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Podcast# 239 Ernest Truth: What is it you Need and Want to Know, to Help you With Life?
Episode 23921st July 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:34:03

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Welcome to Ernest Truth: Your Safe Space for Open Dialogue

Hello everyone, welcome to episode number 239 of our podcast, titled "Ernest Truth". Today, I aim to address any questions or information you may need to improve your life. I've noticed that I often receive indirect inquiries, possibly because of concerns regarding privacy and security. It seems that many people are worried about surveillance and government control, often referred to as the Big Brother phenomenon.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

I want to assure you that my podcast is not bound by the same legal restrictions as those in the Americas, as it is not based there. In fact, my servers are located in the Virgin Islands, ensuring that you can freely express your thoughts without fearing any consequences.

No Third-Party Advertising or Tracking

Additionally, I want to emphasize that I do not engage in third-party advertising, nor do I participate in sales marketing or tracking activities. This is a space free from the intrusive eyes of advertisers and marketers, a space where your privacy is respected.

Encouraging Open Dialogue

How can I create an environment where my listeners feel comfortable and empowered to ask straightforward and uncomplicated questions about any topic they are curious about? I am aware that the present era can be intimidating, but my goal is to make a positive impact on people's lives.

Learning from the Past

Having grown up in Russia under a regime that limited open communication, I am determined to avoid replicating that experience for my audience. It is vital for me that you feel unrestricted in expressing your thoughts.

Focusing on Practical Issues

My primary focus is on practical and essential issues, such as finding ways to enhance our lives in the current social and economic climate. I consider myself a pragmatic individual who values examining and understanding the reality of our circumstances.

Understanding Our Current State

As a concerned citizen, I am committed to facilitating open and honest communication to shed light on the reasons behind the current state of our country. I am not a politician, but I genuinely want to help improve our nation.

Your Input Matters

In that spirit, I invite you to share your questions and concerns with me. You can visit my website, the, where you can leave a comment, subscribe, or even enable notifications. I value your input and believe that by addressing your inquiries, we can work towards a better future.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Remember, actions speak louder than words, and I am dedicated to fostering a constructive dialogue. Until next time, this is Ernest man reminding you that there are no bad words, just bad actions.

Please go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



hello everyone thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 239 Ernest truth what is it you need and want to know to help you with your life what I would like to know as I'm talking to you is what it is you want but something that I have noticed is that for several possible reasons I don't get that direct question very often and there could be several reasons for this and so for that reason alone I thought I would share with you some information that might help you to do just that


to let me know exactly what it is you're interested in or that you may want so that I in turn can talk about this on the air one thing is clear I have gotten a message from people that have sent me messages repeatedly that they are concerned about security in other words there's a whole lot that they want to talk about they are really concerned about prop you know mainly Big Brother big brother is their primary concern now I could go into an entire disc course about the relative merits of just that situation existing as it is alone just


e any concerns about you know:


so just just you know give it a a look look it up and that will tell you what you need to know as far as that's concerned so that is the reason for instance I don't accept any third-party advertising on my broadcast not to mention the fact that I think it's just really annoying [ __ ] and it's ultimately really disingenuous it isn't just that but it's the sales marketing or tracking that goes along with it so I wanted to make it emphatically clear just so you know that I don't participate in any of that


[ __ ] at all my servers and the way that I have set everything up here at the Ernest Man Show is that they are far offshore and they are not under the legal constraints that is well pretty prominent in the non you know 14 eyes of what is being observed or observable through podcast or any other kind of media um I'm not a part of that and I am not part of their laws that have to be obeyed in any way um all of my servers everything are set up in the Virgin Islands and so when I say to you as possibly one of the last vestiges of


free thought you can say whatever the hell you want and you don't have to worry about you know the police cyborgs knocking down your door three days later I didn't want to have a podcast that was like that that is something that is the complete antithesis of what I wanted to do I wanted to have something where people could honestly speak their mind and not have to worry about that kind of nonsense so that puts me in the difficult position that you'll notice uh other than a little bit of self-promoting that I do


which is just for your support of the station which also it's not patreon it's not any of the Big Wigs or whatnot it is different sources that are free and clear and to try to keep this as you know worry-free as possible on your end um kind of like the same thing I don't know that a luminaries for broadcasting in the past like Art Bell had uh set up many years ago so I've followed in that and that is the reason why you don't have the silly advertising promos for third-party people and I'm not going to have that


