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Episode 4418th May 2023 • Reqless • Aboard
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Aboard, our sponsor, just launched! Rich and Paul, the co-founders, walk you through Aboard in this episode. It is a software that was created to provide you with a better experience on the web. It helps you reclaim your data, gives you your power and control back, and allows you to create safe spaces. Sign up at now to get waved in.


Paul Ford:

So Rich.

Paul Ford:

this podcast has a sponsor.

Rich Ziade:

It does.

Paul Ford:

And this sponsor never seems to launch their product.

Paul Ford:

It's always like, oh, it's coming soon.

Paul Ford:

It's coming soon.

Paul Ford:

Oh my God.

Paul Ford:

So we should let people know that we're talking about a product called Aboard.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

A board is a web software thing.

Paul Ford:

Ama jig.

Paul Ford:

Now we can let, let it be known what it's all about.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And it launched to today.

Paul Ford:

What does launch actually mean in this context?

Rich Ziade:

Uh, we've got a big list of beta invites.

Rich Ziade:

We're asking others to, um, sign in, sign up to get invited in.

Rich Ziade:

But we're waving legions of people in.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, so over time we'll give you access, but we can talk about it now.

Rich Ziade:

It's out.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, a is out in the world.

Rich Ziade:

Um, there's a great blog post that you wrote, which I thought really

Rich Ziade:

nicely summarizes what it is.

Rich Ziade:

So there's a blog link at the bottom.

Rich Ziade:

Um, It's out.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, we, we did a thing, uh, we've been working on this

Rich Ziade:

thing for a really long time.

Rich Ziade:

We did one of the strangest pivots in the history of startups in September of 2022.

Rich Ziade:

And now we are here and we can talk to the world about what this thing is.

Paul Ford:

All right, so let's do this because this is an audio.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Get me onto this thing and I'll tell people.

Paul Ford:

I'll tell people what we're looking at.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

so what do I do?

Paul Ford:

Where do I go?

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

A B o A r

Paul Ford:

Type, type, type, type, type.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I'm hitting return.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And it says one click to turn any webpage into a card.

Paul Ford:

Organize your passions.

Paul Ford:

And might I say that this is a very simple and attractive website?

Rich Ziade:

Oh, thank you, Paul.

Paul Ford:

no worries.

Paul Ford:

No worries.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I'm glad.

Rich Ziade:

So what does a board do?

Rich Ziade:

Uh, we wrangle.

Rich Ziade:

Links, uh, we wrangle emails, stuff's in our messages when we talk to people.

Rich Ziade:

Everything's scattered everywhere.

Rich Ziade:

People leave a lot of tabs open when they're doing research or looking

Rich Ziade:

up something or researching whether, whether what to buy or which.

Rich Ziade:

Product to buy or whatever.

Rich Ziade:

And what a board does is it treats the web as this place where you can pluck

Rich Ziade:

the stuff you care about and put it into your own experience, into your own space.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, we're gonna get into those bits in a second, but so what is it comprised of?

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

The best way to use it is through a browser add-on.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, for Chrome and Edge and Safari's coming soon.

Rich Ziade:

And when you're on a webpage, pretty much any webpage, it could be a YouTube

Rich Ziade:

video, it could be a product that's for sale on any shop, uh, on the internet.

Rich Ziade:

It could be an article.

Rich Ziade:

That you're interested in, but it also could be any link whatsoever.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

You click on the browser, add-on, and it turns the

Rich Ziade:

page into a what we call a card.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So let, let's do this cuz this is very abstract.

Paul Ford:

I've clicked a button, it made a card.

Paul Ford:

It looks like a card.

Paul Ford:

I'm gonna tell you what I see and then you're gonna tell

Paul Ford:

me what I should understand.

Paul Ford:

I'm researching snacks.

Rich Ziade:

Oh, I love snacks.

Paul Ford:

love snacks?

Paul Ford:

And so, uh, I'm, I'm into snacks of the world,

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And I'm looking at some Japanese snacks.

Paul Ford:

I'm looking at a car, I was looking on the web, and I wanna save all my,

Paul Ford:

my snacks into a place using a board.

Paul Ford:

That's me, that's what I like to do.

Paul Ford:

So I'm on the web, I'm on BSU Market, one of my favorite websites.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And I see that they have Colby Jagar, Rico, original French Fried Japanese.

