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Masters Unleashed: Harmony, Joy, and Leadership: A Fun and Done Approach with Jan JOY Hoath
Episode 3120th September 2023 • Kickstart the Conversation • Catharine O'Leary
00:00:00 00:31:05

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In this lively episode of "Kickstart the Conversation," host Catharine O'Leary, aka the Quiz Queen, engages in an inspiring discussion with Jan JOY Hoath, an expert in joy-filled leadership. They delve into the power of infusing joy into leadership and how it can lead to success and fulfillment. Jan emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space for addressing both joy and challenges.

The conversation explores the idea of a "joy scorecard" as a potential tool to help individuals assess their current state of joy and well-being. Catharine and Jan discuss how to meet potential clients where they are, addressing their specific needs and aspirations in a relatable way.

Jan offers valuable insights into her approach to guiding clients through their journeys to find joy and balance, even in challenging situations. She shares her meditation pack, including a special guided meditation for those tough days.

Tune in to this episode to discover how joy-filled leadership can transform your life and career, and learn how to access Jan's meditation pack for a dose of positivity and inspiration.

About the Guest:

Jan “JOY” Hoath is a speaker, poet, JOY mentor to women business leaders, on a mission to fulfill the vision of a Joy Led World. As a leadership coach, mindfulness meditation teacher, former professional alpine ski instructor, & masterful student of life, Jan offers a leading edge blend to her work including her signature process of the Happiness Prism(TM) guiding her leaders to claim JOY as their superpower to find deep fulfillment leading with heart no matter what challenges life brings. Jan can be found embodying her JOY message skiing, snowboarding, trail running, surfing, sailing, learning banjo, meditating with moose, speaking at leadership summits, yoga festivals, facilitating mindful retreats, guiding transformational JOY journeys, and at home in her log cabin with her beloved family of 2 kids, Australian husband, Bernese mountain dog, and fiercely independent cat. 

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About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.

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Catharine O'Leary: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to kickstart the conversation. And I am very excited today because I have Jan joy in the house and I say Joy because she talks all about joy and joy in your business and having more joy in your life and who doesn't want want more joy? So I'm actually going to have Jan, come on, and introduce herself a little bit more. And Jan, just tell us a little bit more about your business, who you serve, and kind of what's going on.


Jan JOY Hoath: Oh, my gosh, well, thank you already for having me here. I'm so excited for this conversation. So Catharine, my business is about joy filled leadership, I focus on helping successful women business leaders who have sacrificed their joy for their success, and they're realizing they've missed something. And I'm all about recognizing that actually, on the flip side, Joy is your sole superpower. It is the energy behind everything that you do who you be. And it's what allows you to essentially bend time and create meaningful experiences in business, and in your personal life, because we're not just here to run an amazing business. That said, we want to be more effective in our businesses, right? And have better outcomes, right? So that we can also have more fun in our personal lives. So I'm all about helping these women leaders understand how to find deep fulfillment, leading with their whole heart getting to be all of who they are, without sacrificing that success.


Catharine O'Leary: I love this because I as as most people who have listened know, I came up through corporate, I spent, you know, 2530 years in corporate and you know, ended up as a senior director at, you know, Pepsi, a large fortune 100 company, there wasn't a lot of joy in that C suite level. I mean, there was a lot of work being done, there was a lot of creativity and innovation, there was a lot of hours and a lot of stress. There wasn't a lot that I could see at least. So what there didn't like, there wasn't a lot of joy in corporate, I thought that might change as I, as I, you know, switched that into entrepreneurialship. And it did a little bit, you know, that like, you know, there it is a little bit more top of mind for people that you know, own small businesses and run their own small businesses, but it's still not the leading factor. So maybe you can help us like how do we how do we, you know, kind of be more mindful of this?


