Alison Armstrong is an author, an educator, and the creator of the widely acclaimed "Queen’s Code" workshop series, that asks the question: "What if no one is misbehaving -- including you?"
She explores the good reasons behind the behavior of men and women such as fundamental differences in the ways we think, act and communicate.
She offers simple, partnership-based, solutions to improve our communication and intimacy by honoring ourselves and others.
Alison is known for her insight, sense of humor and ability to articulate the human experience and predicament of gender.
Alison, take a minute to fill in any blanks from the intro & give us a glimpse into your personal life.
Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra
“Be as gentle as you can and as hard as you need.” - Ray Hunt - one of fathers of natural horsemanship
The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever
She has a “DUH” moment every three weeks or so. This is one of them.
Alison shares a moment that was both a “DUH” and an “Uh Oh” at the same time. This is when she recognized that what she used to call a man’s “breaking point” is actually his “breaking through point.”
This is a real eye opener for both women and men.
What are some of the stereotypes say we’re supposed to provide in partnership and what am I hoping you’ll let me do for you?
[spp-tweet tweet="How sweet could we be to each other?"]
Proudest moment in partnership
When she realized that her husband is not built to drive away from her. And then she did the most loving thing anyone had ever done for him.
And it was hard because as Alison says - “The partnership thing to do is rarely the easiest or most comfortable thing to do.”
What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received?
We think missing another person is an expression of love. What if missing another person is an expression of not being in the present?
Being apart from someone you love does not mean you have to be less of who you are when you’re apart.
We have to take care of who we are individually, so when we are alone, we’re empowered.
Best Partnership Book
Alison admitted that she does not go to books for this information. She has somewhere else she goes that serves her best.
But if you are a book person, I personally recommend all of Alison’s books

Payoffs of Partnership -
We don’t know what we are appreciated for because we don’t talk about it. Being appreciated requires a partner.
Interview Links -
Alison’s Facebook Page