I save you of that and I save you of the tracking so there is no tracking there is no tracking at least absolutely to the best of my knowledge and ability and therefore you can say whatever the hell you like and that is what makes my show unique um because to my knowledge actually the vast majority of and this is a this is a fact sorry but it is the vast majority of podcasters have that nonsense in their podcast at one point or another they're connected with patreon accounts and you know so just like me they're asking for money you're


begging for money but their whole setup is entirely different than my own so just you know that part in and of itself is something that I wanted to let you know because if in the past somehow if I haven't made that clear that's what I wanted to make clear so um I could you know I could use this um and just talk about this for let's say the next 30 minutes but I don't want to do that I just wanted to get that out there first and foremost because I'm not hearing from you as far as what it is you want just what I want


is a direct question in simple language whatever it whatever it may be job career buying house buying a car should I do this should I do that but just simple direct questions and that's what I'll try to the best of my ability to send to you and to put it out there to help you but in order to do that I need those questions sent directly I don't know I don't know how to say the damn thing any simpler than that that's it tell me what the hell you want and um yeah it can be frustrating but you know


um I understand that there right now especially the times that's code speak there the times in which we live everybody's afraid of everything and Hell come on that's the way to live at least that's my attitude if we're going to get past this nonsense and get back to some relative normalcy then we have to recognize that and yeah you're gonna have to trust and so all I can tell you is that from day one that has been the stance that I've had with my program and that's the stance that I will


continue to stand by so bearing that in mind [Laughter] bearing that in mind I expect I'm hoping and praying please will they come out of the cracks and crevices I don't give a damn what you say or ask for I don't care how you may think it's crazy to ask such a simple straightforward question about just about anything they wanted you to know that in that respect I'm um what would be the word you could say I'm very libertarian as far as that's concerned and uh I wholeheartedly believe in your


right to be able to ask anything and that's I mean that's what this is about in other words the more I help you and another and another and another to improve their lives well guess what the whole lot of lives get improved and that little corner of the world gets improved and you it's you know it's a domino effect and you take it from there but um I grew up showing My Age Again I grew up under uh the stalinistic mode of communication in Russia and it is not good and if you actually talk to anyone who


is for instance Russian or who lived under the tyranny of the various satellite States that were created from the old Soviet Union yeah they'll they can speak at length about this [ __ ] and you know turning entire populations um essentially paranoid and this what was the Soviet Union or Russia and you see how well that's gone all the way up to the present you cannot have a society full of paranoids you can't have that all you'll end up with is chaos you end up with chaos and craziness and frankly a whole lot of um


dysfunctionality that um doesn't benefit anyone so I feel as though that after such a long time that I need to reiterate yet again and I'm spending a good at least half of my time to explain this to you I don't want you to be afraid I don't want you to be afraid to speak your mind to speak your piece and you do not have to curtail your language for instance as an example if you don't like what I'm saying about any given topic or subject and you were to say to me Ernest I think you're a complete idiot


and you're you're just an absolute idiot or [ __ ] or what have you and I just hate you and I I can't stand any position or anything that you have to say I'm like okay you're for you're you know you're allowed to say that that is freedom you know um if on the other hand for instance if you are a bit on the crazy side or a woke person and you start saying that I am a demon incited by the devil and I'm one of his devil demons that just wants to you know propagate evil onto the planet or to the general


population well then you know accordingly then I'll say well okay uh I think you're you know a bit um you know a bit crazy yourself and we move on with things because I'm entitled to my opinion as well but actually what I'm more concerned with actually is what I call bread and butter issues like how am I going to improve my life in the current climate in which this country is currently living under and I'm talking about now this this may really surprise you just hold on but we are dealing with realized


socialism now I hope that didn't cause too much of a mental break there because a knee-jerk reaction to people who don't know what I'm discussing here in detail um they'll just say oh oh yeah okay you know typical conservative fascist and he's a fascist or a conservative and I vehemently say no I'm not what I am and I unapologetically say this is that I'm a realist and a realist examines well what is real and what is taking place at any time and if you ever wanted to see the results of


what could be referred to as the nanny state well this is where we are that that is the kind of thinking and that is the kind of talk exactly that I am referring to the fact that there are so many people that instantaneously make the Judgment call of what I am and then they instantly you know turn the dialer back off and back away yeah he's just some right-wing you know uh you know wannabe hack he wants to be I don't know Tucker Carlson whom I actually cannot stand at all whatsoever uh no no not at Tucker Carlson


and not a Fox News guy and but none of that because you see they have uh the Paris that be they have the uh supposedly ideological opposite of that so if you're looking for instance and you know this you know what I'm saying if you have Fox well then you have big drum roll yeah that was a lousy drum roll uh MSNBC and then they give you the corrected mindset on whatever it is the hell that they're talking about but that's not what I am talking about I'm talking about things that are occurring from a realist


