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LIVE LIFE ON PURPOSE with Catherine Collins and Andrew Dewar
Episode 10223rd October 2024 • Shining Brightly • Howard Brown
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Episode Summary – HOW DO YOU FIND THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF? In Episode 102 of the Shining Brightly Podcast show (links in the comments), titled “LIVE LIFE ON PURPOSE”, I am joined by a dynamic couple - Catherine Collins and Andrew Dewar. Life partners and business partners that share a path to happiness and fulfillment in their books, coaching programs and life. Your journey to becoming the ultimate version of yourself begins here. We believe that personal growth is not an overnight transformation, but rather a continuous process that occurs day by day. A 5-YEAR VIEW TO KNOW AND SHOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Please come listen, download, share and review this uplifting show.

Mentioned Resources –

About the guests – 

Catherine Collins is a nationally recognized entrepreneur and author of the book Mom's Got Money: A millennial mom's guide to managing money like a boss. Over the past decade, her writing and expertise have been featured in dozens of media outlets, including Good Morning America, Yahoo Finance, Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, Real Simple, The Huffington Post, Kiplinger, Investopedia, Business Insider, and many more. She recently co-founded a personal development company called Five Year You and launched a podcast by the same name. The ultimate goal of Five Year You is to help one million people become their best selves in five years. Cat can speak on topics including personal development, self-improvement, motherhood, personal finance, growing a small business, and more. She is known for her openness and vulnerability on some of life’s most difficult topics. Cat is also an engaging podcast guest and has been featured on dozens of shows, including So Money, Stacking Benjamins, Marriage, Kids, and Money, and many more.

Andrew Dewar, co-founder of Five Year You, is a former Certified Professional Accountant, turned Certified Advanced Energy Healer who coaches people on living their life on purpose instead of by accident. Known for his commitment to financial freedom—exemplified by paying off his mortgage in just six years—Andrew’s true passion lies in helping others navigate profound life transformations. As someone who has confronted and overcome personal traumas, Andrew knows the power of purposeful living. He understands that for many, there comes a pivotal moment in midlife when they realize the life they’re living is not the life that fulfills them. It’s in this moment that Andrew steps in, guiding individuals to shift from living life by accident to living a life of purpose. Through his own journey of self-discovery, growth, and resilience, Andrew has amassed a wealth of insights and tools designed to support those ready to redefine their lives. With unwavering kindness and vulnerability, he shares his story as a testament to the transformative power of intentional living.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



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Howard Brown:

Hello. It's Howard Brown. It's the Shining Brightly

Howard Brown:

Show. Oh my goodness, I am so excited. I actually get two

Howard Brown:

people today, thrilled to have you, Andrew and Catherine,

Howard Brown:

welcome. How are you today?

Andrew Dewar:

I'm doing good.

Howard Brown:

Well, we've got, we've got Michigan, Chicago and

Howard Brown:

Canada represented here today. So we're International. We're

Howard Brown:

thrilled. So I'm going to do something a little bit different

Howard Brown:

today, because you know each other so well. I'm going to play

Howard Brown:

a game called He Said, She Said, I would love for you guys to

Howard Brown:

kind of, instead of reading a bio, to talk about each other.

Howard Brown:

So who wants to go first? I can go first. That's all right with

Howard Brown:

you. Kat,

Andrew Dewar:

okay, so Katherine Collins is the author of the

Andrew Dewar:

book, Mom's got money. She's also the co founder of five year

Andrew Dewar:

you It's a company that helps people become the best version

Andrew Dewar:

of themselves over five years. She's an awesome person all

Andrew Dewar:

around, great friend, great business partner, and I cannot

Andrew Dewar:

say enough nice things about her.

Howard Brown:

Wow, you did you hear twins together too? So you

Howard Brown:

do your major things together. So I appreciate that as well

Howard Brown:

being a twin. So Catherine, what do you say about Andrew?

