Artwork for podcast Burnout To All Out Podcast
159: Discover Yourself And Find New Joy In Your Business
Episode 15931st October 2023 • Burnout To All Out Podcast • Melissa Henault
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Are you always looking outside yourself for answers? Do you find yourself constantly chasing the “perfect” shiny object that will steer your business toward success?

In this enlightened episode, Melissa welcomes Sound Healer & Spiritual Coach, Samantha Harper. These two trailblazing women explore the intersection between spirituality and intuition in business. Their deep insights can help you shape a more fulfilling and thriving entrepreneurial journey.

If you’re struggling to understand who you are or are searching for your purpose, you’re not alone. This is a can’t-miss conversation.

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • coaching
  • spiritual mentor
  • intuition
  • inner knowing
  • personal growth
  • entrepreneurs
  • self-discovery
  • inner child healing
  • spirituality
  • inner confidence
  • business coach
  • self-trust
  • create space
  • meditation
  • spiritual awakening
  • impact
  • life purpose
  • personal development
  • energetics
  • LinkedIn


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BOTAO Ep 159



And if you came to my live event, let me just start by saying that Sam, a little bit of a back background around you. , you're a former therapist, you're an executive coach. You're also a sound healer. and the co founder of portal AZ, which is a wellness studio. So you've had a really interesting journey.

onnected, but it is all very [:

So yeah, it's fun space to be in. Totally. And that I want to dive right in. So let's talk about, I actually don't think that your path is a hodgepodge. I, and you probably believe this too. It actually all had purpose for how you support leaders. Now I want to jump right into intuition, , because that is something that you've really helped me with.

This year, intuition and inner knowing as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, I believe it's kind of become a lost art and a lost practice.

, and you're really bringing that back to light, especially for me and folks that I know that are following you. , can we talk a little bit about intuition and inner knowing and maybe.

of time where structure and [:

And. Anything outside of that box outside of that scope was a no, no, because here's the formula that works. And then as we evolve , and businesses grow and we evolve as humans, that formula wasn't working as much. And then, , leaders were saying like, I don't understand why there's a disconnect. I don't know what's going on.

And we can get more into like what happened during COVID too, but there was a need for more authentic Representation of how leaders showed up in that's where now it's like really starting to boom and all of the top leaders that I know are doing the inner work first , and because of that, their markets are skyrocketing.

Like, maybe you're a little [:

Ability to have clear conscious decisions, not emotional decisions. So it's not what people think. A hundred percent. And like, let's go down on this rabbit hole, because I think that one of the things that you really taught me this year is to slow down. And one of the things we started from day one working together was you encouraging me and mentoring me through a daily practice to just slow down and go within and learn to literally listen to my own body's cues, listen to my inner knowing.

ce that I'm making the right [:

And I feel like that especially in the world of online entrepreneurship, you know, I'm an online, business coach who coaches and mentors entrepreneurs. And I've been caught in this too, where we're constantly grasping for more gurus to teach us more business tactics or like , the shiny object of like how things are going to change in our business and looking for external validation for decisions.

thin for your inner guidance [:

And, , every business strategy on the planet. They work for certain people. Right. But I feel that in entrepreneurship right now, in the coaching space, it's flooded with people looking for the next shiny object to fix their business, scale their business. When you're teaching people how to actually go within as their own inner guru.

. Yes. Yes. The whole point of working with me is to get to a point where you don't have to work with me anymore . So, you know, relieving this like codependent behavior or like this idea that somebody else has better answers than you do, but we have to have the guidance of how to understand what our body is telling us, how to understand what that inner journey looks like.

t easier going internal than [:

, and that really is just not trusting yourself and thinking, well, somebody else knows better than I do, but when it's your vision and it's your dream and it's your business, nobody else has the answer than you. Yes. Yes. So true. And then even when we take it another step , I feel like there's so much noise around us.

So he's coming at us that we don't even know, like, what is our idea? What is our intuition? And what was someone else's, unless we began some type of daily practice, creating that space, . Do you have any suggestions for folks as they're listening? I know. I was one of them, , on a hamster wheel, whether you're in corporate right now trying to get out, or you're an entrepreneur who's traded your nine to five for your five to nine, and you feel like you have no time and you're grasping at straws for the next strategy.