Paul Ford:

Sort of

Rich Ziade:

sounds really, really, really

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

They're, they're just very flavorful and wonderful

Rich Ziade:

All right,

Rich Ziade:

you're creating

Rich Ziade:

sort of a list of

Paul Ford:

little giraffe on there.

Paul Ford:

So I, I, okay.

Paul Ford:

I did the thing, I clicked the plugin and it made an, it looks like a little card.

Paul Ford:

It's a little rectangle.

Paul Ford:

It's got the picture and,

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

It says it's 2 99, so it picked up the price.

Paul Ford:

That's cool.

Paul Ford:

And it saved it.

Paul Ford:

Into a board and now I, it turns out I saved, I'm looking at it and then I've

Paul Ford:

already saved like five other snacks.

Paul Ford:

I'm looking at five nice cards of Japanese

Rich Ziade:

Yes, a board is very visual and if you go to

Rich Ziade:

you'll see some examples of this.

Rich Ziade:

Um, and it is also a.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, once you file it away, it, it's there for you forever.

Rich Ziade:

And then we can talk about sharing in a bit.

Rich Ziade:

So what's diff Oh, it sounds like Pinterest.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, yes.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, we're, we're doing to the whole internet.

Rich Ziade:

What, uh, Pinterest did for pictures.

Rich Ziade:

The idea of clipping pictures off the internet turned out

Rich Ziade:

to be immensely popular.

Rich Ziade:

A lot of people like to look at boards of stuff,

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

People like to curate their collections.

Paul Ford:

Exactly, yeah.

Rich Ziade:

But pictures are just pictures.

Rich Ziade:

Um, and so a board is going to get really, really smart over time so

Rich Ziade:

that the information you're bringing in is not just the picture, but also

Rich Ziade:

other information like the price of a product or the Yra movie was made,

Rich Ziade:

or uh, uh, how many pages in a book.

Paul Ford:

So we have a pretty nerdy audience, and so we do two things here.

Paul Ford:

One is the web is actually full of data in a way that is

Paul Ford:

hard to get at for most people.

Paul Ford:

Bookmarks don't pick it up

Rich Ziade:

They don't

Paul Ford:

because everybody who's building a website right now really

Paul Ford:

wants Facebook, Twitter, and Google to make good use of it, right?

Paul Ford:

They, they wanna be found, and so they've been making better and better

Paul Ford:

data and putting it into the pages.

Paul Ford:

So we're making that available.

Paul Ford:

You can grab that.

Paul Ford:

Hold onto it and keep track of it.

Paul Ford:

And it looks really nice.

Paul Ford:

There's also a lot of data out there that's absolutely a garbage fire.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And so we use a bunch of tools and a bunch of frameworks to try to make that as much

Paul Ford:

like the first kind of data as possible.

Paul Ford:

That's sort of our magic trick.

Paul Ford:

The the first magic trick is just where the web is now, but nobody's

Paul Ford:

really ma taking advantage of it.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Except for giant platforms.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So we're trying to give some of that power back to people.

Paul Ford:

And then we're also trying to just like make it possible to get some ugly

Paul Ford:

product page that it turns out that no one is building good webpages these days.

Paul Ford:

I was at a really big retailer's website.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Man, they just, it's like they don't have the product name, right.

Paul Ford:

Just everything's a

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's wild.

Paul Ford:

It is wild

Rich Ziade:

it's, it's so, um, oriented around like getting you to

Rich Ziade:

put stuff in a cart and go and whatnot.

Paul Ford:

I do a good commerce site right now.

Paul Ford:

You go to the commerce site, you're like, you know, I wanna buy something.

Paul Ford:

And then it's like, Hey, it looks like you wanna sign up for a newsletter.

Paul Ford:

No, no.

Paul Ford:

I just wanna buy something.

Paul Ford:

No, no.

Paul Ford:

Hold on a minute.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And, and after like three times of them interrupting you, you're like,

Paul Ford:

screw it, I'll just go to Amazon.

Paul Ford:

Leave me alone.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I mean, again, for the nerds, um, the web is an incredibly

Rich Ziade:

rich data platform actually.

Rich Ziade:

And, and what a board is doing is it's giving you, uh, the power to kind

Rich Ziade:

of bring anything you want into this other space where you have control.