Catherine Collins:

Andrew is a former CPA turned advanced theta

Catherine Collins:

healer, and he's my co founder for five year U and he is a

Catherine Collins:

serial entrepreneur. He's built many businesses, and he's an

Catherine Collins:

amazing person, an amazing dad, and he's the smartest guy I

Catherine Collins:

know. So I'm glad to have him on the call with us today. I love

Catherine Collins:

having the smartest guy in the room, so that's always it is

Catherine Collins:

nice. Every day I benefit from it. Yeah,

Andrew Dewar:

I've never been the smartest one in the room, so

Andrew Dewar:

it's one of you.

Howard Brown:

All right, so there's the there's the humble,

Howard Brown:

there's the humble that's going here. So I appreciate that. All

Howard Brown:

right, so how do you shine brightly? You know, each day,

Howard Brown:

who wants to take that first?

Catherine Collins:

I do it in like, a real sense. I love

Catherine Collins:

wearing bright colors. I constantly have people saying,

Catherine Collins:

like, Oh my gosh. I love your sunglasses. I love your dress, I

Catherine Collins:

love your shoes. Like I wear bright, fun, happy things. And

Catherine Collins:

it always sparks conversation when I'm out and about, and it

Catherine Collins:

helps me be my authentic self as well.

Howard Brown:

Wow, that's

Andrew Dewar:

a good answer. Andrew, I shine brightly by

Andrew Dewar:

showing up in the world as my authentic self. I smile at

Andrew Dewar:

everyone. I love to just kind of shine my light wherever I go. I

Andrew Dewar:

when I speak with people, I give them my full attention. I listen

Andrew Dewar:

without waiting for my turn to talk. I just actively listen to

Andrew Dewar:

people, and I try to get to core level with people when I talk

Andrew Dewar:

with them, so that they know that they're really been heard.

Howard Brown:

I love that I will tell you that I shine brightly

Howard Brown:

being a two time stage four cancer survivor. I look in the

Howard Brown:

mirror every day, and I actually say I am blessed, I am grateful,

Howard Brown:

and I am lucky, and I try to choose to lift myself up and

Howard Brown:

lift up others. And as we get into our conversation, you'll

Howard Brown:

see how aligned we actually are and what we do and what we try

Howard Brown:

to bring to the world, and we'll get into it deeply there. So my

Howard Brown:

first question is, five year you? Why five years? Why does it

Howard Brown:


Andrew Dewar:

Well, the reason why we went with five year you

Andrew Dewar:

is because there's a lot of pressure on us these days to

Andrew Dewar:

perform, to be our best selves and to be our ideal version. And

Andrew Dewar:

when you come to five year, you when you work with us, you

Andrew Dewar:

discover, first of all, who you truly are and what you're meant

Andrew Dewar:

to be. And that process doesn't usually happen overnight. It's a

Andrew Dewar:

it's a gradual process. And so while we can have 90 day goals,

Andrew Dewar:

one year goals, whatever, five year you is about becoming the

Andrew Dewar:

best version of yourself, not a goal marker, not something else.

Andrew Dewar:

And that takes time. It also relieves the the anxiety and the

Andrew Dewar:

pressure that can come from having to be a certain way by a

Andrew Dewar:

certain time when you grow into something over five years. It

Andrew Dewar:

just gives you permission to relax and enjoy the process. So

Andrew Dewar:

much more

Howard Brown:

anything to add. Catherine,

Catherine Collins:

yeah, I agree. And we come at this

Catherine Collins:

approach from personal experience, and we know that

Catherine Collins:

anything, whether you're on a health journey, whether you're

Catherine Collins:

trying to become financially independent, whether you are,

Catherine Collins:

you know, completely restarting your life. We like to give our

Catherine Collins:

clients permission to take the time that they need to make

Catherine Collins:

lasting change, not just overnight, like quick hacks and

Catherine Collins:


Howard Brown:

