Power of Working with the Guides for Conscious Leaders & Starseeds
Episode 578th October 2024 • 7 Figure Spiritual Leader • Danielle Rama Hoffman
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Unlock the transformative power of spiritual partnerships and elevate your consciousness! Join us for an enlightening discussion with Selke Eichler, Galaxy Starborn, and Denise Ricard as we explore the shift from traditional methods of seeking help to innovative co-creation with divine beings. 

Selke shares her personal experience of moving beyond the need for intercessors, highlighting how this change has streamlined her meditation practices and accelerated her physical plane creations. Discover how this peer-to-peer co-creation with spiritual guides can refine your focus and enhance your daily awareness of guidance.  

Our conversation with Galaxy delves into the translation of galactic support into tangible results on the physical plane. We explore the concept of the dissension spiral and the embodiment of significant spiritual progress. The discussion also touches on the non-binary experience, societal gender norms, and the empowerment that comes from embracing one's unique identity. Learn how conscious leaders and light workers can stay aligned with their spiritual purpose while navigating earthly existence. 

Finally, hear from Denise, a galactic numerologist and soul path coach, as she shares her inspiring journey from a 3D world of separation to trusting her inner guidance. Denise opens up about the challenges and rewards of forging a unique path that contrasts with societal expectations. Discover how co-creating with guides can help you navigate today's uncharted but exciting times, with an emphasis on the power of collaboration and the role of personal uniqueness in conscious leadership.

Do not miss these highlights:

00:54 - The shift from the old paradigm of consciousness to a new paradigm of co-creation with guides.

02:03 - Selke discusses the significant change in her life due to partnering with guides, emphasizing the peer-to-peer communication.

07:32 - Focusing on clients who match Selke's highest mission, rather than trying to appeal to everyone.

08:13 - Galaxy shares their strong galactic connection and the focus on bringing that support to the physical plane.

15:15 - The importance of breaking down barriers between work and life, and the appreciation for the physical dimension.

17:12 - Denise reflects on her journey from being unaware of her guides to trusting inner guidance.

23:21 - The foundational nature of utilizing one's inner guidance and the support from the guides.

27:12 - Final thoughts and the importance of using one's body of work to create a new body of work and trusting inner guidance.


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About our Guests:

Galaxy Starborn (ze/zir), Akashic Channel and Starseed Guide https://StarbornGuide.com

Denise Ricard of Divine Cosmic Alchemy www.divinecosmicalchemy.com 

Selke Eichler - Mazal Starseed Coaching www.mazal-coaching.com 

About the Host:

Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine. 


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Danielle Rama Hoffman: Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman, your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. Now let's dive into today's episode.


Welcome everyone to this episode on the Power of Partnering with the Guides for Conscious Leaders and Entrepreneurs, and I'm so excited today to be joined by three of our extraordinary clients and partners in divine transmissions to go deeper into this topic of the power of partnering with guides, which also includes our ourselves on our higher Council, our higher self counsel, and so we're joined by Selke and Galaxy and Denise. So hi everyone. So glad you're here.

Denise Ricard:

Hi everyone there,

Galaxy Starborn:


Galaxy Starborn:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: yeah, so we know that it's a new paradigm that kind of what we were taught or conditioned in the old paradigm of consciousness no longer applies, and yet, making that transition from what is expected or what's known or kind of one size fits all to really forging our unique path as conscious leaders. It does require some some tuning in, or some going in and up as the guides, and I say, and so yeah, I'm just curious to hear. And maybe Selke, if we'll, if we'll start with you kind of what you would share about the part, the partnering with the with the guides, and how that supported you. And, and also, yeah, just introduce yourself, and we'll kind of organically chat.

Selke Eichler:

Okay, yeah, so I'm Selke and I'm with you. I think about a year now, relatively short, but so much has happened that I really feel it's 12, 14, years. And to me, the one thing that stands out above all is this peer to peer, eye to eye, divine to divine, light being to light being communication with the guides, this shift from asking for help to co create. I think that is a huge step that really, at least in my life, changed a lot, and also in my energy work and and, yeah, and in my spiritual business, changed really a lot.

Selke Eichler:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Yeah, so you're talking about how there in the past, we've been kind of taught that we need an intercessor, or that there's a power over, under relationship with the divine or with our clients, or with with those that we connect with, to really that that place of equality and co creation, yeah, and that is a big change. And, yeah, and so would you say a little bit more about how that, how that might have shifted for you in how it is that you walk in in the world?

