If you believe in a divine purpose, then get ready for an important show.
The Daniel Fast is a scripture-based program that chronicles the story of Daniel from the Old Testament who “refused to eat the King’s Diet” of rich and indulgent food. Instead, in order to stay strong in body and mind, he subsisted and thrived on vegetables and water - or what we may refer to these days as a whole food, plant-based diet.
Today, modern-day Daniel Fasts are conducted all over the world and that’s what brought my two guests together.
Gigi Carter and Sersie Blue know the best way to live out their divine purpose with excellence is to be healthy and also help others who are on their own journeys.
Their first book, Daniel Fast - Why You Should Only Do It Once hits bookshelves everywhere on September 8th, and we're lucky enough to hear how they were called to eat the foods that serve their divine purpose - plants, of course!
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