, can you [:

There's moving meditation, which can be a walk around the block. So take 10 minutes, walk around the block. If you don't have a block to walk around, pacing your front. Room or your front yard, whatever you have . But what this does is it signals bilateral brain stimulation. So it helps both hemispheres of the brain fire off.

e forms. So it all starts to [:

So don't anticipate in those , two weeks that you're going to have these aha moments and everything is going to come to you like this huge revelation. Maybe it will and awesome. I hope that it does, but also be really, really patient in the process, right? You learned a system over years. You have to unlearn the system and do rewiring, and that's what the brain stimulation does.

can guarantee you science is [:

I'm doing it wrong. I can't sit in silence. Don't worry. Not a lot of people can. So you can do either by neural beats. That's also help the bilateral brain stimulation, or you can do frequencies. The frequencies will help stimulate the body to be open to receiving and be receptive to those new neural pathways.

Hmm. So good. I love the little science drops laugh laugh laugh you need science here because that's how people like grab it. You're like, Oh, okay . So it's not just all stardust and fair 100%. I mean, that is what actually got me into speaking of meditation in the first place was actually studying the science behind neuro reprogramming. And then I was like, Oh wait, there's an actual science to changing the way I think.

ith my source, my God, which [:

And I, this may rub some people the wrong way, but that's fine. This is my podcast. So, , one of the things for me growing up as a female in Christianity, I think there was always like a little bit of something missing for me. The missing link, , was that everything was kind of from a male perspective, right?

So, all the books in the Bible were written by a man, right? Like Jesus is a and God was a, he, and It was also impressed upon me that it was very, , authoritative, punishing if you step the wrong way and that there was this power over me that I was asking for, , blessings .

ry Magdalene. , . And really [:

And it was like this new version of where God isn't just up and out there. God is actually within me. And I actually have a direct portal. If I make time and space to have that communication, , that I don't have to wait to show up to a church or be blessed by, , a priest or whatnot. Like , God is within me.

And I think. Realizing that, and then working with you this past year has created a ripple effect in. Lack of a better term, a feeling of safety, , like in connection in a way that I have this direct line. Does that make sense? It makes so much sense. And I think that it's so interesting that the journey of spirituality and having this awakening, so a lot of people come from a more structured religious background.

either leave the church or. [:

It was incredible about kind of this battle of. If I go down the spiritual road, does that mean everything that I've done? I'm betraying that. And no, in fact, and I can speak to this. I'm sure that you can too, in my spiritual journey, I've become closer to God than I ever have under a roof of, I call it the big C church.

is that there is no filter. [:

In every moment guiding you and so it's, not some esoteric, , just being out there. Yes. Maybe we talk about it a little bit different, but who cares about the language? It's the relationship. Yes, and that's what's , the beautiful thing there. And so, so many people that I know who've gone down this spiritual road are actually more divinely connected to God.

Absolutely. And , couldn't agree more like a hundred percent, I feel like, especially even coming back from Bali and really being my first time, really submerging myself in a culture that has a radically different religion yet is so similar, right? Like seeing how they worship, how they connect to their God and it being .

then it was intertwined with [:

, but I want to talk about. , this journey of spirituality for me has also kind of back to the executive coaching. I love how we can just like weave all of this in back and forth is impact, so? So I felt a little bit lost in kind of direction earlier this year, , with like my next step, because it was kind of like, well, I set these goals and then I hit them last year and it was like, okay, cool.