Selke Eichler:

I think one of the things that that I recognized as mode. Most Outstanding is that in the past, there was also always a feeling that I had to learn something or to do something before I could really dive deep into a co creation with a with my spiritual partners and my light beings. And now I just do it. It is a given, and I don't. I don't have to do any preparations around it. I have don't have to be or to get someone else that I'm not or be better, or whatever. I just as the being that I am. I just can switch it on and CO create without further ado.

Selke Eichler:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Yeah, yeah. So it also sounds like a recalling, and that's something I love, too, about partnering with the guides, is that we all have these masteries or divine capacities, and it's less about some seven step system or whatever, about an environment where you become more of who you are and recall those those connections that you have. So what are some of the ways that you apply your your partnering with with the guides, like, what? Areas of your life.

Selke Eichler:

So I am very fond of meditation. I do a daily meditation in the morning. And in the past, it used to be a lot about cleaning myself, clearing myself, and a lot of prerequisites. You know, before I started to be in the meditation. And now I just sit down and I invite everybody, my own Council of light, divine light, activation, Beings of Light, Magdalena, beings of love. You know, all the stuff that I'm into in the academy, and then working with you and the guides and I, I'm always curious to see who shows up, and then just let it develop. I very seldom have questions anymore. It's more like I sit, I sit down and invite everybody to share and then download what comes. And that's for me, a huge, huge shift to what was before. And I feel that as I do it in this way now, it makes it a lot easier to understand or to recall the transmission of the morning during my day. I've I'm very often reminded, you know, that I have seen it in the cards or heard it from a guy when I when I encounter things in everyday life, so it makes it easier. But also for me, much more, I'm much more aware of the guidance, not only when I sit in meditation, but throughout the day.

Selke Eichler:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Okay, and then how do you feel like it's accelerated physical plane creations. Or, you know, because I know for you, you've really, like, birthed a modality and done a whole bunch of stuff on the physical plane. So how do you feel like, that's what have you created and and how do you feel like that's accelerated the process? So

Selke Eichler:

I think these, losing all these on or net, have not having to fulfill all these prerequisites, gained me a lot of time, actually, in which I was able to create and I have set up two programs a year long program, three month program, as I have gained clarity about my highest mission and what is the unique thing that I can bring to the earth, I was pretty clear about the clients that I want to speak to. It was not like I had the feeling I had to get everybody on board, but I'm very happy with those people who are really a match. And I think it's a different way of energy work. And I also have to say this switch from from one on one sessions, doing only one on one sessions, to doing clients, to doing programs most and one on one sessions only if it's really requested and it really matches. Has changed my way of work totally.

Selke Eichler:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Yeah, great. Okay, anything else you want to add, and we may circle back, but

Selke Eichler:

yeah, well, that's fine for now. I think.

Selke Eichler:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thank you. So exciting. Yeah, Galaxy, how about for you? What would you share about the power of partnering with the guides and kind of this being, being in the new game, the new paradigm, the new evolution and consciousness?

Galaxy Starborn:

Thank you. Well, I would say I've been blessed to feel like I have a pretty strong galactic connection for a while. So that's that's a gift that I feel like I entered this, this field of creation with, however, where I have really had to focus is how to get all that support that's up here in the galaxy, how to really get, how to really connect with it in the physical plane. And I know that's something that that you have a strength in bringing out. And that's, that's what I feel like I've been focused on during our during our time of co creation together. And so I feel really blessed that, you know, certain, certain types of support that in the past might have seemed very elusive or challenging. Now it's like, oh, they're they're there. And I feel like I'm on the cutting edge of trusting that more and more, like, even if I don't have a certain resource right now in my physical plane and my physical I can't, like, quite touch it right now, I can trust it. Oh, yes, when I need it, it's going to be there. So I feel like that's something that I'm calling in more and more and appreciative of this work for bringing forth.