Jan JOY Hoath: Absolutely. And I so appreciate you sharing a little bit of the backstory and understanding to that, like, look, wherever you go, there you are. And, you know, especially we are in a very much doing culture. We still are even though that's starting, we're starting to wake up to transitioning out of that, obviously, the big, the big C COVID helped us recognize that there's more to this world than work. And yet, even as we're coming into this new phase of what does it mean to have, you know, even work life balance, which I'm very mindful of using the word harmony instead of balance. And Joy really is actually a superpower. It's a competitive advantage because most people don't know how to harness it. And positive psychology has started to pop up all over the place, you know, thanks to Sean Akers starting at at Harvard and then more and more thought leaders are really starting to delve into the science of it, that actually when we focus on income from that place of looking for the good and building from that place, we're actually achieving a level of consciousness, almost to enlightenment. So that's where we see things. If you imagine like being on an elevator, and you're going up to the top floor, you can see things a lot better, you have a bigger purview. And you're more available from that level of consciousness. You're more available to ideas, and people and opportunities, you're more attractive to things that are serving you moving forward. And then you actually are more repellent to people places, things that don't serve you it's really fascinating because if you think about if you're on the top floor, let's say the 80th floor, you can't access the people and the things that are at the 60th floor, for example, you're at a different level. And the thing about joy though, is because it's it's intangible to start. There's a lot of skepticism, and that's where I'm here to shine the light on the fact that I A my life is a miracle. What I've created in my personal and professional life thus far is a miracle. And what I've supported my clients in creating is absolutely miraculous as well. And that's where the tangibles actually start to take form. And yet, I will wholeheartedly admit, sometimes people have to recognize that there's a little bit of a fate, walk, leap in the beginning, except, like I said, you know, there's all the scientific proof coming forward that even John acre has done studies that we are like, something to the effect of like, 37% more productive when we're in our joy. And there's a higher percentage of closing the sale. And what I have found in my, again, personal professional life, is I have truly made miraculous outcomes from healing, depression, from getting a, it might be cancer diagnosis with my then six week old son to a medical mystery to clearing seven figures worth of debt, actually, yeah, oh, yeah, seven figures. And then also creating miraculous experiences where I wasn't sure if I was going to close the sale, for example, in one particular case. And I followed my joy, which was to actually take the follow up sales conversation on the ski slopes in my ski gear. And while I was standing on the slopes, on FaceTime with the client, and the mountain in the bath background, and I'm in all my, you know, ski garb, she said yes, to a $25,000 program. And that was me functioning from that joy place. I've closed clients walking my dog, I've closed clients, and airplanes, and doing things that bring me joy. And so while it's not mainstream, and it doesn't necessarily make logical sense, there is actual science and spiritual truth that when we function from that joy place, we have that greater clarity that we need to know of, ooh, that's an intuitive hit that I wouldn't have thought of, but I'm just going to follow through. And that's where you run into that ideal connection in the hallway, because you're at the right place at the right time, because you are in your joy. And then you're also from a logistical standpoint of actually getting things done, you can start to see, oh, well, that brings me joy, that one, I'm going to delegate that brings me joy, that one, I'm going to feel joy when I have it done. So there's that too. But appreciating the more that we actually utilize joy to not just overlay but under pin in under way and actually lay the foundation of that's where we can create much greater outcomes than our wildest dreams.


Catharine O'Leary: And I love this because I mean, we talk a lot about, you know, making sure that your business foundation is correct, and making sure that you have what you need. So that when you start scaling that, you know, you it's not bubble gum and duct tape and other things. And that can be very tactical, it can be a very, you know, process oriented and you know, do I have SOPs, and so on and so forth, you can still come to come from a place of joy with those things, joy that is done, joy, that it's working joy that you're ready to go. And that you know, if you get 10,000 people in on your, you know, event that you got it handled like no problem, and then joy to deliver. But I think that having that foundation, coming from a place of joy to begin with, it's just going to make life a lot easier for you, as well as for everyone that you're dealing with, I would think.