Yeah. No, it's No, anyone who wants to lose 100

Howard Brown:

pounds doesn't lose 100 pounds in a week. No, it sometimes it

Howard Brown:

takes more than months, and particularly years and then

Howard Brown:

keeping the weight off. So I use that analogy of the extended

Howard Brown:

timeline in order to meet that goal and sustain that goal, and

Howard Brown:

measure that goal and appreciate that goal. So I'm with you on

Howard Brown:

that now, being an author myself, and I did it so

Howard Brown:

differently. Okay? I recorded on Zoom 158 of the most

Howard Brown:

influential, important people in my life, and then zoom

Howard Brown:

transcripts became drafts. Drafts became chapters. Chapters

Howard Brown:

became editable. Thank God for my editor and my publisher, my

Howard Brown:

wife, because I'm not a writer, right? I'm a speaker and so but

Howard Brown:

three years later, or three and a half years later, I actually

Howard Brown:

have a memoir out, and I've written collaborative books and

Howard Brown:

chapters, and I'm working on book number two, and as well,

Howard Brown:

tell me the experience of writing this book.

Catherine Collins:

Well, it was a long time coming for me. My

Catherine Collins:

book, Mom's got money, came out in April 2021, and it actually

Catherine Collins:

took me four years to get a book deal. I was really committed to

Catherine Collins:

writing a book that focused on mothers, and I had opportunities

Catherine Collins:

along the the years to get published, but only if I changed

Catherine Collins:

the topic to all women, or only if I changed the topic to be

Catherine Collins:

more general. And I really like stuck to my truth and the people

Catherine Collins:

I wanted to help. And yeah, so I got a book deal with Wiley. I

Catherine Collins:

wrote it over seven months during covid, and it was

Catherine Collins:

definitely a career peak. It was, it was a journey. And yeah,

Catherine Collins:

I'm looking forward to writing more in the future. Andrew's

Catherine Collins:

actually, and the process of shopping a book proposal around

Catherine Collins:

to publishers right now. So he's like, in the thick of the

Catherine Collins:

journey, and he'll tell you, like, it's it's a trying

Catherine Collins:

process, but the end result is worth it. It is super trying.

Andrew Dewar:

It's fun in most of the time, and, you know, gut

Andrew Dewar:

wrenching at other times. But I You learn to enjoy the journey

Andrew Dewar:

just like you do with anything in life, right? You have to have

Andrew Dewar:

the ups and the downs to enjoy it.

Howard Brown:

I agree. I used a hybrid publisher, not a full

Howard Brown:

publisher like O'Reilly, and I didn't Self Publish. And all of

Howard Brown:

a sudden, this hybrid publisher told me, he said, There's 901

Howard Brown:

steps to actually get a book done and press the 901st step is

Howard Brown:

pressing the Go button on Amazon. And so I pressed the go

Howard Brown:

on Amazon, okay, a little less than two years ago, in October

Howard Brown:

of 2022 and then all of a sudden I was like, Oh, my God. Now

Howard Brown:

what? Right? Yeah, don't sell themselves. They collect. You

Howard Brown:

need to go out there and you need to speak about your book.

Howard Brown:

So authors now need to be able to speak and And so speaking on

Howard Brown:

stages and on podcasts and in masterminds and things like

Howard Brown:

that, to be able to actually tell the stories. And because

Howard Brown:

mine's a memoir, so many stories that I can talk about there as

Howard Brown:

well, and that's really important storytelling and

Howard Brown:

things like that. So tell me you know some of the without giving

Howard Brown:

away the book, because I want people to buy your book, some

Howard Brown:

key components of the book that that you want to share, that

Howard Brown:

take away, take home value.

Catherine Collins:

