I really love Andy’s spirit, his sense of freedom, the fact that he gets it at such a young age is inspiring!Imagine your younger free-spirited self-directed child finding their way, their way! Yes I meant to type that as Andy is a great example of what can be with today’s eCommerce world. At no other time in our lives has it been easier to monetize your art, your music, your passion and I think this is a sign of what is to come! Andy walks us through how he got started and how he can help you too have an location independent business. His course walks you through the steps he took and will allow you to jump start your business from wherever! Great side hustle model.
Andy mentioned:
Andy – Andys blog
Its Dewable – Work from anywhere Course – The course where you can learn to create a “hands off” business, where you never touch the product, Andy walks you through the steps you need to take to outsource virtually all of your business.
Flyertalk – news about travel you can use
“It’s always interesting to tell people in other countries what I do for a living, most don’t get it”
Golden Nuggets:
New phrase: “Digital Nomads” – more commonplace everyday