can be an inspiration for what we might have ahead of us. And

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that can be incredibly powerful as well. And some story that I

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shared recently in my coaching group was the absolute belief

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that I could do something, but it would happen, and there was

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never a doubt. And when we believe in something that deeply

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to the core, then we can always accomplish it. Right. And so it

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was a great reminder for me, because as an entrepreneur in

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business, you've got your UPS, you've got your downs, you're

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trying not to listen to all those voices in your head that

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are telling you that you're not good enough or you're not, you

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know, be able to achieve the goals that you've set for

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yourself this year, etc, etc. And standing above all of that,

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and keeping going can be difficult. But when we truly tap

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into what we're doing it, why we're doing it. And we know that

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to the depths of our core, we still show up every single day

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and put one foot in front of the other. And so that story

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happened almost 30 years ago now, I was actually hired to

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translate at the Canadian Embassy in Japan at an event for

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BC pavilion Corporation, as a simultaneous translator. Now I

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was raised in Japan and I speak Japanese but I had never done

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simultaneous translation before. And so it was very nerve

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wracking to say yes, that I would do that. But there was a

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piece of me that knew that this was my opportunity to achieve

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something else. And what I wanted to achieve was landed

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immigrants see and the opportunity to get to continue

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to live in Canada. And I knew at this event, there would be many

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government officials there. And that if I went, I would have the

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opportunity to meet them. And surely if I met them, I would

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meet somebody that could help me in my desire to get my landed

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immigrant status. I'd already tried through your normal

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channels of filling out the paperwork and the application

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etc. And that was this was all before the days of the Internet

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and been rejected twice because I didn't have a high enough

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point score and a big part of that was the fact that my age I

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think I was 22 at the time. And so I didn't have enough work

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experience, etc, etc. And I'd heard that if you apply three

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times and get rejected, then you're never going to get your

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landed immigrant status. So I didn't want to try a third time

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I had to do something differently. So I agreed to go

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and be a simultaneous translator at this event in Japan. And when

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I was there I did meet many government officials from both

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The Federal Government and the BC government. And I was sharing

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with all of them my story about how I do speak Japanese, I do

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want to say and work in Canada, I'm not taking another Canadians

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job, I can use my Japanese. I'm in Whistler, British Columbia at

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the time, it was the heyday of Japanese tourists coming. They

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needed more people that spoke Japanese. And what did I need to

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be doing in order to stay.

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And I got all of their business cards. And on one of the final

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days that I was in Tokyo, I was in my hotel. And I had gone to

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the elevator and I, for some reason, I think I was on the

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third floor. And I was standing there by myself. And the next

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thing I knew was the premier of our province, Premier Harcourt

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came up and was waiting for the elevator to, and he was by

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himself. And in my head, I just thought, This is who I need to

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speak to. And this is my opportunity. And literally

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between the third floor in the lobby, I told him my story of

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wanting to stay in Canada speaking Japanese wanting not

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taking a Canadian job, Canadians job, you know, the need for more

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Japanese translators in Whistler, and we got to the

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lobby level, and he said, my grandfather emigrated from

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Australia to and he gave me his business card. And he said,

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Write to me when you get back. And so I did. When I returned, I

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wrote to every single one of those people that I had met, and

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had all their cards. And when I say wrote, it was like on a

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typewriter back then to write no computers. So typing out

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individual letters to all of these people mailing them off.

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And one day in the mail, I received a letter back from

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premier Harcourt. And in the letter he wrote, I can't get

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involved. In your case, however, you need to contact this phone

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number in order to apply to become a landed immigrant. And I

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did, I called that number immediately. And it was the

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first time I ever got a human being on the other end of the

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phone, instead of just getting lost in, you know, press one for

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this, and two for that and three for that and never ever getting

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to talk to a person. And when I got to talk to that person, she

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explained the process for me as to what I could do in order to

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become a landed immigrant. And I was literally a landed immigrant

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within three months of that phone call. I had to go back to

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Australia to do my fingerprinting and an interview

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at the Canadian consulate in Australia. But I was able to

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everything else from Canada. And that was my final steps. And I

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became a Canadian, or a landed immigrant of Canada. And years

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later, when Australia allowed dual citizenship, I was able to

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become a Canadian citizen because of course, I've lived

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here for 32 plus years now. And that was just one of those

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pivotal moments where I knew to the depths of my core, that if I

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took these steps, even though it was terrifying to be hired to be

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a simultaneous translator, something that I'd never done

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before. But I had to put myself in that situation in order to

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meet the people that could help me get the goal and the dream

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that I had of becoming a landed immigrant. And I worked. And I

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hadn't done any personal growth work at that time or anything. I

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just knew I was following my intuition. Something was telling

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me that I had to do that. And I was able to do the simultaneous

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translation it wasn't as scary in the end is what of course,

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our mind always makes things out to be worse than they are. And I

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achieved the goal that I wanted. And so I go back to that story.

