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How To Dominate The Web By Producing Amazing Content with Dan Norris
Episode 429th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
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Jake Hower:

In this episode, I speak to our first non

Jake Hower:

video content producing guest.

Jake Hower:

Although he does actually produce a video as well.

Jake Hower:

It's Dan Norris from informly, which is inform.

Jake Hower:

ly which is a reporting app.

Jake Hower:

We discuss a little bit about that, but we also, the main focus of the

Jake Hower:

episode is on his content domination.

Jake Hower:

He's brilliant at writing posts.

Jake Hower:

He's been featured in a number of top blogs, including pro blogger.

Jake Hower:

To name just a few he's, he produces an excellent podcast

Jake Hower:

with some amazing guests.

Jake Hower:

Pretty much essentially Dan is just an incredible producer of content.

Jake Hower:

So that was a name, no brainer getting him on the episode.

Jake Hower:

Without further ado.

Jake Hower:

Let's get stuck into this week's episode.

Dan Norris:

G'day Jake.

Dan Norris:

How you going?

Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:

really good.

Jake Hower:

How are you?

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

That's good.

Jake Hower:

Thanks very much for coming on the episode.

Jake Hower:

I really appreciate it.

Jake Hower:

Today we've only had episodes where we've been discussing video.

Jake Hower:

So this is our first episode where we're bringing on someone who's doing

Jake Hower:

amazing content creation that isn't.

Jake Hower:

Necessarily focused on video.

Jake Hower:

Count yourself lucky, Dan.

Jake Hower:

I think you're probably one of the better ones that I've seen

Jake Hower:

out there producing content.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So Dan, why don't why don't we get stuck into it?

Jake Hower:

I'd love for you to tell the listeners a little bit about yourself.

Jake Hower:

Leading up to and prior to informally.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

I'll make it fairly quick I worked for a few years, different jobs out

Dan Norris:

of university and generally after six months or so I'd get bored and want

Dan Norris:

to do something else and eventually decided that I'd start my own company

Dan Norris:

because that way I could just do What I wanted every day and then I ran a rent

Dan Norris:

a web design business for six years and I Think by the end I was bored of

Dan Norris:

that as well and I wanted something different But while I was running the

Dan Norris:

web design company, one of the things I'd do is Create reports for clients

Dan Norris:

because I wanted my clients to understand how their websites were going and how

Dan Norris:

they're ranking in Google and whether their servers were up or down with their

Dan Norris:

visits and conversions are up and down.

Dan Norris:

So I started doing that manually and eventually I thought I might as well

Dan Norris:

make a system that does this and.

Dan Norris:

And that has turned into informally.

Dan Norris:

Basically, it's a system where as a business owner, you can connect up your

Dan Norris:

favorite services like analytics or MailChimp or Xero, that kind of thing.

Dan Norris:

And it gives you a report that simplifies all that information and

Dan Norris:

gives it to you all on the one page.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, I've I've had better access for a couple of days

Jake Hower:

and it's certainly very simple, but it's powerful with the with

Jake Hower:

the reporting that you get out of

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

Yeah, there's a lot of dashboard products out there.

Dan Norris:

I think like the main difference with this is I'm intending to design this for people

Dan Norris:

who aren't really going to be the people who are spending all day in analytics

Dan Norris:

and are really keen for these stats.

Dan Norris:

It's more for a typical business owner who really wants to glance at something,

Dan Norris:

see straight away if something's red and therefore needs attention and spend

Dan Norris:

a couple of seconds a day looking at their stats rather than trying to figure

Dan Norris:

out all these different applications.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, it's a fantastic concept.

Jake Hower:

So you're a web designer you had a fantastic blog already

Jake Hower:

on your previous business site.

Jake Hower:

How long have you been producing content for that site?

Dan Norris:

Probably about two and a half years.

Dan Norris:

That site was a website designer.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

au and it used to had it.

Dan Norris:

By the end, it was front page for it was first for website design and third

Dan Norris:

for web design and first for website development and all of these keywords.

Dan Norris:

And so I think it started out as just a sales page.

Dan Norris:

And I think early on it just had a lot of links and had a good domain.

Dan Norris:

And it had its ranking that way, but I saw that was going to change, so I

Dan Norris:

started producing a lot of content, probably for about two years, I probably

Dan Norris:

produced 200 posts of different types, I think I wrote four or five ebooks and a

Dan Norris:

bunch of videos and just kept pumping out the content and building, building the

Dan Norris:

rankings, but also building the long term.

Dan Norris:

The long tail, I should say traffic and the audience as well to a point

Dan Norris:

where it was fairly well known.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Let's let's move on a little bit.

Jake Hower:

So your history, obviously, you've come from the web design background,

Jake Hower:

you've moving and I guess through that transitioning through that

Jake Hower:

into content creation, and you've come come across the idea to create

Jake Hower:

informally Now let's move on to the real meat of our conversation today.

Jake Hower:

And that's how you've gone about promoting informally to to build an audience.

Jake Hower:

So you're spending a lot of time guest.

Jake Hower:

Guest posting in particular of also your posting on your own

Jake Hower:

website is really in depth.

Jake Hower:

And that's something that it's it's really stood out to me, but

Jake Hower:

you're also podcasting and you're producing really funny videos as well.

