Join Tiffany as she sits down with Chisa Pennix-Brown recording live in Podbiz Studios. They talk about everything from COVID-19, Amazon, money failures, and early money lessons. Be prepared to laugh because this episode is pure comedy! Catch these gems!
About Our Guest
With over 18 years of experience in business coaching, community outreach, and social media insight, Chisa Pennix-Brown has transformed her love of learning into Lady Bizness She is the #1 Small Business Facilitator in North Carolina and she continues to foster environments for small business development, community partnerships, business growth, and events for Entrepreneurs throughout the state. Her most notable accomplishment is opening Pod Biz Studios, the first Black Woman-Owned Podcast Studio in North Carolina. Chisa is also the author of The 90 Day Focus: Your Action Plan for Success, a book that helps to transform your mindset towards prioritization and goal setting to help you complete your passion project. She has also founded a 501c3 nonprofit women's organization, called Real Glow Getters to help women start, stay and slay in business. She thrives around women who aren't afraid to shine but thrive on sharing their #GlowUp with others. She can always be found Giving it to the People!
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