Fear of recognizing your worth can be one of the biggest barriers to creating the life you desire. In this episode, Kellan shares powerful insights and personal stories, including his near-death experiences, to help you confront the fears that hold you back.
Discover how embracing your inherent light and unique gifts can transform your life and inspire others. Kellan discusses the fear of success, judgment, and stepping into greatness—and how to overcome these obstacles. With actionable strategies and a focus on community, this episode is a guide to breaking through limitations and creating purpose, prosperity, and joy.
Walking Without Fear - Letting Go of Self and Living in the Joy of What Is
Get your copy of Walking Without Fear on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/1999494555/
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Welcome to the show.
Speaker A:Tired of the hype about living the dream?
Speaker A:It's time for truth.
Speaker A:This is the place for tools, power and real talk.
Speaker A:So you can create the life you dream and deserve your ultimate life.
Speaker A:Subscribe, Share, create.
Speaker A:You have infinite power.
Speaker A:Welcome to this episode of youf Ultimate Life.
Speaker A:This is number seven of eight having to do with fear.
Speaker A:Now, I want to remind you where this came from.
Speaker A:I was in a Mastermind meeting a few weeks ago and the topic was fear.
Speaker A:And in that particular conversation, the person leading it talked about eight ways that fear keeps us from doing, you know, what we feel like we want to do, what we've committed to do, what we know we should do.
Speaker A:That sort of feeling.
Speaker A:And there's more than eight.
Speaker A:I thought these eight were good and were worth this conversation.
Speaker A:An entire episode on each of these.
Speaker A:So this is number seven and if you haven't heard, maybe fear doesn't bother you, maybe you don't have fears.
Speaker A:It was interesting in the Mastermind when the leader said, you know, how many of you are set back by fear?
Speaker A:Oh, everybody.
Speaker A:Almost everyone raised their hands.
Speaker A:I have a unique and interesting situation because I don't experience fear.
Speaker A:You know, the emotion, the neurotransmitters.
Speaker A: returning to life in June of: Speaker A:Now, six years ago, almost another life threatening experience where I was back in the hospital with a recurrence in a different place in the body of the fatal infection that had killed me into in June.
Speaker A:And the stories are in different books.
Speaker A:What happened in June is in the book Meeting God at the Conversations, Choices and Commitments of a Near Death Experience.
Speaker A:It's funny because I hadn't spent a lot of time studying near death.
Speaker A:I'd read a couple of books and I'd heard people talk about it.
Speaker A: ine intervention in August of: Speaker A:That wasn't a near death experience, but it was an earthquake shook my life up and changed the direction of it permanently and completely for the last 17 years until I no longer breathe.
Speaker A: Which nearly happened in: Speaker A:Anyway, I wrote about that experience and that was terrible, right?
Speaker A:I died.
Speaker A:I was in a coma for 17 days afterwards.
Speaker A:I lost 35 pounds.
Speaker A:I couldn't walk.
Speaker A:It was a horrifying illness.
Speaker A:When I got out of the hospital in July, I was so skinny and so weak I could hardly walk.
Speaker A:I couldn't walk without help and eventually returned to health, plus or minus.
Speaker A:My lungs have never been fully recovered, and a bunch of other stuff.
Speaker A:But anyway, by October, I'd recovered enough to walk, and I went on a speaking tour.
Speaker A:I had four events in four weeks.
Speaker A:So July, August, September, October.
Speaker A:Three months after I get out of the hospital, I could at least walk and hobble and so forth.
Speaker A:And so I did that.
Speaker A:They were already scheduled, and they were good, because I got a chance, unexpectedly, to talk about what had happened.
Speaker A:Anyway, in November, end of November, 1st, 2nd, 5th of December, I woke up paralyzed from the waist down.
Speaker A:So just a few months after I'd gotten out of the hospital, and it turns out that I had a recurrence of that same infection in a different place in my body, and that caused me to be paralyzed temporarily, but I didn't know it was temporary when it happened.