Jake Hower:

How have you gone about deciding on a strategy for all of

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

The main thing for me was that a couple of months ago when I sold

Dan Norris:

my business, I also sold the blog.

Dan Norris:

I also had to get rid of my Twitter account and most of my forum

Dan Norris:

accounts my Facebook page with 1200 likes and basically everything and

Dan Norris:

had to start again from scratch.

Dan Norris:

And I, I still had my mailing list but other than that, pretty much

Dan Norris:

everything else was from scratch.

Dan Norris:

So I needed to get some attention.

Dan Norris:

I needed to build up.

Dan Norris:

A whole brand new domain with a brand new blog with a little bit

Dan Norris:

of overlap in the audience, but really a brand new audience as well.

Dan Norris:

And content is something I've identified that is something that

Dan Norris:

I can be good at, as opposed to a whole lot of other types of marketing

Dan Norris:

that I'm really not very good at.

Dan Norris:

So from day one, I was always going to produce a lot of content.

Dan Norris:

And try to build the audience back up and within, I think within three months, my

Dan Norris:

new site is already getting more traffic than the old one, which was six years old.

Dan Norris:

And I think from an audience point of view, I think my audience now is

Dan Norris:

much more engaged and I'm getting people from a lot, a wider range of

Dan Norris:

places and I'm getting mentioned in a lot of places that I look up to.

Dan Norris:

And I think that's gone to a new level.

Dan Norris:

So that's been really good.

Jake Hower:

And do you feel that's the content you've been producing,

Jake Hower:

or is it the networking you're doing, or is it a combination?

Dan Norris:

It's a combination, and the way I see the content is it is networking,

Dan Norris:

it's, I'm not very good at networking, like I, I don't really go to business

Dan Norris:

lunches and start talking to random people but I do have a lot to say, and I know

Dan Norris:

other people that have a lot to say that I have a lot in common with, guys like you

Dan Norris:

and James Schramko and Dan Andrews and, Tim Connolly, these guys that are putting

Dan Norris:

out content that I know I've got something in common with, I can easily ring them

Dan Norris:

up and interview them for my show.

Dan Norris:

And talk about them and they talk about me and that, that to me is a

Dan Norris:

form of networking, but it's the kind of networking that I can be good at.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

I agree.

Jake Hower:

Personally, I'm not a fantastic networker in I guess in person, I find it hard

Jake Hower:

to connect or try to meet new people.

Jake Hower:

You just don't see that connection.

Jake Hower:

Certainly once once I know somebody, it's a lot easier to find common ground

Jake Hower:

and And engaging conversation with them.

Jake Hower:

I've found online for me in particular you can actually do the research and work

Jake Hower:

out who you have that common ground with before even needing to approach them.

Jake Hower:

And it, it makes it really easy to connect with people.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

And if I'm, I've attended a few face to face events as well, but to me,

Dan Norris:

I'd rather attend a face to face event put on by, James Schramko than I would

Dan Norris:

rather go down to the local commerce, the Gold Coast commerce or something

Dan Norris:

and attend a face to face event there where I'm not going to know anyone

Dan Norris:

and not going to know whether I have anything in common with these people.

Dan Norris:

So that's the way I see it.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:

Now so we've got all these, the multiple forms

Jake Hower:

of media that you're publishing.

Jake Hower:

Do you have a

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

That's a hard question to answer.

Dan Norris:

I think the best thing I've done is start the podcast because that's enabled me to

Dan Norris:

do the networking and it enables you to show your own chops and, talk to other

Dan Norris:

entrepreneurs and you can't get that same kind of connection with blogging.

Dan Norris:

And I know I know you do a lot of video stuff and people say, that's as

Dan Norris:

close as you can get to, in person, but really often the video is not like a

Dan Norris:

conversation with someone else either.

Dan Norris:

And often it's not as in depth.

Dan Norris:

So the podcast gives you.

Dan Norris:

Something that the other mediums can't give you.

Jake Hower:

I have to agree.

Jake Hower:

I'm obviously very new to the podcasting arena, but I'm really enjoying producing

Jake Hower:

the each episode because exactly as you say, you really connect with with just

Jake Hower:

that person on the other end of the line.

Jake Hower:

And it's a great way to get to know people, as you've said.

Jake Hower:

So I am, I can see myself pumping out podcasts because it's so

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

Yeah, and it's a lot easier to get known, putting out a podcast, if you

Dan Norris:

write a roundup blog post, then, you might get a couple of mentions if

Dan Norris:

you're lucky, but if do a podcast where you're interviewing someone in depth and

Dan Norris:

like almost every time that person is going to share it with their audience

Dan Norris:

and you're going to get a whole bunch of new readers and why wouldn't they?

Dan Norris:

It's good content and it requires very little effort for them.

Dan Norris:

So that's why I like it.

Dan Norris:

If I'm to be totally honest, my preferred, yeah.

Dan Norris:

way of creating content would be writing because that's probably what I prefer

Dan Norris:

to do is sit in the office and bust out content, but I think I get more response

Dan Norris:

from my other content than I do the blogging because it's just, it's hard to

Dan Norris:

write something that's really hasn't been said before and that people really want.

