Artwork for podcast Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All
Good Memories can be your secret tonic
12th November 2018 • Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All • Elaine Lindsay
00:00:00 00:11:42

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In this episode I talk about using your good memories to help you stay positive. To help craft your reality, to mold your choices, to decide on your outlook. You can only change you. You and your perception can be molded to choose a more positive outlook. Start with even one good memory and like beads struck together to make a necklace, you can make a virtual string of memory beads, to pull out and savour in times of need. A useful little tool to have in your life toolbox and of course as always.. Keep breathing! Elaine




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