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Time and time again, to remind myself when things feel hard, or

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when I'm afraid of moving forward with something, etc. To

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dig deep and to believe in my core in what I'm doing that I

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can do it, because I've done it before. And I know I can. And I

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did meet other people after that on an ongoing basis of you know,

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other Australians that said, oh, yeah, I'd like to stay here too.

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I'm trying to apply. And I could always tell the ones that we're

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going to be successful and the ones that weren't. And it was

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the depth of that desire, of how much they truly wanted it.

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Because if you don't want it enough, you're not going to

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stick with it. Right? So looking back at past achievements can be

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really inspirational. When you might be feeling down on

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yourself not believing in yourself. You can also look at

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achievements in sports, to what have you done in sports that can

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inspire you moving forward, or looking at what others can do in

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sports and then using that to help you, I remember when my

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youngest daughter was about two, and I was, you know, trying to

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teach her to swim, and I used to teach swimming lessons. And she

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did not want to jump in from the edge of the pool. And then I

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took her swimming with one of her little buddies once, and her

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mom and her little buddy was about, I don't know, three

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months older than her, and she jumped in from the edge of the

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pool. And then my daughter saw that, and something clicked in

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her brain and went, Oh, well, if she can do it, then I can do it.

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And boom, she started jumping in from the edge of the pool. And

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how often has that happened in your life, you know, look for

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someone else that's done something. And that's motivated

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you to be able to do that as well. So the third source of

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inspiration is progress, assessing the progress, when we

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set big, hairy, audacious goals for ourselves, they can feel

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scary and impossible. And then we can talk ourselves down from

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them, right, we have 70,000 conversations with ourselves in

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our head every day. And a lot of what's being said in our head

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isn't even true. And you know that if you talk that way to

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another person, that person wouldn't even be your friend,

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we're so hard on ourselves, right. And we'll talk ourselves

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down from these big, hairy, audacious goals. And believe

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that we can't do that we're not good enough, we're not smart

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enough, whatever it is. But when we actually take that big goal,

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and we break it down into chunks, you take a goal for the

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year, and you break it down into a quarter, and then you break

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that down into monthly, and then you break that down into weekly,

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then you're like, oh, I can do this, right. And it feels so

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much more doable. And then we can start talking ourselves into

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what we can do, instead of being afraid of this big hairy goal.

Melissa Deally:

That sounds so massive. And an example of that wasn't really

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set as a goal in the first place. But an example of that

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was recently my mum, who will be 77 years old this year, she

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received the highest badge on Fitbit, they now have to make a

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new badge for her I think, and it was the pole to pull badge.

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And that means she has walked 12,430 miles since joining

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Fitbit, basically from pole to pole. And I don't know how long

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she's had her Fitbit for, I'm guessing it's seven years or

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less, right. And so she's done all of this walking in her 70s

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with her dogs. And her response when she got that badge was

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really interesting, because she said to me, you know, if

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somebody had asked me or suggested that I could walk

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12,430 miles, or walk from the North Pole to the South Pole, I

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would have said, that's impossible. And I would never

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have believed that I could do it. But simply going out and

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taking her dogs for a walk every single day and multiple times a

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day, those were lucky dogs because she's retired, sometimes

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they get you know, four or five walks a day. By chipping away at

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it bit by bit by bit. All of a sudden, she earned the highest

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badge that Fitbit has to offer the the pole to pole badge. So

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when we break our progress down into smaller bite sized chunks,

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we can actually continue to be inspired to move forward as we

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celebrate each of the little successes along the way.

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Now the fourth source of inspiration is quotes. And we

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all know there's many, many, many inspirational quotes that

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are out there. You can you know, Google them and pick your

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favorite people search for quotes by them, whether it's

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Maya Angelou, mother, Teresa Gandhi, Henry Ford, Hippocrates,

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the list is endless. And have your favorite quote that you go

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to, over and over again to keep reminding yourself, of putting

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one foot in front of the other and being inspired. One of my

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favorites is Henry Ford's quote of whether you think you can or

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you think you can't, you're right. And that's such a great

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reminder around mindset. If you think you can't, it's not going

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to happen. If you think you can, now there you can achieve it,

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right. I also love the quote, and I don't know who sent it but

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love the life you live. Live the life you love. Life by design,

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we all have the power to create the life that We love and to

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live. So what are your favorite quotes, there are so many

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wonderful, wonderful quotes out there. In fact, I have a

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calendar on my desk, it's the you are a badass, new and

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favorite inspirations. And one of them right in here, when I

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just randomly picked a page, it happens to be one from February

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15 of this year says success equals your dreams, plus fear.