Speaker A:Some things happened.
Speaker A:And then that spawned the book Walking Without Fear.
Speaker A:And during one of the talks that I gave, many of the talks, people ask, you know, what is the most important thing or the biggest change in your life since you died?
Speaker A:And had those extraordinary experiences in both June and December of the same year.
Speaker A:And there's several answers, but the one that came out very first was, I no longer experience fear.
Speaker A:You know, we have fear of mortal things.
Speaker A:We're going to die or going to be embarrassed or things will be taken away from us or whatever.
Speaker A:And I don't have that anymore.
Speaker A:I've already died.
Speaker A:I've seen the other side.
Speaker A:I know what's coming.
Speaker A:I know why we're here.
Speaker A:That's why I'm so driven to help as many people as I can to eliminate fear, because fear holds us back from doing what we know we want to do, what we could do.
Speaker A:Sometimes we say what we should do or what we feel like we're called to do.
Speaker A:And it did me, you know, for decades.
Speaker A: in: Speaker A:And fear is, in one way or another, at the root of nearly all of the reasons we don't create the life we want.
Speaker A:So this podcast is about you, me, each of us, creating that life that we love every day.
Speaker A:I call it a life of purpose, prosperity, and joy, I call it the ultimate life.
Speaker A:You know that, and you can use the word, whatever words you want.
Speaker A:That's great.
Speaker A:And fear kept me from doing it.
Speaker A:Fear of being embarrassed, fear of not being enough, fear of being too late, fear of just not good enough.
Speaker A:You know, a powerful condition, belief that I was unworthy and just a whole bunch of related things.
Speaker A:And I know that you have experienced that you might use different words, but the root of it is fear of judgment, fear of rejection, fear of being exposed, fear of imposter.
Speaker A:You know, we give it all kinds of names.
Speaker A:So that's why when the topic of fear came up, I just thought, this is a great time to do these episodes.
Speaker A:And that's why I did these eight.
Speaker A:And like I said, there's more than eight things and this just happens to be some names.
Speaker A:So as you remember, number one was fear of setting goals.
Speaker A:Number two was fear of failure, and that's a monster.
Speaker A:Another one is fear of appearing like a know it all or appearing arrogant.
Speaker A:Gay Hendricks in the Big Leap, you know, describes that a little differently.
Speaker A:We get away from our roots and people that are know and love us, they don't recognize us anymore, you know, that sort of thing.
Speaker A:But it's fear of appearing arrogant is the way that was described.
Speaker A:Fear of asking for help, that was a monster for me.
Speaker A:It was one of the reasons I stayed stuck in untreated depression, mental illness, because I believed it was my responsibility and I just had to suck it up and I didn't realize I needed to get help.
Speaker A:You know, it's funny, I think I mentioned this in Episode or Soda Tour go right this minute on my left knee.
Speaker A:I have the bursa or whatever that is, is really swollen underneath my left knee and I didn't do anything about it for a few days.
Speaker A:And finally Joy, my angel, saw it and she said, that's infected.
Speaker A:So we went to the doctor.
Speaker A:And now for two, three days, I've been on some pretty heavy duty antibiotics and it's now just starting to get smaller.
Speaker A:And you know, with me with the kind of terrifying infections I've had a couple of times, she's really sensitive to that.
Speaker A:But if I hadn't gone to get help, I wouldn't have the antibiotics and it wouldn't be getting better, or at least not as quickly.
Speaker A:And of course, where she looked it up, you know, there's a risk of losing your leg and a bunch of other things.
Speaker A:And I don't know if that's a remote risk or big.
Speaker A:But, you know, after what she has been through as the caregiver and the person on the other side while I died and then while I nearly died the second time, she's really sensitive to that.
Speaker A:Anyway, getting help was critical, and we understand that.
Speaker A:When it is, my roof leaks, so I need a contractor.
Speaker A:My knee is swollen or my bone is broken or whatever, so I need a doctor.
