Artwork for podcast Severn Vineyard's All You Can Eat Buffet
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 7 - Jesus brings hope: feeding the 5,000
27th February 2022 • Severn Vineyard's All You Can Eat Buffet • Severn Vineyard
00:00:00 00:19:47

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How can we find hope in difficult situations? Can we even be empowered to bring hope to others? Claire Lynch looks at how Jesus empowered his followers to feed an incredible number of people in a famous story, the only miracle (apart from his resurrection) which features in every gospel account of Jesus’ life. When we feel stuck, what happened here can provide a pattern for a breakthrough - it begins in the heart of Jesus, requires our participation and takes trust. Could we end up well fed when we start with thanking God for whatever we have?



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