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Plus, doing it anyway. Right. So choose your favorite quotes,

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post them on stickies around the house, on your desk in the

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bathroom mirror on the bedside table in the car. And every time

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you read it, let it bring a smile to your face, and lift

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your energy that little bit higher. The fifth source of

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inspiration is movies or documentaries. And this has been

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one of the sources of a massive inspiration in my life. Because

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years ago, I want to say, eight nine could even be 10 years ago.

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With my Girl Guides, we went to a documentary called Girls

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rising. And it was all about girls who wanted an education

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and were being denied an education in various countries

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around the world. And I sat watching that documentary, with

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tears running down my face. Because here I am in first world

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country where the kids, it's a no brainer. They go to school,

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all children go to school. And they take school for granted.

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And they even complain about having to go to school. My own

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two children included. And I'm sure when I was a child, I did

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the very same thing. And yet here were other girls around the

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world desperate for the opportunity to go to school, and

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being denied that chance simply because of their gender. And in

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that moment, I knew I wanted to do something more to support

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girls, getting an education, more girls getting an education.

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And there was a quote in that movie that if India could just

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educate 1% More girls, we could they would grow their GDP by

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$5.5 billion. And so in that moment, to me was this very

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clear answer. It's not easy, but it's simple. We educate the

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girls. And we grow the GDP of countries and we bring third

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world countries out of poverty. And so if we could focus on the

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girls, we could break the poverty cycle, one girl, one

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family, one village at a time. And so when I was let go from my

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corporate job, seven years ago, I knew that I wanted to do

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something completely different. And whatever I did next had to

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be more of service to humanity into the planet. And I didn't

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know what I was going to be doing workwise at that point.

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And I also didn't know how I could support the girls. But I

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was at a conference a year later that year, when I heard someone

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say, the speaker said that we are put on this planet for three

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things, to serve others to never stop learning, and to find our

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passion and purpose. And he also said, you don't always have to

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know the how the how will show itself to you.

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And in that moment, I decided I was going to create a way to

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support more girls getting an education. And I had no idea how

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to do that. But I knew someone who might. And so I phoned them.

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They already had nonprofit organizations in Nepal and in

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Uganda. And they were they had kindergartens that they had

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created because so many kids were going through elementary

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school and coming out illiterate. And it was because

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they were just getting lost in the overcrowded schools. And

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this particular area was asking for preschools, actually, in

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order to start teaching the kids a one two threes in their ABCs.

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So that by the time they got into the elementary school, they

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had a little bit of a jumpstart, and then they were much less

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likely to fall behind. And so because they already had people

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on the ground staff, etc. They'd already set up nonprofits, I

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phoned them to ask them, How do I start a nonprofit? And they

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simply said, why? What do you want to do? And I told them I

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wanted to support girls in staying in high school longer so

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they weren't being married off younger and then having babies

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as teenagers and repeating the poverty cycle of their parents,

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keeping them in school longer. So so that they could then get a

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good job and start to break that poverty cycle. And they loved it

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and said, Let's do it with you. And so from there, girls matter

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was birthed. And we've been funding girls that staying in

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high school ever since. So I think we launched girls matter

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in 2017, might have been a bit sooner, actually. And we've

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helped, we've had some girls graduate from university, we've

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had many girls graduate from high school. And we're

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continuing to support girls. And now we're starting to blow it up

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even more, because I have a fairy godmother that's come into

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my life, and contributed money, and she's in the crypto world.

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And she's using those funds and the profits from the crypto

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world to fund girls. And showing me how to do that. And

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introducing What I'm doing to others to blow it up bigger so

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we can reach even more girls, globally, not just in Uganda, as

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we generate more funds through what's happening in the crypto

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world today. So that going to that documentary was incredibly

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inspiring to me, and gave me a purpose at a time when I didn't

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know what I was doing with my career and was still figuring

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that out. And now I've been able to bring the two of those, you

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know, marry them more closely together. And these girls

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continue to inspire me because their passion and their desire

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to go to school. And what the reason they want to go to school

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is incredibly inspiring, they all want to help their village,

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they all want to help make their life and the life of their loved

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ones and their families better. These 6/6 In a source of

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inspiration is travel. Now, I've traveled a lot in my life. And I

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feel very, very fortunate to have had the opportunity to do

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that. Being raised in Japan, coming from Australia, traveling

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around Southeast Asia, traveling around Europe, Africa. I've seen

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how different people live in different parts of the world,

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different cultures experience different food, different music,

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different dancing, etc, etc, etc. And it is so incredibly

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inspiring, it inspires you to get out of your comfort zone, to

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simply try new things, try new food, try speaking a new

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language, try you know, listening to new music and

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enjoying it standing up and dancing and having fun, etc,

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etc. Seeing different forms of architecture, just meeting

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people with you know, different approaches and styles to life.