Well, like I just said, the book is really

Catherine Collins:

focused on moms, and a large portion of it is focusing on

Catherine Collins:

empowering moms to take a seat at their own proverbial kitchen

Catherine Collins:

table. Moms make over 80% of the purchasing decisions in their

Catherine Collins:

households, but they have a surprising lack of confidence

Catherine Collins:

when it comes to long term wealth building, investing and

Catherine Collins:

things like that. And so the book at its heart is like a call

Catherine Collins:

to action, and it's a very empowering book that helps moms

Catherine Collins:

to know that managing your money isn't as challenging as the

Catherine Collins:

world makes it out to be, and that if they're a mom, they can

Catherine Collins:

do absolutely anything. And so my hope is that when that it's

Catherine Collins:

the first of many personal finance books that someone

Catherine Collins:

reads, the goal of my book isn't to be, you know, a tell all, but

Catherine Collins:

they'll see, you know, funny stories of me trying to work

Catherine Collins:

with little kids, and, you know, I talk about emergencies, I talk

Catherine Collins:

about things from my childhood. So there's a lot of personal

Catherine Collins:

stories mixed in with money lessons. And so I think it's

Catherine Collins:

digestible and it's not bland, like a lot of money books are

Howard Brown:

I appreciate that, because I will tell you, in my

Howard Brown:

household, growing up, the moms, the grandmas, the aunties, they

Howard Brown:

never sat at the table. They were busy serving and cleaning,

Howard Brown:

and they didn't sit and make time for themselves. So I can

Howard Brown:

appreciate that, Andrew, would you speak a little bit more of

Howard Brown:

some of the take home value and takeaways from the five year U

Howard Brown:


Andrew Dewar:

The five year you book is going to be about our

Andrew Dewar:

journey, where we explore how we were kind of empty at at the

Andrew Dewar:

beginning, and how we go to a fulfilled life. So my it's a

Andrew Dewar:

more of a narrative, but my story was that we won the game

Andrew Dewar:

of life, so to speak. We did all the things that we thought we

Andrew Dewar:

needed to do, and then we recognized that there was an

Andrew Dewar:

emptiness inside. I recognized that there was an emptiness

Andrew Dewar:

inside, and in doing that, things had to change, and it's

Andrew Dewar:

getting that courage to take those first few steps. Because

Andrew Dewar:

when you take steps towards your true self, when you haven't been

Andrew Dewar:

that person before it becomes a challenge to kind of like you

Andrew Dewar:

said, press go on Amazon or take that first step out the door. Go

Andrew Dewar:

for your first walk, first run, whatever it is you're trying to

Andrew Dewar:

accomplish in life, those acknowledging it is one thing.

Andrew Dewar:

It's a big step, and then taking that first step, being brave

Andrew Dewar:

enough to take that first step and take on the adventure of

Andrew Dewar:

life that is your your true self calling you home.

Howard Brown:

Yeah, no, it's true. And so one of the

Howard Brown:

takeaways and doing a little research on you guys, was that

Howard Brown:

being intentional and being authentic is kind of vital to

Howard Brown:

your process. I'd love for you to share more details about

Howard Brown:

that, because I agree, but I want you to hear it, how you

Howard Brown:

guys portray that

Andrew Dewar:

for sure. So when we talk about finding our being

Andrew Dewar:

authentic, finding our authentic self, it really comes down to

Andrew Dewar:

our soul and our soul's purpose. And we believe that you have

Andrew Dewar:

come here for a reason, that you have something to contribute,

Andrew Dewar:

and if you're finding that you have an emptiness inside you,

Andrew Dewar:

usually that is the thing that's lacking inside of you at that

Andrew Dewar:

point, is you, and you owe it to yourself to discover who that

Andrew Dewar:

truly is. So with some of our processes and coaching, what we

Andrew Dewar:

do is we discover who you truly are, and what lights you up,

Andrew Dewar:

what makes you shine, and how you can show up in this world as

Andrew Dewar:

your authentic self. And once you know who that is, and you

Andrew Dewar:

can stay true to that person, then you move forward with a

Andrew Dewar:

purpose, and you stop living life by accident, which is what

Andrew Dewar:

so many of us do? We all follow the go to school, get good

Andrew Dewar:

grades, go to university, graduate, get married, have

Andrew Dewar:

kids, retire, die, and somewhere along there, we forget to create

Andrew Dewar:

a life for ourselves of purpose. So being authentic truly is

Andrew Dewar:

discovering your purpose and being true to it as you live

Andrew Dewar:

your day to day life.