Jan JOY Hoath: Absolutely, there is a ripple effect that goes beyond what we can quantify. However, that is really like the basis of my mission and message is joy lead is that joy is the vehicle and the outcome and the destination that yes, as you are in your joy. People are they want to be around you. They are also therefore just by virtue of being in your space, more joyful. I know that people love being around me even if I don't even speak because when they're in my energy there like I feel so peaceful and joyful and you didn't even say anything. There is an energetic frequency. That does happen that again, it's hard to quantify in the beginning, but that's where myself and my clients we look back and go using, that was not going to happen anyway. And that's where the invitation is to even consider today. Like people listening if you just bring a little bit more joy way to whatever you're doing. I mean, we've all heard some of the old school movies Whistle While You Work and, you know, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down like it's actually not just cheeky and cute. It's actually a phenomenal competitive advantage that more and more people who are sustaining life and success, Oprah, Oprah's really joyful. She know how to bring the joy. But even like, right now, if people are, you know, listening, and they're in the weeds a little bit, like, just take a little bit of a brain break, step back, turn on a fun, upbeat song, have a little dance, and I promise you, you're going to be more effective, have joyful music in the background, have that meaningful cup of coffee that you're really enjoying, like surround yourself create the environment of joy, energy, and you truly are in a higher vibrational frequency. I mean, we talk about good vibes, but it's really no joke. It actually influences every word that you type, every text message you send, every phone call that you make, every activity that you do, is infused with your energy, no matter what if you're in JIRA, or your joy or not joy, but I'll tell you what, you will be way more effective when you're coming from that space of joy, because that's also where you can laugh at yourself, when you screw up. You can laugh with others, and you can smooth over even the rough bits that are in evitable especially as an entrepreneur. But they're in all areas of our life. So it actually smooths out the path just a little bit or a lot depending upon where you're at. Yeah, yes.


Catharine O'Leary: And I and I, what I love about this and you know, like if you take any copywriting course any, you know, direct marketing, any, you know, buddy that's putting together a sales page, if you're too into the weeds, it's not going to come off, right, you're not going to use the right language, the energy is going to be off. And you know, everyone here knows that, like, I'm an economist, like I'm like, I'm the numbers girl, like I'm the data geek. And I can tell you right now that if you're in a funk or you're like, you know, you're, you know, you're you're in a bad mood, or it's just not flowing, like walk away from it, it's gonna be way more productive for you to walk away, put on those fun tunes, go for a drive, go for a walk, you know, pet the dog, you know, do do whatever you need to do, but like, just like, don't force yourself to continue in a negative mindset, because it's, it's actually going to like, if you know, other, you're gonna do it again, you're gonna have to do it over because you're going to feel it, or you're going to send it out there and people are going to feel it for you.


Jan JOY Hoath: Absolutely, it's just like that elevator is talking about, you know, the bottom floor sees the dumpster. And here's all the trucks and traffic, and you're gonna produce garbage, if you're not allowing yourself to be really and here's the thing, that joy is about being connected to the passion of what you're doing, how you're serving people, the way that you're bringing your all to this world and whether or not you're heart centered, you know, like a, you can be doing raw products, you can be, you know, sharing your personal intellectual gifts, it doesn't matter what type of industry you're in. The point is, is that when you bring out that passion, that delight of being of service of, of letting people you know, have what they need to make their lives or businesses better, that you really are producing an energy of well being you're producing an energy of, of perpetuating also, that people will want to do business with you again and again. And that they will want to refer business to you that it's not just get the website done or get the quiz done. Because I know that's your thing. Like if you don't have not only the right words, but the right energy behind those words, people aren't going to want to fill the quiz out, people aren't going to want to share what's really there for them. But if you have that energetic, joyful invitation infused into the quiz, you're going to receive data, information that's really helpful, that can be implemented in us to continue to forward on that, you know, Rainbow ripple effect that I know we're here to all make from our own brilliance and wherever we're called to stand and shine our light.


Catharine O'Leary: And I liked what you said about time warping because here's the deal. like everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. And here's what high achievers do and high performers do is that they make use of their time in such a way that they already infused that joy, or they go to Jan to try and figure out how to get that joy, and infuse it. Because it will warp time. And it will, like, you know, make you more productive, because it's fun. And when it's fun, all of a sudden, it's just done. And then you're like, oh, okay, that's great. What I you know, was dreading doing because it was gonna take me three hours, like just decided that you're gonna have fun with it. And all of a sudden it takes, you know, half the time we're you know, less. Because you're kind of like into it. You're, you're having fun with it.