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Meeting people who have almost nothing, and yet are so happy

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and are willing to give you a gift.

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So travel is incredibly inspirational. And not only

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that, the actual travel but the planning of the travel. Think

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about how you feel when you're planning a trip. Again, it's

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exciting and you're looking forward to it. And looking at

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all the different places you can go. Looking at it online and

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looking at it in brochures, all of that is incredibly

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inspirational. Number seven music. So music shifts, your

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energy motivates you. And I have a list a playlist on my phone of

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songs and I literally call it my energy shifting music. So that

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if I feel like I'm, you know, kind of feeling down or tired or

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whatever, then I can play that music. And I can turn it up

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loud. And I can sing to my heart's content, and raise my

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vibration. And literally shift my energy in that moment. And we

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all have songs that do that for us. We all have songs that take

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us back in time. Like I remember the first time I ever heard that

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song, right? Take us back to different places, etc. and So

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music is incredibly inspirational. And you know, in

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different times, it might be different type of music that you

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find inspiring. But enjoy what that music gives you. And if you

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are feeling down in the dumps, then turn to that turn just the

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music, turn on some great music and shift your energy and be

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inspired to move in to a better space. Poetry. So obviously,

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there's many, many different poets that are out there so many

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different types of poetry, etc. And it's not something that I've

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ever really studied. It's not something that I've ever really

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read per se. So in terms of a source of inspiration for me, I

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wouldn't put it top of the list, but I do have a favorite poem.

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And I want to share that poem with you here, because this is a

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poem that I found close to 30 years ago. And I lost my father

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when I was 13. And somehow, I always felt like he was always

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with me. And I didn't know how to put that into words. And then

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when I found this poem, I was actually in Granville Island and

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a little shop and I read this poem and went, Oh, my goodness.

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This poem describes exactly how I feel about my father's, my

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father's presence, being always around me. And so it has become

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my favorite poem, and a poem of inspiration to me. Do not stand

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at my grave and weep. I am not there. I do not sleep. I am 1000

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winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the

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sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumns rain, when

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you awaken in the mornings hash, I am the Swift, uplifting rush

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of quiet birds and circled flight. I am the soft stars that

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shine at night, do not stand to my grave and cry, I am not

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there, I did not die. So for any of you who have lost loved ones,

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maybe that connects with you. And maybe that gives you a

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little bit of inspiration that you haven't lost them. They're

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always with you. Number nine source of inspiration are our

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pets. And this was funny to see on the list because I was just

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talking to someone else about how one of our cats is actually

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an inspiration to me. It's an annoyance and an inspiration in

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the same time. So I will choose for it to be an inspiration. You

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see his name is Oscar, and I work from home. And he likes to

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come upstairs and walk across my desk right in front of my

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laptop, he'd be doing it right now if I hadn't shut the door

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and tell me that it's food time. Or it's almost food time, it's

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two hours until you need to feed me Oh, now it's an hour and a

Melissa Deally:

half until you need to feed me now as an hour until you need to

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feed me. And if I don't go and feed him and I just put him

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down, then he just jumps back up. And he does it again. And I

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pick him up and I put him down because I'm busy working on

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something. And I don't want to feed him right in this minute.

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And he'll jump back up and he'll do it again. He is incredibly

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persistent at making sure that I do not forget to feed him. And

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his persistence in making sure that I don't forget to feed him

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and me understanding that his persistence is extremely

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successful, because at some point, I get fed up and I go and

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feed him. Generally his lunchtime is at noon. So I

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pretty close to noon, I tend to feed him. But he is always up

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here at 1130 at the latest telling me that it's almost

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noon, and sometimes he'll start earlier. And by 1215. He's like,

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Hey, you're 15 minutes late. But the fact that he comes and I put

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him down and he jumps back up, and I put him down and he jumps

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back up. That persistence is the same type of persistence that

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I'm applying to my business, right? That sometimes it feels