Speaker A:But we don't put the same level of importance on it.
Speaker A:When it's our head, our heart, our doubts, our fears, you know, we just kind of think that they're woven into our DNA and they're going to stay.
Speaker A:And they are woven into our DNA because we're taught it's beat into us practically from the minute we're born, that we're not really good enough.
Speaker A:You know, grades and all the things that beat on us.
Speaker A:We're not sports and ranking and picking on teams and promotions and awards that you do or don't get or recognition or people dissing you.
Speaker A:I mean, all the way.
Speaker A:Maybe your upbringing, you know, I had a lot of that in my upbringing.
Speaker A:Not good enough.
Speaker A:Not good enough.
Speaker A:Not good enough.
Speaker A:Better, better, better.
Speaker A:And it's a disease and it infects us, so it is in your DNA, but it doesn't have to stay there.
Speaker A:It's an infection and there is an antibiotic treatment for it.
Speaker A:It's different.
Speaker A:It doesn't come in a pill, in a bottle, but there is a treatment anyway.
Speaker A:So fear of asking for help.
Speaker A:Number five was a fear of saying no, people pleasing and all that.
Speaker A:And then the one just before this one was a fear of being scrutinized by others, a judgment, what you know, fear of what others think, and so forth.
Speaker A:So today, number seven, and this is interesting, it is fear of knowing your worth.
Speaker A:Now, I don't know who originally said it.
Speaker A:I have seen it attributed to Muhammad Ali.
Speaker A:I've seen it attributed to Marianne Williamson and others, and it probably came before that, but it goes something like this, and I'm not going to say it right.
Speaker A:It is not our darkness that frightens us, it is our light.
Speaker A:In other words, the infinite power that you have to create, to be a force for good and to add good to the world.
Speaker A:Fear of your light.
Speaker A:So we're going to explore that today and not just talk about it, but as always, my goal, I mean, I'm committed to help 250 million people this year.
Speaker A:And this year's drawing to a close.
Speaker A:And so next year it'll be a different goal, bigger.
Speaker A:I hope to help that many people, to reach them with the books and podcasts and television programs and LA talk radio and songs and all the outreach that I do, coaching and speaking.
Speaker A:I just spoke to a group of 800 a few days ago to reach them with the message.
Speaker A:That the stuff woven in your DNA doesn't have to stay there, that the inner critic doesn't have to win the conversation, that the doubter in you doesn't have to win the day.
Speaker A:That you truly are divine and can create whatever you want, including wealth, influence, impact and all that good stuff that we want.
Speaker A:You can really enjoy a life of purpose, prosperity and joy and whatever your words are.
Speaker A:So reach them with that message and then inspire them to do something with it, to change a little or a lot with knowledge of that message.
Speaker A:And my coaching practice and everything else is to help those who want help making that change.
Speaker A:I needed help, tons of coaches and because that's what helps us get to our top level.
Speaker A:No Olympian, no stage performer, no high level musician ever got to the top without coaching.
Speaker A:So that's why I do what I do and that's why I love it.
Speaker A:So let's talk about, excuse me, let's talk about your light.
Speaker A:Do you know what your light is?
Speaker A:Do you know what your gifts are?
Speaker A:I mean, we have plenty of fear of our weakness.
Speaker A:You know, I'm weak, I'm going to go, I'll tell you what.
Speaker A:I belonged 10 years ago to a mastermind and part of it was physical.
Speaker A:Go to CrossFit and do some stuff.
Speaker A:I wasn't in particularly good shape and I was heavy then, probably 30, 40 pounds overweight, and so I couldn't do any pull ups.
Speaker A:I could do good push ups and some other things, but I couldn't do any pull ups.
Speaker A:And so we divided into teams and there was a thing, you know, go do this, and the team has to complete this many of these things and I couldn't do any pull ups, so my teammates had to suck up the weight and they were able to do it splitting it up among them and you didn't have to be all at once, et cetera, et cetera.
Speaker A:But that didn't stop me from feeling bad about my weakness.