Paul Ford:

All right, so I got a lot of cards and they're kind of pretty,

Paul Ford:

and I can, I can do stuff with them and we'll talk about, like you said, we'll

Paul Ford:

talk about the social stuff in a minute.

Paul Ford:

Um, I, I see on the bottom right there's a little plus sign.

Paul Ford:

What does that do for me?

Rich Ziade:

So you're in the Aboard

Paul Ford:

I'm in the Aboard app.

Paul Ford:

I'm looking at my, my snack cards.

Rich Ziade:

is actually important because for people who are using Safari or some

Rich Ziade:

other browser or don't want add-ons, some people don't like add-ons, browser

Rich Ziade:

add-ons, you can just use the plus sign.

Rich Ziade:

You can open that up.

Rich Ziade:

And by the way, if you don't wanna bring stuff in from the web and you want

Rich Ziade:

to use it to just throw notes in and.

Rich Ziade:

Create your own cards with their own fields.

Rich Ziade:

You can do that too if you want.

Rich Ziade:

You can also paste the URL and it'll spin just like the add-on

Rich Ziade:

and try to go get the data and then it'll, it'll bring it in as well.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So I'm getting data in, but how is it, this is just like,

Paul Ford:

is this a like web Trello?

Paul Ford:

What have we made here?

Rich Ziade:

It's, well, it's a few things

Paul Ford:

Cause I'm seeing cards.

Paul Ford:

I got a lot of cards.

Rich Ziade:

You got a lot of cards before.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Now you've created a resource, so let's get one thing outta the way you

Rich Ziade:

can share that resource with others.

Paul Ford:

That's true.

Paul Ford:

I can invite you, I can say,

Paul Ford:

That's right.

Paul Ford:

Come on in and build snacks with me.

Paul Ford:

And in fact, I've done that.

Paul Ford:

I have a snack board.

Paul Ford:

We're looking at it right now.

Paul Ford:

That's right.

Paul Ford:

And when you see good snacks, you can add them and you can name them.

Paul Ford:

And you can create buckets of snacks, which we call stacks.

Paul Ford:

So it's stacks of snacks

Rich Ziade:

if you are a vc

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

And you're looking at 300 portfolio companies

Rich Ziade:

and you're gonna pick 10.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Housekeeping that, and you're never gonna do it alone.

Rich Ziade:

It's probably a team of analysts and partners that are gonna look

Rich Ziade:

at different startups and whatnot.

Rich Ziade:

It's a great way to have all the resources in one place.

Rich Ziade:

Otherwise it's a spreadsheet or it's, you know, something a lot

Paul Ford:

So I can comment on the cards and that's just like kind of typical form.

Paul Ford:

There's also a chat that looks a little bit like Slack, so

Paul Ford:

I can chat with the group

Rich Ziade:

if you've invited others in.

Rich Ziade:

You're now have a space where there are these resources and you

Rich Ziade:

can talk to each other about them.

Rich Ziade:

And you might be, you know, hobbyists or you might be, you

Rich Ziade:

know, investment bankers, who knows.

Rich Ziade:

by the way, investment bankers can also be hobbyists.

Rich Ziade:

I just wanna say that.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Their hobby is investment banking.

Paul Ford:

Um, can I invite like 10,000 people to this?

Paul Ford:

And we have our, our huge form is this like discord, but with cards

Rich Ziade:

You theoretically should, could, but that wouldn't

Rich Ziade:

be wise to invite email by email.

Rich Ziade:

The invite is a proactive measure.

Rich Ziade:

You're taking, you're not just giving someone a link.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

well hold on.

Paul Ford:

And actually this is an important thing.

Paul Ford:

Small private spaces seem to be something the internet needs right now.

Rich Ziade:

Small private spaces, more specialized places.

Rich Ziade:

Um, and uh, a place where your, your tendency to sort of jump

Rich Ziade:

on the soapbox and scream at the crowd is kind of not here.

Paul Ford:

This is

Paul Ford:

the group chat for getting stuff done.

Rich Ziade:

This is the group chat for if you wanna get stuff done.

Rich Ziade:

Sometimes you just wanna share things you love, like,

Paul Ford:

no, that's getting stuff done.

Paul Ford:

This is the funny thing about this product.

Paul Ford:

I'll, I'll take a, let's just get outta marketing zone for a minute and into

Paul Ford:

a different kind of marketing zone.