Galaxy Starborn:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Yeah. So you're really talking about, like, what the guides and I talk about, and like, the descension spiral and that a lot of. As individuals talk about ascension, and yet we're really all about and each of you are as well, having an embodied, massive spiritual advancement. And so that that is often such a gift, too, to be able to translate frequency and energy and to create in the physical plane, and to have those things be be descending, or to make sense, and especially when we feel so different than how things that, how energy runs on the earth, or how others are doing doing that. So is there anything that you would say about Yeah, the partnering and how that supported you to be even more of your unique self and navigate kind of yeah being what the guides often say one of one, rather than fitting in with How things often operate here. Sure,

Galaxy Starborn:

sure, sure. Well, I also am non binary, which is a word that I don't necessarily love, per se, in the sense that when we say somebody's non binary, it's describing them based on what they're not. Oh, you're not binary, okay, but what are you so I'm not using that word based on it being a word that I totally love, but because I it is seems like the best word that currently in English, we have to describe what I feel, which is just feeling, you know, that I've got all these qualities within me, and I don't feel comfortable being in a box of having to be feminine or masculine or, you know, whatever. I just I'm just feel like I'm a part of the oneness. And I do feel like that's also part of my the particular star family that I'm one particular star family that I'm connected with is it's just all about being balanced and whole. And so, you know, coming into this earth plane where and a culture and into a language, English, you know, where there's a fair amount of gendering that goes on with has been, you know, predominantly that he or she, you know, in terms of pronouns. And then, you know, family relationships described based on gender, you know, brother, sister, daughter, son, all of that. So, um, it has, I've sometimes just felt a little bit like I'm not really, you know, connecting to all of that and, and, you know, the word non binary has given me, like, a way of, like, sort of like an earth plane way of describing what I feel inside. And I do feel grateful that, you know, you have that support, and the guides have that support for, you know, we're just here to be what we uniquely are here to bring in, not necessarily to fit into a box. And it's easy to say, Oh yeah, let's just knock it into a box. Sometimes it can be more challenging to actually live it out, and, you know, to go forth and to explain to somebody, you know, oh, you know, I use the pronouns Z and zur, as in Z is writing zur book and so, and to actually have conversations with people who maybe this is something new to them that could be, you know, a cutting edge for me, and yet it does feel like that's part of claiming that I can be who I am, and I'm also in claiming that holding space for others to be able to be who they are. So there's that gift aspect as well, that as we, as we claim it for ourselves, we open up the space for more and more people to step forward in whatever unique ways they want to step forward.

Galaxy Starborn:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: And it is interesting, right? Because there's always the labels, and yet, I think a lot of us feel as conscious leaders, as light workers or Starseeds, that we're from another galaxy out of this world. And then how is it that we navigate something that is so different from from our origin or from our home star? And I know one of the things galaxy that you've shared is is also that increased visibility. So would you say more about that, and maybe also in the expression of your contribution?

Galaxy Starborn:

Sure, yes. So I feel like you know, can be easy to say, Well, let's not hide our light under a bushel. But yet, you know, stepping forward into connecting more with others is is part of has been part of my growing edge. And I do participate in a lot of in person expos, holistic expos, where I do reading a space and Akashic records, and I sometimes give talks and whatnot. And then I've started to have more of an online presence. I actually got on to me we, as a part of our, our working together, you know, the social site, maybe, and I, and I just also, you know, want to acknowledge that when I'm tuning in for guidance, I'm always getting the message of, oh, do this. Oh, let's expand in this way. So I am always being taken to that, that growing edge, so to speak. And I'm really appreciative of this. Sense of, you know, we that when we're on track with our mission, that's when we're the safest. So to speak. It's really not even about being safe, but, but, you know, staying on track with a mission is what helps the way to open up. So I really appreciate that.

Galaxy Starborn:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Yeah, beautiful. And then, as we also talk about, and I feel like it's part of the oneness, like breaking down the barrier of our work and our life, or personal and professional, or contribution and and play, or those kinds of things. I know that you've also kind of reconnected to some body embodiment in terms of running and your house and those kinds of things. So is there anything you'd add about that which maybe is more personal embodiment, but still a part of the wholeness?

Galaxy Starborn:

Yes, well, I just I do feel like I have an appreciation for the physical dimension, the ring on the earth plane. Even more, I definitely would have said, like, coming into this lifetime, that I was still, like a part of me was perhaps more connected to the stars and connected to the earth and and, you know, on a sort of like a wisdom level. I know, no, yeah, we're here to be balancing both having that connection to the stars, you know, for those of us who really sense that as a part of our mission and purpose, and yet also having that connection to the earth plane. And I feel like now I'm really enjoying being the bridge between both, and really, really making that connection more and more real. So yes, it's just as exciting to, you know, home and get get the space all arranged in a way that works and flows well as it is to go out and give a talk as it is to, you know, cook, cook a delicious meal and really savor the food. So I do feel like that appreciation of what the earth plane has to offer and what this body temple has to offer, I really am grateful to have expanded in that way,

Galaxy Starborn:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: beautiful. Thank you. Anything else you want to add,

Galaxy Starborn:

not for now, but just it's a delight to be here and to be with everybody. I really appreciate all the team support that we have here in this in this group.