Dan Norris:

So that's a big challenge.

Dan Norris:

Whereas with a podcast, it's always unique.

Dan Norris:

It's always original because you're talking to someone else and As long

Dan Norris:

as you can find interesting guests, ideally ones that aren't the kind

Dan Norris:

of guests that get interviewed every week on podcast, then it's always

Dan Norris:

going to be interesting and unique.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's that's very hard.

Jake Hower:

I can right now you see Tim Ferriss on just about every single

Jake Hower:

podcast out there at the moment.

Jake Hower:

And the one catching up.

Jake Hower:

I really, I want to get him on this this podcast, but I'm just going to wait a

Jake Hower:

little while, cause he's so popular on the podcast just about all the podcasts

Dan Norris:

out there at the moment.

Dan Norris:

Don't wait too long.

Dan Norris:

Cause I'm, I know I'm getting him back on my show.

Jake Hower:

It's going to it's going to get into a little bit of a hair

Jake Hower:

pulling fight or something, I reckon.

Dan Norris:

No, but I think that is one of the things to think about, like

Dan Norris:

the interview podcast has been done to death and I still do the interview

Dan Norris:

podcast because I just think the idea of listening to my voice alone for a

Dan Norris:

long period of time is unbearable to me, let alone other people, but I'm

Dan Norris:

reluctant to just interview the same people that other people are interviewing.

Dan Norris:

And I like the idea of getting new guests that aren't trying to flog their

Dan Norris:

latest book or something like that.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, I agree.

Jake Hower:

I think it's important.

Jake Hower:

That if you are interviewing people who are quite popular is

Jake Hower:

to try and find a different angle approach it in a different way.

Jake Hower:

And I've certainly got plans.

Jake Hower:

I'm interviewing quite a number of popular people in the next few episodes.

Jake Hower:

And I'm already thinking about ways I can I can attack the interview a

Jake Hower:

little bit or I guess in a unique way.

Dan Norris:

Yeah, I try to do that, but there's a limit to how much

Dan Norris:

control you can have over an interview, especially if you're just getting new,

Dan Norris:

just getting started to interviewing.

Dan Norris:

But I try to have some sort of structure and I try not to go too much in depth

Dan Norris:

with the person's background because, if you listen to an interview with James

Dan Norris:

Schramko and the first thing they say is, how'd you get to where you are?

Dan Norris:

And you end up hearing the same story over and over again.

Dan Norris:

And with James, he's a very good storyteller and he'll

Dan Norris:

have a unique angle every time.

Dan Norris:

But if you listen to a lot of these podcasts, the same guest

Dan Norris:

every week in the same story.

Dan Norris:

So I cut that part out of it and try to structure it around a topic.

Dan Norris:

But as I say, it's not as easy to do that when you're relying on a guest.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

I think and that's a very good point.

Jake Hower:

I know you do it very well.

Jake Hower:

And it's, rather than retail a story, you can just link to the most relevant

Jake Hower:

content that's already out there.

Jake Hower:

And this is something that you do incredibly well in pretty much all of

Jake Hower:

the mediums that you're producing in.

Jake Hower:


Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So given that your your focus now is essentially a reporting tool, I'm sure

Jake Hower:

you've got stats on where you're getting.

Jake Hower:

Or the most effective way of building your audience.

Jake Hower:

So out of the different mediums, which one's the best for you?

Dan Norris:

At the moment it's guest posting.

Dan Norris:

And when I first started out with the guest posting, it was hit and miss.

Dan Norris:

Like I do one, like I did one post on pro blogger.

Dan Norris:

I think I've got two conversions from that whole post.

Dan Norris:

And I don't know, 30, 40 visits.

Dan Norris:

It was terrible and it was the first post I'd had on there and I'm like,

Dan Norris:

oh my God, this is, I'm going to get thousands from this, but it was nothing.

Dan Norris:

I changed a few things around and I've had a couple of guest posts that have been

Dan Norris:

really successful, like I did one on Rob Walling's blog, which is Software by Rob.

Dan Norris:

And it was a three part post.

Dan Norris:

I think it was probably 6, 000 words.

Dan Norris:

It was basically every bit of content marketing I've done in the last

Dan Norris:

three months and just telling the reader exactly what I did and what

Dan Norris:

I learned and what results I got.

Dan Norris:

And, I got from that post, I got 500, 600 more visitors and over a hundred

Dan Norris:

signups, to learn about my app.

Dan Norris:

So some of them have gone really well like that.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

What's what's second on the list if guest posting is one.

Dan Norris:

I think it's probably having your own content to me

Dan Norris:

comes first, because a lot of the traffic that I get is direct.

Dan Norris:

And if you get traffic direct, it's very hard to know how

Dan Norris:

they came about your site.

Dan Norris:

But because I'm putting out a lot of content, I can

Dan Norris:

assume that, a decent amount.

Dan Norris:

Are coming from the podcast a decent amount of heard of me on someone else's

Dan Norris:

podcast because of some content i've put out So I attribute a lot of that

Dan Norris:

to just be the general content creation stuff I get a lot of traffic from google,

Dan Norris:

even though i'm not madly optimizing for things, but i'm producing a lot

Dan Norris:

of content I think i've in the three or four months I think i've produced

Dan Norris:

around 50 blog posts and some of them quite big like I did a post yesterday

Dan Norris:

on podcasting That was a 3000 word post And really detailed guide on, on getting

Dan Norris:

started with podcasting and that kind of stuff gets a lot of long tail traffic.

