Artwork for podcast The TriDoc Podcast, triathlon and health in one place
The menstrual cycle and performance/James Elvery of Race Ranger-an update
Episode 11210th February 2023 • The TriDoc Podcast, triathlon and health in one place • Dr. Jeff Sankoff
00:00:00 00:46:29

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In this episode:

Much has been said about how female reproductive hormones can play a role in women's ability to train and race and most of what has been said has come from one woman. The reality though is the evidence paints a very different picture than what too many women have been sold as what to expect. I look at the latest in a growing body of evidence to question the dogma that women should expect to perform differently based on when in their cycle they train. Plus, a year after he first appeared on this podcast to talk about the Race Ranger, James Elvery is back to give an update after his first real world test in a race situation. How did it go and what comes next for the anti-drafting solution?


[09:05]- Medical question-Menstruation and performance

[19:02]- Interview-James Elvery


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