Galaxy Starborn:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Yeah, thank you. Thank you each for being here, and for those of you tuning in, I find it just so refreshing and supportive too, when we can gather in a panel and share our experience and in a very unique, unique way, rather than, like conceptually, really, to hear from, from folks who are living from the new paradigm, living in this, this way of partnering with the guides and partnering with energy. So Denise, what would you contribute? And hello,

Denise Ricard:

hi, where to begin? And it's so wonderful to hear from Galaxy and Selke, because they're a part of a community that you've been building all these years. Danielle, and it's, I was just counting. And yeah, you and I, like, I got to know you eight years ago through your book, The Council of light book. And it just like, I just was savoring that book over a period of time, and I turned it over and saw, Oh, she's got a website. And then it all began, right, so, so I'm Denise of divine classic alchemy, and I'm the galactic numerologist, and so path coach and and all that came through in in working with you and the guides. And this, this journey, like, from the beginning, I was like, not awake, so to speak, like not knowing I was really playing in the the world of separation, until just about the time that we met, and when I when we met, and we began partnering and partnering with guides that some of them I've never heard of before, and yet It felt so much like home, and it opened up so quickly that I just I couldn't get enough. So it was like I went from, I always say I went from zero to infinity and and it's in everything, like everything that you guys have been saying, also in reflecting, with working with the guides, what what really stands forward for me is that I there's been so much transformation that when I even go back to reflect on kind of the old duality, I it's not even a part of my feeling body anymore. It's not. A part of who I am. It's like reading about about it, or talking about it from a book a story, so that that transformation has been absolutely incredible, and, and, and also in the beginning, like not knowing that there that I had all these guides besides what I knew in religion, right? And the guardian angels and all the saints that I knew, um, then all of a sudden that, yeah, Mother Mary, was not just Catholic. And in that all, you know, there's other, tons of other archangels, and we're not alone here on Earth. There's a, you know, all these great cosmic beings, really, I just like that fed my heart and then, and then it became trusting, like what I was getting from the inside, not from the outside world, and from my guides. So, so that was the that that trusting. Because in the other thing I want to say too is like working with you, Danielle, and this is what I've seen in all of your community. And then this is also what's coming forth for me. The the people that that are resonant, that are attracted to this, are they're ready to jump in. It's time. And so, so, so you, you have that infrastructure of the energy, of the programs and everything to to really just jump in and open up and there's, there's no going back. Yeah,

Denise Ricard:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: yeah. And one of the things that I've continuously admired with you, and I feel like you're talking about it, but just to tease it out a little bit more, is that transition from, you know, kind of fitting in and going along, to not only accessing the guidance and and then choosing to follow it or not, right? Like, because that, I always say that's two different steps, and sometimes people block receiving guidance because they think they need to do it. But that goes back to what Selke shared, where we always have a choice, and it's partnership, and we co create, but really having the guidance to and the courage, and not even courage, because it's just when you know, you know. But I've seen you, you know, Denise, do that where, where you've you've chosen the path less traveled and and because you've known it from your Higher Self guidance and on the physical plane, you know, like when we met, just so many things have changed from, you know the job that you had and completing your you know all that because you were talking about kind of the the past seems like another past life to then birthing your own bodies of work and creating your your business and and all of that kind of stuff. So what do you say about that, like when somebody gets the guidance to to forge their own path, and it is different. Where do you feel like you have that you know that clarity or that spark, or that knowing to follow it, even though well meaning people that love you may say, What are you thinking or what are you doing?

Denise Ricard:

Yeah. Yeah. So it's almost like doing it the other way, like the old way. It just, it just wasn't working. It was like listening to the outside world just wasn't working. And so I knew there was, like, there's this inner guidance going on and and then the the guidance from the guide, so there's so there's always all that support and and then that guidance, just like open, it just opens up so many doors. And you just, you never know, like you might, you know, we all have a direction, we have desires, and yet it's so much more we it's it's so much richer, so much deeper and so much more expansive when we follow that, that guidance and from our guides, from our from our inner self and and then when we're following like that, the out, outside world guidance. I mean, this how it was, you know, and it's like you just keep bumping up against things, where it's just the path is, is open and and that's another thing I want to bring in, too, in working with with you and the guides and all, like all the different people I've met in your community, Danielle, is that it's about forging a path that's that is has not never been forged before. We're we're here on the earth in this lifetime, to to bring in a new golden age, and to to be in in an ascension part. Process of, of connecting our divine self with our with our physicality and and so that, like that forging we don't know we, so we've got to rely on that in our guidance. We, because there's no path. We're creating the path as we go along. So, yeah,

Denise Ricard:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: yeah. And is there anything that you would share about kind of, like, physical plane, things that have changed or that you've created?

