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Meditation Script:
Find a moment to rest. Seated or lying down, check in with any tension in the body,
busyness of mind, or heaviness of emotion. Allow yourself a deep, full breath
in to notice. Deep, full breath out to relax whatever you can.
Imagine a monarch butterfly. Observe the black and dotted outline of its wings. Imagine
the black, slender body and hair-fine antennae. Notice the bright orange and
red of its wings. Imagine this butterfly perched on the bloom of a zinnia.
Watch as the wings close and open, close and open. Slowly, the butterfly wings alternate
from closed to open like the thin and delicate pages of an old book. Closed,
you observe the pale orange of the underside of the butterfly’s wings. Open,
the pop of color expands for all the world to see. Begin to breathe with the
imagined closing and opening of the wings. Breathing in as the wings close,
breathing out as they open. Inhale. Exhale.
Inhale. As you exhale, begin to let go of this image. Feel the support beneath your body.
Feel the air on your skin. Notice how you feel. Notice where you feel closed—resistant to
release or expression of your emotions, tense in the body, ruminating on thought. Notice
where you feel open—ease in the body, settled in the mind, at peace. Find one more
deep breath in. Deep breath out. Shift toward small transformative movements mindfully
into your day. Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.