Speaker A:Okay, My failure.
Speaker A:And so we had fear of failure.
Speaker A:How about fear of your light?
Speaker A:Why is it that whoever said it first or many times, that what frightens us most is our light, our strength, our power.
Speaker A:I want you to think about something for a minute.
Speaker A:I've said over and over again that you're a divine being.
Speaker A:Now, you don't have to believe that, but it's true.
Speaker A:So let's go with me here for a minute.
Speaker A:Let's assume that you are created by God, the almighty intelligence, that you were created lovingly, intentionally and purposefully.
Speaker A:Meaning love is the very energy that created you and hold you together.
Speaker A:You were created on purpose, with great intention, and you are blessed, given gifts, talents and a mission and purpose.
Speaker A:Let's just assume that that's true.
Speaker A:Why are we afraid to pursue that?
Speaker A:Maybe it's fear of failure.
Speaker A:Maybe it's fear of being in the spotlight.
Speaker A:Maybe it's fear of being seen.
Speaker A:Maybe it's fear of being exposed as wrong or being laughed at or ridiculed.
Speaker A:Kind of the things that go with fear of public speaking or something like that.
Speaker A:But the truth is you are that being.
Speaker A:You know what another truth is?
Speaker A:Another truth is that you have a yearning.
Speaker A:You have a yearning to add good to the world.
Speaker A:I know that about you or you wouldn't be listening to a podcast about how to create your ultimate life.
Speaker A:You wouldn't be focused on how do I create purpose, prosperity and joy.
Speaker A:Now I know that.
Speaker A:Money.
Speaker A:More money.
Speaker A:Oh, I need more money.
Speaker A:Money, money, money.
Speaker A:Money is a big topic for nearly everyone.
Speaker A:Everyone, not everyone, but most people that come talk about their business.
Speaker A:How to get more clients, how to get conversions, how to make products, how to do better online, how to do social.
Speaker A:I need more clients.
Speaker A:I need money.
Speaker A:I need money.
Speaker A:I need money.
Speaker A:Money is part of the ultimate life.
Speaker A:Prosperity encompasses money in spades.
Speaker A:Here's what I found out in my own journey.
Speaker A:When I focus too heavily on one or the other or without the supporting cast.
Speaker A:It's like having a one man or one woman play when it's supposed to have 20 people in it.
Speaker A:There are one woman or one man plays and they're designed that way, but life isn't like that.
Speaker A:So cash money is important.
Speaker A:But single minded dedication to that is warped and will break you to pieces.
Speaker A:Loneliness, lack of relationships.
Speaker A:Here's what you find.
Speaker A:You get the money, you go pursue it.
Speaker A:How many times have you heard the story?
Speaker A:Either in movies or in books or from people in real life?
Speaker A:You know, I thought when I had all this position in cash, I'd be happy.
Speaker A:And I'm not.
Speaker A:Over and over and over again we hear it.
Speaker A:Okay, so it's absolutely true.
Speaker A:So I know money is important and prosperity is big.
Speaker A:And you know what?
Speaker A:Your light, your gifts and talents are the fastest and best way to get there.
Speaker A:What people gravitate to is download and double click.
Speaker A:Oh, if I just invest in crypto, if I just make this investment, if I do this, then I'll be rich.
Speaker A:Oh, then it'll be taken care of.
Speaker A:Then I'll have the cash.
Speaker A:And we keep looking for the easy way.
Speaker A:Well, there are easier and harder ways to make money.
Speaker A:And some investments are good and some are not.
Speaker A:But that greed or need to do it is what has led to all the Ponzi schemes that have ever been.
Speaker A:The idea that there's some quick fix, quick hit to get it all done without a lot of effort.
Speaker A:There isn't.
Speaker A:And there certainly isn't if you're trying to build a balanced life that's sustainable, that you actually love all the time, every day when you get up.
Speaker A:So here is.
Speaker A:We've talked about the triple helix before.