Dan Norris:

So Google are my biggest referrer of traffic.

Dan Norris:

So that, and then going forward, that just it just builds and builds.

Dan Norris:

So they're becoming like by far my biggest referrer of traffic.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

So listeners, what we're going to do, I want to.

Jake Hower:

Give you some actionable steps that you can take away from this interview.

Jake Hower:

Dan, I'd love to focus on two things with you for the remainder of the interview.

Jake Hower:

Number one, I'd love to speak with you about your guest posting strategy

Jake Hower:

how you've actually gone about getting content on other's site.

Jake Hower:

And then I would love to then just touch on a little bit about how

Jake Hower:

you construct your blog posts.

Jake Hower:

So things from the curation of content how you put your posts together, how

Jake Hower:

long it takes and a few other things that that so that we can actually

Jake Hower:

provide the listener with some

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

All right, the first thing I would say with guest posting is there's no real

Dan Norris:

strategy as such there's the way I go about it, which is to first have really

Dan Norris:

good content on my own site I'd never ask to blog on someone else's site unless

Dan Norris:

I had a site that had great content and Better still unless I had a few examples

Dan Norris:

of other sites that have had posts from me that have been successful you know

Dan Norris:

when I go to ask for a guest post now I send them a link to the Rob Walling

Dan Norris:

one and I send them a link to the pro blogger one and the think traffic one And

Dan Norris:

I say this, these are the kind of posts I write and this was tweeted by 300 people

Dan Norris:

and immediately they're going to look at that email before they look at some

Dan Norris:

random guy who tells them he loves their blog and wants to write a post for them.

Dan Norris:

So the first tip is to have good content yourself.

Dan Norris:

Don't start until you've got four or five really good.

Dan Norris:

Blog posts on your own site, long detailed, step by step specific with

Dan Norris:

images, a nice site with nice design that someone who's got a credible blog

Dan Norris:

is going to look at and go, this person knows what they're talking about.

Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:

So that's obviously, and is that how you approach them?

Jake Hower:

Did you essentially, are you just sending them an email with an idea for a guest

Jake Hower:

post or are you going off and writing content and then sending that to them and

Jake Hower:

saying, Hey here's a post I've written.

Jake Hower:

I'd love for you to publish

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

No, I'm sending them an email and saying here are a bunch of posts I've written,

Dan Norris:

I've got this idea for your blog, I think it's good, this is why I think it's

Dan Norris:

good, and would you like it on your blog?

Dan Norris:

And most of the time if you've got some sort of unique idea, like even

Dan Norris:

the second post I did on ProBlogger was a post on guest posting.

Dan Norris:

And you couldn't pick a more cliche topic but because I had a unique angle

Dan Norris:

for that particular post They were like, yeah, actually that sounds pretty good.

Dan Norris:

Let's do that I don't participate in any kind of blogging groups or anything

Dan Norris:

like that I just think if you've got good content then just go and approach

Dan Norris:

These owners and make them feel like you understand their audience and you're

Dan Norris:

going to write something really good for them And then once they can see the

Dan Norris:

evidence that you're capable of doing that then most of them We'll say yes.

Jake Hower:

Someone like Darren Rouse is it, was it Darren

Jake Hower:

that you were dealing with?

Jake Hower:

And A, if it was did you already have a relationship with him before

Jake Hower:

approaching him for the initial

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

Actually, I pissed Darren off.

Dan Norris:

I probably, yeah, I probably got a worse relationship.

Dan Norris:

Now, because after I did the first guest post, I got one of my VAs to

Dan Norris:

just as an experiment to reply to everyone who tweeted the post and just

Dan Norris:

say, thanks for tweeting this post.

Dan Norris:

And then, just see if they followed me back on Twitter.

Dan Norris:

But she CC'd in, she CC'd Darren Rouse into every single tweet.

Dan Norris:

So she sent.

Dan Norris:

Two or three hundred tweets.

Dan Norris:

Send me a message saying, this is really good, you're being proactive, but do you

Dan Norris:

mind not cc'ing me into all these tweets?

Dan Norris:

Yeah, no, I don't know him.

Dan Norris:

I know what he looks like.

Dan Norris:

So if I saw him at the cafe, I would probably say hello.

Dan Norris:

But no, he had a lady working for him, Georgina.

Dan Norris:

I think a lot of these guys initially have someone else that answers the email first

Dan Norris:

and then sometimes they'll come in and...

Dan Norris:

Respond later like a think traffic they've corbett's got a guy caleb who

Dan Norris:

works for him and does a lot of the content on his site and I just did

Dan Norris:

one on firepole marketing And Danny Iney is the guy who runs the blog,

Dan Norris:

but he's got someone else who handles the communication with bloggers.

Dan Norris:

So normally you'd get a response from that person first and then maybe you'd get a

Dan Norris:

response from the owner of the blog later.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, okay.

Jake Hower:

Now what's your conversion rate like then?

Jake Hower:

How many blogs are you approaching and how many do you end up being published on?