Jan JOY Hoath: Absolutely, yes. Fun and done. And done that, then hashtag that's a new one. Yet see done. Yeah. And also get you clear of who actually I don't have to do that one right now who I can delegate that one who actually, this is a better way to handle this one. So that, you know, it's big Domino, that knocks out all these other things. So there really is magic, when you infuse with joy. And you're absolutely correct. People who are sustainably in their success, as you know, we use the markers of influential impact, finance, you know, unhappy, married or happily happily in relationship with whoever they have joy. Yeah. And they're, whether they're talking about it on the forefront or not, they're absolutely harnessing really, what I keep calling this sole superpower or competitive advantage, because it is what maintains the vitality, and continues to regenerate that passion that especially as entrepreneurs we need,


Catharine O'Leary: yeah, yeah. And I like yeah, that's, that's the key, right? That's, you can't stay in the weeds forever, it's exhausting. And, you know, like, you got to you got to, you know, come, you know, you got to stick your head up, and, and, you know, come up for breath. And, again, take that walk, take, you know, go outside. Well, Jan, what I would love to suggest for you, because the second part of our interview here is all about, you know, talking about your quiz and, or what a quiz could look like in your kind of marketing strategies. And I know that you deal with high impact women leaders, who are really looking to do that time warp, you know, to do that, you know, like you, they got some of the success, but, you know, there's still kind of pieces missing, maybe, and that harmony isn't quite there. So, you know, something that I was thinking of, as you were talking would be maybe a almost like a scorecard or an assessment of your joy score, or your you know, your soul, you know, happiness score something, something, something with joy in it, but like, you know, your joyful score. And, you know, you could have a rating scale of, you know, maybe low, medium high, or, you know, need a top up doing pretty good maintain, or, you know, you're at you're an overachiever, this is awesome, keep it up, here's how you maintain, and, you know, keep it going. But something along those lines to give people an idea of some of the things that go into that joy score, things like financial success, or, you know, stress or anxiety or relationships or, you know, whatever, whatever those, you know, pieces to the puzzle are to give people an idea of what pieces they have, what pieces they might be missing, or might be, you know, maybe lower score that they can work on, and then you know, you can go right into introducing themselves, are you to them and, you know, actually talking about your, your program, so something like a joyful score might might work out, you know, off the top of my head, if you will.


Jan JOY Hoath: Yeah, I love that. What's coming up to to add, and I'd be curious if I can ask, is, you know, part of being in true joy is also having a very safe space to address the not joy. I, I know for women and corporate and you know, women entrepreneurs for sure, too. You know, there's there's not a lot of plays, you know, it's lonely at the top. Yep. And so I'd be curious what some of your suggestions would be on how to score that like that's the place to assess it and to address powerfully address because that's what I do with a lot of my clients do is I help them write those tough text messages with their you know, students, you Come ex husband, or their soon to become an ex business partner, partner, and I help them find their you know, find their words and find their power to arrive back at the joy because we can't always stay at joy. And to achieve that true joy that I'm talking about. It's not just happy, happy Joy, Joy. It's also like very profoundly powerfully going into the, the night joy, as well. But yeah,


Catharine O'Leary: yeah, to get rid of the negative that is bringing down your joy score, if you will. So this, this raises a really good, good point in that, you know, not, it may not be all in one quiz, or all in one vehicle, right? So I can see, like a kind of lead generation conversation where it's just a joy score, it's fun, it's uplifting, do you have support, like, you know, we're like, you know, I have a mastermind group, I have, you know, a support group, I have families that I can talk to, I have friends, I have co workers, whatever, but there might be for something like a, say, a mastermind, or a higher level kind of group, where you're being really selective about the energy and the people that are going to be in there and the people that you're going to be helping and, you know, there might be a more of an application for more of a deep dive, where a lead generation quiz, you know, you've got maybe 60 seconds of somebody's time to, to kind of really quickly bring them through and, you know, like, it's a really nice, you know, 62nd commercial for you, right? Like, just, like, here's what I do, what's your joyful score? Like, it's, it tends to be okay, what are the components that, you know, how are you doing on all these components? Oh, your score is, you know, you know, high, medium, low, or maybe it's colors, or, you know, your prism, to your rainbow, you know, conversation, maybe you use rainbow colors to talk about, you know, oh, you're blue, and that means and you know, or you're yellow, and that means, but something that is an intake form, or something that's a little more in depth, you can go as you know, because you've already got them in your universe, in your community, you can go a lot deeper. And I think that's where you can ask them things like, I have a safe place to discuss hard issues, hard business issues. You know, I have, you know, a place where I can, you know, without judgment or without repercussions, because that's, that's one of the things, especially for women in C suite, right is, you know, you, you don't have a massive amount of similar level people around you that, you know, that you can necessarily share with, because you can't share unnecessarily with the boys. I mean, it's just put it out there, you can't, sometimes there are negative repercussions to doing that, even amongst women. But sometimes, it's not safe to to be sharing that those kinds of things. For political reasons for, you know, for business reasons, for even just privacy reasons. And, and yeah, so I think getting a little deeper into those kinds of questions might be a follow up. Does that make sense?