Paul Ford:

Cause I'm gonna talk about why I like it.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

I am making the snack board and it's kind of good content.

Paul Ford:

I made a lot of content on the internet.

Paul Ford:

I've made like more than most humans can even

Rich Ziade:

your content guy.

Paul Ford:

I am a machine for generating internet content.

Rich Ziade:

Yes you are.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It gets at something really fundamental about the web, which

Paul Ford:

is, oh my God, look at what happens when you put all this together.

Paul Ford:

And it's interesting, like I'm just like, okay, this is, did I make in

Paul Ford:

20 minutes the greatest world snack resource that has ever existed?

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

But did I make something that I kind of enjoyed sharing with

Paul Ford:

you, even though I was just hacking it together as a proof of concept?

Rich Ziade:

actually pretty fun.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And that part, I, I mi the, the fun of social content creation without thinking,

Paul Ford:

oh my God, when this is done, I'm just gonna get screamed at by strangers.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

in there.

Paul Ford:

And I love that.

Paul Ford:

That is the part I love the most.

Rich Ziade:

Most of the social dynamics on the web are driven

Rich Ziade:

by you saying something.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

me personally, and by Paul Ford

Rich Ziade:

when you ask people, Hey, what are your thoughts on this?

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

After a while, it starts to wear you down.

Rich Ziade:

It's less and less value.

Rich Ziade:

Now look, there is a thing

Paul Ford:

becomes customer service.

Rich Ziade:

Here's what, here's a source of our inspiration.

Rich Ziade:

YouTube, but not mainline.

Rich Ziade:

YouTube, the edges of YouTube.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

YouTube synthesizer.

Rich Ziade:

little communities that have, you can learn anything on YouTube.

Rich Ziade:

I forgot.

Rich Ziade:

I met someone recently who's become like a handyman carpenter,

Rich Ziade:

like he just loves, he's on

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

it's true.

Paul Ford:

Uh, TikTok is here.

Paul Ford:

The video, it turns out that humans are visual creatures that like

Paul Ford:

to look at other people do things

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

And this person, by the way, he was, he, he, they, they came.

Rich Ziade:

He's like, I, I can paint, but I can also fix your electrical.

Rich Ziade:

And if you have a drainage problem, I can fix your, I'm

Rich Ziade:

like, wait, are you a plumber?

Rich Ziade:

Are you electrical?

Rich Ziade:

What are you?

Rich Ziade:

And he just looked at me, said, I just learned everything on YouTube.

Paul Ford:

People's is folding Samsung phone.

Paul Ford:

It's like, this is my

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And, and that the further out of the main highway you get out for whatever reason.

Rich Ziade:

People are more generous.

Rich Ziade:

They're a little more patient.

Rich Ziade:

They love that you've decided to join their community.

Rich Ziade:

They're, they're more, um, it's less toxic.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Um, and do people have debates?

Rich Ziade:

But even the debates are so harmless.

Rich Ziade:

Like if you're debating, which, you know, which, you know, headphone is better

Rich Ziade:

than the other, it's the most innocuous

Paul Ford:

You learn the, every community has its drama, but it's in context

Paul Ford:

because the drama in the gardening community is a, you know, like, it's a,

Rich Ziade:

it can only go so far.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And just like, you know, or, or what kind of grass are you, are you,

Paul Ford:

Is the grass gonna be good for the ecology or is this bad grass?

Paul Ford:

You know, just these are, and these are good, interesting debates to

Paul Ford:

have where you actually have to learn andfor as opposed to just

Paul Ford:

like wading into the infinite political morass that's out there.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

so that's YouTube.

Rich Ziade:

That's YouTube.

Rich Ziade:

So there's really, I, I think a good way to look at this.

Rich Ziade:

There's two sort of ways that we see a board kind of making

Rich Ziade:

its way into people's lives.

Rich Ziade:

One is helping you plan stuff with people that you trust, like.

Rich Ziade:

Your, your family members deciding on a what to do on a trip to, to Florida or,

Rich Ziade:

um, your family members deciding, uh, working together to help you, um, pick

Rich Ziade:

the right university you're gonna go

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's a

Rich Ziade:

tool to sort of put all the stuff there,

Paul Ford:

Could even put the websites for all the colleges.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

That's what they're doing.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, that's Right.