Speaker A:A combination of the skills you have, whatever they are.
Speaker A:Maybe you're a lawyer, maybe you're a florist, maybe you're a designer, maybe you're an artist.
Speaker A:You have a set of skills that you've developed that you have been selling in the marketplace for a job or as a business for many years.
Speaker A:You also have a set of gifts.
Speaker A:Sometimes your gifts have turned into your work.
Speaker A:Mostly people just develop a skill and sell it, and then they're not happy because they're unfulfilled.
Speaker A:Well, of course, the natural gifts you were given to create your life purpose aren't being used.
Speaker A:Your life experience is designed to be hard, challenging, and smash us all on the face from time to time.
Speaker A:Okay, we can learn from that.
Speaker A:So when we combine our skills, gifts, and the learnings from our life experience, you become unstoppable.
Speaker A:Most people won't do that work.
Speaker A:Sometimes, like when I talk to people, they catch a vision of what they could do.
Speaker A:The light that they have, combination of skills, gifts, life experience.
Speaker A:They catch a vision of that capability.
Speaker A:And sometimes they go, I gotta do that and lean in.
Speaker A:But often it's scary and it feels breathtaking and, oh, no, what if I can't?
Speaker A:What if, whatever, all that kind of stuff.
Speaker A:So I'm gonna give you some hardcore truth.
Speaker A:You can do with it whatever you want.
Speaker A:You deserve to have a life of purpose, prosperity and joy.
Speaker A:There's nothing that can stop you from creating life.
Speaker A:Purpose, prosperity, including cash and absolute joy.
Speaker A:Nothing can stop you from that unless you don't pursue it.
Speaker A:Like, there's a path in front of you with an arrow that says, purpose, prosperity and joy.
Speaker A:Your ultimate light.
Speaker A:There's life.
Speaker A:There's the summit.
Speaker A:27 miles.
Speaker A:Different.
Speaker A:You know how they have ratings on those paths?
Speaker A:Summit trail at the top.
Speaker A:Purpose, Prosperity and joy, 27 miles.
Speaker A:Difficulty.
Speaker A:Extreme dedicated travelers only.
Speaker A:I don't know anybody that's had an easy time getting to that ultimate place.
Speaker A:I do know a lot of people that have gotten there that have said it's worth every effort, every ditch, every bruise, every bump, all of it.
Speaker A:Worth, worth, worth, worth, worth it.
Speaker A:Well, it's not surprising that we yearn to add good to the world.
Speaker A:It's not surprising that every single person I talk to says, you know, I like helping people.
Speaker A:I want to help people.
Speaker A:I love doing that.
Speaker A:We're built that way.
Speaker A:That's why you have the light.
Speaker A:You have now this fear of your light, fear of your power, fear of your ability.
Speaker A:It comes from being beat down and laughed at and blocked and, you know, judged and all the stuff abused and hurt and damaged.
Speaker A:However many times in your life that's happened, that's where that fear comes from.
Speaker A:Maybe sometime you have had that success and you've been held up as an example, and then something happened.
Speaker A:People laughed at you or they turned away or you lost some friends or whatever.
Speaker A:I don't care.
Speaker A:You're designed to be great.
Speaker A:You don't have to go there.
Speaker A:You're designed to be great.
Speaker A:You were given the gifts and talents to be great, to make a big impact.
Speaker A:Now, I've described to you my goal this year, 250 million people to help them understand these truths that we're talking about, understand how fear of your light in this episode gets in the way of your growth and creating your ultimate life.
Speaker A:And then not only to know that, but then to take some action on it and to help those few who say, you know what?
Speaker A:I'm in.
Speaker A:I'm all in.
Speaker A:I'm going, no matter what.
Speaker A:Can you help me?
Speaker A:And that's where clients come from.
Speaker A:They come to me and say, I want that help.
Speaker A:What do I need to do?
Speaker A:Well, we need to dig in and figure out what your gifts, talents are, what you really want to do, what you have to offer the world, and then how to do that so you can create impact and income.
