Artwork for podcast Change Your Story, Change Your Life
211: Who Writes Your Story?
26th June 2019 • Change Your Story, Change Your Life • Louis Di Bianco
00:00:00 00:22:28

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Is your life based on lies, made-up stories, or noble beliefs? What if they are all the same thing? Then, the important question becomes, “Who writes your story?”

This episode explore the idea that we all need stories to motivate and inspire our lives, and that all our beliefs serve to keep us in the game of living. But, make no mistake about it; all beliefs are constructs. They are made up.

Most of us grew up with strong beliefs about the importance of formal education. The story goes that education defines intelligence, it bestows respect, and it opens the doors to success and happiness.

That education story is coming apart quickly in our world. Look around you, and you will find many happy highly successful people who do not have much, if any, formal education.

My perception is that the education story is designed to do three things:

  • prepare you to think and live as an employee
  • conditions you to seek external approval for your life choices
  • define who is intelligent and who is not

More and more people are discovering that letters after a person’s name and certificates from institutions of higher learning do not determine intelligence.

I encourage you in this episode to summon the courage to write your own story, the one that beats in your heart, the one that makes you feel alive. That is the only story worth living.

You’ll learn about a fascinating contemporary success story that flies in the face of all the things you’ve been taught about how to achieve great success.

The name of the game for growth, happiness, independence, and true success today is value creation for the marketplace. You don’t need formal education for that.



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