Denise Ricard:

Yeah, yeah. So, yeah. So I, like, was, you know, I always use example of, I was in a marriage for 20 years, and I and it just didn't feel resonant with with who I was. There were so many things and so so I that was one of those things where I knew I had to get out of it, and then the outer world was, you know, family and friends were like, can you do this on your own? And but I knew, and I just kept going, and so much opened up immediately. I mean, it was like, Really, right during that time that I did the dlas with you, and I started traveling and and things were opening up. And then as, and then as galactic numerology came in as, as you know, you call it the Opus level body of work. So it's something major that comes in for this lifetime is as a contribution. It's like a whole different way of maneuvering life and and guidance with numbers and so. So that has been really in the forefront for me and and utilizing numbers in a in a whole different way, because they're they're everywhere, and there's just so many, so many ways that we can use it multi dimensionally as well as on the physical plane. So

Denise Ricard:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: yeah, yeah, yeah. So what you're sharing there too is that as we do bring forward our unique contribution, and what the guides talk about like the genius evolutionary stage in consciousness, that we also expand even more fully than reading 1000 books or taking 10,000 programs or whatever those things are. So I'm really Hearing a theme too, about uniqueness and being in being in coherence with our highest path and our mission. And you know, it is a straddle time where we're where the their old paradigm and the new paradigm both are existing in simultaneity. And so you know that word bridge, I believe Galaxy you said, where you know that there's still some ways that is how the earth functions, and yet we can still be in our frequency and vibration and in a unique, any unique way. So I'm really hearing that ascension, descension, ascension and what each of you shared, so any closing words of wisdom that you would share here, if anyone's tuning in Selke or any reflection since we first began with you,

Selke Eichler:

never ever think that What your mind can imagine is all that there is, there is so, so, so much more. And if it comes up to you that you're probably not from the earth plane this, this doesn't separate you out. It just moves you into another group of beings who know what you talk about and who do want to be a bridge, like Galaxy says, or who are navigating through everyday life like Denise does with numbers. You know, there are many ways to navigate the earth star and, yeah, don't feel alone. There are people out there. You can meet them in all of the nearest programs. And this the groups are very dear to my heart, because everyone is so unique and so different, and that's and everybody can just be like the being is, and that is absolutely wonderful.

Selke Eichler:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thank you, Galaxy. How about you?

Galaxy Starborn:

Yes. Well, just encouraging everyone to believe that you too can be the bridge, the bridge between heaven and earth, between the stars and and the earth plane and that really each in each moment where we're we're being a bridge. We're being called to bridge what we're hearing from our guidance with what we're seeing and experiencing in the earth plane and and to trust the unfolding. I like what Denise said about how it's, you know, we're here to create the way it's not been laid out before. And so, yeah, it's, it's a moment to moment to moment by moment process and and trust. And enjoying the adventure is also part of what it's about.

Galaxy Starborn:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thank you. Denise, how about you?

Denise Ricard:

Yes. And in one of the things that I love that that you say all the time, Danielle and and the guides, is like using your use your body of work to create your body of work like that is such a foundational because, in other words, we're we, what we have within us, what we're creating within us, that that it's like a jumping board, a springboard for for everything else that we want to create in our life. So it's, it's already within us, and so we can utilize that for for everything that we're creating in our life. So I, I really, I love that part of it as well.

Denise Ricard:

Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thank you. Well. Thank you, each of you for the joy of partnering together with me in the guides and for sharing your experience of how to navigate living in this unshare Uncharted yet very exciting time. And thank you everyone for tuning in to this episode on the power of partnering with your guides as conscious leaders, and that it really is a co creation, and one in which the difference of you is what matters so sending much love and appreciation and bye for now.

Denise Ricard:

Thanks for tuning in today. Join in the conversation over at the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader Facebook group, sending you much love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution and consciousness and.




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