Speaker A:I love doing it.
Speaker A:It's the most fun I've ever had.
Speaker A:And I've had all kinds of executive positions in multiple countries, right?
Speaker A:And none of that was anywhere near as much fun as that I'm having now.
Speaker A:So as you think about this, I want you to understand you're a divine being.
Speaker A:You have gifts and talents.
Speaker A:You were created with love and intention.
Speaker A:That means with a divine origin.
Speaker A:You have this capability now, just like a stalk of wheat has the capability to grow, produce seeds, fertilize more ground, grow, grow, grow, and eventually feed a whole field, feed a whole bunch of People, if the seeds aren't planted and don't get cultivated and there's no water, no sunshine, that capability remains untapped.
Speaker A:Our light in us is capability.
Speaker A:Whether or not it remains untapped or is developed depends on us.
Speaker A:Now sometimes, in fact, I would say probably more often than not, most of the time, the environment we were raised in or the experiences we've had after we left home have sucked.
Speaker A:Maybe you were abused, maybe you were laughed at, maybe you had flawed parenting.
Speaker A:Maybe you were raised in a single family, maybe you were raised by a grandma or uncle.
Speaker A:And so that initial capability was delayed.
Speaker A:Well, that is exactly perfect.
Speaker A:Because your life experience, however tough it has been, strengthens your wheat, your kernel, your ability to grow, if you decide to use it.
Speaker A:Because at the end of the day, turning that capability in you to grow and multiply and feed a whole field.
Speaker A:Again, continuing with the wheat kernel analogy to grow and multiply and then do it again and again until you can feed a whole city, that development depends on you.
Speaker A:And so the fact that you were not nurtured to start with, or that you were a little and then you had these difficulties, maybe someone betrayed you, maybe you were betrayed by a spouse or a business partner, or maybe you were struck with illness and so it was difficult to develop that capability, I agree, I get it.
Speaker A:I share some of those experiences with you.
Speaker A:But the development of your capabilities in your hands, so the fact that somebody or something or environment didn't do it for you is good because it strengthens us and gives us the ability if we want to develop even faster and better, more powerful.
Speaker A:And if you use food, you know, disease resistant strains of food or whatever it is, you become more powerful.
Speaker A:And so think about it this way.
Speaker A:You have a divine origin.
Speaker A:The capability is in you.
Speaker A:And whether, whether the environment was good or others did the right nurturing, I don't even care.
Speaker A:You are where you are today.
Speaker A:The capability is in you.
Speaker A:Some of it is developed, some of it may not yet be.
Speaker A:So here's your invitation.
Speaker A:This is your call.
Speaker A:Answer.
Speaker A:It's time to develop that capability.
Speaker A:Take whatever's been developed, add to it, multiply it.
Speaker A:Let's dig around.
Speaker A:Because you have the ability, the capability to change the world as you create with your infinite possibilities.
Speaker A:So the third word I have divinity, capability, possibility.
Speaker A:Your divinity is a fact.
Speaker A:Your capability is also a fact.
Speaker A:But it may or may not be developed.
Speaker A:And the possibility that you have is to change the world.
Speaker A:Maybe it's 10 people in your neighborhood, maybe it's a million People in your city and maybe it's 8 billion people in the world.
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker A:I'm on my way to as many as I can.
Speaker A:I got a goal, 250 this year.
Speaker A:Last year we reached 75.
Speaker A:I'm going to reach as many as I can with the message, help as many as I can, hear it, and then decide to do it, coach as many as want it to do something with that possibility.
Speaker A:So let's go all the way back to the beginning.
Speaker A:Fear of your light often, and it certainly was true with me, when I thought about the light and even today, think about the light that I have.
Speaker A:I know what it is now, or at least I know a lot of it because I've used it and I've seen it.
Speaker A:I would love to help you find yours.
Speaker A:I get to express my now through podcasts, through speaking, through songs, through book writing.
