So one of my listeners Alan Denko said you gotta interview this guy Ben, he just moved to where you are, and I sent you an email and here we are talking already! I’m a big hemp seed girl!
Are you thinking of you starting a podcast?
No, I’m too busy. Do you know where your listener heard me speak?
At a seed library event in Michigan.
I’m in Central Michigan, my wife and two children we call Small House Farm an effort in sustainable living
attempt to grow the majority of our won food
keep our pigs etc
we do a lot of growing our own food
seed crops here
my 9-5 cold press seed and nut oil
herbal wellness products
Across from 1100 acres of forest
Do a lot of education
there’s a heave focus on heriloom seed saving
Michigan seed saving
45 seed saving libraries
I was just taking pictures of birds on our bird feeder. My listeners know I’m interested in growing enough seeds for my bird feeders.
our farm
total property is about 3.5 acres
don’t grow our hemp seeds here
Hemp production is not something that is happening here in Michigan yet
organic farm in Canada
15-1800 pounds a month, hemp seed
It’s Canadian grown.
Are you close to Canada. We’re about 15 miles from the border.
We’re right on the border here in Michigan
I wouldn’t say they’re super expensive
we bring in the seeds
Cold press the oil on site
mill the seed cake into a hemp powder
People use that as a
That’s why I get so frustrated, everyone always says put hemp protein in your smoothie or use hemp seed oil and Mike can’t grow it and its sooooo expensive. You’re importing them. What’s your cold press like, is it a commercial machine?
I got a hand turned oil press, anyone can do it at home.
I got a Piteba hand turned oil press.
It’s got a little kerosene lamp for heat
It’s hand turned, I joked it’s Ben powered
very first round
I pressed 6-8 bottles of sun flower oil and took them to the farmer’s market just to test the water with it, it went really well!
people really responded well
You can’t get it at the grocery store!
our sunflowers are grown here in michigan
dont have the space to
source locally
Michigan pumpkin seeds
proven to be the best option to bring it in from Canada
working out those details
relatively new thing here in America
The regulations aren’t in place to allow commerce from state to state that we’re looking for.
That’s a good question. I’m from Michigan. I was born and raised within 50 miles of where I live right now.
When I was a kid we lived in an apartment. I’d have a flower pot type of thing out on the balcony that I grew radishes in I was always planting seeds even when I was little. I didn’t grow up on farm.
definitely a change in my life. Having kids, made that more significant to raise a family and be responsible for other lives. I live right close to where I grew up.
For me, the story I like to tell is not really my first gardening experience but my first time I ever saved seeds. That’s the story I like to share.
Well let’s here that! My listeners are really interested in saving seeds.
We all should be.
I was in Midland in the Chippewa Nature Center, is a wonderful place!
introduction talking to the garden manager there
One day he reaches into a bean pole and says Ben, take these seeds home and share in your friends! That moment in time changed my life! Sometimes you don’t realize how significant things are but that had such an impact on me.
Bill McDorman came on and talked about how the people who save our seeds are having the biggest impact on climate change and saving our planet. How essential it is.
It’s essential, without seeds we would have no food.
Heirloom seeds right?
something we talk a lot about helping people understand the difference between
vegetables we get at the grocery store, they have great improvements
When it comes to saving seeds
those seeds wont come true
you oddest really know what your gonna get second season
I didn’t learn any specific gardening skills from him, he kind of lit the fire in me to learn more about saving seeds is what impact Rod Maxwell had.
I think you should think about starting a podcast… just to plant a seed, the seed starting podcast.
Through that its had on some many
to me it’s obvious there is no other option
is this the way
has always
I’m always asking people wanna be on my show? I just always assume everyone’s organic because I just can’t imagine any other way.
consumer point of view
make sure that the food that I purchase is locally grown
I can get my food locally grown, grown with organic methods
I know the actual practice on the farm is that they are following the standards I want to
meet the farmer
see how their growing the food in the field
I’m surprised that people I know say that’s just a fancy price tag people are putting in the stores. Surely I can’t afford to buy organic all the time or even most of the time, I have to buy conventional groceries it would be nice to shop from the farmer’s market more. I’m always surprised that people don’t realize that the food today is grown different then when we were growing up
do find that a lot people don’t know, when I go share my ideas I take for granted people know, who are people are interested in gardening
Here’s a fun story about something that grew well
last year i was in Midland county
historic flooding in mid June
majoirty of gardens well planted along the way
peppers already out there
Robert’s Royalty beans
purple potted bush bean
pretty much we lost everything
standing water, up to my knees in places
pump out of field! So much water. A few days go by, we get the water pumped out
Out of the 100’ row of beans, these beans were submerged.
15’ section bounced back! They produced handfuls of arm loads of beans! Just that section. The rest of row died!
maybe somethings in there is gonna help out we need to be prepared for that.
That’s a huge thing we talk about is resiliency, a woman wrote a book about it that I saw at the AERO conference. Joyce Pinson who I interviewed a few years ago down in Appallacia, they also got totally flooded out last year, their pictures were so sad. Taht’s alot of loss you had still 15 feet out of a 100 feet.
Joyce Pinson is a friend of mine, I know her quite well
I’m headed down to a seed swap
They organize down in Pikes Ville
incredible seeds swaps in the nation
I sent her some squash seed so they could do some replanting. That’s a great example of all of us getting together, it was great that we could send her some squash to replant.
Do you want to talk about saving seed, that business model.
we certainly could
talking about gardeners
listen to we should talk about if they’re not already incorporating seed saving into their routine
economic benefits where you don’t have to purchase
adaptability – climate issues, pest issues you will definitely have more resilient crops from the
historical preservaion
When I met Joyce down in Kentucky
saving seeds passing them down
hundreds of years
We always have grandmas heirlooms, knick knacks and photos, but when you get the tomatoes that’s just such a special thing
every organic
offer some seeds online on our website
selection of unique seeds that we grow here on our homestead. I’m not gonna pay my mortgage growing seeds.
share interesting seeds with folks