Dan Norris:

I think I've only been not published on one that I've that I

Dan Norris:

can think of I contacted copy blogger and they said that they basically only

Dan Norris:

take posts from people who are regular contributors and but it really comes

Dan Norris:

down to who you're targeting as well ProBlogger publish so much content

Dan Norris:

on their site that they're always looking for people to get content from.

Dan Norris:

If you approach someone like Kissmetrics, then you would really

Dan Norris:

have to know what you're talking about.

Dan Norris:

And you would have to be prepared for a long process of producing an

Dan Norris:

amazing article and back and forth with them to get it on their blog.

Dan Norris:

Yeah, I think you have to be careful with who you choose

Dan Norris:

and why you're choosing them.

Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:

no, that makes sense.

Jake Hower:

It's a good conversion rate that you obviously got there But I guess that

Jake Hower:

comes back to the fact that you've got such strong content on your own

Dan Norris:

site Yeah, it does.

Dan Norris:

It's, I'm sure that a lot of these guys, especially pro blogger, I hate

Dan Norris:

to think the amount of requests they get to get content put on their site.

Dan Norris:

They probably get a request from someone who can actually produce good content and

Dan Norris:

they're probably, pleasantly surprised.

Dan Norris:

Yeah, absolutely.

Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Let's move on then to the blog posting that you've been doing for your own stuff.

Jake Hower:

Cause that, these are really the pillar pieces that gets you everything else.

Jake Hower:

Now personally.

Jake Hower:

I struggle I hit a brick wall as soon as I have to start writing something.

Jake Hower:

You're obviously very good at writing, but do you have a process

Jake Hower:

that you follow for creating these

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

I, yeah, I've got a bit of a process.

Dan Norris:

I can run you through the general steps.

Dan Norris:

I use Evernote a lot.

Dan Norris:

So anytime I'm out and about and think of an idea, it goes straight into Evernote.

Dan Norris:

And if I look at my Evernote, like I've got a notebook for, say, guides or

Dan Norris:

blog posts or guest posts or something Then there's 10 or 20 different notes

Dan Norris:

in there of random stuff and generally something will bubble to the surface like

Dan Norris:

during the week I did the big article on podcasting and I mean i've written

Dan Norris:

posts on podcasting before but I wanted to create like a step by step guide And

Dan Norris:

so I've just been jotting down ideas here and there, and, Pat Flynn released

Dan Norris:

a tutorial on podcasting, so I checked that out and got a few notes from that,

Dan Norris:

and James released that video of interview tips, so I noted that down, and, but by

Dan Norris:

the time you're ready to actually produce the post, you've got half a page of notes,

Dan Norris:

and you can use that as a structure.

Dan Norris:

Structure for the post.

Dan Norris:

I also look at with informally There's one chart in there that allows you to look

Dan Norris:

at how much impact your blog posts are having So it will look at who's tweeting

Dan Norris:

your post how many people liked it?

Dan Norris:

How many people have commented how many people have visited that post and

Dan Norris:

it gives you an idea of what content, People really like and you know from

Dan Norris:

that I know the certain types of content I should produce so I'll use that to

Dan Norris:

decide I don't believe in a calendar.

Dan Norris:

A lot of people say having an editorial calendar or something

Dan Norris:

like that's not really how I work.

Dan Norris:

If you do work like that, then it's probably a good idea.

Dan Norris:

But to me it's really a matter of once I get to the point where I've got

Dan Norris:

enough notes on a topic that I feel like I can spend three or four hours

Dan Norris:

and create something really good.

Dan Norris:

That's the point I write a blog post.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:

your blog posts, are you then Are you creating them into one

Jake Hower:

session or are you just adding bits here and there and coming back to it

Jake Hower:

after a few hours or a day or two?

Dan Norris:

Generally, what I'll do is I'll get to the point in

Dan Norris:

Evernote where I've got half a page of notes and then I'll just

Dan Norris:

start writing it in Evernote and.

Dan Norris:

Once it's like I've got like a thousand words, if it's one of these

Dan Norris:

big posts, like on my blog, you'll see I've got four or five guides,

Dan Norris:

which are really big detailed posts.

Dan Norris:

If it's one of those ones, then I'll generally write up

Dan Norris:

maybe half of it in Evernote.

Dan Norris:

And then once I feel like, yeah, this has actually got something,

Dan Norris:

I'll put it into WordPress and I'll basically spend three or four hours

Dan Norris:

just like busting out the whole thing.

Dan Norris:

And then once that's done, I'll have a break.

Dan Norris:

And go off and look at a couple of other blogs, look at what other people

Dan Norris:

are saying about the same topic, and see if I can inject a little bit

Dan Norris:

more into the post that I hadn't just got out of the original brain dump.

Dan Norris:

And then I'll probably have a break again and then come back and read it

Dan Norris:

properly, because I tend to have a lot of spelling mistakes and that kind of

Dan Norris:

thing, and it helps if I just take a break and come back and read it all.

Dan Norris:

And then it'll hopefully be ready to go.

Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Then how do you go about adding things like images and that

Jake Hower:

or formatting of the post?

Jake Hower:

Are you doing that throughout the construction or throughout the writing?