But like, I'm an Enneagram eight, just like you. So it's like, where do I go next? Like feeling a little floundering. And you teaching me how to tap in spiritually on a daily basis. I literally do it for 15 minutes every morning, , has given me this direct divine guidance and focus on impact and purpose.

alk a little bit about this? [:

So can you speak to that? Yeah. So, , you go to any networking event and people say, hi, I'm so and so who are you? And you say your name and then you list off all of the letters behind your name and all of the titles and you do your resume, right? And it's been a while now since I've done that. And when people ask me now, well, who are you?

these other titles, sure, , [:

That's right. Yes. So that, the title can change, the title doesn't matter, but the title does help with getting people through the door, right? So we're not saying that the title is bad , and we're not saying that not having a title is bad either. But the title is honestly just a vessel and so it really is about how you're able to make the most impact and Like to your point like we can have I have a bunch of letters behind my name I don't ever say that anymore unless I'm in a room where that's going to be the thing that people trust To have the conversation open.

e more closed off had it not [:

. , so , we get to play with all of it. Really? It's about how can we have the conversation that's going to open this up for more people to come in and see the light, see the truth and be able to live and really be embodied in the steps of their purpose. Yes. So good. , and again, I find it really interesting.

I had this conversation with a friend this morning. Have you read the book by Tim Ferriss, the four hour work week? Yes, of course. Yes. So it's like the first book I read when I was in corporate trying to get out, , And build another business. And I thought it was really fascinating. He made a very similar point from a little bit more of a, , not as quite the spiritual angle, but that.

Western, society identifies themselves by their careers. There is an ego attached to your title when in reality, that's not who we are. . . And when you help me unpack and get slow down and get really deep this year with like. What is my purpose? Who the hell am I?


Right. And my vehicle just happens to be attached. To business, like I get to teach people how to do this through their vehicle, their portal for income, but creating that desired, purposeful, joyful life. It's like, I'm not really a business coach. I am, but I'm not. Right. And so you've really helped me for those of you guys who listen to my podcast, just last week, I talked about how we closed our mastermind in 40 minutes from stage.

he live event, because I had [:

And, , every time I went to focus on, okay, at some point one stage, I'm going to have to pitch and sell something. . Energetically, , you've taught me to like, listen to my body And it was feeling,, almost nauseating. , it wasn't feeling good.

And you've taught me to listen to my body and do that daily practice. And what came through from your teaching was focus on impact. Don't focus on the sale. Right. Thank you. Thank you. Focus on the impact and everyone around me, and I love everyone around me and my team, but everybody's like, where's the sales deck?

What are we pitching? How much does it cost? Blah, blah, blah, blah. And that's all the external forces coming at me. But I've spent six months with you learning how to slow down. Yes. Let me get grounded. Let me listen to , what I'm feeling my soul is feeling and what my source is telling me I need to do because things don't feel right here.

is is such a beautiful point [:

Like I'm going to want to give you my credit card, right? Like if you've done it, you know, if , and what we were talking about was yes, obviously have the thing that people can join into, right? We need that. Cause that's part of the business. Right. And spirituality means you can be successful.

They're not separate. but what a lot of people are missing on stage is the authentic presence of who they are. And so people are going to want to buy your programs because they love you because they love the way that you show up. They're not going to buy it because your numbers are lower than the last person or your numbers are higher than the person they're going to see next.

numbers honestly don't even [:

If people can feel you, they're going to want more of you, but you need to be open enough for people to have access to that. That means you need to be true, authentic, and vulnerable. And that was the thing that in my practice that you mentored me on, like every day leading up to the live event, the words were tell your story.

nd actually feeling the most [:

, and so I, thank you. For all the work that you've been doing with me to help me get to that place. My honor and pleasure, honestly, like, it's such a dream to be able to do this work. It's so amazing. So thank you. , well, okay, so another thing I want to talk about again, decision making, right?

So we talked about decision making with my live event, but another place that you've really helped me listen to my body is around people management. In my team, ? and, , there was a couple of months leading up to my live event, actually, where I was having a disastrous time with an event planner, and it was causing me a lot of.

tuition. Then I have through [:

Like literally you and I had the coaching call and , you sense the energy in my body. Right. And we had the dialogue and it was like, listen to your gut. What is your gut telling you? And historically I would sit on my gut and doubt my gut and doubt the decision and ride. Ride out the discontent with that person, right?