Rich Ziade:

And that's terrible.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

It's not useful and you don't talk on a spreadsheet.

Rich Ziade:

And so there is a.

Rich Ziade:

A board, you know, finding its way into your sort of life decisions, I think can

Rich Ziade:

be really, really compelling and powerful.

Rich Ziade:

And that's not about publishing, that's like a very personal, private

Rich Ziade:

space where you're like, okay, he got these grades, these are the options

Rich Ziade:

in front of us based on our budget.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And that's, that's a safe space.

Rich Ziade:

It's totally private and you can use

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You're not gonna publish your college applications process.

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

The other example is that, Instinct to share knowledge, share expertise.

Rich Ziade:

Share your judgment.

Rich Ziade:

Your your cur, your crea curated creations with a community.

Rich Ziade:

And that community could be pretty ad hoc, like

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

you know, local.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, town council that is trying to get a new park in place

Paul Ford:

Church group, be

Rich Ziade:

church group, or frankly, for broadcasting, it's like, you know

Rich Ziade:

what, I'm gonna step throw my hat in the ring as an expert on embroideries.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, and the kinds of products that I think are, make the most sense.

Rich Ziade:

Um, and, and the people, you know, the places to go learn and, and whatnot.

Rich Ziade:

That's more of a like, okay, I wanna broadcast into my

Paul Ford:

It's time for you to get in.

Paul Ford:

You should get into embroidery.

Rich Ziade:

This is not how I wanted

Paul Ford:

you know what's funny though?

Rich Ziade:

I expected this

Paul Ford:

tell you, during the pandemic, my brother was very much, my

Paul Ford:

personality got really into knitting.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And he made a lot, a lot of scarfs.

Rich Ziade:

Oh, did he?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Because you're just sort of like, you know, fiddling,

Rich Ziade:

it's a fidgeting thing, right?

Rich Ziade:

I mean,

Paul Ford:

you can't have another cocktail.

Rich Ziade:

Oh, well this is, this is

Paul Ford:

you can't, you gotta do something with that

Paul Ford:

energy and that anxiety.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You can't, you're, it's a pandemic.

Paul Ford:

You can, it's

Rich Ziade:

very self-aware of

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You can have one, but then you need to stop.

Paul Ford:

You can't have two every night.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And so you get those knitting needles out and it's is like, so anyway, yeah.

Paul Ford:

This is perfect for him.

Paul Ford:

He can, we can talk yarn all day long.

Rich Ziade:

It's great.

Rich Ziade:

And look, there are other uses.

Rich Ziade:

We also see companies and organizations and groups using it for work cuz

Rich Ziade:

it's screaming for that in a way

Paul Ford:

this is great.

Paul Ford:

This is all

Rich Ziade:

this to

Paul Ford:

This is all about us.

Paul Ford:

The universe is about to take this thing and say, nice job guys, but I know what

Rich Ziade:

thought we were gonna do with it?

Paul Ford:

I know what this is for.

Rich Ziade:

Oh no.

Rich Ziade:

I had a meeting two weeks ago.

Rich Ziade:

The person just looked at was like, that's cool.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Can I put PDFs in?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

No, no, no.

Rich Ziade:

He didn't care.

Rich Ziade:

You just like, I just wanna use it for that people.

Paul Ford:

It is interesting.

Paul Ford:

We created a piece of software here though, where people look at it and they

Paul Ford:

go like, oh, you know what that's for?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And it's, I've never had that experience.

Paul Ford:

Usually you have to tell them for like an hour.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And now they're like, no, no, no, no, no.

Paul Ford:

That's what

Rich Ziade:

same person told me.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I've sent the same PDF 30 times.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

To people on my

Paul Ford:

oh, it's real,

Rich Ziade:

like, oh, I don't know where it is.

Rich Ziade:

I'll send it to you.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

it is the bump up back to the top of the inbox.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

This was supposed to be the internet, right?

Paul Ford:

You'd have your internet with all these resources and you'd organize them.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

That's our next startup, by the way.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Intranet, but the tools.

Paul Ford:

The tools just didn't evolve in that way.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Anyway, okay.

Paul Ford:

Here we are.

Rich Ziade:

so here

Paul Ford:

I've got my cards and I've organized them into these stacks, and

Paul Ford:

one is for Japanese STA snacks and one is for, uh, if I'm gonna do marketing in

Paul Ford:

the future, maybe I won't do something where, like the sound of the subject is

Paul Ford:

exactly the same as one of the features.