Jake Hower:

Or are you just getting content on the side and then coming

Jake Hower:

back and formatting everything?

Dan Norris:

I do a bit of both, but I've always got the ideas

Dan Norris:

for the images as I'm writing it.

Dan Norris:

Like I'll never do a big blog post like this without, 10 or 15 images or more.

Dan Norris:

Because they're really important, especially if they're detailed things

Dan Norris:

like you're doing screenshots of how to do certain tasks and the images are really

Dan Norris:

important, but also for having a guide where you've got a couple of 1000 words.

Dan Norris:

It's just too much to fill the page with text and it doesn't look good.

Dan Norris:

So like even in Evernote, I'll say, have a.

Dan Norris:

Intro section on why you should podcast and include a screenshot here of my stats

Dan Norris:

for my podcast So even at that very early stage, I'll know exactly what screenshot

Dan Norris:

I want And then as i'm creating the post in wordpress I'll generally go off

Dan Norris:

and get a screenshot and chop it up in fireworks and put it up and I do pay a

Dan Norris:

lot of attention to how it looks like I've, I really want to make sure that

Dan Norris:

the post looks really good so that when someone sees it, they know that it's

Dan Norris:

not just some guys throwing it together.

Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:

I think that's very important.

Jake Hower:

I know personally myself, I don't read many detailed posts.

Jake Hower:

And certainly you can tell straight away whether or not

Jake Hower:

someone spent any time at all.

Jake Hower:

On the design of the poster in terms of using bullet points subheads and

Jake Hower:

just even the way they insert images.

Jake Hower:

So that's certainly one thing that attracts me to your posts.

Jake Hower:

They're so well laid out and it makes it very scannable and easy to read.

Dan Norris:

Yeah, part of it is there's just so much crap out there that you

Dan Norris:

need to distance yourself from that.

Dan Norris:

You're not just writing another post on guest posting, you're, you've really

Dan Norris:

taken the time to get the graphics right and get it presenting really

Dan Norris:

nicely and have quotes in there from people and links to other places,

Dan Norris:

and you've really thought it through.

Dan Norris:

So that's part of it, but the other part is also.

Dan Norris:

I like to look at what other blogs that I respect are doing and like

Dan Norris:

Kissmetrics is one that always comes up because I don't read much content either

Dan Norris:

but I do read a lot of their content because, just because of how good it is.

Dan Norris:

And I look at how they're doing the images and how they're doing the guides and I

Dan Norris:

try to set myself I mean, they're a pretty big company it's a lot for one individual

Dan Norris:

to create content at that level But if you set yourself that kind of benchmark

Dan Norris:

then you're constantly looking at that and thinking man Mine's not as good as that.

Dan Norris:

So you just got to get better and better.

Jake Hower:

I know certainly there's probably Some of our listeners out

Jake Hower:

there are probably considering is it worth my time investing so much

Jake Hower:

energy into writing such good content?

Jake Hower:

Shouldn't I just be posting on a regular occur, like a regular basis

Jake Hower:

and just getting four or five, 600 word posts out there on a weekly basis.

Jake Hower:

Isn't that going to attract more subscribers or I'm going to have end up

Jake Hower:

with more content out there for Google to find me and people to come across my page.

Dan Norris:

It really depends on your strategy.

Dan Norris:

Some blogs get by on You know a couple of really awesome posts and those posts

Dan Norris:

tend to get a lot of impact in social media and they'll get, they'll get hack

Dan Norris:

and use attention and they'll get lots of tweets and Facebook likes and whatever.

Dan Norris:

Other blogs we'll get by based purely on volume.

Dan Norris:

And like long tail SEO traffic is really powerful.

Dan Norris:

So if you can build up a good blog with a good following and just

Dan Norris:

pump out a lot of content, then you'll get that long tail traffic.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

In droves because just because of the sheer bulk of content you have, but part

Dan Norris:

of the reason for me, and I do have posts on my site that aren't like as epic as

Dan Norris:

these big guide posts, but part of the reason of doing these really good posts

Dan Norris:

is I'm not just trying to get traffic.

Dan Norris:

Trying to make a name for myself and trying to get the attention of other

Dan Norris:

content producers who are only going to give me Their attention if i'm producing

Dan Norris:

good stuff and i'm also trying to get the attention of other blogs and other

Dan Norris:

influential people, to post content On their sites and they're not going to be

Dan Norris:

interested in these crappy 600 word posts that have been written a thousand times

Dan Norris:

before so There's that motivation as well.

Dan Norris:

And i'm also doing it to educate the People who are using informally, a lot

Dan Norris:

of these posts i'm doing are to do with analytics and things like that And if

Dan Norris:

you're writing something that really is at the core about educating people.

Dan Norris:

Then you can't be doing these crappy 500 word posts, you know on the top

Dan Norris:

12 Tips for blogging or you know the top 20 wordpress plugins and you know

Dan Norris:

I probably do have a few of those posts on there, but You can't fill

Dan Norris:

your blog with that kind of stuff.

Dan Norris:

If your intention is to educate people.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

I think You made a very good point with the with the authority.

Jake Hower:

Just thinking about how I how I engage with people or who I see as

Jake Hower:

authority figures it's never, I'm never I'm always hanging out to read

Jake Hower:

their content or watch their videos.