Jan JOY Hoath: That totally makes sense. Now, I am curious if I can ask another question. Sure. Let's do it. I love joyfilled leadership, you loved your field leadership, some of our audiences are sure loves it. And sometimes people aren't necessarily bought into it yet. So is there a way to position that scorecard that is kind of a little bit more meeting them where they're


Catharine O'Leary: at this? This goes to? Yep, this goes to the knowing the 3am question. Right? So really diving deep into the 3am question that your ideal client is waking up with in their language. That's the language that you want to use for the quiz, especially the first question the quiz hook. Right? So do they wake up wishing oh my gosh, I just wish I could have more joyful leadership? Probably not. That's probably not the language that they're using. Right? Just like nobody wakes up other than me, Brian avec and maybe Russell Brunson. Wake up thinking I need a quiz funnel. Right? Like three people in the world probably wake up with that question and probably only two really. But what what are your ideal clients waking up? Like what is at 3am when they wake up and I'm the Chief Marketing Officer of Pepsi, and I'm just like, you know, like I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being miserable. I'm tired not having support. I'm, like, I'm making this up right now Pepsi. I'm not saying that, but, you know, like, like, what, what are those, you know, those leaders, you know, kind of waking up with, like, what are they trying to solve. And they, and the joy part of it may be the other side of the transformation. Or it may not be the language that they're using right now. Right. So, there's a little bit of education that the quiz can actually help you with. And understanding, okay, the process to get from tired and overwhelmed and stuck and, like, just like something's missing, to, I'm loving my life, again, I'm in harmony, I'm in balance, like, you know, is this joy methodology. So they don't care about the methodology right now. There's, they're at point A, they need to understand how they could possibly get to point B, and you need to take baby steps with them to get them there. And then you can launch into this, how we do it, like, you know, like, you invite them to the next step, to really, you know, bring them along the process of what it means to be enjoy, and so on. So little heroic prolly, to get all of that into like five or eight questions, but definitely easy to get them. You know, this is my problem. This is what I'm waking up at 3am. Okay. There's this interesting solution. That's all about me being happier. Well, this is interesting. I want to take the next step, I want to be on your webinar, or your next speaking gig or your one on one call, whatever that looks like for you. Hmm, that makes sense.


Jan JOY Hoath: That makes sense. Yeah.


Catharine O'Leary: Yes. Yeah. Okay, good. More of that. More of that. Fun and done. Hashtag fun and done. So Jan, where can people reach you and if you do have a free gift, or anything that you'd like to offer, you can talk about that now to


Jan JOY Hoath: what Well, I add, if you go to joy filled So joy filled, I have a meditation pack that actually includes my special guided channeled shitty day meditation, I hope it's okay. But it's it's a meditation that I channeled when I was having my own crummy day, and really needed to move the energy so I could get back to work, you know, as I get back to my brilliance. And so that's a meditation that that you can sign up for if you go to joyfilled And then I send along a couple of other meditations, and some other surprises in that sequence. But also, you can find me They can find me at Jan HOath, over at Instagram, Facebook. And then Jan Is my regular website.


Catharine O'Leary: All those links will be in the show notes, folks. But yeah, if you're having a crummy day, and you're needing a little pick me up, I'm actually off to go and get those meditations right now. So we will put those into the show notes and those links and Jan, thank you very much for hopping on and helping us understand a little more harmony a little more fun and done. I like it. Hashtag fun and done.


Jan JOY Hoath: So much. And thank you everyone for tuning in. And thank you so much Catharine for your brilliance. I I love that you're the quiz queen and thank you for your insights to today. So everyone have so much joy go look for those little joyful moments.


Catharine O'Leary: Absolutely. So more joy and for those listening. I welcome you back next week for kickstart the conversation. Thanks so much.




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