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Empathy and Self-Expression: Celebrating Your Truth
Episode 1497th March 2024 • Momma Has Goals • Kelsey Smith
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Today, we're tackling the delicate balance between sensitivity and excitement in motherhood. It's a journey I know all too well. During my own pregnancy, I felt torn between embracing my joy and being sensitive to others' struggles. But as I've learned, finding that middle ground is essential.

In this episode, we'll explore the intersection of empathy and self-expression. I'll share my personal growth journey, emphasizing the importance of taking ownership of our emotions while still being sensitive and understanding of what someone else is going through. We'll discuss the challenges of expressing ourselves authentically in a world filled with differing opinions and anxieties.

What you'll hear in this episode:

[0:00] Balancing sensitivity and excitement in motherhood.

[1:20] Pregnancy discomfort and sensitivity to others' struggles.

[2:10] Balancing empathy and self-expression.

[4:00] Balancing empathy and self-expression.

[6:00] Self-expression and community support for mothers.


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And I started thinking about how there can be this duality, where we can be sensitive and understanding to what someone is going through. But it doesn't mean that we have to walk on eggshells. And it doesn't mean that we can't be excited for our own journey. And I think that this is a really important conversation because we do not need to dim or someone else.


Welcome to mama has goals, your weekly reminder that you shouldn't have to sacrifice your dreams to take on the role of mom. I'm Kelsey Smith, mom of two boys, wife, an entrepreneur who's passionate about helping other moms current and aspiring to reimagine mom life. I'm bringing you the resources, support and relatability to debunk that limiting belief that you may have about your ability to achieve your goals while raising human. We're covering everything from mom guilt, marriage, relationships, careers, finances, mental health, physical health, you name it, your life doesn't have to fully shift once you become a mom, you can have it all. And we'll show you how.


At the time that I'm recording, and I am over 28 weeks pregnant. And this is my third child. And I and I recently found myself in a situation where I felt really uncomfortable sharing about the joys of my pregnancy. And while it was sick my first trimester and has been a harder pregnancy than my other two, I noticed that even beyond my own anxieties and the things that I was navigating, I wasn't sharing because of what some other people in my life were going through. And I noticed that I was taking a lot less pictures, I wasn't sharing about it. And again, there were some other reasons to it. But one reason was because I felt really sensitive to other people and what they had going on. And I started thinking about how there can be this duality, where we can be sensitive and understanding to what someone is going through. But it doesn't mean that we have to walk on eggshells. And it doesn't mean that we can't be excited for our own journey. And I think that this is a really important conversation, because we do not need to dim our light for someone else, just to be kind. There's a difference between being unkind and being excited for yourself. And I had to have this reminder myself, because really, it came back to you can be aware, and you can still share. And I had to keep telling myself, this is your journey and your story. And you can be understanding you can be kind, you can be aware of what others are going through. But that doesn't mean that you're supposed to not talk about what you're going through. That doesn't mean that you're not supposed to live your life. That doesn't mean that you're not supposed to be excited for yourself. And there is a delicate balance, you're like there is with everything in life. We want to be understanding of the fact that maybe we're not directly pouring out excitement on the one person that's hurting. But especially when it becomes like a larger platform of social media, or something else. You're allowed to share your story and your journey. And yeah, one person may be going through something or they may not understand, you may not want to have that conversation. But we all have permission in the right to be excited about our own journeys and our own lives. And I wanted to talk about this here because I wanted to give you that permission to if you needed it. I recognized this in myself and I was like wait a second. This is something that I need to do differently. This is something that I don't have to share my journey, but I shouldn't not be doing it. Because I'm worried about hurting someone else. I'm allowed to be excited. And I'm also allowed to be understanding that someone else is struggling. I'm allowed to celebrate my pregnancy and what I have going on understanding someone else's desiring that and it's gonna be hard, and maybe that person stops following me for a little bit. It may be that person isn't listening to that part of my story and my journey and that's okay. But we are allowed to coexist, we're allowed to find this battlelands Where maybe someone's having a hard time in their job and you're excited about a promotion you got you're allowed to share a pump that just because their situation is looking different doesn't mean you can't be excited. Maybe someone's really struggling with their kid and you're super proud about something that your child recently did. It doesn't mean that you can't share about what's going on just because someone else Have a challenge. And I think that we've found ourselves in some times over complicating what it means to be understanding of someone else's situation. You can be there to listen to hold to love on people. And it doesn't mean that you have to be quiet, it doesn't mean that you have to dim. And I think that's where the self responsibility comes of learning how to talk about these things, and how to tie it to the understanding of what others are going through, without having to change everything about us. Or then we can hold space for someone and what they're going through and understand that we might be a trigger for them in their season of life. But that doesn't mean you don't go after what your dreams and goals are. It doesn't mean that you don't pursue the next chapter of your life because it's triggering to someone else. You can love them, you can be there for them. And you can want them to have what's next in their journey. But it doesn't mean you change yours. And I think that this is really important because we're finding this, especially in this day and age with just looks heart balance and figuring out where can I speak up and say my truth while they can hold theirs. And so often, it's self inflicted. So often what you think the other person is thinking isn't actually what's happening. You're creating a narrative in your head, and you're making a decision about something that actually isn't true. And as I found myself doing this, I wanted to share this reminder with you that you are allowed to live your truth, you are allowed to share your truth and your truth is your truth. Just because someone else has a different truth doesn't mean that your truth has to be theirs. So in my example, right now, I'm pregnant. I'm 29, almost weeks pregnant, recording this. And my truth is that this is my third pregnancy, that I'm really excited to welcome this baby into our lives, that my first trimester was really challenging, and I didn't feel well. And I've had a lot of anxiety, this pregnancy. But I'm also so grateful to be hearing this baby. I am so proud of being able to be here and get here and what's next for our family. And I know that not everyone wanted to be in this season of life at the same time is here with me. But my truth is so my true. And I get to celebrate that and still look forward to those people having their true and navigating what they have going on. Whatever that means for you. However, that showing up that you're not allowing yourself to celebrate your wins, or your accomplishments, because you're worried how someone else may be feeling. This is your permission to do that. And your permission to celebrate and love on those in your life. Wow, celebrating yourself and tooting your own horn, if you will, celebrating being excited, seeing in positivity when someone else may have a harder story going on. Allow yourself to be excited and celebrate. Will you still understand that other people may be going through a hard time they can coexist? I promise you that. And this is a reminder to you for sending you so much love mama. If you are celebrating something right now, go drop it in the manga schools app and the all the mamas group. Equally, if you don't feel like you have anyone to share your heart things with because other people are celebrating. Go chop it in there. The best thing about community is knowing that these things do coexist. And you can find people that are in whatever chapter you are in, so that they can support you or celebrate you when you need it. And that is exactly what we do. So I'm sending you so much love. If you do not have a free account in our mana high schools app yet. The link is below. Come and join us and share what you're celebrating, or what you're challenged with so that we can hold support and celebrate you. There's


so much more where this came from. Take the next step in download the mama high schools app or visit our web platform. real authentic, full supportive community is available at your fingertips and we can't wait to create space for you mama




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