point of view and a lot of people because they have been conditioned otherwise they simply can't accept that they can't deal with it it's too much sometimes even a simple message is too much because that you don't you don't know what the hell you're talking about you're over simplifying everything because you don't have the knowledge that these people have you just don't know you're um you're a wannabe you're a yeah okay fine if that's what you want to believe


but just at least ask if you just listen to what I have to say and then let some time pass if you can remember that and let some time pass and just see if anything that I've had to say about any given subject actually happened to be truthful if it actually happened to come to pass and you might be surprised to find out that that is the case I'm not you know in all seriousness um I can be joking about that on different uh parts of my website and platform about being a prophet but I'm not in any way meaning to say that to


you all I can tell you is that I am a let's say I'm an autodactite learner of History of history of human behavior and all that that encompasses that includes one of the biggies is social policy and Wars and because Wars as far as I'm concerned are one of the biggest expressions of social policy and um you know when you're looking at the results of fascism for instance in its many incarnations that have taken place I could rattle off names such as Stalin


and Hitler and Pol Pot and people of that ilk but that is a fact what happened and the umpteen millions of horrible deaths that occurred because of that that's a historical fact and that comes from a failed ideology so to try to label me as a fascist or someone of that ilk is in my opinion ridiculous the odd thing though what I consider to be so strange and I don't know I mean I I don't claim to know every damn thing but what is so strange is if you actually listen to this if you internalize this is that the very same people that are


claiming that I'm this that and the other as I said at the beginning of this episode are people that are so damn afraid and so fearful and this particular broadcast is aimed towards Americans Americans which it it has this um you know veneer still existing you know Land of the Free Home of the Brave and the list goes on and on with all of the hypocritical absurdities of so many so many contradictions and also though I don't want to say I'm not an American I don't want you to say I'm like blue what America


it's not that but I'm just saying that you know [ __ ] is [ __ ] and when you have the guts or or courage or fortitude to point that out there should not be anything inherently wrong with that and so if you really wanted to know when I go into more detail as to why this country is in such bad shape and it is just say it just say yeah the country's [ __ ] up the economy is [ __ ] up the country's [ __ ] up just like the streets of LA and Nevada and New York and on and on are [ __ ] up you have shootings and killings


constantly folks yeah it doesn't take Albert Einstein to tell you that things are [ __ ] up you already know that but just because I'm you know the messenger of this doesn't make me and I don't want to be made un-American I'm simply trying to say that there are certain policies quote unquote that are not let's say um they're not exactly intended for uh you to win [Music] and that's [ __ ] that's putting it mildly so anytime you have uh the big wigs that constantly want to keep telling you


you know all the bigwigs people such as those types of the well-known people like you know Tucker Carlson or you know people of that ilk and they constantly tell you that all you need they've been doing this [ __ ] for 30 plus years in all the times of trouble and always the problem is you the problem is your lack of faith in the system your lack of you then and then just call you right out with anger and being indignant and say well the problem is underneath me all these people that well they're kind of Americans but they're not really


Americans actually vast majority of those people are much more American than the people who are claiming they're not so bearing that in mind that's why I say what I say and I say how I say it and I don't particularly give a damn whether or not those people like it and I am in at least right now thankfully thanks to you I am in the position that uh you know I can put this out there and let you hear it for yourself and that is the whole goal of um of what I do


because you know you've you've heard the term of being a sellout once they buy you once that is the case then yeah you're bought and sold I mean for instance there is uh I cannot remember off the top of my head and feel free to send me a message or whatever you like but there's a famous quote and damn it it just won't come to me at the moment but a famous uh person once said that a good politician is a politician that is not only bought but stays but well as for me I am not a politician I I am just a citizen a concerned citizen


that basically wants not only my country to be much better and like it once was and it was better it really was and Not only would in my lifetime I would like to see that return and just as a very quick statement that is not going to happen by wearing Mega hats and say make America great again uh yeah doesn't happen like that uh just saying that doesn't uh yeah maybe it feels good for five or ten seconds but it's you know it's again it's manipulative [ __ ] is what it is you have to have actual reasons


and Foundations to stand on to stake your claim and we used to have many of them but it was not for those reasons the important thing to understand and I know I I admit face sound like I'm talking down to you I don't mean to I'm trying the best that I can to Simply say that there are a lot of people that actually control this entire this entire Republic that we are currently living in or dealing with to put it another way and as far as the uh so many of the representatives that so-called and


quotes represent you well the truth is they don't give a [ __ ] biscuit take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the earnestmanshow.


com leave a comment subscribe or hit that notification Bell whatever the case may be until next time this is Earnest Mann reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions [Music] foreign



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