For way too long. Can you speak to how you're helping not only me, but other executives, like, how are you helping folks lean into that gut? Inner knowing intuition and being confident with making decisions because it was the best thing I could have done. Like it was literally within 12 minutes of getting off the call with you.

I was like fired and it was the best thing I could have done like looking back, but had I not been taught the practice of trusting my gut and just taking that radical action, it never would have happened. So can you speak to that? Yeah. I do this with. Almost all of my clients. There's usually something.

There's usually a pain [:

So you'll just keep the sore thing in the side for much longer than it needs to. So, I mean, with you, I instantly knew there was something going on and that comes from my intuition. So I'm deeply psychic and intuitive, and so I can pick up on these energies, but to guide you, I could have told you . Exactly who and what and how to get rid of it, but I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't walk you through you making that decision and that choice by listening to what was happening.

d. On the back door and just [:

And then, , they're like, oh, maybe look in that corner of the eye. It's like the golden egg. Right. Like walking through energetically how to find that breadcrumb, how to find that seed of like, Oh, this is it right here. And then also, , top leaders, we need to think fast, we need to act fast and we need to move past, right?

So it's listening to the gut as fast and as clear as possible, but that means you need to clear energy. And so that's where a lot of my work comes in is how to clear energy, how to understand your body's language. We've talked about this a little bit here, but like, really interpreting the language in which your body speaks to you.

language. So we learn how to [:

There's always going to be a moment and people say, Oh, the universe is testing you. No, the universe is giving you an opportunity. To trust yourself and build confidence in your internal guidance. So I don't ever think it's a test. I think it's an opportunity to be like, oh, okay, I do have the answers within me.

And that's what we did with you is we found what that looked like, and then you had to do the part of trusting it. Right. And what came out of that was a beautiful, seamless event, and you were feeling grounded and supported and loved and not stressed. Yes, totally. And it was like I had to do the uncomfortable thing to get to a more comfortable state.

here's like a truth when you [:

What your gut is telling you. Oh, totally. I know the team for a little while. I was like, look out because afterwards I ended up firing one person and then another person, and I was like, Hey, I'm getting good at this

To that point too, and I think that this is important to point out, is that by firing people , it's not just benefiting you and your team. Yes. And I love your angle on this. . It's benefiting them. , I say it's medicine both ways. Yes.

Right. It's, they need to be released to go find what isn't a limit for them too. And yes, that hurts. We've all been through a moment where something didn't go right for us and we kind of had to find our way through the dark forest. Right. Sometimes you need to be pushed off the ledge. That's right. And I remember you positioning that to me that way, you were like, you're by not having this conversation and by not.

, relieving her, [:

Right. And the more I tap into my own spiritual journey and tapping into some modalities like hypnobreath work, I didn't realize the energy transfer that would happen to me by holding space. I remember conducting my first hypnobreath work for a couple hundred people and afterwards feeling just. White.

to the live event, you need [:

People are trying to get to their flights and just awareness of. What am I holding and what am I holding that someone else is and how do I move it through? Can you talk a little bit about that for folks who are listening who are, , in some of the same, , pockets as I am and some of this stuff.

Yes, I was just having this conversation yesterday about it's easier to talk to 10, 000 people than it is to talk to 10 people. And some people might argue that. But when you talk to 10, 000 people, it's 1 conversation. It's 1 output. When you're talking to 10, it's all of these micro. nuances of dynamics and personalities and energies, right?

for people. So you manifest [:

But if you're not energetically strong enough or resilient enough, you're gonna fumble the ball, you're gonna drop it. You're either gonna lose it all, or you're gonna not steward it well, or you're not, , it's not gonna be well managed. And then you're gonna be like, I just got all the things I asked for.