Jake Hower:

But in most cases, the contents produced irregularly and it's because it's

Jake Hower:

such high quality that I that I engage at such a level with these people.

Jake Hower:

So if you're looking to build an authority, I guess is what

Jake Hower:

I'm saying, then focus on.

Jake Hower:

Producing the best quality content you can

Dan Norris:

that's what works for me I mean, there's a lot of ways to do it

Dan Norris:

But that's what works for me and it's important to me to know that I'm helping

Dan Norris:

people as well And that I'm I mean if I was just sitting around, you know building

Dan Norris:

dodgy backlinks to my site I just that's just not what I want to do with my time

Dan Norris:

So if you're the sort of person who was like me and wants to do that then go for

Dan Norris:

it I mean if you're the sort of person who Really doesn't like writing and it's

Dan Norris:

just going to have to be forced to do this Then maybe just don't do it at all

Dan Norris:

or get someone else to help you with it or do something that you are really good

Dan Norris:

At like podcasting or video or something like that so you can get you can make

Dan Norris:

your name that way Yeah, absolutely.

Dan Norris:

I think

Jake Hower:

it very that's very relevant You just have to find a medium that best

Jake Hower:

suits you and you'd There are certain mediums that allow you to leverage a

Jake Hower:

little bit more than others, but I think it's more important to get your main

Jake Hower:

medium is the correct one for you, and that will give you the best results.

Dan Norris:

And it's like you with your video stuff.

Dan Norris:

Like I think I, I probably got to know you because I was seeing all

Dan Norris:

these awesome videos and these comments you were putting, in

Dan Norris:

the forums about the video stuff.

Dan Norris:

If you had have been just writing blog posts, I probably

Dan Norris:

still wouldn't know who you are.

Dan Norris:

In, in a way it's good to choose something other than writing.

Dan Norris:

But I dunno, for whatever reason, writing is just what

Dan Norris:

I find I'm probably better at.

Dan Norris:

And I find myself enjoying doing more of.

Dan Norris:


Jake Hower:

And that's the same with me videos.

Jake Hower:

I can pump out videos like just so quickly.

Jake Hower:

I shot three videos before I hopped on this episode with you and it took

Jake Hower:

me about 15 minutes, but certainly if you asked me to write a post even

Jake Hower:

a two or 300 word post I wouldn't even get one out in two weeks.

Dan Norris:

Yeah, and part of it is pushing yourself, I'm no good at video

Dan Norris:

either and I'm doing those videos But I'm just I'm rapidly learning it same with

Dan Norris:

podcasting the first one was terrible the last one, you know It was much better

Dan Norris:

and you gradually learn and you I think you like things more once you start

Dan Norris:

getting good at them as well But if you're just starting out I would definitely

Dan Norris:

be doing Whatever it is that you can be really good at and get the attention

Dan Norris:

of other people who are good at it

Jake Hower:

So informally, it's just about to come out of better.

Jake Hower:

So right now, you've got a team that is developing for this product.

Jake Hower:

Am I right in saying

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

Yeah, I've got two full time developers in the Philippines.

Jake Hower:

As you launch.

Jake Hower:

Do you anticipate having the time that you have had for the last few months to

Jake Hower:

produce the quality or to keep the caliber of the content to the same standard?

Dan Norris:

I've got a few ideas after I launch.

Dan Norris:

I get through a lot of work, so I will still be doing, and I do work

Dan Norris:

a lot as well, and I'll still be working a lot and getting through a

Dan Norris:

lot of work, but I see the content as core to the success of the app.

Dan Norris:

And if I'm not doing the content, Then I don't think I'm really

Dan Norris:

going to have any way of marketing this app, that other people aren't

Dan Norris:

able to do better than I can.

Dan Norris:

So to me it's core.

Dan Norris:

But the other thing is I'm also going to look at getting some

Dan Norris:

help from other people as well.

Dan Norris:

And I've started to look at other writers and getting I really would

Dan Norris:

love to build up my blog to the point where it's a really like a renowned.

Dan Norris:

destination, for people who want to learn about dominating online and, doing this

Dan Norris:

online marketing stuff and analytics and people are just getting into this stuff.

Dan Norris:

I'd really like to be a really well known place for that.

Dan Norris:

And to do that, I think, especially since I can't.

Dan Norris:

I can't religiously put out like five blog posts a day, then I'm

Dan Norris:

going to have to get some extra help.

Dan Norris:

So I'm looking at doing that as well.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

It makes a lot of sense.

Jake Hower:

I think an interesting way that companies approach it.

Jake Hower:

SEO Moz, I think do it quite well where they essentially have a

Jake Hower:

they've got their pillar blog.

Jake Hower:

And then they've also got their UMoz blog, which is

Jake Hower:

essentially anyone can post to it.

Jake Hower:

And then they promote content.

Jake Hower:

Depending on how popular it is.

Jake Hower:

I think that's quite an interesting

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

Yeah, it definitely is.

Dan Norris:

I think it's tempting to look at these other companies and try to replicate them.

Dan Norris:

But, SEOmoz have had, I think something like 20 million of funding and it's

Dan Norris:

hard when you're just doing it yourself to, you say, yeah, I want to be like.

