This episode focuses on music for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Listen to the music playlist here.
Music List:
Intro music Tallis, If Ye Love Me Tallis Scholars
Introit Suscepimus Deus 492 Marek Klein
Kyrie Lassus, Missa Qual donna Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Gloria Lassus, Missa Qual donna Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Gradual Johann Christian Schieferdecker, Esto mihi in Deum 493 Hamburg Ratsmusik Ensemble
Motet Tallis, O Salutaris hostia The Cardinall's Musick
Alleluia Antonio Coma, Magnus Dominus 494 Canadian performers
Motet Byrd, O salutaris hostia The Cardinall's Musick
Credo Lassus, Missa Qual donna Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Offertory Populum humilem 495 Marek Klein
Sanctus Lassus, Missa Qual donna Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Benedictus Lassus, Missa Qual donna Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Motet Lassus, O salutaris hostia Die Singphoniker
Agnus DeI Lassus, Missa Qual donna Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Communion Allegri, Gustate et videte 495 Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge
Hymn O Salutaris hostia The Cathedral Singers
Outro music Tallis, If Ye Love Me Tallis Scholars