Why couldn't I keep it? It's because your energy wasn't prepared to hold that space, right? And so whether it be with finances or with people, it's all energy. . So you have to have your energy in your body and your space so sacred and so protected that nobody else's chaotic energy, anxious energy, any of that is going to deflect and get you off kilter.

ut it's about holding space, [:

Right. You're not going to bench a hundred and then jump up to one fifty. You're going to put smaller increments on at a time to be able to regulate that growth. So you have to be able to regulate your energetic growth as well. . So good. And I know when I traveled, , even for me, When I went to Nashville and I was in a hotel with by myself, I even brought some sage just, , to kind of neutralize the energy in my room.

age and palo santo are great [:

So, that's like the 1st layer of cleanse the external and then we've got several different crystals that you can use. I grid my whole entire body when I'm traveling. So, I have selenite, like, stuck in my bra. I've got black tourmaline in my pockets. I've got amethyst. I wear a smoky quartz, huge necklace, and all of these crystals hold frequency.

And so they're going to help protect against negative energy. It's going to cleanse energy. Smoky quartz is great for grounding. Black tourmaline is perfect for Bouncing off negative energy and negative psychic attacks. So like noise, right? Negative feedback news, all of that. It's going to help dysregulate that from your system.

rotect you. And then there's [:

And the thing is, she was like, maybe some people will think you look funny or weird. Good. Yeah. You don't want to be around me. Right. Well, and this is, , and I was one of those judgy judges and people probably three or four years ago on my, like maybe six years ago, my corporate suit on a plane judging people who are dressed like that.

But then I came to the realization, it was a number of different things. Number one, like, We come from the earth. We return to the earth. We are earth energetically. And, all the like man made stuff that I'm touching and that I'm around is like, not what I came from. And it's not what I'm going to return to.

ike that's a real thing. And [:

Rub our bodies with sticks and earth. And because part of it was like, as humans, we've become so aseptic to being in contact with earth itself, , and this is, we can kind of segue into frequencies here in a second, but that was kind of my gateway and segue into understanding and studying more around crystals, , and the power of them and the science of them.

And so I have a bunch of these now too. And I like travel around with them, , especially as like a coach where, I mean , in any role, but I feel like if we're on a daily basis, having constant dialogue with other people and it's an energetic exchange, it's a currency exchange energetically.

he same for anybody watching [:

Like , you're bringing in and you're holding. So, but let's talk about, , okay, two more things before we get in the resonance. , I wanted to ask you post live event. You, , have a ritual that you do after you hold space for a lot of people. If you guys don't know, Sam conducted , a multiple phenomenal sound bowl sessions and one in collaboration with Francesca.

try, how do you get yourself [:

It's a lot. , I take my rituals very seriously and I don't miss them because this is my life's work. This is my life path. And so it is, really important for me. So things that I do that are super helpful. So if I've been in. Speaking an event or a big sound bowl session, I tend to run very hot because there's so much energy running through me.

So the day after I returned home from Nashville, I went to this local place called Optimize and it's like a biohacking wellness center essentially. So I did the sauna. I did compression on my legs. I did red light therapy, and then I jumped into the cold plunge and I cycle through that enough times until my body feels regulated again until My body temperature has regulated.

ine for that. , and then the [:

I drink so much water. It's not even funny. And then , I'm on like a... I'm titrating off of caffeine. So not going into caffeine, not going into stimulants. So anything that's going to stimulate me, whether that be caffeine or social media or TV or anything like that, like I don't participate in that for a few days after an event.

And even before events too, I like to give myself. clarity in my vessel to be able to show up very grounded and clear. , but it's so necessary for me , to do those rituals so that I can come back whole and complete into my energy. Yes, I love all of this. And I think that that's kind of to tie a bow in this is just the awareness.

ergy that you're putting out [:

as it pertains to sound healing. , one of the ways that the, how you and I came to be was I sat through one of your sound healing sessions, , and then brought you out to my mastermind event where you facilitated one for my clients. Can you speak a little bit to the science behind, , sound healing and the resonance of the crystals in the bowls and what it does for us as humans?

Yes. So I play with an octave. , and they're each connected. Each sound bowl is crystal sound bowls, crystal courts. So it already has frequency attached to it, but then in the form, the density, the thickness all hold different frequencies connected to the chakras of the body, the energetic portals and openings of the body.