Howard Brown:


Catherine Collins:

yeah, we really believe that authenticity

Catherine Collins:

is the path to true, genuine happiness. In a world where

Catherine Collins:

everyone is searching for how to be happy, there's 1000s of books

Catherine Collins:

on happiness. We teach people through a method we call the

Catherine Collins:

layers of life, which helps you to focus on yourself and to move

Catherine Collins:

outward, rather than basing your life decisions on the outside

Catherine Collins:

world and allowing that to control how you feel on the

Catherine Collins:

inside. So we take people through a variety of steps from

Catherine Collins:

you know what their favorite like kind of pizza is that they

Catherine Collins:

actually want to order that they put to the side, because their

Catherine Collins:

kids like something else to you know, what they enjoy doing as a

Catherine Collins:

kid, and we stand by them on the journey. Sometimes the journey

Catherine Collins:

to authenticity can be challenging, because there's all

Catherine Collins:

kinds of people around you who are used to you being the way

Catherine Collins:

that you are now, following the quote, unquote checklist and the

Catherine Collins:

rules, and so we like to build a community of people who are

Catherine Collins:

focused on being themselves, and we like to provide support while

Catherine Collins:

they go on that journey.

Howard Brown:

It's so important, I have to tell you that when

Howard Brown:

people look in the mirror, many people don't like, like, like

Howard Brown:

what they see. They don't like those they see, right? And

Howard Brown:

sometimes it's physical, but I'm too heavy, I'm too skinny, I'm

Howard Brown:

too fat, you know? You know, I don't like the way I look, but

Howard Brown:

and then there's emotional, I don't like the way I feel, and

Howard Brown:

things like that. And so a lot of people, they need to actually

Howard Brown:

understand and get back down to their core. So I love that

Howard Brown:

technique, and it's it's the layers are really important,

Howard Brown:

because it's not so simple. There's stuff on the surface and

Howard Brown:

there's stuff from potentially early childhood that is deep,

Howard Brown:

deep, deeply rooted as part of what your growing up process

Howard Brown:

was, what your environment was, okay? You know, did you get

Howard Brown:

unconditional love and things like that? So I really that's,

Howard Brown:

it's really brilliant. Actually, I love the layers of life, and

Howard Brown:

also I love the five years, because it takes time. You know,

Howard Brown:

it's not like you're opening up a bag of chips and then you're

Howard Brown:

done, right? You know, you have to go through a process of real,

Howard Brown:

true evaluation and and the goal, right? Is, you said you're

Howard Brown:

calling it the best version of yourself, that's right? And it's

Howard Brown:

a process, right?

Andrew Dewar:

It is. It's definitely a journey. It's one

Andrew Dewar:

worth taking in my mind, and then so I.

Howard Brown:

Uh, discovery and discovering of this purpose

Howard Brown:

driven life. So take me through because that's been one of the

Howard Brown:

one of the layers there, right, as far as you know, how you

Howard Brown:

discover that and find your purpose?

Andrew Dewar:

Yeah, so discovering your purpose, your

Andrew Dewar:

soul's reason for being here, your is really pulling back the

Andrew Dewar:

layers that you've created over life, to discover what made you

Andrew Dewar:

shine, what made you happy. And for most of us, it goes back to

Andrew Dewar:

when we were a kid. There were things that we used to do and

Andrew Dewar:

love, and we could do them all day. And when we start to just

Andrew Dewar:

forget about the outside world, forget about money and prestige

Andrew Dewar:

and acknowledgements and family and responsibilities and all

Andrew Dewar:

these other things. And we can look at ourselves and go, What

Andrew Dewar:

do I actually like to do? And you you can see that as you

Andrew Dewar:

release the layers around you from everyone else that you've

Andrew Dewar:

put on for a bunch of reasons, the hats, the mask, whatever

Andrew Dewar:

term you want to use, you're able to go, you know what? I

Andrew Dewar:

like writing, I like helping people, and I like long

Andrew Dewar:

conversations, and maybe being an accountant doesn't solve

Andrew Dewar:

those things. So you start to just honor that. You show up and

Andrew Dewar:

you go, okay, so I like doing this, but I'm doing this other

Andrew Dewar:

thing. Nobody's saying, Go, quit your job and, you know, just

Andrew Dewar:

start talking to people about their problems. What we're

Andrew Dewar:

saying is, lean into it. Take that first step. Maybe you take

Andrew Dewar:

a class. Maybe you just start writing for the fun of it

Andrew Dewar:

without purpose. Maybe you just acknowledge today that you got

Andrew Dewar:

to do this other thing right now, while you're building who

Andrew Dewar:

you truly want to be, and the shifts are going to happen more

Andrew Dewar:

purposefully when you know what you want and how you move

Andrew Dewar:

towards it.

Howard Brown:

Brilliant. I love it. So I'm going to ask you guys

Howard Brown:

two questions. And so first is that, do you have a happy place?

Howard Brown:

And what is it? And I call that my stress rezone. I will share

Howard Brown:

with you. Mine is the basketball court. So there, everyone has a

Howard Brown:

happy place, and they sometimes forget to go there a lot. I go

Howard Brown:

there three times a week, for sure. So Kat, do you have a

Howard Brown:

happy place?

Catherine Collins:

We're both smiling pretty big, because

Catherine Collins:

Andrew is my happy place. In fact, I call him a little the

Catherine Collins:

little crook of his arm, I shorten it to HP sometimes, you

Catherine Collins:

know, I'm like, hey, I need some HP time. So we're both smiling,

Catherine Collins:

because I use that phrase all the time, but you can say

Catherine Collins:


Andrew Dewar:

that's why the smile is there. It's, it's, it's

Andrew Dewar:

accurate, it's, it's everything, and yeah, and we get into our

Andrew Dewar:

happy place as much as we possibly can, because it's It's

Andrew Dewar:

life's better when you're happy.

Howard Brown:

I just love that. I didn't expect that answer, but

Howard Brown:

I absolutely love it. All right, each of you separately, who's a

Howard Brown:

role model and why go ahead? You defer each defer.

Catherine Collins:

I mean, I have so many role models, and

Catherine Collins:

you know, the easy answer is Andrew. I look up to him,

Catherine Collins:

especially a lot of his like business and financial acumen.

Catherine Collins:

He's helped me so much in a lot of different ways. But the

Catherine Collins:

people that inspire me on the daily basis, I think, are my

Catherine Collins:

kids. I love seeing little humans who haven't really been

Catherine Collins:

impacted by the world and how they're supposed to be. I love

Catherine Collins:

like, the interesting combination of clothes they come

Catherine Collins:

up with and the ideas that they have. One of the things we do at

Catherine Collins:

dinner a lot is we come up with business ideas or inventions.

Catherine Collins:

And I love the things that kids come up with because they again,

Catherine Collins:

they're not burdened by society's expectations. Or

Catherine Collins:

someone saying, oh, that's stupid. Or, why would you invent

Catherine Collins:

that? And we get some hilarious answers. So yeah, the I get the

Catherine Collins:

most inspiration from from the people around me.

Howard Brown:

Thank you. Andrew,

Andrew Dewar:

well, Catherine, of course, she's the one who, in

Andrew Dewar:

some of the harder moments, is always able to pick me up and

Andrew Dewar:

get me back on track or help me with so many things. And her

Andrew Dewar:

attitude every day is so delightful that it makes showing

Andrew Dewar:

up such a such a better process. And, okay, keep going. And yeah,

Andrew Dewar:

the kids, you know, I you go through life and you think you

Andrew Dewar:

had a hard life, but when you see what your kids are going

Andrew Dewar:

through, and you see how they rise up because they have to,

Andrew Dewar:

and there's no other option. It's just so inspiring. We

Andrew Dewar:

forget how much kids learn all the time and how much they're

Andrew Dewar:

taking in, and how many things that we would see as easy today

Andrew Dewar:

because we've gone through it, but seeing it through their eyes

Andrew Dewar:

and like right, this small thing to me, is a big thing to you,

Andrew Dewar:

because you haven't done. It, and that inspires me to look at

Andrew Dewar:

the hard things that I'm doing as just something I haven't done

Andrew Dewar:

yet. That helps move me along. So they serve as a great, great

Andrew Dewar:


Howard Brown:

I love your answers because it shows in, you

Howard Brown:

know, in the what you're doing in five year you is that you're

Howard Brown:

bringing different perspectives, but your appreciation and

Howard Brown:

admiration for each other is very admirable. I'm feeling it

Howard Brown:

through the screen here. So thank you for that. But we've

Howard Brown:

come to the show, I'm going to ask you to put on sunglasses,

Howard Brown:

because it's called the shining brightly spotlight, and I want

Howard Brown:

to shine this smiley on you. And by wearing glasses, we are

Howard Brown:

reflecting this authenticity, this kindness all throughout the

Howard Brown:

airwaves, to my audience all around the world, as well as to

Howard Brown:

yours. And so Andrew, would you tell us how best to get in touch

Howard Brown:

with you? And that would be and maybe a little bit about you

Howard Brown:

know, your course in the book and things like that. Yeah, for

Howard Brown:

sure, the best way to reach us is you can send

Howard Brown:

us an email at and that's

Howard Brown:

all f, i, v, e, y, E, A, r, y, o, u, and that's the best way to

Howard Brown:

get started to see if what we're doing resonates with you.

Howard Brown:

Chances are, if you listen to the end of this podcast and

Howard Brown:

you're hearing it, there's something that's clicking in

Howard Brown:

you, and you owe it to yourself to check it out and see if it's

Howard Brown:

time to become the best version of yourself.

Howard Brown:

Thank you. I appreciate that. And Catherine, so we always

Howard Brown:

leave the show with some inspiration. So share some

Howard Brown:

inspiration, and then I'll hand it back to me, and we'll close

Howard Brown:

off the show

Catherine Collins:

Sure. Well, we just want to let your

Catherine Collins:

listeners know that they're hearing this for a reason, and

Catherine Collins:

we hope that coming together today, and the fact that they

Catherine Collins:

turned on to your show and downloaded this particular

Catherine Collins:

episode, that it serves as the first step for them and the

Catherine Collins:

spark. And if they want help and they want to move forward and

Catherine Collins:

they want a cheerleader in their corner. We usually offer, you

Catherine Collins:

know, three to the first three people that email us, we're

Catherine Collins:

happy to do like an introductory session. You know, no strings

Catherine Collins:

attached. We absolutely love talking to people and helping

Catherine Collins:

them. And so anyone out there who needs a boost, we're here

Catherine Collins:

for you, and it's our life's purpose to help people like your

Catherine Collins:


Howard Brown:

thank you for that. So this has been really

Howard Brown:

incredible. I'm so really feeling grateful to meet you,

Howard Brown:

and this has been the shining brightly show. And you can reach

Howard Brown: and find out about the book and find out

Howard Brown:

about speaking if you need me to come and host an event or speak

Howard Brown:

on a stage or a fundraiser or a workshop, but to consider that

Howard Brown:

for you also, this podcast is there and streamed on 24

Howard Brown:

channels. But the most important thing when you learn about you

Howard Brown:

know me is my advocacy in the cancer world, in

Howard Brown:

entrepreneurship and mentorship and interfaith relations. So

Howard Brown:

that's my true human and my purpose here. So I'm so glad to

Howard Brown:

be able to host this forum and be able to bring on super cool

Howard Brown:

people that are just wanting to make the world a better place.

Howard Brown:

So if you choose to shine brightly just a little bit each

Howard Brown:

day for yourself and for others in your community, in your

Howard Brown:

neighborhoods, we become a force multiplier for good and positive

Howard Brown:

change by sharing and magnifying that light the world does become

Howard Brown:

a better place. Andrew Catherine, just a pleasure.

Howard Brown:

Thank you for being on the shining brightly show today.

Catherine Collins:

Thank you so much for having us. Applause.




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