Picky eaters. Maybe you're one. But there are ways to expand what your palate, to discover new things to eat without going nuts.
Join us, veteran cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough, with over three dozen titles to our names, including our national best-seller: THE ESSENTIAL AIR FRYER COOKBOOK (which you can find here).
We've also got a one-minute cooking tip about ice cream. And we've got lots of info on our favorite condiment: chili crisp. It's not one thing. It's a category!
Plus, we'll tell you what's making us happy in food this week, even sharing Bruce's recipe for miso-cured salmon.
Here are the segments for this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK:
[00:30] How to expand your palate and enjoy food more.
[08:15] Our one-minute cooking tip: Prescoop ice cream before a party.
[09:40] Food Finds: We love chili crisp. But did you know there's so much more than the one bottling we've all come to love!
[14:14] What's making us happy in food this week? Grilled steamed potaotes with chipotle and bacon, as well as miso-cured salmon (plus, a recipe for it).