So I've got the [:

The tuning fork is going to have its pure frequency, and then you tune the piano to the tuning fork. So the bowls are essentially the tuning fork for our bodies. So the bowl is going to be resonating, and our bodies will attune to that same frequency. Now when we are out of alignment, our frequencies are kind of all over the place.

nd yes, this all sounds very [:

This is . Connected to quantum physics So there's the Hawkins scale of frequency and . It shows the spiral effect of frequency and frequency. the levels of frequency and how they're connected to different emotions.

And so when we're vibrating very low, it's going to be connected to fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, all of that. And we're wanting to raise that frequency up to higher levels where we get to empathy and love and joy and peace and tranquility. And that's what the balls help. You do, and all of this is measured.

You can do science experiments with this. And then there is cymatics, which is the visual representation of sound and you'll have like a plate with water on it and a. A sound bowl or frequency playing next to it and you can see the sacred geometry, these different forms in the water.

Well, [:

So there is an element of surrender there, but really, you can just lay down and allow the sound to wash over your body and that's all you need to do. It's not like meditation. It's not like hypno breathwork or somatic breathwork or any of these other modalities that you have to put in a lot of effort and work.

tice of receiving that's not [:

think or breathe your way into, which I just love. And I think that one of the things I've had Sam do now three times, actually , cause at our VIP event and at our live event, general session is to do the sound bowls at the end of the day, where they can, , our attendees can really integrate and just kind of process.

, All that they've brought in, , that day, but also , like you said, kind of get in tune. , , and , literally we could do a whole nother podcast on this, but I love your analogy around the water. And if you see a bowl underwater, like you can see , movement, right.

, that literal wave in the air is in your, like your body is made of like 99 percent water. Right. So. And have you been to the pyramids of Chi or heard of the pyramids of Chi and Bali? I've heard, I haven't been. I need to go. Yeah. So they had us like lay in waterbeds and then there was sound and the whole bed was like vibrating.

That's amazing. I need [:

xt for Sam? Like what's up in:

So, the speed in which that's growing is phenomenal. And then I have , my 3rd round of rise starting in January. Which is what you're in rise my spiritual mentorship program and it is a spiritual mentorship program, but it's also to your point is there's it's so individualized for each person that you get the executive component.

mind body spirit component, [:

ppen, but a book is coming in:

re on Instagram is where I'm [:

It's Sam underscore E underscore pants, Sammy pants. And then I have a podcast also called the frequency of me. So you can hear updates there, but Instagram and my website are the easiest places to find me. And I'm so excited to be even more connected to your community. You have the most amazing community ever.

So thank you for bringing me in. Oh, thank you. Well, speaking of that, as a matter of fact, Sam and I are collaborating a little bit next year. For those of you guys who've heard about the modern entrepreneur, Sam is going to come in as a guest, , speaker and do , some work with you guys in the spirituality realm and even in the sound realm.

So we're really excited to collaborate on that next year. , so stay tuned for that. And also just a surprise, Sam. Those of you watching on LinkedIn, I'm telling her that she needs to be over on LinkedIn. We are making waves over on LinkedIn because bodies build businesses.

, we're [:

So go find Sam Harper, send her a message. , anything else before we wrap up? This has been so much fun. This has been so much fun and I'd actually love to hear, and I think it's a benefit for me and for all the people listening to is what has been your biggest aha moment in the time that we've worked together.

hat probably the biggest one [:

And then I was kind of like towing , and dipping my toe back in. , and you helped me. The biggest aha that you've brought to me is literally 10 to 15 minutes a day of just being still, not just still without prompts. Cause you hit on that earlier, but being still and asking, pointed questions for direction, , in being still and having that slow time in the morning to process has changed my life.

ion, connect with my source, [:

I think that's my biggest aha. That is so powerful. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah. It's all about coming back home to you, right? Going back home to you so that you can go do the magic that you're meant to do. Oh, I love that. Thank you so much. Thank you. I love you. Yes. So much fun. Will you guys go check out Sam?

Whether you watch the replay, you listen to the podcast or you're watching us live over on LinkedIn, go connect with her. She's got some phenomenal content. , and thank you so much for showing up today, Sam. I really appreciate it. Thank you. More to come.




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