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hard, sometimes it feels like it's a whole lot of work. But at

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the same time, I love what I do. I love sharing, health

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education, I love inspiring people to take better care of

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their health showing them how to do that, because I do truly

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believe that we can all be empowered in our health. And

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that if everybody understood the impact of stress and the impact

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of toxins on their health, and knew what they could do about

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that to lower both, that we wouldn't have the chronic

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illness that we have in the world today. So these are what I

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teach on each and every day. And I'm sure many of you have heard

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me teach on these things, been part of my programs. But I

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continue to show up every day and apply the same level of

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persistence to building my business. Because I learned from

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my pet. I'm inspired by my pet by our cat Oscar, who is so

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persistence in making sure that he gets fed. So I thought you'd

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enjoy that little funny one that I'm learning from our cat. And

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then the 10th source of inspiration and last one for

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this episode is your family. Right? I'm a mom, I've raised

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two kids and when I look back to thinking about both girls when

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they were little and learning to walk and watching them fall down

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and get back up and keep on trying. They believe they can

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walk because they see us Are parents walking, right? So they

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have no doubts that they can walk, they don't doubt

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themselves, they fall down, they get back up, they try again. And

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eventually they walk. And just about every single child goes

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through this, no, some children might, you know, be born and

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unable to walk. But almost every child learns to walk, because

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they believe they can do it, because they see you, their

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parents and other adults walking and other children walking and

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running. And they want to do it too. And so they're inspired by

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the older people in their life. And that's inspiring to me,

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because again, they fall down, but they get back up. And as

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adults, sometimes we fall down, and then we just want to give

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up. And the testament to your character is not how many times

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you fall down, it's how many times you get back up. And then

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the other truly inspirational person or family member is my

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grandmother. And many of you've probably heard this story. But

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my grandmother lived to being 101 years old, in her own home,

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caring for herself, fully cognitively functioning, and

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died in her sleep. Now, that is what I want from my life. She

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inspires me to prioritize my health to do all that I can, in

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order to get to live my life that way, instead of what most

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people unfortunately are doing these days, which is landing on

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a track of Alzheimer's and dementia. In North America,

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there was some statistics that Edward Jones put out recently in

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North America, the average person spends 10 years dying in

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a nursing home 10 years. What if you could get those 10 years

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back to spend with your loved ones and have quality of life.

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And you absolutely can when you start to look after your health

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today, because what you do now matters.

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You can have Alzheimer's and dementia for 20 to 30 years

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before it ever gets diagnosed. But you can choose today to

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understand how stress impacts your body to understand what

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toxins are doing to your body and to take the baby steps to

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learn about nutrition and the right way to eat for your body

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to understand the importance of sleep doesn't have to be

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difficult. And it doesn't have to be a make work project. It

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can be done in baby steps and learning a little bit. I've been

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learning for seven years, I'll continue learning I'll never

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stop learning because we're still scratching the surface of

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what we know about the health of our microbiome, the health of

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our brain, etc. But it's my grandmother, and understanding

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her life and how she lived her life that made me have the AHA

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if I want to get on her path, I need to do things differently.

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Because I realized I was toxic. After all those amazing years

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growing up in Japan for which I'm very grateful for I realized

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that I was still toxic because it was a big city with

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manufacturing plants spewing out toxins. And that made me more

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toxic than my grandmother. And what did I need to do about

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that? That's when I started learning about toxins and

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detoxing, et cetera, et cetera, and why I'm such a big African

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advocate for that today. And so she is my inspiration. So as I

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leave off this episode, I want to ask you Who in your family is

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your inspiration? And I'd love you to send me a note or

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comment. And let me know of these first 10 sources of

Melissa Deally:

inspiration. Which one did you like the best? I'd love to hear

Melissa Deally:

from you. Let me know. Have a great week. And I really look

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forward to having you join me for my next episode with Tanya

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Joyce called from wheels to heels. And the week after, I'll

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be back with the next 10 sources of inspiration that I will be

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sharing with you. Thanks for joining me on this episode. And

Melissa Deally:

I appreciate you being listening to the don't wait for your wake

Melissa Deally:

up call podcast.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If

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you can take two minutes to share this episode with someone

Melissa Deally:

who you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their

Melissa Deally:

life. That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going

Melissa Deally:

to your favorite podcast listening app. And let me know

Melissa Deally:

what you enjoy or would like to hear more of it will support me

Melissa Deally:

in my effort to bring the possibility of natural healing

Melissa Deally:

to a wider audience and help disrupt the sick care system we

Melissa Deally:

have today and make human health a global priority. Health is




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