Paul Ford:

So it's stacks and snacks.

Paul Ford:

But anyway, I've got, um,

Rich Ziade:

you're forgiven, Paul.

Paul Ford:

Thank you.

Paul Ford:

Please forgive me.

Paul Ford:

I've got stacks of New York City snacks and I've got stacks of Japanese snacks.

Paul Ford:

And then inside those are all inside of the thing.

Paul Ford:

And the thing is called the space and the, don't worry too much about what,

Paul Ford:

but space is the level of sharing.

Paul Ford:

So when I invite you, when I say, rich, come on in,

Rich Ziade:

come see my collection of things.

Paul Ford:

can see all that data.

Paul Ford:

All those

Rich Ziade:

can talk

Paul Ford:

those cards.

Paul Ford:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

Um, We're gonna talk more about a board.

Rich Ziade:

This is still the Zian Ford podcast.

Rich Ziade:

We hijacked this one cuz a board is an incredibly generous

Paul Ford:

It's launch day.

Paul Ford:

It's launch

Rich Ziade:

day and we are also the co-founders of a board.

Paul Ford:

If you go to a and you put your email in, uh,

Paul Ford:

we're gonna wave you in real soon, like in the order of a week or two.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Come on in.

Paul Ford:

Um, and, uh, yeah, we'd love the feedback, uh, see what you make of it.

Paul Ford:

We want to know what people make of this because we're, we're finding that

Paul Ford:

people look at it and they go, huh, okay.

Paul Ford:

And then they want to just rip it out of our hands.

Paul Ford:

And that's really exciting to us.

Paul Ford:

We want to know

Rich Ziade:

It really is.

Rich Ziade:

Um, you've been listening to the Ford Podcast.

Rich Ziade:

Congratulations, Paul.

Rich Ziade:

This has been a journey.

Rich Ziade:

It's been like three separate journeys that's sort of converged

Rich Ziade:

into one, but here we are.

Paul Ford:

You, you and I have taken a shocking number of journeys together.

Paul Ford:

This is a good journey.

Paul Ford:

I'm, I'm proud of where this landed.

Paul Ford:

Who knows what the world is gonna make of

Rich Ziade:

It's one of the most interesting things I've ever been involved

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I, I'll tell you, I just, there, there was a point about three or four months

Paul Ford:

ago after our big pivot, we launched this unit, we're like, oh, we're,

Paul Ford:

we're gonna create enterprise software.

Paul Ford:

That was our, that was our comfort zone.

Paul Ford:

And we got the, um, the first card started showing up, coming off of the web.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And it felt like a magic trick.

Paul Ford:

And I've seen everything on the web.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And it felt like a, it just was like, oh, that's mine now.

Paul Ford:

And it's easy and it's, and I can come back to it.

Rich Ziade:

Let's close with a shout out to the team.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Good job.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, great team, really probably one of the best teams I've ever

Rich Ziade:

worked with on one of the most interesting products I've ever worked with.

Rich Ziade:

Um, they're locked in.

Rich Ziade:

We've yanked them in different directions at different times, which can really be,

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

on a path now.

Paul Ford:

I think we're on a

Rich Ziade:

path now and, uh, very happy to be working with them.

Rich Ziade:

So congrats to the team.

Rich Ziade:

We celebrate for about 20 minutes and then we go back to work.

Paul Ford:

Well, to be fair, to be fair, we didn't do a

Paul Ford:

huge crunch before this launch.

Rich Ziade:

We did not.

Paul Ford:

we were, we made sure that things were in a good place.

Paul Ford:

We're putting it over the line.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

But no one was working for 150 hours last week and that was part of the

Paul Ford:

goal because we have to keep going.

Paul Ford:

We're, we're only just getting started.

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, reach out at

Rich Ziade:

Uh, we love to hear your thoughts, questions.

Rich Ziade:

And check out a and uh, give us five stars.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

that's, that would be amazing if you did that.

Paul Ford:

It really would be.

Paul Ford:

So thank you everyone for listening.

Paul Ford:

Um, this one was obviously a very special brought to you by sponsored podcast, but,

Paul Ford:

uh, we're glad we could share it with you and we wanna hear what you think.

Paul Ford:

Talk to you soon.




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