Dan Norris:

Kissmetrics or SEOmoz, but really that kind of model is not going

Dan Norris:

to work for you if it's just you.

Dan Norris:

So I think you've really got to think about what's going to work

Dan Norris:

for you and how you can maybe one day build yourself up to that level.

Dan Norris:

But it's like when people take these ideas that, that Apple have

Dan Norris:

done and say, this is how you, how to apply it to your business.

Dan Norris:

They're Apple.

Dan Norris:

And you can't apply that to your business.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

It's definitely important to have a benchmark, but it's but try not

Dan Norris:

to At least from my point of view.

Dan Norris:

I try not to say, this is exactly how they do it Therefore

Dan Norris:

that's what i'm going to do

Jake Hower:

The other thing I guess is that there are they're relatively mature

Jake Hower:

companies now, so they didn't start off with their current structure in

Jake Hower:

place 10 years ago or whatever it was.

Jake Hower:

They've evolved over time and I guess you will too.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

It's also they did it off the back of a product.

Dan Norris:

That in a lot of cases they did off the back of a product that pretty much

Dan Norris:

didn't exist, SEO were very early on in terms of SEO software and they were

Dan Norris:

building a great product and they were also, I think, I'm not sure how many

Dan Norris:

years they've been around, but I've heard a few interviews with random and that

Dan Norris:

he had a consultancy for years as well.

Dan Norris:

And they build this momentum up over a long period of time.

Dan Norris:

And, yeah, I think that's important to remember as well.

Dan Norris:

That's one thing with blogging that's hard to take at first.

Dan Norris:

You could write 10 and get like 3 tweets on Twitter.

Dan Norris:

And it's man, this is depressing.

Dan Norris:

It's actually hard work.

Dan Norris:

But eventually, things start rolling.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

All right, Dan.

Jake Hower:

I think we've covered quite a lot in this episode of, I

Jake Hower:

really appreciate you coming on.

Jake Hower:

Hey, one thing we didn't really touch on would you be would you be happy to

Jake Hower:

reveal some numbers in terms of your your, their community you've built in

Jake Hower:

terms of subscribers and things like that.

Dan Norris:

So three months ago, my site didn't exist at all.

Dan Norris:

Now I'm getting about 5, 000 visitors a month, which is about

Dan Norris:

what I was getting in my old blog.

Dan Norris:

And it's not a huge number of people, but within three months,

Dan Norris:

I think that's pretty good.

Dan Norris:

I've had, I had about 1100 people sign up to the beta and out of that 1100,

Dan Norris:

Probably maybe 200 or so or maybe less that are actually actively using the app.

Dan Norris:

I think a lot of people sign up and forget about it.

Dan Norris:

And these are some of the things I'm going to have to address as I launch it.

Dan Norris:

But I've also had, I think maybe 1200, 1300 people who've signed

Dan Norris:

up to be notified about the app.

Dan Norris:

So mainly the content at the moment, the opt in has been, we're going

Dan Norris:

to be launching informally soon.

Dan Norris:

Sign up here to be notified.

Dan Norris:

And yeah, I've also done an email course.

Dan Norris:

I think I've had maybe 60, 70 people sign up to do the email

Dan Norris:

autoresponder course as well.

Dan Norris:

So I think the numbers will get a lot more interesting when I launch it to

Dan Norris:

the public and I see, who's referring people to use it, how many people are

Dan Norris:

signing up to paid and that kind of thing.

Dan Norris:

Yeah, certainly,

Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Dan we've touched on a couple of aspects of of your content domination.

Jake Hower:

I'd love to get you on in the future to speak about a little bit

Jake Hower:

more about podcasting and a little bit about your videos as well.

Jake Hower:

But for this episode, I think we've covered covered enough.

Jake Hower:

So again, I'd like to thank you very much for coming on.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

Thanks for having me.

Jake Hower:

This episode will be going to air just after you've

Jake Hower:

launched publicly for informly.

Jake Hower:

Where can people go to to find out more about you personally

Jake Hower:

and also about about the app?

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

So yeah, hopefully it'll be launched and it wouldn't have exploded

Dan Norris:

and everything's just going well.

Dan Norris:

And if that's the case, you can go to inform.

Dan Norris:


Dan Norris:

And you can sign up for free and connect a bunch of your services and

Dan Norris:

feel free to email me dan at inform.

Dan Norris:

ly And just give me any feedback you have on the app.

Dan Norris:

I'm really happy to hear from people I'd love to hear from people about

Dan Norris:

what they like about it what they don't like about it and the blog is inform.

Dan Norris:

ly forward slash blog and on there you'll find all sorts of stuff there's

Dan Norris:

a lot of posts like we talked about i've got 20 podcast episodes and a bunch of

Dan Norris:

videos and that kind of thing and Of course, leave me feedback on those as

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

If if you do actually head across, if you listen to this episode and

Jake Hower:

then head across to the site and find it has exploded, Dan would

Jake Hower:

really appreciate that you give him a, or shoot him a quick email.

Jake Hower:

I'm sure he'd really appreciate hearing from you at that stage as well.

Dan Norris:

Yeah, that'd be good.

Jake Hower:

All right, Dan, thanks very much for coming on today.

Dan Norris:





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