Speaker A:And that light is to talk about the difficulties, the developmental struggles that I've had, and talk about how to overcome them.
Speaker A:Talking about struggles in terms of blaming or being angry or.
Speaker A:That doesn't serve anyone in terms of acknowledging what you've learned and how to grow and develop from those, that's powerful because that resonates with people's hearts.
Speaker A:And they say, wow, they're just like me.
Speaker A:I can learn something.
Speaker A:I can gather something from this.
Speaker A:So that fear of our light is a fear of being, having the light shined on, a fear of being in the front.
Speaker A:You're called to be a light.
Speaker A:Answer the call.
Speaker A:In that regard.
Speaker A:I have three invitations.
Speaker A:And, you know, if you listen a lot, you know what they are.
Speaker A:Number one, I invite you.
Speaker A:If you're shining your light as best you can right now, if you're using your possible capability and you're adding good to the world, and that's part of or all of your mission in whatever way it is, I want to talk to you.
Speaker A:Please reach out and let's have a conversation and connect.
Speaker A:Why?
Speaker A:I love knowing people that have made the choice to develop their capability and then create the possibility of their lives, to add good to the world, to create purpose, prosperity and joy.
Speaker A:I want to know you because I love surrounding myself and knowing people that do that.
Speaker A:And I know many, many, many met many authors and people that have programs and books.
Speaker A:And they're not all coaches.
Speaker A:Some of them are.
Speaker A:Some of us feel when we develop these things, called to help others, and some do it different ways.
Speaker A:But I want to know you.
Speaker A:So that's the first invitation.
Speaker A:I want to know you.
Speaker A:Second, if you would like to share your story.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:If there's something you want to share about how you did it, what happened, how you've been resilient, overcome those things.
Speaker A:As an example or as an invitation to others, I want to have you as a guest.
Speaker A:I want to have you on this show or LA Talk radio or my television show.
Speaker A:I want.
Speaker A:I want to have you so that you can magnify and amplify your message.
Speaker A:The third thing is if you're looking for help, if you feel like you can't do this, we can't do it alone.
Speaker A:So if you don't have the help you need, let's talk.
Speaker A:Because you need it.
Speaker A:We all do.
Speaker A:Not you.
Speaker A:You're not singled out.
Speaker A:We need the help and encouragement and sometimes external eyes and vision.
Speaker A:Blind spot protection service.
Speaker A:That's the business I'm in.
Speaker A:I love it.
Speaker A:Maybe I'm the right person to help you.
Speaker A:Or not.
Speaker A:But anyway, let's talk and see.
Speaker A:You don't need to stay stuck.
Speaker A:You have every right to create a life of purpose, prosperity and joy.
Speaker A:If you just want to go get it, that's your call.
Speaker A:So if you're living the ultimate life, I want to know you.
Speaker A:If you want to be on a show to share your message or vision, I want to talk.
Speaker A:If you need help, want help, I want to talk because I want to see if I can help you or point you in a direction to someone or something that I know can.
Speaker A:The last thing I would invite you to do is please share this message.
Speaker A:Help me reach my 250.
Speaker A:Help me do that.
Speaker A:You could add good to the world that way.
Speaker A:If this message, invitation and encouragement resonates with you, share it.
Speaker A:Don't be afraid of your light.
Speaker A:You're meant to shine.
Speaker A:You are meant to be bright.
Speaker A:You're meant to light the way.
Speaker A:Don't hide it.
Speaker A:Don't doubt it.
Speaker A:Don't fear it.
Speaker A:Use that light to bless others and create your ultimate life.
Speaker A:Never hold back and you'll never ask why.
Speaker A:Open your heart.
Speaker A:And this time around, right here, right now, your opportunity for massive growth is right in front of you.
Speaker A:Every episode gives you practical tips and practices that will change everything.
Speaker A:If you want to know more, go to kellenflukegermedia.com if you want more free tools, go here.
Speaker A:Your ultimate life Ca Subscribe Share.